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Powered byFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Parkour (French pronunciation: ) is a
discipline using movement that developed from military
training. Practitioners aim to get from one point to another in a complex environment, without assistive equipment and in the fastest and most efficient way possible. Parkour includes , , , , , , , and other movements as deemed most suitable for the situation. Parkour's development from military training gives it some aspects of a non-combative .
Parkour is an activity that can be practiced alone or with others and is usually—but not exclusively—carried out in urban spaces. Parkour involves seeing one's environment in a new way, and imagining the potential for navigating it by movement around, across, through, over and under its features.
Parkour was developed in , primarily by Raymond Belle, and further by his son
and his group of friends, the self-styled , during the late 1980s. The discipline was popularised in the late 1990s and 2000s through films, documentaries, and advertisements featuring the Yamakasi.
The word parkour derives from parcours du combattant, the classic obstacle course method of military training proposed by . Raymond Belle used the term "le parcours" to encompass all of his training including climbing, jumping, running, balancing, and the other methods he undertook in his personal athletic advancement. His son, David, further developed his father's methods and achieved success as a stuntman, and one day on a film set showed his 'Speed Air Man' video to . Koundé suggested he change the "c" of "parcours" to a "k" because it was stronger and more dynamic, and to remove the silent "s" for the same reason, forming "parkour".
A practitioner of parkour is called a traceur, with the feminine form being traceuse. They are
derived from the French verb , which normally means "to trace", as in "tracing a path", in reference to drawing. The verb tracer used familiarly means: "to buck up". The term traceur was originally the name of a parkour group headed by David Belle which included
and Stéphane Vigroux.
A jam refers to a meeting of traceurs, involving training lasting anywhere from hours to several days, often with people from different cities. The first parkour jam was organised in July 2002 by Romain Drouet, with a dozen people including
and Stéphane Vigroux.
In Western Europe, a forerunner of parkour was French naval officer , who before
promoted athletic skill based on the models of indigenous tribes he had met in Africa. He noted, "their bodies were splendid, flexible, nimble, skillful, enduring, and resistant but yet they had no other tutor in gymnastics but their lives in nature." His rescue efforts during the 1902 eruption of
on , reinforced his belief that athletic skill must be combined with courage and altruism. Hébert became a physical education tutor at the college of
in France. Hébert set up a "méthode naturelle" (natural method) session consisting of ten fundamental groups: walking, running, jumping, quadrupedal movement, climbing, balancing, throwing, lifting, self-defence, swimming. These were intended to develop "the three main forces": energetic (willpower, courage, coolness, and firmness), moral (benevolence, assistance, honour, and honesty) and physical (muscles and breath). During World War I and World War II, teaching continued to expand, becoming the standard system of French military education and training. Inspired by Hébert, a Swiss architect developed a "parcours du combattant"—military obstacle course—the first of the courses that are now standard in military training and which led to the development of civilian
and confidence courses.
Born in 1939 in , Raymond Belle was the son of a French
and Vietnamese mother. During the , his father died and he was separated from his mother, after which he was sent to a military
at the age of 7. He took it upon himself to train harder and longer than everyone else in order to never be a victim. At night, when everyone else was asleep, he would be outside running or climbing trees. He would use the military
in secret, and also created courses of his own that tested his endurance, strength, and flexibility. Doing this enabled him not only to survive the hardships he experienced during his childhood, but also eventually to thrive. After the
in 1954, he returned to France and remained in military education until the age of 19, when he joined the , a French Army unit.
is considered the founder of parkour.
Raymond's son, , was born in 1973. He experimented with
but became increasingly disaffected with both school and the . As he got older, he started to read the newspaper clippings[] that told of his father's exploits and was increasingly curious about what had enabled his father to accomplish these feats. Through conversations with his father, he realised that what he really wanted was a means to develop skills that would be useful to him in life, rather than just training to kick a ball or perform moves in a padded, indoor environment.
Through conversations with his father, David learned about this way of training that his father called "parcours". He heard his father talk of the many repetitions he had done in order to find the best way of doing things. He learned that for his father, training was not a game but something vital which enabled him to survive and to protect the people he cared about. David realised that this was what he had been searching for, and so he began training in the same way. After a time, he found it far more important to him than schooling and he gave up his other commitments to focus all his time on his training.
Main article:
David initially trained on his own, and after moving to , found other young men (including his cousins) who had similar desires, and they began to train together. The group eventually included David Belle, , Ch?u Belle Dinh, Williams Belle, Yann Hnautra, Laurent Piemontesi, Guylain N'Guba Boyeke, Malik Diouf, and Charles Perriére.
The group put themselves through challenges that forced them to find the physical and mental strength to succeed. Examples included training without food or water, or sleeping on the floor without a blanket, to learn to endure the cold. For example, no one in the group was permitted to be late for training, as it would hold back the whole group. If any member completed a challenge, everyone else had to do the same thing. During their training no one was allowed to complain or be negative. Few excuses were allowed. For instance, if someone claimed that his shoes were too worn out in order to make a jump, he had to do it anyway, even if it meant doing the jump barefoot. At the same time, everyone was required to have knowledge of their own limits.
Respecting one's health and physical well-being was one of the foundations of the group. If any member hurt himself during or after the execution of a movement, the movement was deemed a failure. A movement executed only once was not consi only with repetition was the challenge complete. Every movement had to be repeated at least ten times in a row without the traceur having to push his limits or sustaining any injury. If any mistake was made by any traceur in the group everyone had to start all over again.
Humility was an important principle. No traceur was allowed to feel superior over someone else, for example by executing a movement only to show off in front of someone who could not perform the movement. If any traceur in the group claimed that he had completed a difficult and dangerous challenge that should not be attempted unaided, he had to prove his claims by doing the challenge again. Anyone who lied violated the principle of humility.
To join the group, new members had to be recommended by an existing member and then pass tests to evaluate their motivation for joining. Despite the huge emphasis on the collective, each traceur had to progress and develop independently — "to create the means to be yourself" — and there was a complete trust within the group. Every traceur was to encourage the others and show confidence through their behaviour. If a member violated the principles, the group could meet without the offending person to discuss various punishments. Anyone deemed unsuitable could be temporarily or even permanently banned from the group in order to uphold its disciplines and values.
In 1997, David Belle's brother Jean-Fran?ois invited the group to perform for the public in a firefighter show in Paris. For the performance, the group named themselves —
ya makási, meaning strong in one's person, or "strong man, strong spirit". Sébastien Foucan also invented a name for what they were doing: "l'art du déplacement" (French for "the art of movement"). The firefighter performance caused both positive and negative attention. Some members of the group were concerned how the public would view their discipline since the performance did not demonstrate all aspects of it, such as their hard training and their values and ethics. Jean-Fran?ois also sent pictures and video of the group to a French TV programme, and the popularity of parkour began to increase. A series of television programmes in various countries subsequently featured video footage of the group, and they began to get more requests for performances. During this time, conflicting interests arose within the group. Sébastien Foucan wanted to teach more rather than to train more, and David Belle had the ambition to become an actor. David and Sébastien chose to leave the group, and used the name "parkour" to describe their activity (see
above). The seven remaining Yamakasi members continued to use the term l'art du déplacement
According to Williams Belle, the philosophies and theories behind parkour are an integral aspect of the art, one that many non-practitioners have never been exposed to. Belle says he trains people because he wants it "to be alive" and "for people to use it". Ch?u Belle explains it is a "type of freedom" or "kind of expression"; that parkour is "only a state of mind" rather than a set of actions, and that it is about overcoming and adapting to mental and emotional obstacles as well as physical barriers. Traceur Dylan Baker says, "Parkour also influences one's thought processes by enhancing self-confidence and critical thinking skills that allow one to overcome everyday physical and mental obstacles". A study by Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence (Neuropsychiatry of Childhood and Adolescence) in France found traceurs seek more excitement and leadership situations than
Academic research on parkour has tended to describe how parkour provides a novel way of interacting with the urban environment that challenges the use and meaning of urban space, metropolitan life, and embodiment.
A newer convention of parkour philosophy has been the idea of "human reclamation". Andy Tran of Urban Evolution clarifies it as "a means of reclaiming what it means to be a human being. It teaches us to move using the natural methods that we should have learned from infancy. It teaches us to touch the world and interact with it, instead of being sheltered by it." Another traceur[] writes, "It is as much as a part of truly learning the physical art as well as being able to master the movements, it gives you the ability to overcome your fears and pains and reapply this to life as you must be able to control your mind in order to master the art of parkour."
A campaign was started on 1 May 2007 by the Parkour.NET portal to preserve parkour's philosophy against sports competition and rivalry. In the words of : "Competition pushes people to fight against others for the satisfaction of a crowd and/or the benefits of a few business people by changing its mindset. Parkour is unique and cannot be a competitive sport unless it ignores its altruistic core of self-development. If parkour becomes a sport, it will be hard to seriously teach and spread parkour as a non-competitive activity. And a new sport will be spread that may be called parkour, but that won't hold its philosophical essence anymore." Red Bull's sponsored athlete for parkour, Ryan Doyle, has said, "Sometimes people ask, 'Who is the best at parkour?' and it is because they don't understand what P 'Who is the best?' is what you would say to a sport, and parkour is not a sport, it is an art, it's a discipline. That's like saying, 'What's the best song in the world?'" This seems to be a highly consensual opinion of many professional traceurs who view parkour as a style of life more than a set of tricks, as has been popularised by YouTube and most media exposure.[]
In his 2009 book "Parkour", David Belle stressed that the most important aspect of parkour is not the physical movements, but rather the practitioner's mentality and understanding of its principles. "When young trainees come to see me and give me videos telling me to check out what they are doing, I just take the tape and throw it away. What I'm interested in is what the guy's got in his head, if he has self-confidence, if he masters the technique, if he has understood the principles of parkour. I just can't deal with guys who do Parkour because they saw videos on the Internet and thought it was kinda cool and want to do even better." Further, he states the importance of traceurs being aware of their abilities and limitations, and developing in their own way. "When a young person asks me: 'Can you show me how to do this?' I simply answer: "No, I am going to show you how I do it. Then, you'll have to learn with your own technique, your own way of moving, your style, your abilities and your limitations. You are going to learn to be yourself, not someone else."
The philosophy of parkour has been compared to that of martial arts. In an interview with The New Yorker, David Belle acknowledges the influence: "There's a quote by
that's my motto: 'There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. A man must constantly exceed his level.' If you're not better than you were the day before, then what are you doing—what's the point?". In an interview with the press, Belle explained that parkour is a training method for warriors. "So many people try to train easy 'Come do parkour! It's really cool!' But if tomorrow I made you do real training, you would end up crying. That's what you need to know: you are going to cry, you are going to bleed and you are going to sweat like never before." In his book, Belle also quotes his father Raymond: "If two roads open up before you, always take the most difficult one. Because you know you can travel the easy one."
Belle is an influential proponent of discipline and control in parkour, saying, "Precision is all about being measured," and going on to describe parkour as an art that requires huge amounts of repetition and practice to master. "With parkour, I often say, 'Once is never'. In other words, someone can manage a jump one time but it does not mean anything. It can be luck or chance. When you make a jump, you have to do it at least three times to be sure you can actually do it. It's an unavoidable rule. Do it the hard way and stop lying to yourself. When you come for training, you have to train. Even if it means doing the same jump fifty or a hundred times." To its founder, parkour is a method of self-refinement, used for learning to control and focus oneself.
A practitioner climbing a wall
While there is no official list of "moves" in parkour, the style in which practitioners move often sets them apart from others, and there are a number of movements considered fundamental. Some examples of common movements are:
over obstacles.
Jumping and landing accurately with the feet on small or narrow obstacles.
Jumping and landing feet-first on a vertical surface, catching the horizontal top with the hands.
Using a rolling motion to help absorb impacts from larger drops.
Running towards a high wall and then jumping and pushing off the wall with a foot to reach the top of the wall.
Moving from a position hanging from a wall-top or ledge, to standing on the top or over to the other side.
A traceuse vaults an obstacle.
Parkour is practiced without equipment of any kind. Practitioners normally train wearing light, non-restrictive casual clothing. Traceurs who wear gloves are the exception—bare hands are considered better for grip and tactile feedback. Light running shoes with good grip and flexibility are encouraged. Practitioners often use minimalist shoes, sometimes as a progression to bare feet. Barefoot training is done by some for movement competency without gear—as David Belle noted, "bare feet are the best shoes." Various
manufacturers have developed shoes specifically for parkour and freerunning. Many other companies around the world have started offering products targeted at parkour.
Traceurs in
re-painting a wall, repairing shoe scuff marks from parkour.
Prohibition of parkour at the , 2012
Parkour is not widely practiced in dedicated public facilities. Although efforts are being made to create places for it, many traceurs do not like the idea, as it is contradictory to parkour's values of adaptation, creativity, and freedom. Traceurs practice parkour in both rural and urban areas such as gyms, parks, playgrounds, offices, and abandoned structures. Concerns have been raised regarding trespassing, damage of property, and use of inappropriate places such as cemeteries. Many parkour organizations around the globe support the Leave No Trace initiative, an urban version of the
created by the Seattle
Parkour Visions in 2008, promoting safety, respect for the spaces used and their other users, and sometimes includes picking up rubbish to leave areas in better condition than they were found.
Concerns have been raised by law enforcement and fire and rescue teams of the risk in jumping off high buildings. They argue that practitioners are needlessly risking damage to both themselves and rooftops by practicing at height, with police forces calling for practitioners to stay off the rooftops. Some practitioners of Parkour agree that such behaviour should be discouraged.
Because parkour philosophy is about learning to control oneself in interaction with the environment, leading parkour experts tend to view physical injury as a deviation from true parkour. Daniel Ilabaca, co-founder of the World Parkour and Freerunning Federation, said "Thinking you're going to fail at something gives you a higher risk of doing just that. Committing to something you're thinking or knowing you will land gives you a higher chance of landing or completing the task." There is growing evidence that parkour techniques can reduce injury rates when landing, compared to traditional sport techniques.
American traceur Mark Toorock said injuries are rare "because participants rely not on what they can't control – wheels or the icy surfaces of snowboarding and skiing – but their own hands and feet," but Lanier Johnson, executive director of the , noted that many of the injuries are not reported.
On 30 October 2014, a thirteen-year-old boy fell through a glass skylight on a 7th-floor apartment rooftop in
and died, while jumping between rooftops with friends, trying to do parkour.
Initially featured in films of French director/producer , parkour was first introduced to the British public by the BBC One station trailer Rush Hour. It featured David Belle leaping across London’s rooftops from his office to home, in an attempt to catch his favourite BBC programme, and captured the imagination of many viewers, especially when they learned no special effects or wires were used. This advertisement, along with others for , , and , had a large-scale impact on public awareness of parkour.
The creation of parkour show-reels and documentaries has always been crucial to the spread of parkour, and is very common in the parkour community.
is a 2003 documentary explaining some of the background of parkour, culminating with , Johann Vigroux, and
demonstrating their parkour skills. Jump London changed the presence of parkour in the UK almost overnight and is widely credited for inspiring a new generation of traceurs. It was followed by
in 2005. The Australian version of
broadcast a segment about parkour on 16 September 2007, featuring Foucan and Stephane Vigroux.
Parkour is not defined by a set of rules or guidelines, which has been particularly attractive to young people, allowing them to explore and engage in the activity on their own terms. It can be easily accepted by all cultures as a means of personal expression and recreation. For example, in 2010
published a short video featuring three young men from the Gaza Strip who were active members of the parkour community. In 2014, the
covered youth parkour participation in Indian-administered . Curfews and restrictions are part of daily life for Kashmiri youth, many wanting freedom from India and often clashing in protests with security forces. Inspired by the free runners of Gaza, Zahid Shah founded the Kashmir Freerunning and Parkour Federation, finding hope in the non-violent discipline of parkour.
Parkour has become a popular element in action sequences, with film directors hiring parkour practitioners as . The first director to do so was , for the film
in 1998, followed by
in 2001 featuring members of the original
group, and its sequel
in 2004. Also in 2004, Besson wrote , another feature film involving advanced parkour chase sequences, starring
and , followed by the sequel
in 2009 and remade in English as
in 2014. In 2006 the film
featured Sébastien Foucan in a chase taking place early in the movie, sparking renewed media interest in parkour. Along with
(2007), Casino Royale is credited with starting a new wave of Parkour-inspired stunts in
film and television. Parkour was prominent in
(2007), again with stuntman/actor Cyril Raffaelli, and
(2010), choreographed by David Belle. Several films besides Yamakasi are about thieves who use parkour, such as
(2006), Run (2013), and
(2015). The 2011 film
is about eight
racing through a city for survival. Parkour also featured in
's show Ultimate Parkour Challenge premiered as a one-hour special in October 2009 starring the athletes of the . This was followed in May 2010 with a six-episode series of the same name. The athletes were , , , Michael Turner, Oleg Vorslav, Ben Jenkin, Daniel Arroyo, Pip Andersen and King David. The programme format was a two-part weekly competition in different Southern California locations.
learned parkour at Tempest Academy in preparation for his role as Oliver Queen in the television series . One of his co-stars on Arrow, , is also a practitioner.
Modern video games frequently include aspects of parkour as major game-play elements. The
makes heavy use of parkour movement (called freerunning in the game). The
games are heavily inspired by parkour, consisting entirely of efficiently moving around buildings, rooftops, and other obstacles.
introduced a parkour mechanic into a realistic .
include a central parkour mechanic, while
include an emphasis on gripping and vaulting from ledges and protruding objects.
allows the character to use several freerunning techniques while not on the skateboard. 's basic movements and combat were based on parkour and .
Although parkour itself grew out of military obstacle-course training, it has become a separate discipline. After the attention that parkour received following the 2006 film , military forces around the world began looking for ways to incorporate elements from parkour into . A physical trainer with the Royal Army Corps trained with parkour practitioners with hopes of teaching some techniques to Corps soldiers. Colorado Parkour began a project to introduce elements from parkour into the U.S. military and one
staff sergeant trained
in parkour.
In September 2003, the documentary , starring , was released. In the documentary, the term "" was used as an attempt to translate "parkour", in order to make it more appealing to the English-speaking audience. Foucan decided to keep using the term "freerunning" to describe his discipline, to distinguish it from David Belle's methods.
The remaining seven Yamakasi members continued to use the term "l'art du déplacement", also not wanting to associate it too closely with parkour. Similar to Sébastien's freerunning, l'art du déplacement was less about the hard discipline from the original Yamakasi group, more a participatory approach focused on making the teaching more accessible. David Belle kept the term "parkour", saying the group contributed to the development of it, but that his father was the source of his motivation, who had verbally communicated this method only to him.
Both parkour and freerunning encompass the ideas of overcoming obstacles and self- in freerunning, the greater emphasis is on self-expression. Although the differences between the disciplines are often hard to discern, practitioners tend to aspire to parkour and describe themselves as traceurs rather than as freerunners.
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