
选择Runway游戏对象,修改Transform组件的Position(88,48.5,57),Rotation(270,350,0),Scale(1,1,1),然后选择Main Camera对象,修改Transform组件的Position(88,60,45),Rotation(55,0,0),Scale(1,1,1),如下图:
然后下面我们添加一个平行光源,依次打开菜单栏中的GameObject-&Create Other-&Directional light,修改该对象的Transform组件的Position(87,57,58),Rotation(48,-29,1),Scale(1,1,1),如下图:
然后我们添加一个球体,依次打开菜单栏GameObject-&Create Other-&Sphere,并命名为Ball,设置它的position(84,50,48),Rotation(0,0,0),Scale(1,1,1),然后打开菜单栏Component-&Physics-&Rigidbody,给Ball对象添加刚体组件,如下图:
using UnityE
using System.C
public class BallControl : MonoBehaviour {
public float movementSpeed=6.0f;
private Vector3 horizontalM
private Vector3 verticalM
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
//Vector3.right x zhou
Vector3 movement=horizontalMovement+verticalM
依次设置Gem1-Gem10对象的Transform组件属性,Gem1的Position(78,50,55),Rotation(-90,0,0),Scale(0.27,0.27,0.27),并再Mesh Collider组件下勾选Is Trigger,设置tag为Pickup,依次设置剩下的gem对象,设好后如下图:
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.tag == "Pickup")
接下来,我们创建一个平面,依次打开菜单栏GameObject-&Create Other-&Cune,命名为GameOverTrigger,该对象用于判断小球是否与其碰撞,如果是,表示小球冲出了跑道,游戏失败,我们设置Transform组件属性,Position(90,40,55),Rotation(0,0,0),Scale(165,1,118),如下图:
勾选Box Collider下的Is Trigger复选框,并取消勾选Mesh Renderer组件,创建一个c#脚本,叫GameOverTrigger.cs,代码如下:
using UnityE
using System.C
public class GameOverTrigger : MonoBehaviour {
void OnTriggerEnter()
using UnityE
using System.C
public enum CrazyBallState { playing, won, lost };
public class CrazyBallManager : MonoBehaviour
public static CrazyBallManager CB;
public GUIStyle buttonS
public GUIStyle labelS
private int totalG
private int foundG
private CrazyBallState gameS
void Awake()
foundGems = 0;
gameSate = CrazyBallState.
totalGems = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Pickup").L
Time.timeScale = 1.0;
void OnGUI()
GUI.skin.label = labelS
GUI.skin.button = buttonS
GUILayout.Label ("Found gems:"+foundGems+"/"+totalGems);
if (gameSate == CrazyBallState.lost)
GUILayout.Label("You Lost");
if(GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2,113,84),"Play again"))
else if(gameSate==CrazyBallState.won)
GUILayout.Label("You won");
if(GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2,113,84),"Play again"))
public void FoundGem()
public void WonGame()
Time.timeScale = 0.0;
gameSate = CrazyBallState.
public void SetGameOver()
Time.timeScale = 0.0;
gameSate = CrazyBallState.
if (other.tag == "Pickup")
void OnTriggerEnter()
CrazyBallManager.CB.SetGameOver ();
将CrayBallManager.cs脚本绑定到Main Camera对象上,然后我们单击Main Camera对象,单击ButtonStyle属性,设置Background属性,放入一张图片,设置FontSize为18,Alignment为Middle Center,设置Fixed Width为113,Height为84,如下图:
using UnityE
using System.C
public class BallCamera : MonoBehaviour
public float relativeHeigth = 10.0f;
public float zDistance = 5.0f;
public float dampSpeed = 2;
void Update()
Vector3 newPos = target.position + new Vector3(0, relativeHeigth, -zDistance);
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, newPos, Time.deltaTime * dampSpeed);
}绑定到Main Camera对象上,target为ball对象,运行游戏,如下图:
四、运行独立服务器此时subversion服务还没有开始,只是通过它的命令建立了版本库。继续在刚才的命令窗口输入:svnserve.exe--daemonsvnserve将会在端口3690等待请求,--daemon(两个短横线)选项告诉svnserve以守护进程方式运行,这样在手动终止之前不会退出。注意不要关闭命令行窗口,关闭窗口会把svnserve停止。为了验证svnserve正常工作,使用TortoiseSVN-&Repo-browser来查看版本库。在弹出的URL对话框中输入:svn://localhost/svn/repos1点OK按钮后就可以看见repos1版本库的目录树结构了,只不过这时repos1是个空库。你也可以使用--root选项设置根位置来限制服务器的访问目录,从而增加安全性和节约输入svnserveURL的时间:svnserve.exe--daemon--rootdrive:\path\to\repository以前面的测试作为例,svnserve将会运行为:svnserve.exe--daemon--roote:\svn然后TortoiseSVN中的版本库浏览器URL缩减为:svn://localhost/repos1 你可能会问这样岂不是每次启动SVN服务器都要输入一次命令?怎样才能让SVN服务器在开机的时候自动启动呢?答案就是将SVN服务注册到Windows系统服务,在Windows命令提示符里执行命令sccreateSVNbinpath="\"d:\subversion\bin\svnserve.exe\"--service-rF:\SVN"displayname="SVNService"depend=Tcpipstart=auto,这个命令是不是有点长?其实很容易理解,sc是Windows自带的系统服务注册工具,微软支持中心提供了详细的说明,这里我就不再复述了,参数binpath="\"d:\subversion\bin\svnserve.exe\"--service-rF:\SVN"和我们前面手动启动SVN服务器的命令很像吧?只是把-d改成了--service,这不难理解,因为现在是服务嘛。好了,现在已经大功告成了,重起一下试试吧。PS:如果想从系统服务里删除刚才注册的SVN服务可以使用scdeleteSVN命令。我们再来看一下Windows下架设svn服务器过程中如何配置用户和权限。
Java事件由事件类和监听接口组成,自定义一个事件前,必须提供一个事件的监听接口以及一个事件类。事件监听是观察者模式的一种实现。我们一起来看看这到底是怎么一回事。1、首先定义一个Event类 存放事件中存在的属性和方法
public class MyEvent {
public void setValue(int value){
this.value =
public int getValue(){
return this.
public interface Listener {
void valueChanged(MyEvent e);
import java.util.ArrayL
import java.util.L
public class MySource {
private List&Listener& listeners = new ArrayList&Listener&();
// public Methods
public void setValue(int value){
this.value =
public void addListener(Listener listener){
public void removeListener(Listener listener){
// private Methods
private void notifyAllListener() {
MyEvent e = new MyEvent();
e.setValue( value);
for(int i = 0; i & listeners.size(); i++){
Listener l = listeners.get(i);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MySource source = new MySource();
System. out.println("----------------- Before Add Listener ---------------");
System. out.println("changing value..." );
System. out.println("----------------- After Add Listener ----------------");
Listener myListener = new Listener() {
public void valueChanged(MyEvent e) {
System. out.println("MySource value changed to:" + e.getValue());
System. out.println("changing value..." );
System. out.println("----------------- After Remove Listener -------------");
System. out.println("changing value..." );
结果:----------------- Before Add Listener ---------------changing value...----------------- After Add Listener ----------------changing value...MySource value changed to:10----------------- After Remove Listener -------------changing value...
import java.util.EventO
public class MyEvent extends EventObject {
// 这里我们添加了2个自定义属性
private String changedPropertyN
private Object changedV
public Object getChangedValue() {
return changedV
public void setChangedValue(Object changedValue) {
this .changedValue = changedV
public String getChangedPropertyName() {
return changedPropertyN
public void setChangedPropertyName(String changedPropertyName) {
this .changedPropertyName = changedPropertyN
public MyEvent(Object source) {
super (source);
public Object getSource() {
return super .getSource();
import java.util.EventL
public interface Listener extends EventListener{
public void changed(MyEvent e);
import java.util.ArrayL
import java.util.L
public class MySource {
private List&Listener& listeners = new ArrayList&Listener&();
public MySource(){
public MySource(String name, int value){
this .name =
this .value =
public int getValue() {
public void setValue( int value) {
this .value =
notifyAllListener( "value" ,value);
public String getName() {
public void setName(String name) {
this .name =
notifyAllListener( "name" ,name);
public void addListener(Listener listener){
listeners .add(listener);
public void removeListener(Listener listener){
listeners .remove(listener);
public void notifyAllListener(String changedPropertyName,Object changedValue){
MyEvent e = new MyEvent( this);
for (int i=0; i & listeners.size(); i++){
Listener listener = listeners .get(i);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MySource source = new MySource("I dont have a name" ,0);
System. out .println("------------------- Before Add Listener ----------------");
System. out .println("changing name..." );
source.setName( "Test Listener" );
System. out .println("changing value..." );
System. out .println("------------------- After Add Listener -----------------");
Listener myListener = new Listener() {
public void changed(MyEvent e) {
System. out .println("Mysource属性" + e.getChangedPropertyName() + "的值发生了变化,值为:" + e.getChangedValue() +"." );
MySource source = (MySource) e.getSource();
System. out .println("changing name..." );
source.setName( "My Listener" );
System. out .println("changing value..." );
System. out .println("------------------ After Remove Listener ---------------");
System. out .println("changing name..." );
source.setName( "No Listener" );
System. out .println("changing value..." );
public static void print(MySource source){
System. out .println("Name:" + source.getName());
System. out .println("Value:" + source.getValue());
System. out .println();
测试结果:Name:I dont have a nameValue:0------------------- Before Add Listener ----------------changing name...Name:Test ListenerValue:0changing value...Name:Test ListenerValue:5------------------- After Add Listener -----------------changing name...Mysource属性name的值发生了变化,值为:My Listener.Name:My ListenerValue:5changing value...Mysource属性value的值发生了变化,值为:10.Name:My ListenerValue:10------------------ After Remove Listener ---------------changing name...Name:No ListenerValue:10changing value...Name:No ListenerValue:100好了,结果还是和我们想象的一样。最后说一句,如果我们想获取到变化之前的值和变化之后的值,那么我们就要加入备忘录模式了,这些就留给你们自己去实现了。Thanks for reading!
发布时间: 16:16:25
作者:Marin Todorov
unity_game(from raywenderlich)
在菜单中选择“GameObject/Create other/Particle System”,屏幕上便会出现一个颗粒系统。在“等级”面板上将名称从“颗粒系统”改为“爆炸”,并将爆炸位置设为(1,1,8)。
unity_particle_emitter(from raywenderlich)
在这里最重要的属性便是“One shot”,当你在这一选项中打勾时,系统将只会发射出一次粒子,也就是说只会出现一次爆炸。接下来让我们设置动画中的数值,即尝试着去匹配下图中的颜色(游戏邦注:如果你没有执行这个步骤也没关系):
unity_particle_animation(from raywenderlich)
右击“项目”面板并选择“Sync MonoDevelop Project”以打开MonoDevelop。加载编辑器BombClass.cs并添加以下代码:
//right under definition of “ySpeed”
public GameObject explosionP
//inside OnTriggerEnter, right after Destroy(this.gameObject)
Instantiate(explosionPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
explosions(from raywenderlich)
一款游戏怎么能够缺少背景音乐?!这时候我们需要提到另外一个人——Kevin Macleod,他是一名伟大的作曲家,在CC license发布了许多电影音乐和游戏音乐。所以如果你想使用他的作品,就必须明确标示出处。
将《The Cannery》下载到你的唱片中,并将“The Cannery.mp3”拖到“项目”面板中的“音频”文件夹中。
从“项目”面板中将“The Cannery”拖到“等级”面板中的“主摄像机”中。在“等级”中选择“主摄像机”并在“检查器”中找到音源带,在“循环”的选择框中打勾并将音量设置为“0.20”。
public static int score = 0;
public void updateScoreBy(int deltaScore) {
PlayerClass.score += deltaS
void OnGUI() {
GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();
style.fontSize = 20;
GUI.Label(new Rect(10,10,100,20), “Score:”+PlayerClass.score, style );
GUIStyle便是一种模拟CSS的类,所以你也可以在此使用CSS中的字号,左边距宽等功能,否则你仅仅只能局限于字体大小的设置中。GUI.Label() 是由3个参数构成的函数:标签界限的矩形,绘画线以及文本类型。
//add a new property
public PlayerC
//replace the existing OnTriggerMethod with
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider obj) {
if (obj.gameObject.name == “Shark”) {
//reset shark
obj.gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.
obj.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(20f, -3f, 8f);
Instantiate(explosionPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
if (obj.gameObject.name == “ClownFish”) {
//reset fish
obj.gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.
obj.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(-20f, -1f, 8f);
Instantiate(explosionPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
让我们打开PlayerClass.cs并在“bombObject.transform.position = this.gameObject.transform.position”下面添加以下代码:
BombClass bomb = (BombClass)bombObject.GetComponent(“BombClass”);
bomb.player =
ScoreLabel(from raywenderlich)
unity_diagram(from raywenderlich)
在菜单中选择“新建场景”,然后“保存场景”,选择文件夹[your project's directory]/Assets/Scenes,并将场景文件重命名为“WinScene”。
选择“等级”中的“主摄像机”,并设置:位置为(0,0,0),投射为“直线”,规格为“10”,近距离为“0.5”而远距离为“22”。在菜单中选择“GameObject/Create Other/Directional Light”并在检查器中设置位置(0,0,0)。
我们希望在这个场景中设置一架飞机(就像游戏关卡中的背景),并在飞机上方播放“你赢了”的影像,所以让我们再次重复教程第一部分中的内容:打开菜单中的“GameObject/Create Other/Plane”,并在检查器中设置:位置(0,0,8),旋转(90,180,0),缩放(3,1,2)。
下载并将Vicki Wenderlich(独立美术家兼插画家)创作的图像保存在你的磁盘中:
gameover_youwin(from raywenderlich)
我们希望此时的玩家能够再次开始游戏:右击“项目”面板,并在“分类”文件夹中选择“Create/C Sharp Script”,将其重命名为“GameOverClass”。右击并选择“Sync MonoDevelop Project”。在MonoDevelop中打开新的GameOverClass.cs,并用以下代码取代原有的内容:
using UnityE
using System.C
public class GameOverClass : MonoBehaviour {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (Input.anyKeyDown) {
PlayerClass.score = 0;
此时,当玩家轻拍屏幕时,分数将会进行重置,并会重新载入游戏玩法。只要在Application.LoadLevel() 函数中加载场景名称便可,多简单。
现在我们只要选择“File/Build Settings”并在弹出窗口中点击“添加current”按钮,关闭窗口,便能够将这一场景整合到项目中。
选择“等级“中的“主摄像机”并设置:位置为(0,0,0),投射为“直线”,规格为“10”,近距离为“0.5”,远距离为“22”。打开菜单中的“GameObject/Create Other/Directional Light”并在检查器中设置:位置为(0,0,0)。再选择菜单中的“GameObject/Create Other/Plane”然后在检查器中设置位置为(0,0,8),旋转为(90,180,0),缩放为(3,1,2)。
gameover_youlose(from raywenderlich)
在主菜单中选择“File/Build Settings”并在弹出窗口点击“添加current”按钮,关闭窗口。
//replace the updateScoreBy method with this code
public void updateScoreBy(int deltaScore) {
PlayerClass.score += deltaS
if (PlayerClass.score&3) {
} else if (PlayerClass.score&-3) {
unity _2_5d(from raywenderlich)
//add the properties
public GameObject mainC
public GameObject gameB
public float nextZ = 0;
//at the end of the updateScoreBy method
if (PlayerClass.score&0) {
nextZ = PlayerClass.score*2.5f;
//at the end of the Update method
if (nextZ & mainCamera.transform.position.z) {
3* Mathf.Sin(transform.position.z/2 ) * Time.deltaTime,
-Mathf.Sin(transform.position.z /2 ) * Time.deltaTime *0.3f
mainCamera.gameObject.transform.RotateAroundLocal( Vector3.up, Time.deltaTime*0.1f );
gameBackground.gameObject.transform.RotateAroundLocal( Vector3.up, Time.deltaTime*0.1f );
unity_final(from raywenderlich)
How To Make a 2.5D Game With Unity Tutorial: Part 2
Marin Todorov
11 AUGUST 2011
This is the second part of a two part tutorial series on how to make a simple 2.5D game for the iPhone with the Unity game development tool.
In the first part of the tutorial series, we covered the basics of using Unity and writing scripts with C#. We created a simple game where a plane could fly back and forth bombing sharks while protecting the clown fish!
In this second and final part of the tutorial series, we’re going to extend the game to add some finishing touches. We’ll add some sound effects and music, wrap up the game logic, and add multiple scenes to the game!
If you don’t have it already, grab the project where we left it off in the last tutorial, and open it up in Unity. Make sure to click the Scenes\LevelScene item to make it visible if it doesn’t load on startup.
Allright, so let’s learn some more about Unity and wrap up this game!
Adding iCandy to the game
You’ve probably noticed that when a bomb hits a shark, it just quietly disappears, and thought to yourself, “meh, that’s not very cool!”
Well, be prepared to be blown away – we’re going to add a cool underwater explosion instead!
From the menu select “GameObject/Create other/Particle System”, and you’ll see a particle system appear on the scene. Rename the “Particle System” to “Explosion” in “Hierarchy” panel, and set the Explosion’s position to [1, 1, 8].
Now if you are a Particle System specialist – head to the “Inspector” and pimp it up yourself, and if you are not – just follow my lead it’s pretty easy. Copy over these values in the “Inspector”:
Here the most important property is “One shot” – when you check it the system will emit particles only once – as an explosion does. Now let’s setup also the animation values – just try to more or less match the colors below (not important if you don’t):
Here the one important property is “Autodestruct” – when checked the Particle System will remove itself from the scene when there are no more living particles. This is exactly what we want – it’s like automatic garbage collection.
Now you have a nice small explosion and you need to do exactly the same you did before with the bomb – make a prefab, instantiate it when needed, leave it to autodestroy itself when it’s done on the scene.
Right-click “Project” panel “Prefabs” folder, choose “Create/Prefab”, rename it to “ExplosionPrefab”. Drag the “Explosion” object from “Hierarchy” onto the new “ExplosionPrefab”. Right-click “Explosion” in “Hierarchy” and choose “Delete”.
Right-click “Project” panel and choose “Sync MonoDevelop Project” to open MonoDevelop. Load in the editor BombClass.cs and add this code:
Now switch back to Unity and select “BombPrefab” in “Project” panel – in the “Inspector” you see the new property “ExplosionPrefab”. Just drag “ExplosionPrefab” from “Project” onto this new property field and you’re set to go.
That’s it – press play and see the explosions when you hit sharks. Sweet!
Adding earCandy to the Game
Don’t tell Steve, but iCandy wasn’t enough for us – we need some earCandy too!
How could we have a game be without background music?! We’re going to visit another great guy – Kevin Macleod, who is a great composer releasing film&game music under CC license. So if you use his stuff don’t forget to attribute.
Open this url: /m/c/royalty-free/index.html?keywords=the%20cannery
Once you’re there, download “The Cannery” track somewhere to your disc, and drag “The Cannery.mp3″ onto the folder “Audio” in the “Project” panel.
We would like to have the music loop all the time… but which object should we attach it to?
Well, let’s attach it to the camera! The camera is a game object too, and can have other components attached.
Drag “The Cannery” from “Project” panel onto “Main Camera” in the “Hierarchy” panel. Select “Main Camera” in “Hierarchy” and in the “Inspector” find the Audio Source strip – check the “Loop” checkbox and set Volume to “0.20″.
It’s as easy as that – run the scene and enjoy the new background music!
Creating a GUI with Unity
Let’s dive into yet another new area – GUI. Unity provides you with some standard labels and buttons, but all in all it’s not the biggest strength of Unity. However we’re going to use a label to sh so first we’ll need to implement the score logic.
Switch to MonoDevelop. Open up PlayerClass.cs and add a new property:
Aha! There’s again something new – “static”. This property will be created when the class is loaded and will persist no matter whether there are instances of the class. Additionally this property is accessible from all other classes – this is why we’re keeping the score count in a static property.
Next add this method which will take care of updating the score (not much sense in it now, but just go with it) – see how the score property is accessed via the class name:
Add one more method to PlayerClass – this one will draw the score count on the screen:
This event handler “OnGUI” is getting called on every frame on the GUI layer. So, you draw everything you need on the GUI in here.
GUIStyle is a class, which mimics a CSS class – so you can use fontSize, marginLeft and such if you are familiar with CSS, otherwise just keep with the font size for now. GUI.Label() is a method taking 3 arguments: a rect for the bounds of the label, the string to draw and the text style. That’s all to it.
The only task left is: update the score when we have hits or misses! Open up BombClass.cs and make the following modifications:
It’s pretty similar to what we had before, but we’re having a new property called “player” and when we need to update the score we call player.updateScoreBy().
Also to make the game more interesting if you hit a shark you’ll get a point, if you hit a clownfish (remember? clownfish – gooood, shark – baaahhd) then you will loose a point. Now that’s shaping as a difficult game!
There’s one last thing – to set the player property on the bomb. Now we can’t do it like before because bombs are dynamically created, but fortunately the bombs are created by the player himself, so he can set the player property at creation time.
Let’s do that – open up PlayerClass.cs and just under the line “bombObject.transform.position = this.gameObject.transform.” add this code:
There’s something new again! Let’s discuss: bombObject is a GameObject instance (returned by Instantiate), so we call “GetComponent” on it and this way we can access all attached components to the game object – the result we cast to a BombClass – so in the end we got the reference to the C# class attached to the game object. Next we just set the “player” property to this (the PlayerClass instance).
Run the scene and you’ll see the score counter!
Unity Objects and Components
At this point you already have enough practice with Unity to be introduced to Unity’s game object model. Better understand what you are actually doing, right? Let’s make a really short de-tour to have a look at how game objects relate to the components attached to them.
All those strips we see adding up in the “Inspector” panel – these are components that get attached to the game object. An empty game object has just its transform strip – position, rotation, scale. That’s all – everything else are components attached.
If you look at our BombPrefab – you can see many different components:
Transform: provides position, rotation, and scale, as described above.
Mesh Filter: provides the geometry of the visible object.
Mesh Renderer: renders the geometry.
Rigidbody: handles physics.
Audio Source: plays audio.
Script: can programmatically update the object.
These are just few of the possible components you can attach to an object. To even better understand let’s have a look at this diagram:
So, take the point-of-view of the Script component. It should now be a bit clearer why we had to call:
in order to destroy everything related to the object instance. From the gameObject property we can also access all other components, so we can adjust physics or audio volume, etc .etc.
Adding more scenes
Right now our game is getting good, but there’s no way to win or lose!
So let’s add a “you win” screen when the player makes more than 3 points.
From the menu choose “New Scene”, then again from the menu “Save Scene”, select the folder [your project's directory]/Assets/Scenes and save the scene as “WinScene”.
Select “Main Camera” in “Hierarchy” and set: Position [0, 0, 0], Projection to “Orthographic”, Size to “10″, Near to “0.5″ and Far to “22″. From the menu choose “GameObject/Create Other/Directional Light” and in the Inspector: Position [0, 0, 0].
All we want in the scene is to put a plane (like the background in our game level) and put an image on it saying “you win”, so let do as before in Part 1: From the menu “GameObject/Create Other/Plane” and in the Inspector: Position [0, 0, 8], Rotation to [90, 180, 0], Scale to [3, 1, 2].
Next download and save to your disc the image prepared by Vicki Wenderlich (click for full resolution):
Drag “gameover_youwin.png” onto “Project” panel in “Textures” folder. After the texture is imported it looks kind of dirty – it’s because of the compression, just select “gameover_youwin” texture in “Project” and then in the “Inspector” find “Format” change it to “16bits” and click “Apply”. Now drag “gameover_youwin” from “Project” panel onto “Plane” in “Hierarchy”. In your “Game” panel you should see the “You win” – where Vicki painted the evil shark floating bely up.
We just need to make it alive – when the scene is tapped the game should restart: Right-click “Project” panel in “Class” folder, choose “Create/C Sharp Script” and rename it to “GameOverClass”. Right-click and choose “Sync MonoDevelop Project”. In MonoDevelop open up the new GameOverClass.cs and replace the contents with this code:
When the player taps the screen, the score is reset and gameplay scene is loaded. Application.LoadLevel() just takes the name of the scene to load – pretty easy
Back to Unity: drag “GameOverClass” script from “Project” panel “Class” folder onto the “Main Camera”.
Now to include this scene in the project choose “File/Build Settings” and in the popup window click “Add current” button and close the window. You’ve added the scene to the project build.
Let’s quickly add the “You loose” screen too! Like last time, make a “New scene”, then “Save Scene” as “LooseScene” in the Scenes folder.
Select “Main Camera” in “Hierarchy” and set: Position [0, 0, 0], Projection to “Orthographic”, Size to “10″, Near to “0.5″ and Far to “22″. From the menu “GameObject/Create Other/Directional Light” and in the Inspector: Position [0, 0, 0]. From the menu “GameObject/Create Other/Plane” and in the Inspector: Position [0, 0, 8], Rotation to [90, 180, 0], Scale to [3, 1, 2].
Download this “You Lose” image and save to your disc (click for full resolution):
To wrap up this scene, take the following steps just like last time:
Drag “gameover_youlose.png” onto “Project” panel in “Textures” folder.
Select “gameover_youlose” texture in “Project” and then in the “Inspector” find “Format” change it to “16bits” and click “Apply”.
Drag “gameover_youlose” from “Project” panel onto “Plane” in “Hierarchy”.
Drag “GameOverClass” from “Project” panel “Class” folder onto the “Main Camera”.
From the main menu choose “File/Build Settings” and in the popup window click “Add current” button and close the window.
There – you have 3 scenes, but you need to connect them!
Load the LevelScene scene – by double clicking “LevelScene” in the “Project” panel. Switch to MonoDevelop and open up PlayerClass.cs. We’re going to modify the updateScoreBy method to check whether you made more than 3 points or sank under -3 points.
Now your scene workflow is set. You can give the game a try by hitting Play in Unity. Actually – why don’t you hit “File/Build&Run”, and when Xcode pops up – hit “Run” there as well and give the game a try on your iPhone?
Going 2.5D – at last!
Yes – it’s time. The epic technique you’ve been expecting for 2 long parts of this tutorial series – 2.5D!
And I’ll tell you in advance a secret – we’re going to spice it up and make it almost 3D for your developing pleasure!
Up to now we’ve been setting the cameras’ projection to “Orthographic”, which made the scene look like a plain 2D game – well, that ends here!
In your LevelScene scene select “Main Camera” and in the Inspector change Projection to “Perspective” and “Field of View” to “100″ (to compensate for the perspective). That’s it – hit the Play button and see your game in 2.5D! Ain’t that cool?
But we’re not going to stop here.
Here’s the plan – to make the game more difficult and demonstrate how to rotate and move the camera, every time the score increases we’ll move the camera onto an arc path and change it’s angle. This way, the more you progress in the game the weirder the angle you’ll have to look at the characters and try to bomb the sharks!
Switch to MonoDevelop and make the following changes to PlayerClass.cs:
Alright – lot of code, but that’s about everything we need. Let’s go over it bit by bit.
First, we declare properties to hold references to the Main Camera and the Background plane. We’ll be moving and rotating the camera, and we will be rotating the background as well.
The Camera is moving from it’s current Z position at 0 towards the background to about 7.5Z. So every time the player makes a score, the nextZ is set to 2.5, then 5.0, then 7.5 – and from these values the Main Camera is translated onto something like an arc using a sin function.
All math functions by the way are accessible via the Mathf class – as for the sin is Mathf.Sin(). Also we rotate the camera using transform.RotateAroundLocal and we pass it an axis to rotate around (Vector3.up) and the angle to rotate by. We rotate the camera and the background together, so camera faces always the background (i.e. the background doesn’t run out of the screen).
One more thing – let’s connect the new public properties. Switch to Unity and select “Player” object in “Hierarchy” panel. Drag “Main Camera” from “Hierarchy” onto the new “Main Camera” property in the “Inspector”; drag the “Background” object from “Hierarchy” onto the new “Game Background” property in the “Inspector”.
Congrats, you’re finally done! Hit File\Build and Run and run the finished game on your iPhone, and enjoy bombing sharks at weird angles
Debugging with Unity
I’d like to shortly touch on few topics, because when you go on developing by yourselves you are going to run into trouble where you need to debug your game. So few simple things to keep in mind:
Don’t forget there’s a Pause button in the toolbar, so if you need to stop the execution of the game and check all object’s properties – just hit Pause and then browse around your scene and lookup the values in the “Inspector” panel.
If you’re not sure whether your method fires up, print a message in the console (much like in Xcode). Use: Debug.Log(“message”); to print messages to the Console. You can bring up the Console window by choosing from the menu “Window/Console”.
Develop this habit: When you’re done coding in MonoDevelop and you switch back to Unity editor look at Unity’s status bar (at the bottom of the application window) – if you wrote bad code, which won’t validate – you’ll get an error message in red in there, immediately after you bring Unity up.
If your objects don’t move – triple check if your script is attached to your object!
When you run your game you can change values in the Inspector just to try out different values, etc. etc. When you stop the game: NB all values in the inspector are reset to the ones you had before running the game. Thus effectively if you forgot to stop the game and you made changes, they’ll be lost, so be sure to stop the game after your finished testing and then continue developing.
Where To Go From Here?
Here is the complete sample project that we developed in the above tutorial series.
If you want to learn more about Unity you can look around their web- they have great Support section with examples, forum, etc: /support/. Also have a look at the Unity C# Reference.
If you want to practice more, you can extend Shark Bomber further by adding some of the following features to the app:
Add explosion sounds, game over scene music/effects
Have 2 different explosions and randomly show them
Have different levels
This is a very very simple introduction to Unity – we barely touched on reading iPhone input, but I think you have now a solid understanding how thing in Unity work and that’s more important to get you started!
If you think about it – you already know everything you need to know to also create 3D games! You’ve been translating objects around, rotating them to weird angles, you’ve been moving around the camera and basically nothing stops you from getting wild in the 3 dimensions. Just choose the right models, build some terrain (usually using a plane is a good idea) and you can pretty much do anything you want. So this was also your quick start into making 3D games with Unity!()
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