
  The Lion King
you feel the love tonight?
  精彩台词A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba,
the sun will set onmy time here, and will rise with you as the new king.
  When the world turns its back on you, you turnyour back on the world.
  Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn
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Beauty and the Beast script
Once upon a time in a faraway land
a young prince lived in a shining castle.
Although he had everything his heart desired
the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind.
But then, one winter's night
an old beggar woman came to the castle
and offered him a single rose
in return for shelter from the bitter cold.
Repulsed by her haggard appearance
the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away
but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances
for beauty is found within
and when he dismissed her again
the old woman's ugliness melted away
to reveal a beautiful enchantress.
The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late
for she had seen that there was no love in his heart
and as punishment, she transformed him
into a hideous beast
and placed a powerful spell on the castle
and all who lived there.
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(Suddenly, BEAST grabs BELLE's shoulder and whips her around. She drops the torch she was carrying into a puddle and the room is dark except for one beam of light from a skylight.) BEAST: What are you doing here? MAURICE: Run, Belle! BELLE: Who's there? Who are you? BEAST: The master of this castle. BELLE: I've come for my father. Please let him out! Can't you 俯稜碘谷鄢咐碉栓冬兢see he's sick? BEAST: Then he shouldn't have trespassed here. BELLE: But he could die. Please, I'll do anything! BEAST: There's nothing you can do. He's my prisoner. BELLE: Oh, there must be some way I can...wait! Take me, instead! BEAST: You! You would take his place? MAURICE: Belle! No! You don't know what you're doing! BELLE: If I did, would you let him go? BEAST: Yes, but you must promise to stay here forever. (BELLE ponders the situation and realizes she can't see the captor) BELLE: Come into the light. (BEAST drags his legs, then his whole body into the beam of light. BELLE looks, her eyes growing wider until she can stand no more and falls back to MAURICE.) MAURICE: No, Belle. I won't let you do this! (BELLE regains her composure, then steps into the beam of light, giving her a very virgin-ish look) BELLE: You have my word. BEAST: (quickly) Done! (BEAST moves over to unlock the cell, and BELLE collapses to the floor with her head in her hands. We hear the door being unlocked, then MAURICE rushing over to BELLE.) MAURICE: No, Belle. Listen to me. I'm old, I've lived my life-- (BEAST grabs him and drags him downstairs)记得采纳啊
出门在外也不愁当前位置: >
> 美女与野兽迪士尼美女与野兽迪士尼备    注:主    角:贝儿 野兽分    类:&作    者:更新时间: 16:03:42剧情题材:恋爱美女与野兽迪士尼.很久很久以前,村庄内住着一位漂亮善良的姑娘贝儿,她为了解救被野兽囚禁的父亲,被迫与野兽同居于古堡中,他们相处得并不愉快。一次,野兽拼命从狼群中救回贝儿,令彼此间得到了解,野兽渐渐亦变搜狐奇艺猜你喜欢美女与野兽迪士尼详细介绍美女与野兽迪士尼.很久很久以前,村庄内住着一位漂亮善良的姑娘贝儿,她为了解救被野兽囚禁的父亲,被迫与野兽同居于古堡中,他们相处得并不愉快。一次,野兽拼命从狼群中救回贝儿,令彼此间得到了解,野兽渐渐亦变得温柔,二人不但冰释前嫌互相体谅,更互生情愫。怎知喜欢贝儿的大坏蛋柏加斯自以为是,突然前来袭击野兽,令其身受重伤,性命危在旦夕。深爱贝儿的野兽要她离去,不过贝儿并没有逃跑,反而紧紧与野兽相拥到最后一刻&&《美女与野兽迪士尼相关动漫资讯:星空动漫()主要收集各类的卡通动漫,包括日本卡通动漫、国产卡通动漫、欧美卡通动漫、tvb卡通动漫、成人卡通动漫等,是卡通动漫爱好者必备的在线动漫观看网站!上一篇: 下一篇: 主
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