
【转自安热】恢复及防止基带受损 IMEI丢失的教程!!!_酷派7295吧_百度贴吧
【转自安热】恢复及防止基带受损 IMEI丢失的教程!!!收藏
 -- 只有3厘米的小尾巴 --来自助手版贴吧客户端
哦┈┈┈┈┈┈待你长发及腰首先你得有腰    ___致楼主 
红米的 机器 MTK6589的
还是 无效IMEI你这方法 同 移动叔叔工具箱 的 改串号的方法基本一样
但还是 无效IMEI
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或怎么查iphone5序列号是不是正版 序列号:f2lk2enzf8h4 IMEI:902 谢谢_百度知道
怎么查iphone5序列号是不是正版 序列号:f2lk2enzf8h4 IMEI:902 谢谢
肯定是翻新机或者二手【 我正在用心回答您的每一个问题】 温馨提示:MD655激活状态,可以3网(联通+移动+电信)通用] 或者电信行货[为有锁机:CH是国行。3:iPhone 5容 量,X是澳洲版:白色类 型、型号最后两位:未过期(日)生产日期,TA是台湾:已激活(日)电话支持,C是加拿大版,F是法国版,ZP是港版:1, 采纳是我们回答的动力 O(∩_∩)O谢谢,KH是韩国:n42ap型 号,只能使用中国电信的卡]百度管理员zl8441588, 请点击我的回答下方【选为满意回答】按钮:B是英国:设置-通用-关于本机可察看型号(即销售地区或是版本号):16GB颜 色、通过手机选择:iPhone5:美国Verizon版[全部为无锁机。2:已过期硬件保修,J是日本 如果我的回答对你有帮助、百度搜索“苹果园查询” ,DN是德版最后一位:日 - 日备 注,2代 号, ZA新加坡,进入后输入序列号即可查询!
心*想*事*成,LL是美版:F2LK2ENZF8H4设备名称!Happy everyday to you,为您回答如果是刚买的iPhone 5(GSM+CDMA) 16GB 白色序列号
已激活注册状态:剩余保修时间:F2LK2ENZF8H4出厂日期(参考): ~ 设备状态(登记 )产品型号:没发现被盗或丢失登记记录保修信息购买时间:美国Verizon版[全部为无锁机:过保时间:不符合AppleCare延保条件备 注:已过期延保状态:已注册电话支持:223 天保修状态有限保修激活状态:iPhone 5产品序列号(SN),可以3网(联通+移动+电信)通用] 或者电信行货[为有锁机
  回溯到去年12月初,只是一个普通早班,依旧从地铁10号线在海淀黄庄换乘4号线,漫不经心地将iPhone 5放在右裤兜听着音乐,走到甬道中部,突然音乐戛然而止。由于当时从10号线下地铁时注意到手机电量只剩5%左右,第一反应手机自动关机,但还是下意识摸了下裤兜,空。
  于我而言,丢失iPhone 5已经下线无法定位,故只能启动“播放铃音”和“丢失模式”,寄希望于在设备上线时有所反馈。由于本身设有锁屏密码,不担心手机资料外泄也就暂时没有采用“抹掉iPhone”的功能。
  此后几个月内,这部遗失的黑色iPhone 5再未上线,而对于找回手机的希望从一开始认错小偷后就已经灰飞烟灭。
  事情到了4月30日突然有了变化,起床翻阅邮件时,竟然发现一封苹果Find My iPhone官方邮件,邮件称那台iPhone 5已经激活丢失模式,启动时间是在4月29日下午2点16分,定位地址在深圳南园路附近,并提示启动丢失模式时iPhone已经响铃提醒。
  从手机丢失到丢失模式启动,经过了五个月,而手机也从北京跑到了遥远的深圳。不过等我发现邮件时再查找手机,那部遗失的iPhone 5又已经下线,线索再次中断。
  其实这部iPhone 5对于小偷来说基本无计可施。我先说明下手机的情况:1、设置锁屏密码;2、升级iOS 7;3、开启Find My iPhone。
  因为在iOS 7系统中强化了设备安全功能,如果用户在未关闭Find My iPhone时强制刷机,激活时需要输入用户Apple ID的邮箱及密码,这对于小偷来说是几乎不可能知道的信息,如此iPhone也就成为一块“板砖”,唯一价值可能就是拆零件单卖。
  而就在前几天,我的中移动号码意外收到一个陌生人的短信(号码来自广东中山),他声称在网上花1700元买了台iPhone 5,而在刷机后发现要输入Apple ID才得知是贼赃货,而那部就是我丢失的iPhone 5。
  他此次来信的主要目的是,希望花“一点点钱”让我帮他去除Apple ID锁,言外之意就是想拿到我的Apple ID邮箱及密码顺利激活机器。他很“无辜”地表示,自己也是在网上购机受骗,所以希望我成人之美尽量帮他降低损失。
  唯有一种可能性,就是他在拿到机器时已经显示为丢失模式,并记录我的手机号,随后DFU刷机,在激活时遇阻故联系我寻Apple ID账户。
  前面介绍通过查询iccid就是为了获取当前用户的手机号码,而这位仁兄竟然自动投怀送抱。我在网络上搜索该手机号码,发现一则发布“出售白色32GB无锁iPhone 5”帖子楼主的手机号与其完全一致,如此又加深了我对于他二手商贩的猜测。而帖子IP地址来自广东中山,与其联系我的手机号位置一致,也基本可说明这是他本人常用联系电话。
  为探其究竟,顺着骗子思维点击拒绝刷机按钮,此时页面自动跳转到一个与官方“我的Apple ID”完全一致的登陆页面,但是域名却是,而非/cn。
伪装Apple ID登陆网站(注意网址)
官方Apple ID登陆网站
  而这毫无悬念地就是此前联系我的那位仁兄,对于他想破解Apple ID锁的决心我深表钦佩,从一开始联系我他陆续使用了瞒天过海、偷梁换柱、假道伐虢等多项计谋,一个贩子不卖手机开始苦读兵书实在流氓。
  他是如何获取我的Apple ID邮箱全称的呢?要知道刷机激活时,邮箱会只显示第一个字母,后面以*代替。
  起初,我认为他是通过在网络搜索我的手机号,获取其他网站或论坛注册id,后缀@iCloud盲测。但是我发现,我的中国/美国两个账号邮箱都收到相应钓鱼邮件,并且前缀互不相同。同时,他发送的Apple ID邮箱是我最早注册@me邮箱所用,后与iCloud整合,这个邮箱目前几乎已处于停滞状态。
  于是,我也开始搜索一些其他可能,后来意外发现原来不少国外网站提供一些“特殊”服务,竟可通过IMEI获取机主Apple ID邮箱、手机号码、地址、安全问题、备用邮箱等。但不能查到账户密码和安全问题密码。
  此类服务售价从16美元到30美元不等,大体查询周期要1天到3天,与此同时在某宝也提供这样的服务,价格参差不齐。同时,还有商家号称如果用户使用的ID账号是QQ邮箱的话,可以提供Apple ID解锁服务,解锁概率80%。
您可通过新浪首页顶部 “”, 查看所有收藏过的文章。iPhone Unlock: Ultrasn0w, Gevey, R-SIM, IMEI Number & SAMUpdated on October 28, 2015
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If you want to unlock your iPhone, there are a few ways to go about doing so. If you've been faithful to your contract, you may be able to do so via your carrier network or through a network-authorized service. However, if you can't unlock through your carrier, you can unlock using a third-party program.
Third-party unlockers covered in this article are:
Ultrasn0w unlock from Cydia: Ultrasn0w has been around as long as iPhones have existed but is limited to jailbroken iPhones and compatible basebands up to iPhone 4.
Gevey SIM unlock: A hardware exploit that relies on specialized SIM tray interposer. You do not have to jailbreak your iPhone to use this.
R SIM interposer: An alternative to Gevey SIM and also not limited to jailbroken phones.
iPhone IMEI number: This is the best unlock procedure for any iPhone model, baseband or iOS. Any service that offers iPhone unlock using an IMEI number provides a permanent or factory unlock.
SAM ticket: Reliant on tickets that have been saved when using SAM unlock.
The easiest way to unlock a phone will always be through your carrier or a service they authorize. Look up your carrier on and see which carriers have unlocking services. Assuming you paid for your phone in full, the network should help get your iPhone unlocked for free or a small fee.
Finding Your iPhone's BasebandWhether or not an unlocker can unlock your phone relies in part on what your phone's model and baseband are. Finding your iPhone model is a no-brainer, but it's possible you have no idea what your baseband is. The baseband, in short, is the computer in your iPhone that deals with broadcast functions, or anything that requires an antenna.
To figure out which baseband is in your iPhone:
Tap Settings & General & About.
Scroll downwards until you see Modem Firmware.
The numbers after Modem Firmware represent the baseband of your iPhone.
Ultrasn0wUse for iPhones 3G and 3GS, and some iPhone 4 basebands.
Ultrasn0w (or Ultrasnow) is a free unlocking software. Unfortunately, it does not deliver a permanent unlock, but will work well when other unlock solutions aren't viable.
You will be surprised to find out that many 3GS and 3G models still use Ultrasn0w. Thankfully, these work well enough and the fear of bricking these iPhone models does not exist anymore given Apple's signing rules.
Practically all iPhone 3GS, 3G and relevant iOS firmware and basebands are compatible with Ultrasn0w. The same cannot be said about iPhone 4 models, however, for which only some basebands are compatible with Ultrasn0w.
Ultrasn0w SIM unlock is only possible in jailbroken iPhones via Cydia. The exploit supports iPhone 4, 3GS, and 3G.
iPhone 4S and all iPhones 5 and 6 models are yet to be supported, though the possibility is unlikely. Software unlocks have ceased since iPhone 4 and none of the famed software unlock teams have shown interest in ever walking this path again.
Ultrasn0w-Compatible iPhone Models and BasebandsMost older iPhone models and basebands can be unlocked using Ultrasn0w.
Check the list below to see the supported and unsupported iPhone models and basebands:
iPhone 3GS & 3G
iPhone 4S: No Ultrasn0w support!
iPhone 5 (all): No Ultrasn0w support!
iPhone 6 (all): No Ultrasn0w support!
How to Use Ultrasn0wIf you're phone is compatible and you are ready to go, start by jailbreaking and installing Cydia. Ultrasn0w unlock is only possible in jailbroken iPhones.
Be sure your phone is connected to wireless internet.
Activate your iPhone.
Jailbreak your phone using Jailbreak Me. Follow these
in order to have your iPhone jailbroken and then install Cydia.
The above jailbreaking method will automatically install a Cydia app.
Select the Cydia icon, and follow the commands to unlock. You may have to conduct some upgrades.
When everything is loaded, search for Ultrasn0w in your search bar and select it.
Let the program run and reboot your device when commanded to do so.
Take your SIM card slot pin and pop out the micro-SIM, replace with your new carrier's micro-SIM.
Important! Preserve Your BasebandsIf your iPhone contains any of the basebands listed above, be sure to preserve it every time you restore to another IOS firmware. Every iPhone baseband is upgraded automatically every time you restore your iPhone firmware. You can preserve your baseband by using Redsn0w and other jailbreak tools, or by customizing the IOS firmware.
If by mistake you upgrade your baseband to anything other than what is listed above, you will lose the ability to unlock the iPhone with Ultrasn0w.
Gevey SIM InterposerBest for iPhones 4 and 4S.
Gevey SIM unlock has been around for quite some time. It's one of the best alternatives to Ultrasn0w, especially when the Ultrasn0w software exploit fails. It 's not a permanent unlock, but will suffice where factory unlock is not available.
Gevey SIM unlock makes use of a specialized hardware interposer: A SIM tray that sits between the hardware baseband of the iPhone and the carrier SIM and performs a Man In The Middle Attack (MITM, see image below). By taking advantage of a few exploits it makes your new SIM relevant to a carrier locked iPhone.
An iPhone unlocked with a Gevey interposer works out of the box with any carrier network SIIM card and does not require the iPhone to be jailbroken.
Unfortunately, Gevey sim unlock is only possible up to iPhone 4S.
See all 3 photos
A sample Gevey SIM tray interposer which is placed under the unssurpoted SIM card.
Which Basebands Are CompatibleGevey SIM unlocks are effective in the older iPhone 4 basebands listed here:
And the following iPhone 4S basebands:
R-SIM InterposerFor iPhone 4S and all 5 models.
R-SIM interposer is a popular method to unlock iPhone 4S and 5 models, picking up where the Gevey sim interposer stopped. Versions 7, 8, and 9 will also unlock iOS 7 models.
This interposer can also be used to activate stubborn iPhones, especially those from Sprint.
See all 3 photos
Sample R -SIM 7+ interposer for iPhone unlock.
How to UseUnlocking the iPhone with an R-SIM interposer is simple:
Place your new macro SIM (iPhone 4 or 4S) or nano SIM (iPhone 5) onto the interposer tray.
Slide the tray back into the iPhone and follow the simple instructions that follow.
You will be prompted to restart your iPhone to complete the unlocking process.
Problems Unlocking Sprint iPhonesYou may encounter issues when activating and unlocking Sprint phones. In case this happens, the voice calls will function normally but SMS and data services may not.
To solve the problem, you will have to download the free activation patch application and buy an activation code from the .
Video: Unlock Sprint iPhone Using R-SIM 9
IMEI NumberFactory unlock for almost all iPhones.
Also called iPhone factory unlock, the unlock via IMEI number is the ultimate permanent unlock. Apple sanctions factory unlocks through its carrier partners.
Read through this
offering a variety of Apple-related services. One of the services includes unlocking the iPhone. Cross-check with your relevant carrier network for pre-qualification and then proceed with the rather brief instructions to back-up your apps and data before unlocking the iPhone.
This unlock only works if you have fulfilled the following conditions:
You should be a customer with an Apple carrier partner and your account must be in good standing, with your phone bills paid.
unlock your iPhone with AT&T even if you are not a customer with them, as long as you have completed your old contract or if you purchased your iPhone with no contract.
One other important caution is that you must be sure that your iPhone is not stolen or blacklisted. A stolen iPhone that was reported to relevant carrier network will be discovered and you can get into trouble for it.
Check the iPhone IMEI NumberYou can find the IMEI number of your iPhone in a number of ways. This is the easiest:
Type *#06# on the dial screen.
Your IMEI number will appear in a flash.
Factory Unlock Websites for iPhoneIf you wish to unlock your iPhone using the IMEI number be warned of scam websites out there and proceed at own risk. I have listed a few websites which have received recommendations from many users, but do not take my word for it. Always proceed with caution.
The iPhone Wiki of hundreds of fake unlocking and jailbreaking sites. You may want to visit it and stay above the scam threats.
SAM Ticket
SAM Unlock was an exploit that worked perfectly until April 2012, when it was patched by Apple.
Despite this, many informed users who installed SAM in their iPhones saved SAM tickets using Cydia. Having the tickets already installed enabled users to unlock their iPhones even after upgrading their iOS firmware. Those who saved their tickets can still, and will always be able to unlock their iPhones using this exploit.
SAM only works in jailbroken iPhones. The usual advice is that you should never upgrade to any iOS which does not have a jailbreak if you depend on SAM.
Video: Unlock with SAM Ticket
What unlock solution has worked for you? Ultrasn0w Gevey Sim R - Sim IMEI factory unlock SAM Ticket
According to you, what unlock solution above needs more explanation? Ultrasn0w Gevey Sim R - Sim IMEI factory unlock SAM Ticket
More in this Series2iPhone jailbreak was born out of the desire to make tweaks and apps which beautified the iPhone. Over time though, Apple has integrated most jailbreak tweaks and apps in IOS 7, 8 and 9.
9The new SAM exploit allows you to jailbreak and unlock iPhone 4 and 4S. You will then use your iPhone with any sim card. SAM exploit allows you to unlock the new basebands: 4.11.08 and 4.12.1. SAM takes advantage of...
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