
求高手帮忙做道英语题 急!高手帮忙做一下英语改错题 老师明天讲 正确75%的给分 说一下具体怎么改 在括号里 垃圾自重 谢谢了 改错题如下
It was time for supper.The Bakers was sitting
求高手帮忙做道英语题 急!高手帮忙做一下英语改错题 老师明天讲 正确75%的给分 说一下具体怎么改 在括号里 垃圾自重 谢谢了 改错题如下
It was time for supper.The Bakers was sitting
求高手帮忙做道英语题 急!高手帮忙做一下英语改错题 老师明天讲 正确75%的给分 说一下具体怎么改 在括号里 垃圾自重 谢谢了 改错题如下
It was time for supper.The Bakers was sitting
)at the table and waiting their daughter Jenny
)to return back from work .It was late. The parents
)are worried about her.At last Jenny came home and told
)them what had happened.While she was shopping in a
)crowded shop after work ,the thief picked her pocket
)pushing the crowd ,and ran way .What could she do ? She
)had to ask a police on duty for help and he got back her
)money. Heard this ,Mrs.Baker insisted that Jenny shouldn't go
)shopping alone any more,so Jenny said laughingly,“April Fool!''
It was time for supper. The Bakers was sitting
1:( 第二个was改为were )at the table and waiting their daughter Jenny
2:( waiting 后加for )to return back from work .It was late. The parents
3:(return 改为come )are worried about her. At last Jenny came home and told
4:( are 改为were )them what had happened. While she was shopping in a
5:(去掉had )crowded shop after work ,the thief picked her pocket
6:( the 改为a )pushing the crowd ,and ran way .What could she do ? She
7:( pushing改为pushed )had to ask a police on duty for help and he got back her
8:( 去掉he )money. Heard this , Mrs. Baker insisted that Jenny shouldn't go
9:( Heard 改为Hearing )shopping alone any more, so Jenny said laughingly, “April Fool!''
最后一句,应该还有一个错误。就是要把so改为but帮忙做一下这份英语试卷,做的好的话还有加分哦There are two methods of fighting,the one by law, the first method is that of men, but as the first method is often insufficient,one must have rec_百度作业帮
帮忙做一下这份英语试卷,做的好的话还有加分哦There are two methods of fighting,the one by law, the first method is that of men, but as the first method is often insufficient,one must have rec
帮忙做一下这份英语试卷,做的好的话还有加分哦There are two methods of fighting,the one by law, the first method is that of men, but as the first method is often insufficient,one must have recourse to the second.It is,therefore,necessary for a prince to know how to use both the beast and the man.This was covertly taught to the rulers by ancient writers,who relate how Achilles and many others of those ancient princes were given Chiron the centaur to be brought up and educated under his discipline.The parable (寓言) of this semi-animal,semi-human teacher is meant to indicate that a prince must know how to use both natures,and that one without the other is not durable.A prince,being thus obliged to know well how to act as a beast,must imitate the fox,and the lion,for the lion cannot protect himself from traps,and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves.Those that wish to be only lions do not understand this.Therefore,a prudent ruler ought not to keep faith when by doing so it would be against his interest,and the reasons which made him bind himself no longer exist.If men were all good,this precept wou but as they are bad,and would not observe their faith with you,so you are not bound to keep faith with them.Nor have legitimate grounds ever failed a prince who wished to show colorable excuse for the nonfulfilment of his promise.Of this one could furnish an infinite number of examples,and show how many times peace has been broken,and how many promises rendered worthless,by the faithlessness of princes,and those that have best been able to imitate the fox have succeeded best.But it is necessary to be able to disguise this character well,and to be a great feigner and dissembler,and men are so simple and so ready to obey present necessities,that the one who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived.21.The writer does not believe that _________.A.princes are all goodB.people can protect themselvesC.the truth makes men freeD.leaders have to be consistent22.A "prince",in the passage,is _________.A.an aristocratB.anyone in powerC.an excellent manD.a son of a king23.The lion refers to those who are ________.A.too trustingB.reliant on forceC.lacking in intelligenceD.able to succeed best24.The fox in the passage is ________.A.admired for his trickeryB.considered worthlessC.no match for the lion and wolfD.pitied for his wiles25.The writer suggests that a successful leader must ________.A.be prudent and faithfulB.have principle to guide his actionsC.know how to use manD.cheat and lie小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
要不你把剩下的做完,我给你700咋样,不求精确,但不要偏得太远,怎么样帮忙做一下下面这个诗歌鉴赏.夜泊宁陵韩驹 汴水日驰三百里,扁舟东下更开帆.旦辞杞国风微北,夜泊宁陵月正南.老树挟霜鸣窣窣,寒花垂露落毶毶.茫然不悟身何处,水色天光共蔚蓝.(1)请简_百度作业帮
帮忙做一下下面这个诗歌鉴赏.夜泊宁陵韩驹 汴水日驰三百里,扁舟东下更开帆.旦辞杞国风微北,夜泊宁陵月正南.老树挟霜鸣窣窣,寒花垂露落毶毶.茫然不悟身何处,水色天光共蔚蓝.(1)请简
帮忙做一下下面这个诗歌鉴赏.夜泊宁陵韩驹 汴水日驰三百里,扁舟东下更开帆.旦辞杞国风微北,夜泊宁陵月正南.老树挟霜鸣窣窣,寒花垂露落毶毶.茫然不悟身何处,水色天光共蔚蓝.(1)请简要分析颈联中“挟”和“垂”的妙处.(2)诗人的情感发生了怎样的变化?请简要分析.
老树挟霜,挟字运用拟人手法,生动形象地描绘出深秋萧瑟的景象,严霜覆盖在树枝上,倒像是被枯树挟着,言简意赅,别有一番妙处.寒花垂露,一个垂字,写尽了雾浓霜冷,有露水沾衣,江中冷清,不必多言语的严寒冷漠.鲜花露珠本是人间一美景,奈何花寒落毶毶.从此二字可以看出,作者剪切锤炼之功寓于流动朗畅气格之中,通体贯串,语气顺畅,情感自字里行间游走.【韩驹善用典故,抱歉我对这首诗不熟,如果课本上有注释,可按注释结合着回答,他的诗一般字字有出处,俗话说就是掉书袋o(∩_∩)o 】2
诗歌颈联用老树寒花等意象,描绘出环境萧瑟、气氛森严的意境;尾联则从眼前水天之景,转出茫然身世之情,境界变得深沉寥廓.饱含了诗人身遭党祸,茫然不知所适的心情.同意 因为银行出票、退票都做帐,企业应该和银行同步,便于核对。
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