
The Apollo Blog
The latest and greatest news from the Apollo team
Apollo Blog
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Wednesday, February 26, 2014
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.7. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ.
This release fixes several bugs:
[APLO-287] - SSL errors with Java 7 (Diffie-Hellman cypher suite sessions)
[APLO-305] - Wrong exist status codes in the init scripts!
[APLO-308] - Filesystem permissions in released package are broken..
[APLO-310] - Wildcard durable subs do not receive messages from topics created after the durable sub is created.
[APLO-315] - Apollo should protect itself against clients that send many frames with receipt requests, but which do not read the socket for those receipts.
[APLO-319] - Don't auto delete Topics if it's holding retained messages
[APLO-320] - Occasionally on restart 'Invalid log position:' warning messages get logged
[APLO-328] - cors_origin configuration attribute of the the web connectors not properly setting the Access-Control-Allow-Headers
[APLO-330] - Support using a different Authorizer Authenticator implementations.
[APLO-338] - PeriodStat buffer in Broker grows infinitely
[APLO-339] - java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException
[APLO-346] - Debug log doesn't log a deleting queue
[APLO-347] - Action not Authorized Errors when viewing admin interface over HTTPS
[APLO-349] - Empty STOMP Header Name is Allowed
And introduces improvements like:
[APLO-296] - Support configuring the LevelDB auto compaction frequency
[APLO-312] - Apollo fails to bumb up the ulimit!
[APLO-325] - Allow larger text messages on websocket connection
[APLO-348] - Decouple cli argument parsing from the Karaf version used using Airline to parse the args
[APLO-213] - Support an option to set the JMSXUserID openwire header based on the authenticated user.
[APLO-313] - Avoid blocking producers if consumers are not likely to catch up within a few seconds.
[APLO-314] - If the leveldb paranoid_checks option is enabled, verify the integrity of index when it's copied/checkpointed
[APLO-301] - Add a &ttl& header to control message expiration
For further information see:
is always welcomed!
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Sunday, February 24, 2013
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.6. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ.
This release fixes several bugs especially around Openwire and WebSockets and introduces a few
improvements like:
[APLO-275] - Add AMQP 1.0 Protocol Support
[APLO-273] - STOMP 1.1 Over WebSocket
[APLO-268] - Examples for stompest Python STOMP client
[APLO-280] - Clarification about message groups
- Support message groups
[APLO-271] - Integrate jolokia into Apollo for nice REST based access to JMX.
[APLO-272] - Support creating topics and queues via the REST management api.
[APLO-274] - Support accessing environment variables via ${env.*} references in the the config file.
[APLO-278] - Support option on queues to control if a round robin message distribution strategy should be used when multiple consumer are attached to the queue.
For further information see:
is always welcomed!
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Friday, November 9, 2012
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.5. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ.
This release fixes several bugs especially around Openwire and WebSockets and introduces a few
improvements like:
[APLO-30] - Support the Openwire Protocol
[APLO-177] - Add a UDP based protocol support to Apollo
[APLO-232] - Add support for enforcing a message count based quota on queues
[APLO-239] - Aggregate connection-level messages (and bytes) metrics at connector and broker level
[APLO-242] - Support STOMP frames over UDP
[APLO-260] - Contribute the FuseSource MQTT impl to Apache and included as part of the default Apollo distribution.
[APLO-261] - Support the 1.2 STOMP spec.
[APLO-163] - Auto tune the per-connection buffers (receivebuffersize and sendbuffersize)
[APLO-179] - Remove the list of connections from the toplevel REST URI
[APLO-200] - Support configuring protocol filters
[APLO-243] - Do not lower the maximum number of open files
[APLO-250] - adduserheader should prevent forging
[APLO-251] - Share a single queue for all consumers on topic configured with slowconsumerpolicy="queue&
[APLO-259] - Support Telnet clients that send '\r\n' character to terminate a line
[APLO-262] - Documented OpenWire features
[APLO-263] - Remove slf4j from openwire examples
For further information see:
is always welcomed!
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Wednesday, September 5, 2012
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.4. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ.
This release fixes several bugs especially around Openwire and WebSockets and introduces a few
improvements like:
[APLO-206] - Load balance of job queues when 'credit:1,0' is used on the consumer.
[APLO-212] - Allow topic deletion via the REST API
For further information see:
is always welcomed!
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Tuesday, May 8, 2012
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.3. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ.
This release fixes several bugs, improves performance and introduces a few
new features:
[APLO-160] - Reduce memory overhead of many connections.
[APLO-188] - Add &Access-Control-Allow-Methods& and &Access-Control-Allow-Headers& to CORS requests
[APLO-192] - &java.lang.AssertionError: Dispatch queue 'virtual-host' was not executing& occurs when queue or dsub is deleted via web admin
[APLO-198] - Apollo sometimes does not send all the messages in a queue
[APLO-193] - Support filtering outgoing messages
[APLO-196] - Allow protocol filters to drop a messages
For further information see:
is always welcomed!
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Thursday, April 19, 2012
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.2. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ.
This release fixes several bugs, improves performance and introduces a few
new features like:
Support Dead Letter Queues
Support dropping messages on queues that are full.
Allow customizing the settings of the per subscription queues created when slowconsumerpolicy="queue& on a topic
Support allowing cross origin resource sharing (CORS) of web admin APIs and websocket APIs.
Experimental support for lossy UDP based messaging
Experimental support for Swagger based REST API documentation acceisble at http://localhost:61680/api/index.html
Include examples of how to use MQTT on Apollo
Added a total disk space used to the reporting metrics
You can now select the private key to be used for SSL in the keystore
Sender IP address is now passed as a JAAS principal
You can now force client side certs on SSL connections
For further information see:
is always welcomed!
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Monday, March 5, 2012
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.1. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ.
This release fixes several bugs, improves performance and introduces a few
new features like:
[APLO-145] - Support WebSockets
[APLO-152] - Support an option to have topics retain the last message sent to it
This version introduces a change to the LevelDB store's file format so make sure you follow
if your upgradig from 1.0.
For further information see:
is always welcomed!
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Thursday, February 2, 2012
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.0. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ.
Apollo is the fastest and most robust STOMP server.
Apollo Features:
Protocol Support
Protocol Support
and Certificate based Authentication
Noteworthy changes since the last beta include:
[APLO-120] - Add a &with-ssl option to the apollo create command to control if an SSL enabled configuration is created.
[APLO-134] - LevelDB store should use a file lock so a broker instance get exclusive access to the store data.
[APLO-135] - Add example to the distro that shows how you can boot up an embedded broker in a Java app.
[APLO-109] - Apollo should run with assertions enabled by default unless APOLLO_ASSERTIONS=false is set in the env.
[APLO-110] - Provide more information in case of authentication failure
[APLO-112] - Support for TLS 1.2
[APLO-118] - All configuration attributes which configure memory/disk usage sizes should support values like &1k& &2G& etc.
[APLO-124] - call the LoginModule.logout method
[APLO-125] - Client authentication error message
[APLO-128] - Simplify the leveldb-store's log record format so that every record has a checksum which can be used to quickly validate all read data in case your paranoid about data corruption in your FS
[APLO-130] - Allow acquired queue entries to get swapped.
This is especially handy if the entry was already persisted anyways.
[APLO-131] - Stores should track &storage schema version number& to detect when the store is incompatible with a new broker version.
[APLO-136] - Support dots in a dsub name
[APLO-141] - The connection screen displays 'transport: tcp' even though the connection came in over the tls port.
[APLO-139] - Simplify the JSON encoding of the @class field
Further information:
is always welcome!
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Wednesday, December 8, 2010
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.0 Beta 6. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ. It is
focused on being the fastest most reliable STOMP 1.1 and 1.0 server available.
Apollo Features:
Message swapping
Noteworthy changes since the last beta include:
APLO-92 - Support temporary destinations which can only be consumed by the connection which creates them
APLO-93 - Support initial read/write interval in heartbeat monitor
APLO-99 - Support a browser-end:false option on a SUBSCRIBE frame to allow a Queue browser to wait for new messages instead of closing the subscription
APLO-100 - Support a include-seq and from-seq option on the SUBSCRIBE frame to finely control from where in a queue a subscription starts from.
APLO-101 - Support Kafka style durable pub/sub
APLO-103 - Add a leveldb based message store
Migration Notes:
The leveldb based message store is now used by default instead of the jdbm2 store.
Further information:
is always welcome!
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Tuesday, June 29, 2010
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.0 Beta 4. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ. It is
focused on being the fastest most reliable STOMP 1.1 and 1.0 server available.
Apollo Features:
Message swapping
Noteworthy changes since the last beta include:
APLO-17 - Support message expiration
APLO-39 - Apply configuration updates to a broker without needing a restart
APLO-40 - Web interface should support editing all the apollo configuration files (log4j, jaas, etc.)
APLO-41 - Expose JVM Status/Metrics via REST API
APLO-43 - Create an XSD to validate the apollo.xml configuration file.
APLO-45 - Support auto deleting idle queues and topics
APLO-47 - Add connectioncounter, consumercounter, and producer_counter metrics to the management interface
APLO-50 - Support pre-creating durable subscriptions via the broker config file
APLO-55 - Add an option to enable strict validation of the configuration XML
APLO-57 - Track desired service state so you can stop a service which is still starting
APLO-60 - Support regular expressions in destination wildcards.
APLO-42 - File based JAAS login modules should cache file contents until changed.
APLO-44 - Eagerly create destinations which are explicitly defined in the server configuration file.
APLO-46 - Include current/total page info when the REST interface returns a paged result set
Further information:
is always welcome!
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Tuesday, June 29, 2010
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.0 Beta 5. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ. It is
focused on being the fastest most reliable STOMP 1.1 and 1.0 server available.
Apollo Features:
Message swapping
Noteworthy changes since the last beta include:
APLO-67 - Support an auto-delete:true header on the STOMP subscribe frame to auto delete queues when the subscription ends
APLO-70 - Add per-destination queue quota
APLO-34 - Allow a STOMP subscription to control message flow using a credit window
APLO-68 - Add support for TCP-level keepalive
APLO-74 - Support setting the timestamp header on received messages
APLO-75 - Support setting the redelivered header on redelivered messages
APLO-56 - Change to a terser configuration scheme for ACL definitions
APLO-81 - Include message counters on the producer/consumer links on the destination stats in the REST API.
APLO-80 - Separate message statistics for durable subs from queues.
APLO-82 - Add a new /dest-metrics REST route which collects the metrics for queues, topics and dsubs.
APLO-83 - Apollo REST API should support cookie/session based authentication
APLO-71 - Apollo plugins should be easy to configure
APLO-77 - Provide connection aggregation in the REST API
APLO-78 - Provide message statistics (for topics) in the REST API
Migration Notes:
The way access control is configured substantially changed sine the Beta 4 release.
recommend you generate a new apollo configuration if upgrade to this release.
Further information:
is always welcome!
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Tuesday, June 1, 2010
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.0 Beta 3. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ. It is
focused on being the fastest most reliable STOMP 1.1 and 1.0 server available.
Apollo Features:
Message swapping
Noteworthy changes since the last beta include:
APLO-6 - Alternative topic separators should be supported in Apollo, as in ActiveMQ
APLO-11 - Support HTTPS access to the REST management API
APLO-12 - Support finer grained security in the REST based admin API
APLO-21 - Support a protocol interceptor plugins to allow policy enforcement
APLO-22 - Support generic service plugins to on a broker so that admins can start/stop additional opaque services along /w the broker.
APLO-26 - Support directly addressing durable subscription queues
APLO-27 - Support finer grained selection of record and fields in the REST interface
APLO-29 - Add a new broker security roll to control access to viewing the broker configuration.
APLO-32 - Support Connector start/stop actions in the management interface
APLO-33 - Support deleting queues from the management interface.
APLO-35- - Support installing as a background windows service
APLO-37- Update BDB store to use a single BTree for all queue entries and use variable encoding for the keys
Migration Notes:
It is recommended to you generate a new broker instance for this release.
The 1.0 beta3 release uses a slightly
different default configuration (to create a https port for administration).
If your were using the BDB store,
this new release uses a totally different storage layout so you should export the data from the previous
versions, wipe the data directory and then import it into the broker on the new release.
Further information:
is always welcome!
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Monday, May 3, 2010
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.0 Beta 2. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ. It is
focused on being the fastest most reliable STOMP 1.1 and 1.0 server available.
This Beta release features:
Message swapping
REST based management
Further information:
is always welcome!
Change since the last beta include:
Enable the jvmassert scala compiler plugin so that asserts are disabled by default at runtime unless enabled with the JVM -ea flag.
Reduce verbosity of the internal debug message.
Used the latest release of the stomp JMS client.
Don't assume all connectors will be AcceptingConnectors.
If the user sets the JVM_FLAGS or JMX_OPTS then, don't use our defaults.
Source the etc/apollo.profile if it exists.
Protect against NPE.
Configure the receive buffer size on the server socket so that it get properly set on the sockets that get accepted.
Doco: Adding more config details about transport protocols
Doco: Better looking downloads page.
Doco: Have the links look different than the headers.
Rename the multi protocol to any since that reads better from the point of view of config: protocol="any"
Simpler tcp transport option setup.
Make the stomp max allowed headers sizes and friends configurable.
Only trim headers in STOMP 1.0
Making more socket options configurable on the tcp transport.
Delay shutting down on disconnect to allow the receipt to be sent back to the client.
Implemented an apollo-broker-service script which can be used to start/stop and manage a broker that is run in the background.
: better logging messages.
Simplify setting up the session refiller.
display the base dir.
Simpler getting started guide.
Report the apollo install location when starting up the broker.
Better dispatch execution assertion checking to catch usage errors.
Add a linked assertion check to provide a friendlier usage error message.
- Make it able run Apollo without setting env variables
: Added a Waiting for messages... console message to all the listener examples.
: Add an bin/apollo --help
Add a shutdown hook which stops the broker.
Adding a toString method to queues of easier debugging.
Display more DBD store stats: # of pending stores.
Posted by Hiram Chirino on Tuesday, April 6, 2010
is pleased to announce the
availability of Apollo 1.0 Beta 1. ActiveMQ Apollo is a faster, more reliable, easier
to maintain messaging broker built from the foundations of the original ActiveMQ. It is
focused on being the fastest most reliable STOMP 1.1 server available.
This Beta release features:
Message swapping
REST based management
Further information:
is always welcome!玩街头篮球2个月了,今天登了一下登不进去?说什么 E:新建文件夹Apollo ApolloCT Dll_百度知道
玩街头篮球2个月了,今天登了一下登不进去?说什么 E:新建文件夹Apollo ApolloCT Dll
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