counter strike-Strike Nexon Zombies如何获得points

Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies ambles onto Steam today - PC Gamer
Shaun Prescott
Oct 07, 2014
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Some people complain there are too many zombies in video games. Well, you know what? There are. That's why you need to kill them. The newest undead invasion is hitting the Counter-Strike universe, with
releasing on Steam today. It's free-to-play too, so getting involved in the extermination won't cost you a cent.For anyone who took part in the open beta, Nexon has released a list of new
to coincide with the official release. These include important design changes including the ability to craft and disassemble certain items without using Points, through to cosmetic changes like the length of chat messages, prettier colour coding and more.&The game currently boasts 50 maps, over 20 game modes including both PvP and PvE, and more guns than Nexon's previous effort Counter-Strike Online. Most interesting is the crafting system, which allows players to change the appearance and statistics of weapons. Nexon is also promising to continue adding new content for the game, so if you hate zombies, or love them, you should be set for a while.&
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Phil Savage
Chris Thursten
PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games. For more than 20 years we have delivered unrivaled coverage, in print and online, of every aspect of PC gaming. Our team of experts brings you trusted reviews, component testing, strange new mods, under-the-radar indie projects and breaking news around-the-clock. From all over the world we report on the stuff that you’ll find most interesting, and gives your PC gaming experience the biggest boost.
© 2015. Future US. All rights reserved.Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies announced, from the team that brought you Counter-Strike Online - PC Gamer
Aug 07, 2014
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It's easy to forget that
is a thing, given that Valve don't typically license out their games to other developers and publishers, but the free-to-play spin-off has been going for about six years now, under South Korean developers and publishers Nexon. Following the release of Counter-Strike Online 2 a couple of years ago, Nexon has
announced another entry in the series and, naturally, it's themed around zombies. Free-to-play multiplayer FPS
will be heading to Steam this Summer/Autumn.
It seems that Zombies will mix more traditional CS game modes such as Hostage Rescue and Bomb Diffusion with new ones that will shove zombies in as well. These modes haven't been detailed yet, but Counter-Strike Online's Left 4 Dead-like
might hold a few clues.
Valve's Doug Lombardi can hardly contain his excitement:
“Today we are announcing the latest creation from Nexon in the Counter-Strike world, one that builds upon years of success in developing CS Online for Asia. This title showcases that work in new, zombie, and classic form.”
Here's hoping Nexon goes the whole hog and chucks in a Portal gun and TF2 characters for their next Counter-Strike game. Zombies is out soonish, and unlike Counter-Strike Online, you'll be able to find this one on Steam.
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Phil Savage
Chris Thursten
PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games. For more than 20 years we have delivered unrivaled coverage, in print and online, of every aspect of PC gaming. Our team of experts brings you trusted reviews, component testing, strange new mods, under-the-radar indie projects and breaking news around-the-clock. From all over the world we report on the stuff that you’ll find most interesting, and gives your PC gaming experience the biggest boost.
© 2015. Future US. All rights reserved.V社携Nexon 免费新游《反恐精英:僵尸》今日发行_
V社携Nexon 免费新游《反恐精英:僵尸》今日发行
发布时间: 22:12 () 作者:3DM新闻组-唯有花知 编辑:唯有花知
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Nexon欧洲宣布旗下免费新游《反恐精英:僵尸》(Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies)今日发行,已登录Steam。
&Nexon欧洲宣布旗下免费新游《反恐精英:僵尸》(Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies,以下简称CSN:Z)今日发行,已登录Steam。
《CSN: Z》由《》开发商Valve联合韩国乐线(Nexon)开发,将于今日正式发行,开服时间为CET时间下午6点(北京时间10月8日 0点),届时将开放所有更新、武器、角色以及僵尸,仅限Steam平台游戏。
《CSN: Z》僵尸预告
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