
&&&&&问题内容原手机号码丢失或停用了怎么更改绑定手机号?&你好,在这种情况下请发送邮件至,有专门工作人员为您处理。1、请尽量将邮件标题设置为“申请更改绑定手机”,方便我们尽快处理2、请将您身份证原件扫描件作为邮件附件一并发送过来3、请在邮件正文中注明之前绑定的号码(如忘记号码请描述原因)2万余号码被禁拨 保险电话营销为何屡禁不止 _中国经济网――国家经济门户
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Why am I seeing the message "Your phone number is banned from using WhatsApp. Contact support for help."?
If you become banned, you will receive the following message from within WhatsApp:
"Your phone number is banned from using WhatsApp. Contact support for help."
We ban accounts if we believe the account activity is in violation of our Terms of Service. Please review our
to learn more about the appropriate uses of WhatsApp.
Be aware that the following actions are in violation of our Terms of Service:
Sending ads or any other form of commercial solicitation.
Sending spam or unsolicited messages.
Submitting content (in the status, profile photos or messages) that is unlawful, obscene, threatening, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive or otherwise inappropriate.
Being annoying to other users.
Being a repeat infringer.
Using an automated system or an unauthorized / unofficial client application to send messages through WhatsApp.
We may not issue a warning before banning your account. If you think your account was banned by mistake, please email us and we will look into your case.
72 hours after your account has been been banned, your friends will no longer be able to see you in their Favorites list (Contacts tab on Android).
Note: WhatsApp reserves the right to refuse service for any reason without prior notice, at our sole discretion.
If you see the message "You're temporarily banned from WhatsApp", please read .
WhatsApp Support Team
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About WhatsApp
WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Android and Nokia.


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