
招财进宝丹青别有大 福禄全&&&&&
&&&&&&& 中国传统文化艺术中,表达渴求财富、向往富庶生活的内容可谓比比皆是,、尤其是那些颇具民俗色彩的吉祥图案,如:财神像、门神像、福禄寿禧图、牡丹富贵图等等,内容丰富多彩、令人耳目一新。如今求富納祥的表现形式更是多种多样,不仅加入了浓重的人文色彩、祈福理念,画面中、字里行间更隐含着寓意颇深的国泰民富、富贵祥和等内涵。
&&&&& 中华民族具有非凡的创造力和想象力,古人在现实生活中,将一些花草树木、动物图腾、神话传说中的人物进行组合,通过谐音、通过图案来寄托紫气东来、招财进宝的强烈愿望、形成了独具特色的吉语与吉祥图案文化。
Wealth and riches are ever-lasting pursuit for Chinese people.In history, both emperors and ordinary people all dreamed of living in longevity, peace and wealth. In the Confucian classic Shangshu˙hongfan,it wrote down the Five Blessings the ancient people had dreamed of, which were longevity,wealth, health, virtuousness and a peaceful end.Among the five blessings,wealth franked second and became an important pursuit of human beings.
Among the Chinese traditional arts,works reflecting traditional yearning for wealth could be found everywhere,especially in auspicious patterns. Today, humanism favor and luck-blessing concepts are added into these auspicious patterns and words and are especially popular with people. People 's wishes for peace, stability and prosperity were fully expressed in these pictures and words.
Chinese people have been endowed with extraordinary creativity and imagination. The ancient people combined the flower,trees,animal totem,and legendary figures together and expressed their wishes for luck, longevity, prosperity and wealth through homophones and pictures,hence the unique auspicious words and drawings. The birth, development and adoption of these auspicious drawings show people ' s yearning for prosperous and affluent life.
Ban Liang coins was the embodiment of the &round heaven and square earth &outlook of ancient people. The Qin people set the round-shaped and square-holed Ban Liang coins as the legal tender of the nation, whice basically fixed China 's monetary form which underwent no major changes over 2000 years. Tree were also of this kind.
Wu Zhu Coin
In order to stop the private issuance of Ban Liang coins,Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty cast the Wu Zhu of the Han Dynasty cast the Wu Zhu coins. Wu Zhu coin was the first coin that was issued by the national mint. An outline was added lest that people would grind the coin and take bronze from it. Wu Zhu coin was used for over 700ywars and was reputed as &longevity coin&.
Kai Yuan Tong Bao
The Tang Dynasty was the most prosperous in Chinese dynasties. It enjoyed the most brilliant culture and a bright politics Kai Yuan Tong Bao was the first con on which there was a special character & Bao & instead of its weight to represent the coin. Ever since then, Chinese money, no linger named after weight, had been called Tong Bao. Yuan Bao or Zhng Bao.
Money-Breeding Tree
As the story goes that a man named Bingyuan picked up a string of coins, he then hung it on a teww. People who passed thought it a deity tree, so all hung their coins on the tree to pray for prosperity. Later, whit the increase of money on the tree, coins began to fall once the tree was shaken, hence the name Money-breeding tree.
Bring in Wealth and Riches
Before he became a god, Caishen (God of Wealth) was called Zhao Gongming. He is believed to bestow on hes devotees the riches carried about by his attendants. People divided Caishen into five kinds, according to the direction they govern, The God of Wealthe can appear in civil or military form.With long hair and a smiling face, Wen Caishen (Civil God of Wealth)& holds either a gold ingot htat express hope for future wealth of a vessel containing the elixir of life in one hand. It seems that he will put all the wealth in the world into his vessel. On the Spring Festival, Caishen is worshiped by each family in their main room. It is also a practice for all business people who really want leapfrogging effects& in their wealth. Creation to enshrine Caishen in their shops.Nowadays, Chinese people also put Menshen (Door God )on the entrance of their houses to exorcise evil spirits, greet the New Year and bring the happiness.
Ding-the Symbol of Supreme Power and Dignity
Ding was the product of the Bronze Age. In the ancient times, Ding was originally a kind of cooking vessel. It was said that yu the Great once cast nine Dings. So later Ding became the symbol of supreme power and dignity.
In the Shang and Zhou Dynasty,Ding had changed from the cooking vessel to the vessel to the vessel used in grand religous ceremonies.Gradually, it became a sumbol of national sovereignty as well as that of the dignity. It is often related to the power,stateliness and nobility. Power is also a concentrated embodiment of wealth.
Dragon and Phoenix-the Symbol of Dignity and Prosperity
Dragon,phoenix, unicorn and tortoise have been regarded as the symbols of noble status since the ancient times.Dragon was especially used to represent Chinese nation. According to the legend, after the Yellow Emperor cast a bronze Ding, a dragon with a long beard appeared and carried the Yellow Emperor to the heaven.Chinese feudal rulers all designated dragons as emblems of imperial power. The later generations then used the dragon to symbolize stateliness and the powers of heaven.
The Phoenix is one of the most sacred creatures in Chinese myth. Even the Phoenix is one of the most sacred creatures in Chinese myth. Even the Phoenix Tree (Wu Tong Tree ) was regarded as the &Spiritual tree &.It was said that phoenix never alights upon other trees except the Phoenix. Tree. The later generations then thought Phoenix Tree the symbol of prosperity and peace.
Dragon and phoenix means flourish and nobility. In the ancient times, the emperor wore robe with dragon patierns and the empress wore phoenix coronet. The patterns of phoenix and dragon were also used in daily life, fully expressing people ' s wishes for prosperity, thriving economy, and bright polices.
Peacock-A Metaphor for Money
Peacock originated in the India where the Buddhism prevailed. With flamboyant feathers, it was favored by people and was worshiped as the holy bird of the Buddhism. Phoenix represents &supreme power &and the scent of a peacock spread its tail to display its fine feathers was believed to be a signal of auspiciousness and prosperity. And because the veins on its wings resemble eyes and coins, so peacock was said to represent abundant money before eyes. For this reason,peacock became the tribute paid to foreign countries and was looked as the most honorable among the feathered tribes.
Once the make peacock sees a garishly-dressed lady,he will display his tail, which contains spectacular beauty because of the large feather,bright, iridescent colors and intricate coin-like patterns, In the feudal society on the hats of civilian officials.
&&&&&& 用芙蓉与牡丹象征&荣华富贵&,牡丹配荷花、瓶子,寓意&富贵和平&,牡丹配秋海棠,寓意&富贵满堂&,就连图画上盛开的牡丹,也寓意为&花开富贵&。
Peony-the Symbol of Prosperity and Nobility
People often show their wish for happiness and peace through some objects. With its flamboyant color,sweet smell and elegant manner,peony is always the emblem of wealth and mobility. An ancient poet once wrote in his poem that peony was the flower with noble character.Peony ranks first among all flowers and was reputed as the Queen of Flowers. In the Qing Dynasty, auspicious pattern containing peony prevailed both in the royal family vailed both in the royal family and among the ordinary people.
Accompanied with other flowers, peony can signify different meanings. Peony and cottonrose hibiscus mean &high position and great wealth &: peony, lotus and vase mean &prosperity and peace&;peony and begonia mean &abundant wealth&.
&&&&& 唐朝就开始有了送礼儿的习俗,但当时仅限于宫中互送之用。宋朝开始,将正月初一取立春日为《春节》而代之,不少原立春日风俗混合在一起,演变为今天所见的压岁风俗。
Xiang Fu Yuan Bao
Since the Tang Dynasty,it was a custom in the court to give &xi erqian& (baby-wash-ing money) to newly born baby. Form the Song Dynasty, people made the first day of the first month of a lunar year as the &Spring Festival &. The custom of giving xi' erqian then became a tradition in the Spring Festival. Xi'erqian was the forefather of present yasuiqian (money given to children as a gift by the seniors ).With an auspicious meaning ,Xiang Fu Tong Bao was often given to children as a gift .
&&&&& 元丰为北宋神宗第二个年号,寓意《开始茂盛》。元丰年间,禾谷大熟,百业具利,北宋国力达到全盛,社会经济十分繁荣,当时全国钱监二十六座,年产铜铁钱达七百余万贯,是我国古代铸钱最为发达的时期。
Yuan Feng Tong Bao
Meaning &grand and fourish&, &Yuan Feng& was the secongd regin title of Emperor Shenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty. In the Yuan Feng reign,the Song witnessed its florscence. The agriculture got a plenteous harvest and all businesses thrived. At that time, annual out put of seven million guan (one guan is equal to 1000 coins).This period was the florescence in the history of money issuance in ancient China.
Qian Long Tong Bao
Qian Long Tong Bao had the longest issuance period and the largest quantity in the history. &qian& is the first one among the Eight Diagram and represents the heaven, the emperor and the sun. &long&means prosperity, grandeur and nobility. Qian Long signifies &the prosperity of the country and the abundance of wealth&. In the Qian Dynasty,it was custom for merchants to carry a Qian Long Tong Bao along with them,believing that the coin can bless them and brought them plenteous money.
&&&&&& 聚宝盆的传说:相传古时候有一对穷兄弟,守着守寡几十年的老母亲,日子过得异常艰辛。一个飘着雪花的黄昏,穷弟弟从外回来,手里捧着一个又破又旧的瓦盆,内有讨来的几碗准备过冬的粮食。日子一天天过去了,可他们仅有的那几碗粮食依旧在,丝毫不减,一家人百思不得其解,想来必是神仙赐给他们的神盆,于是就将仅有的一个铜钱扔进盆中,只见铜钱越积越多,不一会盆里就装满了钱,自此生活逐渐好转。谁知被同村恶霸知道了宝盆的缘由,便抢去了,只是扔了一串钱后,宝盆还是丝毫不动,钱也不见增多,恶霸气愤至极,将盆砸烂,只见瓦砾破碎之后瞬间消失不见,此后放盆的地方年年长出榆钱树。
Treasure Bowl
A story goes that in the ancient times there were two brothers. They lived a hard life with their aged mother. At a snowy dusk, the young brother went back home with a broken bowl and some food.As time went by., the quantity.Having realized that it was a treasure bowl, they put their only coin into it. Quickly, the coins increased in quantity and filled the bowl. From then on ,their living condition was improved. A local ruffian knew it and robbed the family of the bowl. He also put a string of coins into the bowl but failed ti get more from tit except his own one. Irritated, the ruffian shattered the bowl. Later, an elm tree grew up in the place where the bowl had been destroyed.
&&&&&& 宋代陆游诗曰:&太平有象无人识,南陌东阡捣麦香。&因白象为瑞兽,象字又兼有&景象&、&现象&的含义。所以,民俗画中常在象背上驮着宝瓶一个,大象神态憨厚可人,古瓶寓意太平,童子们手中各持福字,如意,莲花、竹笙等,蕴含连年如意、富贵高升之意,充分体现出百姓渴望太平富贵、国泰民安的意境。&&&&& 民间也用&古象&一词谐音&吉祥&,时常会见到人们将性情温和、体态富足的白象、浑身嵌配&如意&,让象身透露出珠光宝气,组成一副吉祥图案,寓意和谐、祥和、富庶。
Elephant-A Metaphor of Auspiciousness
Elephant shares a same sound with &auspicious& in Chinese. Therefore,it symbolizes auspiciousness in traditional customs.In the Chinese folk painting, the elephant often carry a treasured vase on its back, implying &Peace and prosperity accompany the elephant&.&Vase &(pronounced &ping& in Chinese)is a homonym of &peace and quiet&,Thus we have the auspicious pattern of &Peace and prosperity accompany the elephant&, The boys hold &fu& (good lucky),lotus, or& sheng (Chinese traditional music instrument ) in the hand, implying the wish for prosperity, happiness and peace.
&Elephant& (pronounced &xiang& in Chinese) is a near homonym of &auspiciousness&(pronounced &jixiang&).People often decorate the enormous and gentle elephant with ruyi (As You Wish),which formed a propitious pattern meaning harmony, auspiciousness and wealth.
&&&&& 古时,燕子被称为玄鸟或吉祥鸟,传说中商的祖先是其母简狄吞食燕卵而生,因此后世便视燕子为灵物,燕卵不可能生商,但从这段动人而又玄妙的故事中可以推断出,当时的&商&可能是一个以玄鸟为图腾的部落发展而来的,他们认为燕子能为人类带来祥瑞之气。
Swallow- A Sign of Flourish
Swallow was regarded as the sacred bird of auspicious bird in the ancient times. In was said that the ancestor of Shang people was born after his mother had eaten the eggs of swallow. Unauthentic as the legend was, it indicated that swallow perhaps was the totem of the Shang tribe.
The ancients saw the swallow as extremely lucky creature. Today, people living n north China still regarded swallow as an auspicious sign. The believe that if a swallow builds its nest under the eaves of your house happiness good luck are promised.They also believe that the swallow that flies into your home will bring considerable good luck are promised. They also believe that the swallow that flies into your home will bring considerable good fortune to you.
&&&&& 白鹭的鹭字,因与禄同音,象征福禄,也与路谐音,表示&路路&,数朵莲花表示&连科&,合起来谐音为&路路连科&,古时中国的读书人,十年寒窗苦读,无非希望自己能一路科举成功、飞黄腾达、以达到&书中只有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉的目的,路路连科也可解释为做事非常顺畅,心想事成,达成心意。
Success in Gaining Money
&Egret& (pronounced &lu& in Chinese )is a near homonym of &prosperity& (pronounced &lu &). Egret, accompanied with several lotuses , means &continuous successes in imperial examinations&,which was the eternal goal of the intellectuals in ancient times. It also signifies &be smooth in everything &.
The combination of egret, cottonrose hibiscus and sweet osmanthus imply good luck, great wealth and high rank. In ancient times, people also used bavin (pronounced &chai&) to represent wealth (pronounced &cai&).
&&&&&& 蝙蝠的造型艺术在我国民族传统雕刻艺术中,是值得骄傲的创造。中国人用丰富的想象和大胆的变形移情手法,把原来并不美的形象变得翅卷祥云,风度翩翩。蝙蝠,便因&蝠&与&福&、&富&同音,结合而成象征福寿、财富的吉祥物。常见蝙蝠飞翔于海上,便是福海之意;蝙蝠停于钟道持扇上,隐喻&纳福&之意;以&蝙蝠结&加上&金钱结&,可组成&福在眼前&;雕五只蝙蝠的图案,则表示长寿、富裕、幸福、美德和健康的&五福&。
&&&&&& 除了这些生活哲学之外,中国人的生活中也着实少不了&蝙蝠&,从饰品、雕刻、绘画等,就连近代的邮票上亦有以蝙蝠为主的图案、以求福禄吉祥!可见蝙蝠不仅代表富贵,还代表福禄。
Possess Wealth and Rank Simultaneity
In Chinese traditional sculpture art, the figure of bat was a creation worthy of being proud of forever. Although the image of bat itself if not attractive at all, people used their rich imagination and bold style created a graceful and lovely bat. Bat, due to its same pronunciation with the word &fu&(wealth and good fortune),.has long been a symbol for good luck. A bat flying above the se a bat resting on Zhong Kui ' s fan means the five bats above a peach represent the Five Blessings ,namely longevity wealth, health, vierouousness,and blessedness.
&Patterns related to bat are also used in people 's daily life. It appears in the decorations, sculptures, and decorations, sculptures,and paintings as well as in the stamps of the modern times. It shows that the bat not only represents wealth but also symbolizes happiness. They all bring spiritual delight& to people in their hope for better life.
&&&&&& 中国人很早以前就用图像来表达概念和词义,这是中国人的造字本能。用具象的方式表达抽象意思,这是中国人突破图像局限的创举。因为&鱼&字和&余&谐音,所以以鱼象征着富贵、富裕。在我国广为流传的年画和吉祥图案中,经常有鱼和金鱼展现,因为&鲤&与&利&谐音,&金&则表示财富,所以它们就常和生意联系在一起,用来象征生意中受益和赚钱。
&&&&&&&& 我国民间有&鲤鱼跳龙门&的传说,古代人把考上进士称为登龙门,寓意为飞黄腾达,功成名就。现代人过年的年夜饭最后一道菜也是鱼,但大多都不吃剩下,取&年年有余&之意。抱着鲤鱼、挂者金项圈的童子与莲花并存谓之&连年有余&。
Prosperity in Successive Years
In China, ideas had been interpreted through picture long before, It was Chinese 's invention to break through the limitation of image and represent an abstract meaning through a specific way, Since &fish& is used to represent riches and honor. Among the New Year pictures and auspicious paintings, carp and goldfish are very popular. In Chinese, the first syllable of liyu (carp) is a near homonym of &li& (profit) and goldfish symbolizes wealth, so they are closely related to the business and are favored by businessmen.
The carp sometimes is portrayed with a dragon, referring to a phrase &Carp Jumping the Dragon Gate &used by the Chinese in ancient times for man who succeeds in the imperial examinations or obtains a high official position, Nowadays, the last dish on the New Year 's Eve is fish. Favoring the auspicious meaning of &may every year bring a surplus&, people often keep this dish untouched. Traditionally, a chubby child holding a big carp fish on one hand and a lotus flower on the other represents Lian Nian You Yu, a Chinese idiom that literally means having surplus year after year.
【石帝田黄】 福建寿山田黄石《招财进宝》摆件
秦跃强 《招财进宝》
马章乘 招财进宝
天然缅甸琥珀 缅甸鸡油光琥珀招财进宝貔貅挂件15.5g
缅甸天然琥珀 金棕珀貔貅招财进宝雕刻挂件57.3g


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