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Includes 9 Steam Achievements
Title: Islet Online
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 1 Feb, 2016
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&Up to now we have been developing Islet, We always wonder it is pretty fun, so we decided to release the game in beta through early access to make it better together.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&It's difficult for us to give a solid release date. We plan to release the full version in Q4 2016.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&we'll be adding a variety of new features, systems, and content during the early access with you.
provide more mastery skill, animals, Items & objects which you can make.
we will develop ecosystem more detail.
provide the sdk for user`s creative activity
it will be added Monsters and Human NPCs&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&You can play with other people in the MMO world and If you don`t want it. You can play single mode or network mode with friends.
Today the game is playable and has many of the core features like mining, building, and some initial combat
You can dig and place bricks on the world.
Your character`s mastery skills will be grown up.
You can craft various items via all kinds of materials gathered from the world.
You can create various maps simply and automatically.
Animals in Islet have their own basic desires. They have a desire to sleep, eat, and have a family
Animals have their own lifetime. When they grow up, they will find their partner to make a family, give birth to a baby
The game is fully playable with a decent amount of content, though it's certainly not bug-free. If you're experiencing an issue, let us know and we'll fix it&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&We have not decided the price for the full version but the price of the game won't go any lower than it is now&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We hope to get as much feedback as possible from you. If you want to talk to us, please leave the opinion on Steam Forums or Facebook
Buy Islet Online
Recent updates
27 February
Today Patch
- Fixed Server Down Problem.
- Climbing Mastery
You can get exp of climbing mastery and level up.
But You don't restricted to climbing. Only just level up.
- Recovery Mastery
sitting or sleeping has been added.
- Account Ban System.
We really didn't want this system.
Many people have complained of pain in the behavior of some users.
So, We decided to stop the account of some users for a few days.
This applyed only Global server.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
24 February
Today Patch Is Simple. :)
- Create Map(Can be entered only number)
Thank you for report, Arin.
Server stabilization
- Check Database.
we will prepare two main feature.
First, Land Ownership System.
This system will be able to protect your 32 m ^ 3 the size of the land.(32mx32mx32m)
and you can share land for your neighbor or your friends.
if you don't have a permission in any land,
you can not digging and mining.
This system is only valid in global server.
Second, Riding System
you can catching animal.
and you can riding this animal.
The two feature can be very time consuming.
Please wait a more.
Thank you.
Have a nice day ^^
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
About This Game
Welcome to Islet Online.
Islet Online is a sandbox-style MMORPG.
It is all about digging and placing bricks to build your own land.
And with various materials from wildlife, bricks can be combined to make useful items, too.
Whenever you act, your character gets experience.
When your character gets experience, your character’s mastery skill level goes up.
With enough skill level, you will be able to accomplish extraordinary results.
Don’t feel for playing together? No worries, we also support single-player play, along with multiplayer option, with support of dedicated server!
As a player of Islet, the whole world is up to you.
Do whatever you want. But, be careful.
There may be some consequences you did not expect before.
The Ecosystem
In Islet Online, there is an ecosystem. Animals and plants interact with others.
For example, wolves hunt rabbits for their life, rabbits eat grass to reproduce.
Ecosystem of Islet can be affected by your character’s acts.
If you hunt too many rabbits and pigs, wolves may starve to death, due to lack of food.
Then you decide to kill every wolf on your sight, an army of herbivore will lay your world waste in ruin, left nothing but a wasteland. Basically, you will reap what you sow.
Your small action may cause horrific climate change, sudden blight break out from nowhere.
Who couldn’t adapt to the rapidly changing world, will die
Also, there’s a way to restore Islet’s ecosystem.
The answer lies in the world.
Look through carefully. Animals, plants, NPC will hint you.
Animals & NPCs
Animals and NPCs, even plants, dwellers in Islet have their own basic desires.
They have a desire to sleep, eat, and have a family.
When they feel threatened, they will flee. When they feel hunger, they will eat what they want. If desires can’t be solved, a grim fate awaits them – insufficient sleep causes sickness, hunger causes agony of starvation.
NPCs have their own lifetime. When they grow up, they will find their partner to make a family, give birth to a baby. They may perish as the time goes. Sometimes, their kid resembles his/her parents.
You can find seeds to grow plants, tame wild animals to make a farm. With enough time and love, you can even give a name to your special animal.
There is a chance some strangers come and live to the place where you put furniture. You may help them in and out. Then, more people will come to your residence. With enough population, you can be a mayor of the town.
Remember, they will not be nice if you not want to do so.
You can craft various items via all kinds of materials gathered from the world.
There are some basic recipes given, but always be creative! Through disassemble and experiment, you can find undiscovered secret recipes.
In Islet Online, there are a hundred of skills, which can be categorized in ten groups.
Whenever you act, your character gets experience to raise your mastery skill. Let’s say if you mining bricks, your mining skill will level up. Eventually, your character will be a professional miner. If you jump often, then your jumping skill goes up, then he/she will be able to jump 4 times in the air!
Do whatever you want. Your wish may come true.
Thank you.
We are supprot multi laguage chatting, but It does not yet support other languages in UI.
Homepage :
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP or later
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Shader Model 3.0
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 1 GB available space
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Core i5
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Shader Model 3.0
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 10 GB available space
(C) 2015 Morenori Soft Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved
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20 people found this review funny
35.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I'm not asking for anyone to believe me, and I'm not here to stop you from blindly buying this game. But I might as well share my experience as a moderator on the community hub and getting to know the game and its developers before permanently removing this from my account. This review will probably get removed or dug deep under all the other reviews, but at least it's here. I plan to never look back at this game, review, or experience ever again.~~~~The game is buggy, very unbalanced, and definitely not worth the price of $20 (and it's on sale right now). Not only can you get spawn killed by players, but you can get spawn killed by bears too. If you've played on Minecraft servers before, imagine this - entering a server that has McMMO and a few other plugins with absolutely no moderators/admins or grief protection. Playing this is the same.There's no moderation on the global server, and the gameplay is a mess. I'd recommend Minecraft over this and even that game is trash.I'm so ashamed that I'm going to remove this game permanently from my account because it's too late to refund. Even after supporting the developers (and moderating their community), the developers decided to treat me like garbage. I explained my situation to them, they promised a full refund. One day later, they've deleted me and completely ignore me now as if I was never there to support the game and community. The developers are immature, unprofessional (even though they claim they're professional), and can't keep their word. What a waste of money. I've already told a few others of this game and they will not be buying it. Early access or not. I should've just flushed my $20 down the toilet.Thanks for this experience that I regret deeply, morenori soft.
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70.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This review is for the current version of the game(2/7/16)What is Islet Online? Islet Online is a creative open world sandbox, similar to Minecraft. This game features an experience system that allows you to level up in pretty much everything like jumping, crafting, fighting and much more. These can directly effect your play experience, for example, you may be able to eventually jump up to 4 times in the air. It actually reminds me of McMMO from the old Minecraft Bukkit days.Positives:The devs push out updates and bug fixes at the speed of light. They listen to player reports, and act quickly.This game runs very smooth, with only the occasional hiccup.The art style is cute and fun to look at, especially the player characters. The music is great too!There's quite a bit of crafting you can do.Leveling up everything(that works) is worth your time. For example: Higher crafting level = Higher % success rate.There is a working party system so you can play with your friends. They get marked on the minimap!There are lots of block-types, all of which have their own uses.The ecosystem is fun. If no predators are around, you will have bunnies for DAYS.You can befriend animals.Seems to support all or most resolutions, and has windowed mode.There are multiple worlds you can teleport to, they seem to contain exclusive ores.There's a night/day AND weather cycle, and all the animals go to sleep. (Easy pickings)There is PvP!You can craft and equip several gear-types on yourself.The community is one of the nicest I've ever seen.You can host your own server.Negatives:Those looking for an objective or &point& to doing things, you'll want to pass on this game for now.There are spelling and grammatical errors EVERYWHERE. It drives me crazy!The camera likes to get stuck in cramped spaces, preventing you from interacting with the environment. Bad for mining.The controls sometimes don't work right with no rhyme or reason.Players can become glitched in all manner of ways. From being unable to join a group to health not working right.There are no tutorials to help you get started.The map is not generated as you travel, there is an end. It's big enough though.Sometimes interactive blocks will stop working. (Such as doors) Fixed!You have to do quite a bit of grinding to make your character useful.A lot of skills aren't working yet. (But they sound really cool)So is it worth it?That depends what kind of player you are. Those that need objectives or for there to be &a point& to keep themselves going will definitely want to pass, at least for now. If you're the type of player who enjoys Minecraft, and you don't mind lots of grinding, then you'll definitely like this game and I can easily recommend it to you. You have to really make your own experience here, which is much easier if you play with friends. There's tons to do, tons to improve, and of course- so many things to build. Hope to see you guys out in the world!(Did you like this review? If so, please vote it up! Feel free to add me as well.)
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6.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
For your information, this game is more about &do whatever you like&, no objective or quest. Since this game still in EA sometime i got bugs and glitch but still fun, like when i got a glitch that teleport me to the top of a tree --& craft sickles and axes--& make myself a house on tree which i make stairs out of its body, not much to rage about :)).
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3 people found this review funny
1.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Controls are uneasy, Theres seemingly not much to do besides craft build and explore. Exploration Building and Crafting is fun but has been done so many times before.. So what makes this game special?ProsLeveling system. - Not sure if it gives you perks but its niceRuns perfectly no performance issuesConsNothing really to doWorld is kind of emptyControlls are really annoying. I'd hold off on buying. Personally im considering a refund.
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3.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Couldn't open a door that wasn't mine but was able to dig a tunnel into the players house lol. However I did put all the blocks back after looking around.This is a very chill , drink a beer and do whatever game.
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我的世界网游版小岛OL登陆Steam支持中文添加人:先锋编辑 来源: 更新时间:
2月4日消息,由韩国独立开发商Morenori制作的沙盒网游《小岛OL(Islet Online)》于2月1日登陆Steam平台,国区售价为62元。目前,该作获得了多数玩家的好评。《小岛OL》是一款沙盒MMORPG,玩家可以将构成地形的砖块挖掘出来,再用挖掘出来的砖块自由的改变中的地形,并可以重建地形。玩家还可以在游戏中利用取得的动植物等各式各样的材料,以及挖掘的砖块来组合众多的物品。玩家在进行游戏时,能借着角色的活动增加技能的熟练度。角色的技能会随着熟练度提升一定的能量,随着技能的成熟度角色的活动也会变得更灵活。该作提供多人同时连线的MMORPG服务器模式,多位玩家可同时进入进行游戏。 此外,玩家也可以一个人或和认识的朋友加入特定的服务器。下面来看看玩家的评测:最近几年比较不错的沙盒生存游戏,主要偏向生存建筑,也有PVP内容,视频里面有多种坐骑,目前游戏中还没发现。在现在A测阶段都有很不错的可玩性,当然也有很多需要改进的地方。&优点:1、简洁明了的制作列表,非常容易上手。2、工具,装备种类多样,有纸娃娃系统。3、建筑方块种类比较多,还有一些家具可以制作。4、游戏里面有生态系统,世界生物的数量会随着时间的推移发生改变,动物也会有生老病死(我看见3个兔子在我面前饿死)。5、游戏有RPG元素,几十种技能可以升级,无锁定的战斗系统(开始可能有点不适应,有点难操作)。6、最重要的是游戏自带中文,有官方服务器,也可以自己开私人服务器,联机方式非常简单,输入主机的服务器名字+服务器密码就可以了。 当然缺点也是有的:1、生物种类比较少,目前就发现有兔子,鸭子,猪,牛,狗,狼,熊加其他的一些树木几种颜色的花跟草,希望以后能添加更多。2、制作的装饰物安装比较麻烦,需要右键2下激活物品进入安装界面,希望以后能改进。3、织布机里面没有制作菜单,也许是没添加,希望以后的补丁能添加进去。4、门现在安装了以后,只能打开不能关上,应该是个BUG,已经反映给官方了,官方也回应了,不什么时候能修复。就玩了不到7个小时而言,总的来说游戏还不错,希望更新速度不会太慢,虽然现在的等级系统都够我玩很久了,但是多出点新东西总是好的!
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小岛ol按键操作方法 基本操作及创建人物图文介绍
& &《小岛OL(Islet Online)》是一款沙盒游戏,游戏中很多玩家对于键位操作不熟悉,这里带来玩家总结分享的按键操作方法及创建人物介绍,以供玩家们参考。
& &以下内容由作者&_x小泡泡&总结分享
& &基本操作
& &进入游戏: 此游戏基于steam平台 目前为止没有盗版
& &打开游戏进入界面
& &选择第二个Global Server 也就是世界服务器(第一个为自己创建的服务器or单人)
& &创建人物
& &选择一个地图进入
& &基本操作:
& &1-0数字键位最下面的快捷键
& &F3 调整为第一视角
& &F4 调整为第三视角
& &WASD 移动键
& &QE 调整方向
& &N 世界地图
& &M 当前地图
& &shift 防御
& &空格 跳跃
& &长按空格 爬树/墙
& &control 蹲下
& &回车 聊天
& &C 自身属性
& &P 基础物品的制作(高级物品后面会说)
& &F 切换攻击模式
& &右键跟QW作用相同
& &鼠标滑轮 调整视野范围
& &改中文界面
& &点击最下面一排图标 倒数第二个选项 将语言改为中文
& &以上就是详细的操作介绍,希望对玩家们有所帮助。
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