instantill kill kill time是什么意思思?

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我在用Kill Id进行操作后,Java读取文件会有问题,但用kill -9 ID操作是正常的,kill Id这种形式是否在特殊情况下不能释放资源?
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pid=`ps -wwef|grep &Dflag=${SERVICE_ID}&|grep -v grep`
if [ -n &${pid}& ]
& & ps -wwef|grep Dflag=${SERVICE_ID}|grep -v grep|grep -v tail|awk 'BEGIN{printf &kill &}{printf &%s &, $2}'|bash
& & & & echo &${SERVICE_NAME} 服务已停止!&
& & echo &${SERVICE_NAME} 未启动.&
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kill为杀死进程,killall -9为强制杀死进程。
UID7374245空间积分2 积分66阅读权限10帖子精华可用积分66 信誉积分128 专家积分0 在线时间74 小时注册时间最后登录
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原帖由 只爱睡觉 于
16:02 发表
kill为杀死进程,killall -9为强制杀死进程。
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized= this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized= this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />screen.width*0.7) {this.resized= this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized= this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />
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原帖由 migney 于
16:54 发表
用kill 的默认信号去终止该进程后,该进程引用的一些文件有可能不释放吗?
UID2401541空间积分0 积分12036阅读权限100帖子精华可用积分12036 信誉积分634 专家积分25 在线时间1540 小时注册时间最后登录
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建议看基础知识Hey there Mr Kill never seen you so ill ……_来自ooooooooooo的图片分享-堆糖
Hey there Mr Kill never seen you so ill You hoo easy why not you shoot me I'll never rule you out
&Copyright by 堆糖 2010-, all rights reserved
vt.得到;抓住;说服;受到(惩罚等)vt.& vi.到达,来vi.成为;开始;设法对付;获得利益或财富n.生殖,幼兽;赢利第三人称单数:过去式:过去分词:现在分词:易混淆的单词:
In most of its uses get is a fairly informal word. Gotten is an American form of the past tense and past participle. 在其大多数用法中,get是个很不正式的词。美国英语中,get的过去式及过去分词形式为gotten。1.V-LINK(与形容词连用)变得You use get with adjectives to mean 'become'. For example, if someone gets cold, they become cold, and if they get angry, they become angry.&The boys were getting bored...男孩子们开始感到厌烦。There's no point in getting upset...苦恼是无谓的。From here on, it can only get better.从此,情况只会越来越好。2.V-LINK(用于表示状况或处境的表达中)陷入,处于Get is used with expressions referring to states or situations. For example, to get into trouble means to start being in trouble.&Half the pleasure of an evening out is getting ready...晚上外出时一半的乐趣在于出门前的准备。Perhaps I shouldn't say that — I might get into trouble...也许我不该讲那些话——我可能会惹来麻烦。How did we get into this recession, and what can we do to get out of it?我们是怎样陷入这次经济衰退的,又该做些什么才能从中摆脱呢?3.VERB使陷入,使处于(某种状况或处境)To get someone or something into a particular state or situation means to cause them to be in it.&I don't
know if I can get it clean...我不知道自己是否能把它清理干净。What got me interested was looking at an old New York Times...我感兴趣的是看一份旧的《纽约时报》。Brian will get them out of trouble.布赖恩会帮助他们走出困境。4.VERB使…,让…(做)If you get someone to do something, you cause them to do it by asking, persuading, or telling them to do it.&...a long campaign to get US politicians to take the Aids epidemic more seriously...旨在使美国政界人士更加重视艾滋病流行的长期运动How did you get him to pose for this picture?你想了什么办法让他摆姿势照了这张照片?5.VERB使做好;使完成If you get something done, you cause it to be done.&I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed...补牙可能对我有好处。It was best to get things done quickly.最好是赶快把事情弄完。6.VERB来到,移动到(某处)To get somewhere means to move there.&I got off the bed and opened the door...我下床把门打开了。How can I get past her without her seeing me?...我怎样才能从她身边经过而又不被她发现呢?I heard David yelling and telling them to get back.我听到戴维高声喊叫着要他们回来。7.VERB到达;抵达When you get to a place, you arrive there.&Generally I get to work at 9.30am...我通常上午9点半到单位。It was dark by the time she got home.她回到家时天已经黑了。8.VERB使移动到To get something or someone into a place or position means to cause them to move there.&Mack got his wallet out...麦克掏出钱包。Go and get your coat on...去把你的外套穿上。The UN was supposed to be getting aid to where it was most needed.联合国应该把援助送到最需要的地方。9.AUX(常用作助动词,代替be构成被动语态)Get is often used in place of 'be' as an auxiliary verb to form passives.&Does she ever get asked for her autograph?...有人向她索要过签名吗?A pane of glass got broken.一块玻璃碎了。10.VERB(最终或逐渐)到达(某阶段)If you get to do something, you eventually or gradually reach a stage at which you do it.&Miller and Ferlinghetti got to be friends...米勒和费林盖蒂渐渐成了朋友。No one could figure out how he got to be so wealthy.谁也不知道他怎么会变得如此富有。11.VERB得以做;有机会做If you get to do something, you manage to do it or have the opportunity to do it.&How do these people get to be the bosses of major companies?...这些人是怎样成为大公司的老总的?Do you get to see him often?...你经常能见到他吗?They get to stay in nice hotels.他们住进了舒适的宾馆。12.VERB(让…)迅速行动起来/干起来/工作起来You can use get in expressions like get moving ,get going, and get working when you want to tell people to begin moving, going, or working quickly.&I aim to be off the lake before dawn, so let's get moving...我计划黎明前从湖畔出发,大家马上行动起来吧。We need to get thinking, talking and acting on this before it is too late.我们得赶紧就此事开动脑筋,展开讨论,并采取行动,否则就来不及了。13.VERB到达(人生、事业的某一阶段)If you get to a particular stage in your life or in something you are doing, you reach that stage.&We haven't got to the stage of a full-scale military conflict...我们还未到全面军事冲突的地步。If she gets that far, Jane may get legal aid to take her case to court...如果走到那个地步,简也许能得到法律援助去打官司。It got to the point where I was so ill I was waiting to die.病到这个程度,我只能等死了。14.V-ERG(用于谈论进展情况)(使…)取得进展/不会有进展You can use get to talk about the progress that you are making. For example, if you say that you are getting somewhere, you mean that you are making progress, and if you say that something won't get you anywhere, you mean it will not help you to progress at all.&Radical factions say the talks are getting nowhere and they want to withdraw...激进派宣称谈判没有进展,他们打算退出。My perseverance was getting me somewhere.我锲而不舍,总算有了一些进展。15.V-LINK到,接近(…时间)When it gets to a particular time, it is that time. If it is getting towards a particular time, it is approaching that time.&It got to after 1am and I was exhausted...已是凌晨一点多了,我累得筋疲力尽。It was getting towards evening when we got back...我们回来的时候已经快到晚上了。It's getting late.时间不早了。16.VERB对…产生影响;使痛苦If something that has continued for some time gets to you, it starts causing you to suffer.&That's the first time I lost my cool in 20 years in this job. This whole thing's getting to me.干这份工作20年来,我头一次失去了冷静,这一切让我大伤脑筋。17.VERB使烦恼;使恼怒If something gets you, it annoys you.&What gets me is the attitude of so many of the people.让我恼怒的是这么多人都是这样的态度。1.VERB获得;得到If you get something that you want or need, you obtain it.&I got a job at the sawmill...我在锯木厂找了份工作。The problem was how to get enough food to sustain life...问题在于如何找到足够的食物维持生命。It is impossible to get help, so she is doing everything herself...无法获得帮助,所有的活儿只好她自己干。2.VERB收到;得到If you get something, you receive it or are given it.&I'm
getting a bike for my birthday...我过生日时会得到一辆自行车。He gets a lot of letters from women...很多女人给他写信。They get a salary of $21,000 a year.他们的年薪为2。1万美元。3.VERB去取;去带来If you get someone or something, you go and bring them to a particular place.&I came down this morning to get the newspaper...我今天上午过来取报纸。Go and get me a large brandy...去给我拿一大杯白兰地来。Go and get your daddy for me.去把你爸爸给我叫过来。4.VERB准备(饭菜)If you get a meal, you prepare it.&She was getting breakfast as usual.她像往常一样在准备早餐。5.VERB得出,计算出(结果)If you get a particular result, you obtain it from some action that you take, or from a calculation or experiment.&You could run that race again and get a different result each time...如果再参加一次那样的赛跑,每次的结果可能都不一样。What do you get if you multiply six by nine?6乘以9等于多少?6.VERB卖得,售得(…钱)If you get a particular price for something that you sell, you obtain that amount of money by selling it.&He can't get a good price for his crops.他的庄稼无法卖个好价钱。7.VERB有(做…的时间或机会)If you get the time or opportunity to do something, you have the time or opportunity to do it.&You get time to think in prison...你在监狱里有时间反省。Whenever I get the chance I go to Maxim's for dinner.我一有机会便去马克西姆餐厅吃饭。8.VERB开始有(想法、印象或感受)If you get an idea, impression, or feeling, you begin to have that idea, impression, or feeling as you learn or understand more about something.&I get the feeling that you're
an honest man...我开始觉得你是个诚实的人。The study is an attempt to get a better idea of why people live where they do...该研究是为了更好地了解人们选择现在居住地的原因。Doctors can get the wrong impression from even an accurate description.即便很精确的病历也可能让医生产生错误的印象。9.VERB得到,获得(感受或好处)If you get a feeling or benefit from an activity or experience, the activity or experience gives you that feeling or benefit.&Charles got a shock when he saw him...查尔斯见到他时大吃一惊。She gets enormous pleasure out of working freelance...做自由职业者让她体会到无穷的快乐。I would like to take pictures professionally because I get so much out of it.我想从事职业摄影,因为我从中获益匪浅。10.VERB(设法)看到If you get a look, view, or glimpse of something, you manage to see it.&Young men climbed on buses and fences to get a better view...为了看得更清楚些,年轻人爬上了公共汽车和围墙。Crowds shouted and pushed to get a glimpse of their hero.为了一睹英雄的风采,人群喊叫着,推搡着。11.VERB有(…的天气)If a place gets a particular type of weather, it has that type of weather.&Riyadh got 25 mm of rain in just 12 hours...利雅得在12小时内降水就达25毫米。Northern Kentucky is likely to get snow mixed with sleet.肯塔基州北部可能有雨夹雪。12.VERB理解,明白(笑话或所说的话)If you get a joke or get the point of something that is said, you understand it.&Did you get that joke, Ann? I'll explain later...安,听懂那个笑话了吗?我过会儿会解释。You don't
seem to get the point.你好像没有弄明白。13.VERB染(病);患(病)If you get an illness or disease, you become ill with it.&When I was five I got measles.我5岁时出过麻疹。14.VERB搭乘,乘(火车、公共汽车、飞机或船)When you get a train, bus, plane, or boat, you leave a place on a particular train, bus, plane, or boat.&It'll be two pounds to get the bus...乘公共汽车要花两英镑。What time are you getting your train?你赶几点的火车?15.VERB捕获;猎杀If you get a person or animal, you succeed in catching, killing, or hitting them.&Take it easy. We've got him. He's not going to kill anyone else.别担心,我们已经抓住他了,他不会再杀人。16.VERB定期买(报刊、杂志等)If you get a newspaper or magazine, you regularly buy it.&We don't get a paper...我们不买报纸。We already get The Times.我们已经订了《泰晤士报》。17.VERB接收;收到;收看到If you can get a particular radio or television channel, you are able to receive broadcasts from it on your radio or television.&I only get Channel 7.我只能收看到第7频道。1.PHRASE最…;(好…) 极了You can say that something is, for example, as good as you can get to mean that it is as good as it is possible for that thing to be.&Consort has a population of 714 and is about as rural and isolated as you can get.康索特有714名居民,是极其偏僻的乡村地区。...the diet that is as near to perfect as you can get it.几乎可以说是最无可挑剔的饮食2.PHRASE不能否认;无法否认If you say you can't get away from something or there is no getting away from something, you are emphasizing that it is true, even though people might prefer it not to be true.&There is no getting away from the fact that he is on the left of the party.他属于该党左派的事实无法否认。3.PHRASE休假;度假If you get away from it all, you have a holiday in a place that is very different from where you normally live and work.&...the ravishing island of Ischia, where rich Italians get away from it all.意大利富人消遣度假的美丽岛屿伊斯基亚4.CONVENTION(表示蔑视、不同意或拒绝)滚开,去你的Get is used in rude expressions like get stuffed and get lost to express contempt, disagreement, or refusal to do something.&5.PHRASE你真是太走运了/你真是蠢得无可救药了You can say, for example, 'How lucky can you get?' or 'How stupid can you get? ' to show your surprise that anyone could be as lucky or stupid as the person that you are talking about.&I mean, how crazy can you get?我是说,你真是太疯狂了。6.PHRASE叫…不要指望;叫…别做梦If you tell someone where to get off, you tell them in a rather rude way that you are not going to do or agree to what they want.&If somebody tried to do that to you, you'd just go right up to them and tell them where to get off.如果有人想那样对待你,你就直截了当地告诉他们别做梦了。7.PHRASE有;存在You can use you get instead of 'there is' or 'there are' to say that something exists, happens, or can be experienced.&You get a lot of things like that now, don't you...你现在有很多那样的东西,是吧?That's where you get some differences of opinion.那就是你们的分歧所在。相关词组:
&get in there1.(非正式)采取积极行动(以实现目标)(常用于劝戒)you get in there son, and you work.你要积极行动,孩子,而且要真干。&get it on1.(非正式)开始(行动);实行&get it up1.(粗俚)(男子)勃起&get one's own back1.(英,非正式)复仇;报复;反击&get-rich-quick1.(贬)想暴发致富的,以暴发致富为目的的&getting on for1.(主英)接近(某个时刻、年龄或数目);几乎there are getting on for 700 staff.员工人数正接近700人。&get-up-and-go1.(非正式)精力,热情,主动性&get someone with child1.(古)使女人怀孕&get something across1.把意思说清楚,使想法被理解&get ahead1.(生活或事业)取得成功how to get ahead in advertising.如何在广告方面取得成功。&get back to1.(事后)答复;反馈I'll find out and get back to you.我会弄清楚然后再给你个回复。&get someone down1.打击;使意志消沉&get something down1.记录,记下2.(尤指困难地)咽下,喝下&get down to1.开始(认真)做(或考虑)let's get down to business.我们抓紧干正事吧。&get in on1.参与(有利或令人兴奋的活动)&get in with1.(尤指为图利而)和(某人)友好I hope he doesn't get in with the wrong crowd.我希望他不要和不良分子结交。&get off on1.(非正式,主北美)因&而兴奋(或被激起)he was obviously getting off on the adrenalin of performing before the crowd.他显然因当众表演十分刺激而觉得兴奋不已。&get on to1.(主英)(就某一话题)同(某人)接触(或联系)&get something out1.成功地发表(或发行、发布)we're keen to get a record out.我们急于发行一张唱片。2.(英)成功解决(或完成)(谜题或数学题)&get out of1.设法避免承担责任(或义务);逃避责任they wanted to get out of paying.他们想不付钱白要。&get something out of1.从(某一任务或行动中)获益these institutions think they&re going to get something out of it that will enhance their image.这些机构认为他们将从中得益,可乘机拔高他们的形象。&get outside (of)1.(英,非正式)(津津有味地)吃(或喝)we'll get outside of some bacon and eggs.我们可以享用腊肉和鸡蛋。&get something over1.设法传达(思想,理论)the company is keen to get the idea over.公司热衷于传播这个想法。2.快速完成(不愉快或枯燥乏味但不得不完成的)任务Come on, let's &B{get it over with}.来吧,让我们赶快把事情做完算了。&get round (或 N. Amer. 北美 chiefly Brit. 主英1.哄骗(或说服)(某人)改变想法去做(或允许)某事2.成功处理(问题)&get round to (或 N. Amer. 北美1.(主英)(在适当时候)做(某事),(抽出时间)做(某事)I didn&t get round to putting all the photos in frames.我没有找到时间将所有照片装入镜框。&get someone up1.(精心)打扮he was got up in striped trousers and a dinner jacket.他用心装扮自己,穿上了条纹裤和无尾礼服。&get something up1.准备,组织(项目,工作)we used to get up little plays.以前我们常组织一些短剧演出。2.增进,改进(知识)&get up to1.(英,非正式)卷入,牵涉到(多指非法或意外事件)what did you get up to last weekend?.你上周搞什么名堂去了?。&get about1.可以走动:离开床并开始走动,通常指病后&get across1.使了解:使变得清楚或令人置信I have tried to get my point across.我已尽力让我的观点清晰明了2.使信服:使有说服力或可了解How can I get across to the students?我怎样才能让学生心服口服&get after1.催促或责骂You should get after them to mow the lawn.你应催促他们割草坪&get along1.相处融洽gets along with the in-laws.和姻亲们相处融洽2.过活,生活:合理成功地维持或过活can't get along on those wages.无法依赖这些薪水生活3.增加:增加,尤指年龄的增加4.走开;离开&get around1.规避,逃避managed to get around the real issues.试图逃避真正的问题2.【非正式用语】 取得信任:通过谄媚或哄骗而说服或赢得3.到处旅游:从一地到另一地旅行It is hard to get around without a car.没有汽车的旅行很艰难4.散布:变得闻名;流传Word got around.消息散布到各处&get at1.到达:成功地接触或到达The cat hid where we couldn't get at it.猫藏在我们找不到的地方2.暗示:试图使成为可了解的;暗示或表明I don't know what you're getting at.我不知道你在暗示什么3.发现,明白If we could only get at the cause of the problem!要是我们能知道问题的原因该多好啊&get away1.脱身,逃脱2.离开,走开wanted to come along, but couldn't get away.想要一起走,但是走不开&get back1.归还:回到一个人身边、一个地方或一种情况getting back to the subject.回到主题&get by1.通过,越过2.勉强通过:以尽可能少的可能或努力获胜just got by in high school.中学勉强毕业3.设法:成功安排;幸存We'll get by if we economize.如果节省花费,我们将会熬过难关4.被疏忽:不被发现或被忽视His mistake got by the editor but was caught by the proofreader.他的错误被编辑忽视了但被校对员发现了&get down1.下降2.认真:给予注意。常与&I{to} 连用Let's get down to work.让我们认真工作吧3.疲惫,泄气,压抑The heat was getting me down.炎热使我精疲力竭4.吞服got the pill down on the first try.一次就把药吞了下去5.记下:用写描绘6.【非正式用语】 放纵:失去控制;全身心享受&get in1.到达We got in late last night.昨天晚上我们到迟了2.陷入或使陷入She got in with the wrong crowd. Repeated loans from the finance company got me in deeper and deeper.她和不法分子有瓜葛。从信贷公司的再三借款令我越陷越深3.被接受:变得被接受了,如在一个俱乐部中4.完成:成功地制作或做got in six deliveries before noon.在中午前送信六次&get into1.卷入got into trouble by stealing cars.因偷车而麻烦缠身2.【非正式用语】 对&有兴趣got into gourmet cooking.对烹饪有了兴趣&get off1.起程:动身,如一旅程;离开2.寄信:写并送出,如一封信got off two shots before the deer disappeared.在鹿消失前开了两枪3.逃避处罚或危险got off scot-free.逍遥法外4.使获释或减轻处罚The attorney got her client off with a slap on the wrist.这位律师使她的委托人仅受到轻罚就获释了5.&I{【俚语】} 厚颜无耻的言行:厚颜无耻地做或说。用在祈使语气以表达鄙视或轻蔑的不信6.&I{【俚语】} 达到性高潮7.飘飘欲仙的感觉:感受精神愉快,如服用毒品的结果8.下班:得到离开工作岗位的允许got off early and went fishing.早点下班去钓鱼&get on1.相处和谐:是或连续处于和睦的关系之中She gets on well with the neighbors.她和邻居关系和睦2.生活:合理成功地安排或进展3.年纪增长get on with a performance.继续保持这样的表现4.了解,认清got on to the con game.认清骗术&get out1.使离开,使逃走2.泄露Somehow the secret got out.总之秘密被泄露了3.出版,如报纸&get over1.胜过;超越2.痊愈finally got over the divorce.最终从离婚的创伤中恢复了3.使人了解&get through1.结束:到达终点;结束或完成2.使自己被理解&get to1.开始处理got to reminiscing.开始追忆往事2.影响:影响,尤指相反地The noise really gets to me.噪音真的令我心烦&get together1.集会:带到一起;集会2.来到一起3.达成协议&get up1.爬2.组织:作为创作者或组织者而行动got up a petition against rezoning.组织一次反对重新分区的请愿3.穿着或佩戴She got herself up in a bizarre outfit.她穿了一套古怪的套装4.鼓起trying to get up the nerve to quit.设法鼓起勇气辞职


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