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You Are the Apple of My Eye 的由來及意義
    "apple of one's eye" 這一詞最早出現於聖經裡:詩篇17:8:Keep me as the 'apple of the eye' , hide me under the《申命記》三十三章的第十節:In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste. He shielded h he guarded him as the 'apple of his eye'。
  跟東方一樣,在西方,人們也一直都把蘋果視為一種吉祥的水果。不是還有另一句英文諺語:"An apple a day, keeps doctor away"。所以"apple of one's eye"就是指「珍貴的東西」,也就常被引申為「珍愛的人或物」。
  所以說You are the apple of my eye,意思就是指說:你是我的摯愛,或是同等意思。
近兩個月先是M記廣告曲找來陳奕迅翻唱且火了 Stevie Wonder 的經典金典-You Are The Sunshine Of My Life;蘋果公司諸多大事成了群眾談論的寵兒,粉們例必借來歌頌之;再加上此電影鬧得熱哄而其譯名正是當中一句傳世的歌詞。不其然欲知出處為何...
An apple a day, keeps doctor away的意思是那些天天刷苹果的人是考不上博士的!!!
ls 偷走了你的话...哈哈哈
You Are the Apple of My Eye
我做了這個的tee 應為太感動了
原来&每天一苹果,医生远离我&的原英文是 &An apple a day, keeps doctor away&啊~
08:51:45: 维尼静止。 (有没有一首歌唱清楚我的方向感。)
  An apple a day, keeps doctor away的意思是那些天天刷苹果的人是考不上博士的!!!
An apple a day, keeps doctor away的意思是那些天天刷苹果的人是考不上博士的!!!——————————————原来……
受教了 多谢
詩篇17:8:Keep me as the 'apple of the eye' , hide me under the shadow of thy wings 翻译过来是: 求你保护我,如同保护眼中的瞳人;将我隐藏在你翅膀的荫下
是詩篇17:8:Keep me as the apple of 【your】 eye , hide me under the shadow of 【your】 wings
Keep me as the apple of THY(=your) eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings. Apple是人眼里的瞳仁。。片名也就是你是我的掌上明珠。
看 那些年 的时候 我还以为男一爱吃苹果才这么说的 就是那种红红的看上去好看 一点都不好吃的苹果
好吧 我没文化
i prefer this sentene than this movie.
 我也刚看完,不知道怎么说内心的感受,只剩下&you're the apple of my eyes,good!'&
In a desert land he found him, in a barrenand howling waste. He shielded h he guarded him as the 'apple of his eye'。
我没有看错吗 居然都是he 这狠给力啊……
08:51:45 间歇性双子座。 (时间让一切变得很妙。)
  An apple a day, keeps doctor away的意思是那些天天刷苹果的人是考不上博士的!!!
我靠,我一直听成“You are the apple of my pie”,心想美国人果然喜欢苹果派……
This evocative phrase turns up both in the King James Bible: “He kept him as the apple of his eye” (Deuteronomy), and in Shakespeare: “Flower of this purple dye, / Hit with Cupid’s archery, / Sink in apple of his eye”, (A Midsummer Night’s Dream).
But it’s older than either of these, almost as old as the language, since the first recorded examples can be found in the works of King Alfred at the end of the ninth century.
远远早于圣经和莎士比亚,九世纪末就有了,可能还要早。 完整解释请看这里:
18:50:01 noxyz
  我靠,我一直听成“You are the apple of my pie”,心想美国人果然喜欢苹果派……
LZ 纠正过不少东西!记得有个电影提到水瓶座
Dolores O'Riordan - Apple of My Eye
21:37:29 oscar (日月两轮偷窥眼,诗书半卷八卦心)
  远远早于圣经和莎士比亚,九世纪末就有了,可能还要早。 完整解释请看这里:
21:23:53 cici  
谢谢您的指教,我的说法有误,“圣经”应为“钦定版圣经” King James Bible。
Q‘er,You Are the Apple of My Eye
you are an apple in my ass
you are the sunshine of my life
不知为什么,这也让我想起Tina & Aom.......
An apple a day, keeps doctor away的意思是那些天天刷苹果的人是考不上博士的!!!
圣经《旧约· 申命记》( the Old Testament, Deuteronomy )
是申命记第32章第10节,还有圣咏17篇第8节,跟箴言第7章第2节都有出现apple of his eye,译为瞳孔
没办法 只好接受
you are the apple of my mouth
& 2005-, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司How to get started with AirPlay
AirPlay is Apple’s technology for streaming audio or video over a local network. This Macworld video gives you a quick look at the most common AirPlay setups and how to configure and use them.
(formerly called ) is Apple’s technology for streaming media over a local (usually in-home) network. It lets you stream audio from any Mac or iOS device to any AirPlay-enabled audio system, or video from a Mac (of recent vintage) or an iOS device to an Apple TV (also of recent vintage).
AirPlay works over any modern ethernet or Wi-Fi network (for video over Wi-Fi, that ideally means a fast network using 802.11n technology). The sending and receiving devices also need to be compatible with AirPlay.
How you set up and use AirPlay depends on the devices involved and on whether you’re streaming audio or video. Here’s how you can get up and running.
(Note that these instructions assume AirPlay and your local network are working correctly. If not, Apple ).
The basics
At its simplest, AirPlay is a convenient way to get audio from your Mac or iOS device to a speaker across the room—or across the house.
Though most people think of AirPlay as a wireless technology, you can also stream audio over a wired network, or between wired and wireless devices—for example, from an iPhone to an ethernet-connected AirPlay receiver. But AirPlay is also a relatively inexpensive way to set up a —at least when compared with a custom-installed setup or something like a multiroom Sonos system.
Compared with Bluetooth, the much more common approach to wireless-audio streaming, AirPlay has a number of advantages. For starters, Bluetooth uses , while AirPlay is lossless, so, assuming that you’re streaming high-quality audio to begin with, AirPlay offers better sound quality. And while Bluetooth audio streaming is limited to devices no more than about 30 meters apart, AirPlay lets you stream from as far away as your Wi-Fi or wired network can reach. Finally, while Bluetooth allows you to stream to only a single Bluetooth receiver, AirPlay lets you stream audio to multiple speakers or receivers simultaneously.
Compared with Bluetooth, the much more common approach to wireless-audio streaming, AirPlay has a number of advantages
AirPlay does have a couple drawbacks: For one thing, streaming is limited to Macs and iOS devices—very few non-Apple devices can transmit over AirPlay (at least not without employing third-party software or hacks); and for another, AirPlay gear tends to be more expensive than the Bluetooth counterparts.
Audio options
Streaming audio over AirPlay requires a Mac or an iOS device on one end, and an AirPlay-compatible receiver on the other. The simplest AirPlay receiver is a . These speakers have network capabilities—usually Wi-Fi and ethernet—built in, along with special circuitry that allows the speakers to receive AirPlay-audio signals. Similarly, some recent home-theater receivers have AirPlay built in.
Alternatively, you can use Apple’s
as an AirPlay receiver. The Express will take any AirPlay signal it receives and send that audio through the unit’s output jack, and, from there, to any speaker system or other audio component connected to that jack. (The Express can output either an analog- or digital-audio signal.) For example, you can connect a set of
directly to an AirPort Express.
Another possibility is to connect an Express to your ex you can even
and a set of unpowered speakers.
Finally, if you already have an
(second generation or later) hooked up to your home-entertainment system, that Apple TV can serve double-duty as an AirPlay-audio receiver. One caveat, though: The Apple TV can output only a digital audio signal.
Make the audio connection
Before you can stream audio to an AirPlay destination, you must configure your AirPlay receiver. How you do so depends on the kind of receiver you have.
AirPlay-enabled speaker system: Most dedicated AirPlay speakers are easy to set up. Often, you just connect an iOS device to the speaker via a USB cable, and then use a dedicated iOS app to configure the speaker to join your local network. Other models create their own Wi-F you join that network on your iOS device or computer, connect to a built-in Web server on the speaker, and then reconfigure the speaker to join your network. In either case, the speaker will come with a setup guide for performing this procedure. (During this process, you can also—and probably should—give the speaker a useful name, such as Kitchen S this name is how you’ll identify the speaker when using other devices on the network.)
AirPort Express Configuring an AirPort Express as an AirPlay receiver is a bit more involved, but it’s still fairly easy. If the Express is already a part of your network, you launch AirPort Utility, select the Express, and click Edit. Next, click the AirPlay tab, check the Enable AirPlay box, give the Express a useful name, and then click Update.
In the AirPort Utility, clicking Enable AirPlay configures an AirPort Express to act as an AirPlay receiver.
If you’re setting up a new Express unit, you’ll first need to follow the setup wizard to configure the Express to join (or extend) your existing network, and then you’ll perform the same steps for enabling AirPlay.
In either case, you can also enable a password so that anyone who wants to stream audio to the AirPort Express must provide that password. If your AirPort Express is on a network accessible by other people, a password is a wise idea. Once you’ve set up the Express, you’ll then need to connect it to your audio system using an analog- or a digital-audio cable.
Apple TV See “Streaming video,” below.
Streaming audio
To stream audio, you should first turn on your audio system and make sure it’s set to the correct input (if it has more than one). Your next steps will then depend on the type of transmitting device.
How to get started with AirPlay
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Dan is Senior Editor at
and a former Macworld senior editor. He writes about OS X, iOS, utilities, cool apps, and troubleshooting. He
mobile, audio, and AV and accessories. He's been writing about tech since 1994, and he's also published software, worked in IT, and worked as a policy analyst. You can find him on the web at .More by
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