用什么办法能把,打开.火狐 新窗口打开书签.复制链接.复制链接添加书签.改为保存图片.查看图片.设为壁纸。

If you selected the new 64-bit storage library (SSG-5) to initialize your .nyf database,
it supports 'Load on Access' feature and the database size can be extended up to 8EiB,
so you don't need to care about the database size.
If your .nyf database is initialized with the old storage library (SSG-3),
in order to help the database run safely and smoothly, it's recommended to keep it smaller than 300MB,
where the '300MB' limit applies to the .nyf database file itself, but not to any linked documents saved in external folders.
In order to organize a larger number of documents, it's not recommended to insert all of them as attachments,
but you can choose to have the documents saved in external folders and insert as shortcuts or hyperlinks
by utilizing the '' feature.
myBase Desktop可以在U盘中运行吗?
Basically myBase Desktop works from within any accessible folders on the file system,
including folders on removable disk drives (e.g. USB sticks), so you can put myBase program files on the USB
And you may also put .nyf databases on a removable disk and open them with myBase Desktop.
However, for safety and stability considerations, it's not recommended to open .nyf databases for editing
from within a removable disk drive, in case of any potential USB I/O problems with the removable disk
that may cause damage to the working databases.
If you have to do so, please be sure to preserve backups of your important databases.
基本上,myBase Desktop可以在文件系统的任何目录内运行,包括可移动磁盘(例如U盘)的目录,您可以把程序放在U盘里。您也可以把nyf数据库文件放在U盘里并用myBase Desktop打开。但是从安全性和稳定性的角度上考虑,并不建议您编辑保存在可移动磁盘内的nyf文件,因为如果在可移动磁盘发生任何潜在的USB I/O问题,那么数据库文件有可能会被损坏。如果您坚持这么做,请确保您有对数据库进行备份。
如何用license keys注册(解锁、激活)myBase?
注册myBase Desktop
Select the "Help/Register..."
选择菜单【帮助 - 产品注册】
Enter your registration name in the 'User Name'
Enter your license key codes in the 'License Key'
Press 'OK' button to
注册WebCollect Add-on
Launch Internet Explorer (or Mozilla Firefox), then right-click on
Select the "Save with myBase" item from the context menu, WebCo
选择“Save with myBase”,WebCollect窗口将被打开
On the WebCollect window, press the "Enter Key"
在WebCollect窗口中,点"Enter Key"按钮
Enter your registration
Press 'OK' button to
We suggest that you enter license key codes by using the 'copy/paste' utility, instead of manually typing,
建议您使用 [复制/粘贴] 输入注册码,以防手工输入时输错。
We suggest that you first exit system tweaking utilities (e.g. Anti-virus) (if any) running in background, in case that your license key is prvented from being saved into the System Registry DB;
Yes. myBase provide several backup specific options that will help manage backup files, and you can adjust the settings from on the 'View - Options - Backup' dialog box.
会的。myBase提供了多种备份策略,您可以通过菜单【查看 - 选项 - 备份】改变这些设置。
To edit stored webpages inside myBase, please try either of this,
Press F2 on a webpage displaying inside myBase, or select the 'Edit - Toggle edit mode' menu item,
the webpage goes into the edit mode, so you can edit the webpage within the WYSIWYG interface.
Right click on the HTML file within the Attachment pane, and select the 'Open with integrated RTF editor' menu item,
the HTML source is displaying in the text area for editing.
In order to edit the HTML docement with a third-party editor, please select the 'Open with specified program'
menu item, so you can specify a HTML editor to open the HTML document.
There're several methods to replicate existing tree structures (branches),
and copy a branch into another .nyf database (project). Please try one of these:
Make a copy of the original .nyf database file within Windows Explorer,
the the new .nyf file obtains all the info items and contents.
Select the 'Share - Export branch to .nyf file' menu item,
which exports the current branch into a new .nyf file,
or inserts the branch to an existing .nyf database.
使用【分享 - 导出nyf库文件】,把当前分支导出到新的nyf文件或者插入到以存在的nyf文件。
Have both source and destination .nyf databases open within
myBase Desktop, then drag a branch and drop onto the destination database, the branch will be copied.
Drag a branch and drop into a Window Folder, it makes the branch into a .nyf file within the folder,
then you can import or drag the .nyf file into other .nyf databases.
With this feature, you can maintain a collection of .nyf template files within a Window folder.
The most convenient way to replicate a branch is 'Copy-and-Paste'.
Just press 'Ctrl+C' on a branch and press 'Ctrl+V' within destination databases.
myBase attempts to parse documents according to the extension names by utilizing Windows IFilters installed on the system.
The IFilters for MS-Office and HTML documents are integrated within Windows 2000+;
The IFilters for RTF/TEXT documents are integrated within myB
For other type of documents (e.g. .pdf) to be searchable, you'd need to install the corresponding IFilters provided by the manufactories.
When new IFilters are installed, you'd need to clear and rebuild the index data for the relevant documents to be re-indexed and searchable.
For example, to make .PDF contents searchable, you'd need to install Acrobat Reader or any of
before indexing the documents.
myBase尝试根据文件名后缀通过Windows里安装的IFilters分析文档。MS-Office和HTML的IFilters已经被集成到Windows 2000和之后的版本里。对于RTF/TEXT, myBase已经内置了相应的IFilters。对于其他类型的文件(例如PDF),您需要安装相应的供应商提供的相应的IFilters才可以搜索。当安装了新的IFilters后,索引数据需要清除和重建。例如您想使PDF文件能被搜索,您就需要首先安装Acrobat Reader或者。
如何做 ...
Before running myBase with WINE, please be sure to copy the 'mfc42u.dll' and 'MSVCP60.DLL' files
shipped with WindowsXP to the '~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32' directory on Linux.
If for any reason you'd want to change the UI font, the font settings are located in
the Nyfedit.ini file at this line: App.UI.Font.lfFaceName=Tahoma
Within the setup folder, you can find the 'enu.ini' file in the './lang' sub folder,
that is the template language file, and can be translated into your language by using a plain text editor (e.g. notepad).
Before translating, you'd need to first make a copy of the enu.ini template file and rename it to an abbreviation of your language.
For example, swe.ini for Swedish, fre.ini for F
When you've translated and made changes to your language .ini file, it's recommended to save it in UTF-8 encoding.
All information is compressed by the integrated zip utility and saved in myBase .nyf databases.
In most of cases, you don't need to care about the disk space usage.
Although, there're still a few tips that may help save disk space, and make databases run safely and smoothly.
When you delete an info item or an attachment, it's only marked as removed (junk),
so that you have the chance of recovering them in the case that you'd want them back later.
That's to say, deleting info items or attachments doesn't free up any disk space,
and the .nyf database file size does not shrink. If you'd like to purge the junk,
and make the .nyf databases compact and save disk space,
please try using the 'File - Maintenance - Empty recycle bin, Optimize for size' utilities.
当删除节点或者附件时,myBase只会标识一个删除标记,这样您有机会可以恢复这些删除项。这就是说如果删除节点或者附件实际上并不会减少nyf数据文件的硬盘使用空间。如果您想清空回收站、使nyf文件变小,那么您可以使用【文件 - 维护 - 清空回收站、优化数据库】工具。
Images inserted into the RTF text will be encoded in text formats,
this may significantly bloat the text size, so it's not recommended to
directly insert big images into RTF. We suggest that you try to insert images
as attachments or shortcuts.
In order to organize a large number of documents within the SSG-3 based databases, it's recommended to
insert the documents as shortcuts or hyperlinks, instead of save as attachments.
myBase provides the 'Relatve path' feature, which will help manage the shortcuts/hyperlinks to local files.
For those SSG-5 based databases, you may insert as many documents as you see fit.
myBase implemented the 'Relatve path' feature, which helps create links to local files
with relative paths. To do so, you'll need to first put documents into the folder
where the current .nyf database file resides, and then insert the documents into myBase as hyperlinks or shortcuts,
the 'relative path' is automatically applied. When triggering the hyperlinks/shortcuts, the relative path is evaluated.
The 'Relative path' feature helps maintain the consistency between the .nyf database and the linked documents,
and keep the link functional even after they're moved together to elsewhere.
To rename an info item, please press F2 or click twice on the info item, or select the 'Edit - Toggle edit mode' menu item,
then the item title goes into the edit mode, whereby you can type in another title text.
In addition, you can also copy the currently selected text from within the content to the item title.
To do so, please first select a text in the text content, then select the 'Edit - Copy text to title' menu item.
Simply add the 'mailto:' protocol scheme prior to email addresses,
like this: mailto:, then it will be automatically highlighted,
and then you have the convenience of sending emails with one click.
Linking to bookmarks does this. You'll need to first add bookmarks within target text notes,
and then within other text notes, you can make selected text into hyperlinks pointing to the bookmarks.
To add a bookmark within text note, select the 'Bookmarks - Add to bookmarks'
To make text into hyperlinks, select the 'Edit - Edit Hyperlinks' menu item.
到书签的链接可以实现这个功能。您需要先在目标文本段落创建书签,然后您可以在另外一个节点选择一段文本再指向这个书签。要在文本添加书签,您可以选择菜单【书签 - 添加书签】,要把文本变成超链接,可以使用菜单【格式 - 编辑链接】。
myBase formats date/time strings with pictures defined in Windows Control Panel.
In order to change the format, please go to Windows Control Panel, and open the 'Region and Language' item,
whereby you can change the date/time formats as you see fit.
When adding new info items, the item notes will be initialized with the default RTF formats (font/color/spacing...).
In order to customize the default RTF formats, please select the 'View - Options' menu item,
the 'options' dialog box pops up, whereby you can change the default RTF format under the 'Edit' tab.
在加入新的节点时,节点文本将会自动使用默认的RTF文本格式(字体,颜色,行距...)。如要自定义RTF格式,可以通过菜单【查看 - 选项】,在【编辑】页即可修改默认RTF格式。
Note that the default RTF formats only apply to info items (RTF notes) newly added thereafter, but will not
affect any existing RTF notes.
The outline tree doesn't support the multi-selecting option. Although, you can add info items into a Query Results window,
whereby you can then multi-select items to move/copy by dragging-and-dropping, or to trash.
To select info items into a Query Results window, please try dragging info items and dropping to the results window,
or right-click an info item and select the 'Add to found list' menu item.
myBase has the MSIE web browser embedded, which is able to view ActiveX documents, such as .pdf/.doc/.xls files,
so long as the corresponding applications have properly been installed on your system.
For .pdf files, you'd need to install ,
and have its 'Web browser integration'
For .doc/.xls documents, you'll need to install an appropriate version of MSOffice Suite.
对于.doc/.xls文档,您需要安装MS Office。
To customize keyboard shortcuts for the menu items, please edit the keyboard_shortcuts.ini file by using a plain text editor (e.g. notepad),
save changes to the .ini file and then re-launch myBase to let it take effects.
In addition, to customize shortcuts for plugin menu items, you'll need to edit the corresponding
.js files, which by default are located in the ./plugins sub folder.
In order to define keyboard shortcuts for stylesheets/bookmarks, please edit the keyboard_shortcuts.ini file
by using a plain text editor (e.g. notepad) on the lines like this:
Then save the changes and then re-launch myBase to let it take effects.
Please select the 'File - Maintenance - Undelete Items' menu item, the 'Undelete items' window pops up,
whereby all info items including recycled items are displayed in a tree view,
then you can choose to undelete the info items or attachments with ease.
您可以使用【文件 - 维护 - 恢复删除项】菜单,在弹出的“恢复标记删除的内容”窗口中,被删除的放在回收站里的节点和附件都会显示在树形结构下,您可以选择进行恢复。
To label info items from within the Query Results window, please try to first select one or multiple info items
from within the results list, and select the 'Results - Label info items ...' menu item, or right-click on
the items and select the 'Label info items ...' menu item, then check the labels to be applied.
如需在查询结果列表为节点加标签,您可尝试在查询结果列表选择一个或多个节点,然后选择菜单【查找结果 - 加标签】,或者是右键所选节点,选择“加标签”即可。
Note that the 'Organize - Link - Label info items' menu item doesn't apply to the query results,
it only applies to the currently selected info item within the outline view.
需要注意的是菜单【整理 - 联结 - 加标签】并不应用于查询结果,它只应用于大纲视图的所选节点。
Tip: when you need apply a label to several individual info items, please try to first add them into
the Query Results window by selecting the 'Organize - Add to found list' menu item, so you can label the items in one go.
提示:当您想为多个节点加标签时,可以先通过菜单【整理 - 放入查询结果列表】把多个节点加入查询结果列表,然后您可以一次给所有节点加标签。
Besides using the 'Organize - Link - Link info item ...' utility, you can also utilize the 'Drag-and-drop' operation to make item links.
For example, drag a source info item within the tree outline, and drop onto a target item with the SHIFT key hold down,
it makes an item link between the two info items.
And more, no matter in which pane the source info items are listed, you can select and drag the source info items,
and drop onto a target info item with the SHIFT key hold down, or drop onto its 'Related items' pane, it also makes item links.
For example, select and drag info items from within the Query Results window,
and drop onto a target info item with the SHIFT key hold down, or simply drop onto its 'Related items' pane.
除了使用【整理 - 联结 - 关联条目】工具,您还可以使用鼠标的拖放功能创建节点链接。例如,您可以按着SHIFT键的同时用鼠标把大纲树上的某个节点拖到目标节点,这样就会在这两个节点间创建关联条目。
In addition to selecting the 'Attachments - Export attachments ...' menu item, you can also drag the selected attachments
and drop onto any disk folder within Windows Explorer (e.g. Windows Desktop).
除了使用【附件 - 导出】菜单外,您还可以通过鼠标拖放把所选的附件直接拖到windows文件夹内(例如:桌面)来导出附件。
You can select the 'Share - Export branch to .nyf file' menu item, or simply drag the source info item (branch)
and drop onto a destination folder within Windows Explorer.
您可以使用【分享 - 导出nyf库文件】或者直接把某个分支拖放到Windows资源管理器的目标文件夹中来生成nyf数据库文件。
When you select a database from on the 'Recently used databases' menu, with the [Ctrl] key hold down,
the database will open as Readonly. In fact, the [Ctrl] key simply toggles the Readonly flag on loading databases.
当你在【文件 - 近期使用过的库】中打开数据库文件的时候,同时按Ctrl键,这样就会以只读方式打开数据库文件。
When you click the label item within the label tree view, it lists out all related info items with the current label item.
If you click the label and have the [Ctrl] key hold down simultaneously,
it runs a query with the label including all its sub labels, and lists out all related info items under the label branch.
When you open an info item from within the Query Results window, it's triggered with the first match occurrence highlighted in the text area.
Due to the limitation of the RTF control, it won't highlight multiple occurrences at a time.
In order to locate next occurrence in the same item, please press Ctrl+F or select the 'Edit - Find in Text' menu item,
then press the 'Next' button to locate and highlight the next match occurrence.
当在查询结果列表打开一个条目的时候,它会自动跳到节点文本的第一个符合条件的位置。由于RTF本身的限制,它并不支持同时显示多个符合搜索条件的位置。如要要寻找下一个符合条件的位置,您可以按Ctrl+F或使用菜单【编辑 - 查找】,然后点击“查找下一个”按钮。
Pressing the Tab key moves the cursor (input focus) into the RTF editor (if it's the current MDI child window).
Within myBase, you have the convenience of dragging-and-dropping entries (info items, labels and attachments) to move/copy/link/label/import/export/etc.
Like that you do within Windows Explorer, some keyboard modifiers (Ctrl, Shift, Alt) can be used while dragging-and-dropping.
For example:
在myBase里,您可以方便的使用鼠标拖放条目(节点、标签、附件)来实现移动、复制、链接、标签、导入、导出等功能。和Windows资源管理器相类似,当您使用鼠标拖放的时候,同时按着一些辅助键(Ctrl, Shift, Alt)会提供其他的功能。请参考下面的例子:
Drag/drop without key modifiers indicates to M
Ctrl+Drag/drop indicates to C
Shift+Drag/drop indicates to M
Alt+Drag/drop indicates to M
myBase also implemented some more dragging-dropping operations that might help.
Drag an info item and drop into a Windows Folder to export the branch as a .
拖节点放到Windows下文件夹将会导出分枝节点并生成 .nyf 文件
Drag an info item and drop into the 'Label Tree' pane to
Drag an info item and drop into the 'Query Results' window to add the inf
Drag an info item and drop into the RTF text editor t
Drag an info item and drop into the 'Item links' pane
Drag an attachment and drop into a Windows Folder to export
Drag a file from within a Windows Folder and drop into the 'Outline' or 'Attachments' pane to insert it as attachment, while Alt-drag to i
Drag an info item from within the 'Query Results' window and drop into the 'Outline' pane to move, Ctrl-Drag to copy, Shift-drag to make item links, while Alt-drag to
As database software developers, we're definitely aware of importance of database safety.
In our opinion, it's even the most important thing for a database software,
so we've spent much time on improving the program for safety, stability and reliability.
Although there're still a couple of notes/tips for you to run myBase database safely.
It's recommended to have the 'auto-backup' option enabled,
otherwise you may want to cre
Be sure to have working databases normally closed before Windows
shuts down or g
Editing a .nyf database over LAN via file sharing with myBase Desktop
is NOT recommended. Network connection problems may damage the working .nyf databases.
Well, viewing .nyf databases via file sharing over LAN is a good idea.
It's recommended to have working databases closed if you won't work
with them any more in a day, rather than just leave them r
If you don't intend to edit a database, it's recommended to open it as 'Readonly'.
Opening a database as Readonly prevents any changes to it,
and protects it from being modified accidental
When a database is open in Read/Write mode for editing,
system crashes and accidental power failure may damage the currently working databases.
If a database got corrupt, you'd need to recover data
myBase Desktop can run from on a removable disk drive (e.g. a USB stick);
However, it's not recommended to open a .nyf database directly from on a removable disk drive for editing,
as accidentally/unsafely unpluging the removable disks may damage the currently working databases.
If you have to run myBase from on USB sticks, please be sure to create backup
myBase Desktop可以在移动磁盘运行(例如U盘),但不建议直接在移动磁盘直接编辑nyf数据库。因为意外或不小心移除移动硬盘会损坏当前数据库文件。如果您要在U盘运行myBase,请务必做好备份。
If you're running a system tweak utility (e.g. Anti-virus) in background,
it's recommended to temporarily deactivate it while myBase runs,
or put myBase on the 'Exception' list, especially when you experien
myBase provides the 'Tray Icon' option, which allows the database program to minimize
and standby as an icon on the system tray. However, if you won't work with a database for
a long time in a day,
we suggest that you have the database closed and then minimize the program window,
This helps avoid damages from accidental system crashes.
If you're having problems opening your SSG3-based .nyf databases, and there's neither a backup nor any other choice,
please try the .
The repair utility works with SSG-3 based databases, and requires the corresponding .ssgindex files.
For SSG-5 based databases, if corrupted, please try using the comand line tool (ssg5recover) to recover data.
For more info about the command line, please visit .
myBase相关文件的文件名后缀(.nyf, .bak, .ssgindex, .dbindex)
The .nyf file contains titles, notes, webpages, images, attachments, everything of a myBase database.
The .dbindex file contains index data created for each .nyf database to enable the Fast-Find feature.
The .bak file is a backup of the . It's usually created on loading a database,
You'd need to restore data from the most recent backup file
if the .nyf database ran into prolems on loading/opening it.
The .ssgindex files are backup of outlining data of .nyf databases created with SSG-3;
It's primarily intended for repairing Please do not count on it, it's highly recommended to keep backup files for
your valuable databases.
.ssgindex是基于 SSG-3 存储格式 .nyf 数据库的大纲数据备份,每次打开编辑时会自动生成,主要用来修复损坏的数据文件,
When you insert a file as attachment, the whole file is copied into the database, and the database file size usually gets larger.
When you insert a file as shortcut, only a file link is inserted into the database, rather than copying the whole file,
it won't bloat the database file too much.
If you have a number of (larger) files need to organize within myBase, it's recommended to insert them as shortcuts
The 'Minimize to tray icon' option is now available again in v6.x as per user requests,
but it's recommended to have the working database closed if you won't work with it any more in a day,
rather than just leave it running in background, nor minimize to the system tray as an icon.
myBase v6.x introduced some new data structures for item identification and UTF-8 text encoding.
These new structures apply to hyperlinks, symbolic links, calendar, bookmarks, item titles and filenames.
When editing a .nyf database within v5.x, it simply overlooks the new data structures.
If you switch back to v6.x afterwards, it may cause inconsistency with item identification and text encoding.
For example, some hyperlinks or bookmarks may fail to link, or some item titles in Asian language may show garbage.
However, so long as you never use item linking nor non-ASCII characters within your .nyf databases, using back to v5.x doesn't matter.
myBase v6.x启用的新的包含节点标识和UTF-8文本编码的数据结构,这些新的结构应用于超链接,符号链接,日期,书签,节点名,文件名。
If you're having problems browsing stored webpages or snippets inside myBase,
and getting an error message about 'Script Debugging', please try this: Right-click on the 'Internet Explorer' icon on Desktop,
and select 'Properties' menu item, and then go to the 'Advanced' subtab, check the 'Disable Script Debugging' options, and press OK button.
如果您在myBase浏览网页的时候出现“脚本调试”的错误信息,请尝试以下步骤解决:右击桌面Internet Explorer图标,选择属性,在进入“高级”选项卡,在“禁止脚本调试”选项前打钩,然后点“确定”。
Please be sure to save your passwords in a secure place when setting passwords to protect your databases.
If you lost your passwords, you've lost access to your databases, we suggest that you try to first list out
all possible passwords you ever used, and then try them one by one.
If the database was open as Readonly, please try to close and re-open it without the 'Readonly' attribute.
To do so, select the 'File - Open Database...' menu item,
locate the target database file, Uncheck the 'Open as Readonly' option ,
and then press the 'Open' button.
如果数据库是以只读方式打开,请关闭数据库并再次打开(非只读方式)。您可以选择【文件 - 打开数据库】。
Note that current text note can be temporarily set as Readonly by
selecting the 'Edit - Toggle Edit Mode' menu item. If this is the case,
simply select the menu item again to remove the 'Readonly' flag.
如果切换编辑模式被选择,当前文本有可能被暂时设置到只读模式,这时您可以重新选择【编辑 - 切换编辑模式】来移除只读模式。
The [Advanced search] and [Find as you type] utilities are based on the index data. Before searching,
you'd need to build/update index data by selecing the [File - Maintenance - Update index] menu item.
Otherwise, you'd want to try the scan-based utility [Search - Search with RegExp],
which allows you to enter either a regular expression, or a whole word or a partial word to search for,
without having to build/update index data.
【高级搜索】和【输入时搜索】是基于索引数据的,在搜索前,您需要通过菜单【文件 - 维护 - 更新索引】创建或更新索引。或者您可以使用基于实时搜索(不需索引)的【查找 - 搜索字词或正则表达式】,它可以支持正则表达式,全字词或部分子词搜索。
At first, be sure to run the setup program under an administrator account to install the WebCollect addon on Windows,
then disable the protected mode within the Internet Options - Security dialog box, and finally restart the IE web browser,
so the WebCollect addon will be able to capture webpages from within IE.
从Microsoft Outlook导入失败
If you experienced an error message like this: 'Error: Failed to launch Microsoft Outlook...'
when you try to import items from Microsoft Outlook application, it indicates that you'd have to run
myBase with the administrative rights (Run as administrator), in order to invoke a third-party application by OLE-Automation.
This usually happens with a lower version of Micorsoft Outlook (e.g. Outlook 2000).
如果您在从Microsoft Outlook导入条目时遇到'Error: Failed to launch Microsoft Outlook...'错误信息,那意味着为了用OLE自动化调用第三方程序,您需要以管理员权限运行myBase,这个情况通常发生在低版本的Microsoft Outlook(例如Outlook 2000)。
如果在修改条目 RTF 内容后提示错误信息:'保存修改内容到数据库中,失败。是否放弃保存?SsgFile=_~_~_notes.rtf,TmpFile=C:\Users\...',
此项故障可能发生在特定的系统环境中,比如,系统中安装有某些后台清理软件工具,会将 myBase 缓存内容意外清除,以致无法保存内容;
解决方法一:将系统清理软件卸载或关闭,二:升级到 myBase v7.x,可以防止此类工具的干扰和破坏。
复制数据库并转换 RTF 到 HTML 格式,失败
在复制数据库并转换 RTF 到 HTML 格式过程中,如果出现类似 'Unknown fatal error' 这样的错误信息,
很可能是因为在某个条目的 RTF 内容中包含有大量图片数据,导致内置 Javascript 脚本引擎内存溢出而崩溃;
通常在 RTF 文档中插入图片就会使文档尺寸迅速膨胀;
如果遇到这种情况,则需要先定位到出现问题的条目,再将相应 RTF 文档中的图片移除或转存为附件文件,
或利用其他工具(如:MS Word)将相应 RTF 文档事先转换为 HTML 文档,再导入到该条目中。
如果打开 .nyf 数据库失败,请首先确认当前登录用户对该文件拥有适当的访问权限;除此之外,可在下列故障信息列表中查询相应解决方法;
故障信息:"Failed to open the database ..."
如果遇到的是类似'Failed to open the database...'的错误,那么很有可能数据库已经打开正在使用。如果是这样情况,只需用 Alt+Tab 或 Win+Tab 即可返回以前打开的 myBase 实例。要不就是该数据库文件正被其他软件使用,例如杀毒软件正在后台检查这个数据库文件。
故障信息:"Invalid version tag in ..."
如果在打开数据库是出现'Invalid version tag in ...',那很可能代表了数据库文件已经损坏,可能需要从最近备份的 .bak 文件恢复数据,如果您有 .bak 文件,那么只需改名或复制成新的nyf文件。如果没有备份,可以尝试使用。我们再次强烈建议您对数据库文件保留备份。有关数据库安全的建议可以参考这个。
故障信息:"Invalid file identifier detected ..."
如果您确认此文件为 .nyf 文件,并且以往正常打开使用过,则基本可判定此数据库文件(或者至少是文件头部摘要信息)已受损,您可能需要从最近备份文件中恢复数据库。
从备份文件恢复数据库的方法比较简单,直接将 .bak 文件改为 .nyf 文件,或者复制 .bak 文件为 .nyf 文件,然后便可继续使用通过恢复得到的 .nyf 数据库。
如果没有找到此数据库的任何备份文件,则可能不得不尝试运行 中提供的修复工具,操作步骤是:
先下载并解开 到一个磁盘目录中,然后打开一个终端窗口,进入该目录下 ssg5recover 命令所在子目录,
运行命令行程序:ssg5recover "已损坏的库.nyf" 如果搜寻到有效数据,此命令会生成新的 .nyf 库文件。[]
故障信息:"Authentication method not supported ..."
如果打开数据库时看到这样的提示信息:"Authentication method not supported ...",则需要下载()
将数据库内容全盘复制到新的 .nyf 数据存储容器中,以获得基于 SHA-256 的用户密码验证算法。
本手册中文版译文由网友 Xia Zhang 提供,在此对译作者为 myBase 发展所做的贡献和为中文用户带来的便利表示衷心的感谢!


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