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Intel Pentium M 730 RH8M (BX8FJ) & Intel &
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Intel Pentium M 730 (Socket 479) specifications
The specs can be used for short-term listings on auction and classifieds sites
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Processor core &?&&
Core steppings &?&&
Manufacturing process&
Data width32 bit
The number of CPU cores1
The number of threads&
Floating Point UnitIntegrated
Level 1 cache size &?&&
Level 2 cache size &?&&
Low power features&
Integrated peripherals / components
Integrated graphics&
Electrical / Thermal parameters
V core &?&&
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature &?&&
Minimum/Maximum power dissipation &?&&
Thermal Design Power &?&&
Notes on Intel Pentium M 730 (Socket 479)
Detailed side-by-side comparison
For detailed comparision of the Intel 730 (Socket 479) and any other other chip from our CPU database
type in a chip name and/or its partial specs:
You can specify any of the following: manufacturer name, family name, model number, part number, core name, socket name, operating frequency, bus speed, and the last level cache.
Here are examples of searches: RH8M, Intel Pentium M 1.6GHz, Dothan Socket mPGA478C; Socket 479
Historical price chart
The chart below shows official prices of Intel Pentium M 1.6 GHz, 725, 730, 735 and 740 processors:
Pentium M 730 (Socket 479) Overclocking
Sorry, overclocking information for the microprocessor is not available at this time.
Intel 730 (Socket 479) Benchmarks and Performance evaluation
Compare Intel 730 (Socket 479) benchmark results with all tested CPUs from one of the following families:
Athlon 64 for Notebooks
Mobile Celeron
Mobile Sempron
Turion 64 Mobile Technology
V Series for Notebook PCs
You can also compare this model with other tested CPUs in our
For 730 (Socket 479) charts, comparing multi- and single-threaded performance of this
microprocessor with other Pentium M processors and the fastest AMD and Intel x86 chips,
please visit
For averaged performance in integer, floating-point, SIMD and memory-intensive applications please see the next section.
Integer, Floating-Point, SIMD and Memory performance
The graphs below show up to 10 microprocessors with
approximately the same level of performance in integer (CPU),
floating-point (FPU), SIMD and memory
benchmarks. All processors were not overclocked, and were tested at
a nominal frequency, with a stock heatsink and default BIOS settings.
Click on the '?' mark next to each model name to see specifications of
that model, and details of the test platform.
Benchmarked processor:
S-spec number:Q954
CPU ID:06D2h
CPU vendor string:GenuineIntel
CPU name string:Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz
Integer performance
Model / Part number
Intel Pentium M 740 (Socket 479)
Intel Core Solo T1300 (Socket M)
AMD Athlon 64 TF-20
Intel Pentium M 735 (Socket 479)
Intel Celeron M 420
Intel Pentium M 730 (Socket 479)
Intel Pentium M 725 (Socket 479)
Intel Core Solo T1200
Intel Celeron M 410
Intel Celeron M 370 (Socket 479)
Intel Pentium M 1.7GHz RH8M
Floating Point performance
Model / Part number
Intel Pentium M 735 (Socket 479)
Intel Core Solo T1300 (Socket M)
Intel Celeron M 520
Intel Celeron M 420
Intel Pentium M 725 (Socket 479)
Intel Pentium M 730 (Socket 479)
Intel Pentium M 1.7GHz RH8M
Intel Core Solo T1200
Intel Celeron M 370 (Socket 479)
Intel Celeron M RH8M
Intel Pentium M 705 (Socket 479)
MMX / SSE / SSE2 performance
Model / Part number
Intel Pentium M 740 (Socket 479)
Intel Pentium M 735 (Socket 479)
AMD Athlon 64 TF-20
Intel Core Solo T1300 (Socket M)
Intel Celeron M 420
Intel Pentium M 730 (Socket 479)
Intel Pentium M 725 (Socket 479)
Intel Celeron M RH8M
Intel Celeron M 370 (Socket 479)
Intel Core Solo T1200
Intel Pentium M 1.7GHz RH8M
Memory-intensive program performance
Model / Part number
Intel Pentium M 750 (Socket 479)
Intel Mobile Celeron 900
Intel Pentium M 740 (Socket 479)
Intel Pentium M 745 (Socket 479)
Intel Celeron M 585
Intel Pentium M 730 (Socket 479)
Intel Pentium M 735 (Socket 479)
Intel Celeron M 575
Intel Pentium M 725 (Socket 479)
Intel Celeron M 560
Intel Celeron M 550 (Socket P)
CPU ID information for the Pentium M 730 (Socket 479)
We don't have CPU ID information for the Intel Pentium M 730 (Socket 479) CPU in our
database. If you have this processor please use
to submit CPUID information. During submission, please specify family name, RH8M part number, and,
most importantly, make the CPUID record public.
To search or browse all public CPUID submissions please visit .
CPUs, related to Intel Pentium M 730 (Socket 479)
The list of related CPUs does not include all models. For the complete list, please see the
Intel Pentium M Dothan family, Socket mPGA478C
&& 1.5 GHz2 MB&NX, ESS&
&& 1.6 GHz2 MB21WNX, ESS&
&& 1.6 GHz2 MB&NX, ESS&
&& Pentium M 730 (Socket 479)1.6 GHz2 MB27WNX, ESS&
&& 1.7 GHz2 MB21WNX, ESS&
&& 1.7 GHz2 MB&NX, ESS&
&& 1.73 GHz2 MB27WNX, ESS&
&& 1.8 GHz2 MB21WNX, ESS&
&& 1.8 GHz2 MB&NX, ESS&
&& 1.86 GHz2 MB27WNX, ESS&
&& 2 GHz2 MB21WNX, ESS&
&& 2 GHz2 MB27WNX, ESS&
&& 2.1 GHz2 MB21WNX, ESS&
&& 2.13 GHz2 MB27WNX, ESS&
&& 2.26 GHz2 MB27WNX, ESS&
Intel Pentium M Dothan family, Mobile micro-architecture, Other sockets
&& 2.1 GHz2 MB21WNX, ESS&
&& 2.13 GHz2 MB27WNX, ESS&
&& 2.26 GHz2 MB27WNX, ESS&
Other families, Mobile micro-architecture, Socket mPGA478C
&& 1.5 GHz1 MB21WNX, ESS&
&& 1.6 GHz1 MB21WNX, ESS&
&& 1.6 GHz1 MB24.5WNX, ESS&
&& 1.7 GHz1 MB27WNX, ESS&
&& 1.7 GHz1 MB24.5WNX, ESS&
&& 1.8 GHz1 MB&NX, ESS&
&& Within each category, the CPUs are sorted from slower (at the top) to faster (at the bottom)
&& Background color of specs and features indicate whether they are better or worse than similar spec/feature of the Pentium M 730 (Socket 479)
&& Click on the & icon to compare any CPU in the table with the Intel Pentium M 730 (Socket 479) (Javascript required).
&& Features abbreviations:
NX - Virus Protection / Execute Disable bitESS - PowerNow! / Enhanced SpeedStep
Pictures (1)
Intel Pentium M 730 RH8M (BX8FJ)
Comments (0)
You're welcome to post suggestions, corrections, your own personal
Intel Pentium M 730 (Socket 479) review, or your experience with the microprocessor.
Please do not ask upgrade and troubleshooting questions, and do not start
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