
收获日2最新版|收获日2下载 v1.89.603(整合升级档)_单机游戏下载
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游戏介绍游戏名称:英文名称:PAYDAY 2游戏版本:中文版游戏类型:游戏语言:中文制作公司:OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.发行公司:505 Games发行日期:日《收获日2》新增很多2011年初始版《收获日》所没有的特征,包括特殊技能和自我升级系统。此外,抢劫者有四种不同的专业领域,每个都有自己独特的能力......配置要求系统:Windows XP SP3CPU :2 GHz Intel Dual Core Processor内存:2GB硬盘:10GB显卡:NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD 2600组件:directx9.0c安装方法开始游戏或者解压缩游戏时候注意关闭杀毒软件,防止误杀免DVD文件。1. 用WINRAR软件解压缩游戏到硬盘上2. 开始游戏版本说明该版本为日更新的最新版本v1.89.603版,整合了181号升级档,已集成未加密补丁,游戏必备组件在_CommonRedist文件夹下请自行安装。操作方法行动相关操作WASD:前后左右移动左shift+WASD:前后左右奔跑空格键:跳跃左ctrl:蹲下(默认为切换)武器相关操作鼠标左键:开枪鼠标右键:机械瞄准数字键1:切换出副武器[1]&数字键2:切换出主武器数字键3:丢出手雷(无法蓄力)C:切换武器Q:战术挂载(电筒、激光器等)E:近身攻击V:快慢机切换功能类操作F:互动键.(开锁,救援,修理,打包等)G:部署随身设备/投掷物品包裹TAB:合约信息T:文字聊天~:语音聊天ESC:返回、游戏内出菜单小编评测相对于收获日:掠夺,收获日2在游戏内容上增加了很多东西,比如技能升级、职业选择等。画面自然也有了非常大的提升。射击感觉也很不错。游戏的题材也让人觉得非常刺激。有兴趣的玩家可千万不要错过这么一款好游戏!游戏介绍《收获日2》是《收获日:掠夺》的续作,添加新功能。比如技能和升级、兵种/职业选择(每个都有特殊能力)等等。《收获日2》是一款很有战斗风格的射击类游戏。在本游戏里,玩家扮演的是智商高超的职业罪犯,以各类犯罪手段谋求生存,例如去抢劫银行,武装劫持车辆,也可以协作犯人们越狱。总之,在偌大的都市里,你可以拥有强大的武器和装备,自由穿行无可阻挡。505 Games发布了《收获日2》的一个新视频,视频中,制作人David Goldfarb撇开了其他射击游戏和2011年发布的《收获日掠夺》,直接分析这款游戏的新元素设置。《收获日2》已经比前作多了更多的RPG元素,Goldfarb说,开发商想给玩家更多的选择。这包括自定义玩家的面具和武器,尝试各种选项并暗地里进行抢劫和袭击,而不是当面用枪火射击。Goldfarb说,《收获日2》只是提供一个抢劫的经验, 让玩家尝试和他们的队友共同合作扮演走上犯罪的路上。Goldfarb说“有时候你会想摆脱你所有的包袱,有时候你会想挣更多的钱,甚至有时候你会想逃离现实生活。这些超酷的事你都可以在《收获日2》游戏中做。角色介绍PAYDAY帮(玩家扮演人物)Dallas国籍:美国年龄:44经验丰富,狡猾灵敏,有条不紊。Dallas在他30岁的时候设法挑拨两个芝加哥的黑帮关系,他去南方后,几个黑帮头目下令捉拿Dallas并割下他的头,但他设法藏入地下,并且活了下来。在这件事情平息过后,他又重新回归到了犯罪的道路上。现在大家都怕他了。Wolf国籍:瑞典年龄:34Wolf年轻时也像我们一样是个守法的好公民。在2000年末的金融危机,Wolf的公司一时只有一位客户并且那位客户临阵退缩,想解除与他们公司的合作。随后,他的公司彻底破产了。他的决心驱使着他走上犯罪生涯,然后以犯罪得来的钱经营维持自己的公司。Chains国籍:美国年龄:37Chains在年轻时便总是招惹麻烦。青年时期便总是在自己的寄养家庭和少管所之间徘徊。随后,他加入了军队,成为了一个优秀的士兵,但他总是厌恶被人命令。再后来,Chiains离开了军队,成为了一个小痞子,称之为“兵痞”,为出价最高的人提供他的“军事”服务。Houston国籍:美国年龄:31Houston从年轻时开始未好好胜任一份工作,即便他需以此谋生。他的生活方式日渐消极,并开始了盗窃等犯罪活动。他的债务在不停的增长,同时还因行骗多年而结识了许多的仇敌...他急需巨额金钱来还债。他在他24岁时犯下了第一宗滔天大罪,并在犯罪道路上越走越远。John Wick国籍:美国年龄:40+(具体年龄不详)John Wick是一个冷静的前杀手。他的身体看起来并没有一丝苍老的痕迹,也许是因为其年轻时做过拳击手的缘故。John Wick 和Chains 曾隶属于同一支部队,并彼此认识。在沉寂了几年后,John Wick再次出现并帮助Chains脱离了险境。John Wick想要一群和他“志同道合”的人再次出山,并在老朋友Chains的介绍下进入了payday组织。Hoxton国籍:英国年龄:32Hoxton在伦敦东作案时和其同伙被抓获时得名,在其20岁时,hoxton就参与了多次犯罪并且最终加入了payday组织。在2011年他在成功作案后被FBI抓获并收监。在2014年时hoxton被payday组织救出。后调查出将其出卖的人为Hector。Clover国籍:爱尔兰年龄:27Clover的童年过得相当艰辛。她的祖先奋战与每一个时代,而她也对她作为爱尔兰人骄傲不已。她戴着幸运的四叶草,就像是她在说:“我是爱尔兰人,我骄傲不已。”Dragan国籍:克罗地亚年龄:45Dragan是前警员,但是他用他的手段将市警察局玩的团团转。他被The Butcher介绍到美国参加Payday组织并参与犯罪。即使之前的行为让他看似无法被信任,但是他的能力和承诺都是无法争辩的。Jacket国籍:美国年龄:不详又名理查德(Richard),美苏冷战期间曾在美军服役,退役后成为令整个迈阿密地区陷入恐慌的连环杀手,以一己之力铲除了迈阿密的俄罗斯黑帮。出于某种原因,Jacket本人不太爱说话,但他依然用电子录音与其他人作简单交流。Bonnie国籍:苏格兰年龄:43曾经是Hoxton的老朋友,因为银行抢劫而被抓进的Bonnie出狱了,她靠着自己与生俱来的赌博谈判技巧,Bonnie靠着陷害Hoxton叛徒消息的筹码也加入了payday gang,这名来自苏格兰格拉斯高的女汉子也有着不俗的战斗技术。合约提供者BainCrime.net幕后的主使,从未有人见到过他的本体,以最小的风险和最大的利润为主旨。Vlad乌克兰人,曾是令整个俄国及周边国家畏惧的暴徒。现今,他在华盛顿的哥伦比亚区四处实施敲诈勒索。Hector一个细心的前任经营管理者。东海岸最大的毒贩,并将成为墨西哥锡纳罗亚贩毒集团的主要领导力。查明为出卖Hoxton的叛徒,现已被击毙。The Elephant原名John Henry Simmons,迫于压力代号“The Elephant”。一个肮脏卑鄙的共和国议员,常通过迷一般的方法来在政治各处达到顶峰。Gage阿富汗老兵,在一次失败的刺杀后坐上轮椅并被众人知晓,他是圈内最好的武器商,也是一个优秀的刺客。The Dentist一位看似默默无闻的牙医,实则掌握着海量有关巨额的贮藏地,四人组以及Hoxton的情报,身世扑朔迷离,Bain都无法获取相关情报。The Butcher一位黑市军火商人,Dragan 的介绍人。在和Gage相识之后,其作为payday组织的合约提供人想要继续和payday组织与Bain有更“深层次”的“商业”关系敌人介绍普通敌人Payday2中普通敌人及出现最多的小兵警察。随着难度的上升种类也会发生变化,主要体现在生命值和攻击力上。普通警员:警报响起之后乘警车到来的第一波敌人,手持左 轮 手枪,普通手枪,冲锋枪和霰弹枪,伤害较高,但防御能力低下。SWAT特警:在一星或普通难度中出现的敌人,身穿蓝色和黑色制服,手持冲锋枪和霰弹枪,伤害较高,但生命值较低。重型SWAT:在一星后期或两星中出现的敌人,身穿蓝色制服,头戴有护面的头盔,手持自动步枪,伤害中等,生命值中等。FBI SWAT:在两星后期或三星任务中出现的敌人,身穿绿色制服,装备自动步枪和霰弹枪,伤害中等,生命值较高。FBI重型 SWAT:在三星或四星任务中出现,身穿黄色防弹服白色防弹头盔,装备自动步枪,伤害较高,生命值较高。低威力武器正面攻击身体无效,建议爆头或从背部攻击。Deathwish SWAT:仅在deathwish 即四星难度中出现,身穿白黑迷彩服,装备自动步枪,伤害很高,生命值很高。警卫:在潜行任务里担任卫兵的敌人,生命值不一,但普遍较低(Shadow Raid中的警卫生命值较高)在未发现玩家时可被任何攻击击杀,如果玩家距离太近会用手铐铐住玩家。会拉响警报并解除玩家潜行状态。特殊敌人Payday2中会伴随普通敌人进攻的特殊敌人,可以在非潜行状态下标记。随难度增加,防爆盾兵,重装兵会有所改变。泰塞枪兵(Tazer):在任何难度都可能出现。身穿蓝色制服,装备电击 枪和自动步枪,伤害中等生命值高。会将玩家在一定范围内电击,这时玩家无法移动并会不断射击直至打完弹药。如被长时间电击,玩家则会被直接击倒。对付方法:在其发射电击是会有尖锐的声音,其次电击 枪射程较近,注意不要让其过于靠近即可。防爆盾兵(Shield):在任何难度都可能出现,低难度手持盾牌及手枪,改为冲锋枪。正面普通武器打击无效,但是可以用装备穿甲弹(AP)的霰弹枪或狙击步枪击杀。对付方法:防爆盾兵可以用狙击枪或装备穿甲弹(AP)的霰弹枪穿盾击杀,爆炸同样有效。Enforcer(暴徒)职业可以学习技能近战击开盾牌。多人也可以尝试配合击杀。潜伏者(Cloaker):不会在普通难度出现。身穿黑色制服,手持冲锋枪,伤害较高,生命值高。会潜伏并伏击玩家,有将玩家用近战一击击倒的能力。会从排风管道,下水道中出现,还会潜伏在墙角,车底等地方。对付方法:这种敌人会不停发出尖锐刺耳的声音,在冲刺时声音变大。注意天花板上的通风口和车底墙角的等处,防止被伏击。狙击手(Sniper):在任何难度出现,在某些特殊关卡出现频率较高。身穿蓝色制服,在楼顶等高处出现,装备狙击步枪。伤害极高(高于重装兵,拥有一下击杀玩家的伤害),但生命值很低。开枪时会发出相当大的枪声,射击较为精准。对付方法:留意周围房顶,因为狙击手的所在位置是不变的,所以很好定位。注意狙击手使用的激光瞄准器发出的红线。重装兵(Bulldozer):在任何难度出现,难度越高出现频率越大。随难度上升会有绿色,黑色和骷髅面具三种,其中骷髅重装兵仅在四星难度中出现。身穿排爆服,装备唧筒式霰弹枪、自动霰弹枪或轻机枪,生命值极高,伤害极高。用普通武器攻击身体,后脑,四肢效果很差且近战几乎无效。拥有团灭玩家的实力。对付方法:使用大威力步枪或轻机枪在近距离射击正脸,在击破两层装甲后露出面部,此时击杀会容易很多。或使用大威力(300左右)狙击步枪射击正脸,击破装甲后击杀。炸弹等武器可以震击重装兵,对破甲有帮助。同系列游戏推荐游戏名称游戏星级游戏大小前去下载6.70G1.92G23.47G23.47G13.27G19.87G24.52G同类型游戏推荐游戏名称游戏星级游戏大小前去下载1.86G1.76G1.95G1.76G9.74G17.8M2017版本692.4M天际重制版 法尔海姆古宅MOD汉化版79.2M11.72G49.13G游戏视频
(PAYDAY 2)是505 Games制作发行的一款,四个带着小丑面具受过专业训练的反社会犯罪者享受着极端犯罪,精心布局的高智商犯罪行为让警方熟手无策。这是游戏《收获日:掠夺》的续作,会带给玩家不错的游戏体验。【游戏介绍】这款游戏是少有的佳作,游戏将第一人称的玩家设置成罪犯去进行犯罪活动敌人就是警察,游戏这中讲究4人合作跟配合,每个人物都有自己擅长的武器跟能力,场景设置在美国街头,玩家可以肆意穿梭寻找猎物,这款游戏满足了我们现实生活中的限制,可以去放肆的做着生活中无法做到的事情。【更新内容】游戏已是最新版,其中集成了最新升级补丁、汉化补丁和破解补丁,玩家只需一键安装即可,非常方便。【游戏特色】一、CRIME.NET系统:动态合同数据库允许玩家选择可用的工作,通过网络与合约联系人协商最佳的利益谈妥合约二、动态场景模式:从来没有上演过两次相同方式的抢劫,每一个场景都有随机的卡点甚至罕见的事件三、丰富选择技能:罪犯们可以把技能点投资在五个的特殊技能树:黑手、暴徒、技师、幽灵和逃犯。深度定制相关的技能和装备完成最完美的犯罪四、更多个性化面具:收获日2全新面具定制系统,让玩家制定他们自己独特的面具和配色,几乎有数百万种可能五、有趣的武器搭配:全新的枪械部件组装体系,从狙击步枪到紧凑的冲锋枪和突击步枪。玩家可以修改和添加枪械的各种部件,例如枪管、枪口、枪机、枪托、瞄准镜、握把、弹匣,所有这些都会影响你武器的性能六、更多的新玩法:每个合约允许多种方法完成,比如隐秘毫无生息的潜行或杀出一条血路,击杀看到的任何目标,用你喜欢的方式完成抢劫【配置要求】最小配置:操作系统:Windows XP SP3处理器:2 GHz Intel Dual Core Processor内存:2 GB RAM图形:NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD MB minimum)DirectX&:9.0c硬盘:10 GB HD space声音:DirectX 9.0c compatible推荐配置:操作系统:Windows XP SP3/Vista/Windows 7处理器:2.3 GHz Intel Quad Core Processor内存:3 GB RAM图形:NVIDIA GeForce GTX460/ATI Radeon HD MB minimum)DirectX&:9.0c硬盘:10 GB HD space声音:DirectX 9.0c compatible【操作说明】:开枪:瞄准:选择枪械:选择另一种枪械:肉搏:多功能互动:使用道具:奔跑:蹲下【DLC列表】PAYDAY 2: John Wick Weapon PackPAYDAY 2: The Biker HeistPAYDAY 2: Biker Character PackPAYDAY 2: Sydney Character PackPAYDAY 2: Wolf PackPAYDAY 2: The Goat Simulator HeistPAYDAY 2: The Point Break HeistsPAYDAY 2: Gage Chivalry PackPAYDAY 2: Yakuza Character PackPAYDAY 2: Gage Ninja PackPAYDAY 2: Sokol Character PackPAYDAY 2: The Golden Grin Casino HeistPAYDAY 2: The Alesso HeistPAYDAY 2: The OVERKILL B-Sides SoundtrackPAYDAY 2: The Butcher's Western PackPAYDAY 2: The Butcher's BBQ PackPAYDAY 2: The Butcher's AK/CAR Mod PackPAYDAY 2: The OVERKILL PackPAYDAY 2: Dragan Character PackPAYDAY 2: The Bomb HeistsPAYDAY 2: Clover Character PackPAYDAY 2: The Diamond HeistPAYDAY 2: Gage Historical PackPAYDAY 2: Hotline MiamiPAYDAY 2: Gage Assault PackPAYDAY 2: Gage Shotgun PackPAYDAY 2: The Big Bank HeistPAYDAY 2: Gage Sniper PackPAYDAY 2: Gage Mod CourierPAYDAY 2: Gage Weapon Pack #02PAYDAY 2: The Infamy UpdatePAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas SoundtrackPAYDAY 2: Gage Weapon Pack #01PAYDAY 2: Armored TransportPAYDAY 2: The Official SoundtrackPAYDAY 2: Old Hoxton Character PackPAYDAY 2: The Hoxton Breakout HeistPAYDAY 2: John Wick Character PackPAYDAY 2: The Shadow Raid HeistPAYDAY 2: The Election Day HeistPAYDAY 2: The Death Wish UpdatePAYDAY 2: The Charlie Santa HeistPAYDAY 2: The Diamond Store Heist【游戏MOD】许多玩家都已成功完成了游戏的通关,不过对于这款作品不免有些意犹未尽,为了让玩家们获得更丰富的游戏体验,开发商也为游戏提供了各种,有需要的玩家不要错过。【游戏修改器】该游戏中虽然很多玩家都成功完成了通关,但想要体验其中全部内容却并不容易,为了让任何玩家都可以更有效率的体验游戏,于是小编在此就为大家带来了这款有着多种实用功能的,有需要的玩家就下载试试看吧。【收获日2游戏视频】&
中文侠盗猎车手3(Grand Theft Auto:Vice City)中文版预览图
收获日2 (PAYDAY 2)整合167号升级档全DLCs中文破解版v1.84.461
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问一下,里面的武器皮肤DLC有解锁吗?在线等 可以下载吗
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PAYDAY 2 part01 这个文件坏了
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4 4.9类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 13.8 GB
5 5.9类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 7.8 GB
6 3.0类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 38.4 GB
7 7.1类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 4.6 GB
8 6.6类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 6.1 GB
9 6.7类型: 射击游戏语言: 英文大小: 3.7 GB
10 6.5类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 35.9 GB
1 7.0类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 2.7 GB
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3 7.5类型: 射击游戏语言: 英文大小: 289.3 MB
4 6.0类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 13.8 GB
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6 6.6类型: 射击游戏语言: 英文大小: 2.2 MB
7 6.5类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 35.9 GB
8 8.2类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 1.1 GB
9 8.2类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 36.5 GB
10 7.1类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 4.6 GB
1 7.0类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 2.7 GB
2 7.2类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 414.2 MB
3 7.1类型: 射击游戏语言: 英文大小: 45.4 MB
4 8.1类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 176.9 MB
5 8.0类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 255.2 MB
6 7.5类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 255.0 MB
7 5.2类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 900.2 MB
8 4.8类型: 射击游戏语言: 繁体中文大小: 10.2 GB
9 6.6类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 1.4 GB
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◎ 提供收获日2 (PAYDAY 2)整合180号升级档全DLCs中文破解版v1.89.600版,保证安全无毒,可能部分杀毒软件存在误报,请大家放心下载,如果怕有危害电脑的,请误下载。
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收获日2 正式版 1-10号整合升级档+破解补丁[3DM]
游戏名称: 收获日2 英文名称: PAYDAY 2 游戏类型: 第一人称射击类(FPS)游戏 游戏制作: OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. 游戏发行: 505 Games 游戏平台: PC 发售时间: 2013年8月 官方网站: http://www.cr
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Greeting to machine4578 and clay65!
Changelog for Update #1 -
-Fixed the &card / loot drop crash& that community members would experience while in the money screen or in the PAYDAY.
-Fixed the &achievement crash& that community members would experience whenever gaining certain achievements. This also solves the issue where players are disconnected from the server.
-Fixed the &Bad Music& asset on the Nightclub level. It now correctly lowers the amount of people willing to dance to elevator music.
-Fixed the &Pickup Truck& asset on the Nightclub level. It now works.
-Removed the TV's in Four Stores' 24/7 store.
-Removed civilian alert on the office windows facing the street in the Nightclub level. The music is too loud for civvies outside the office to hear. Kinda like in that Hotline Miami level.
-Removed civilian alert on the fancy striped lamps in the Nightclub level.
-Fixed alley door in the Nightclub level.
Changelog for Update #2 -
-CCE gets +10% cost reduction on all purchases on the Black Market.
-Changed private lobby properties and changed how invite is sent/accepted.
-Invites to private now works.
Controller support
-Expanded Xbox 360 controller support by demand!
-Text on title screen showing xbox controller support when controller is connected (so you know it is working)
-You can now do text scrolling with controller
-Ingame-chat is now visible with controller
-Ingame-Voice chat is now available through push to talk with controller (press upwards on directional pad)
-You are no longer told that you will be released from custody as you get into custody (as you are done for...)
-Fix for crash when joining a spectator camera at times
-Team AI on/off setting is now saved when changing contract
-Can't kick a player at mission end screen (let's start with this and see if we need a vote system)
-Fixed a graphical glitch in end screen when level cap is reached
-When 2 or more of the same weapon mod is in inventory, that weapon mod no longer drops.
-Bulldozer now talks!
-Tazer also talks!
-Fix for client not being able to melee a Bulldozer
-Added sound to the AK5 reload
-Improved AK47 reload
-Fixed bug with extended mag for R870 giving more ammo than intended
-DOMINATOR - Clients are now able to trade intimidated enemies
Bank Heist
-Bank Deposit is more rewarding (and more risky)
-Fixed an asset problem with cameras not highlighting the control box
-Fixed catwalk on bank roof that bugged out collision wise
Firestarter Day 3
-Fixed some objectives staying even though they were finished in some cases.
-Fixed the vault door glitch/exploit (you won't &accidentally& fall through it :))
-Reduced the amount of time between Bain saying damage values.
-Big bug removed on Mallcrasher, that gave players 30x the worth of small windows when destroying 3 bugged windows. Also, rebalanced so that small stuff (vases, bottles etc) give more than before. Also added car windows and upped car destruction value.
Art Gallery
-Fix for rare crash when client shoots at enemies while host leaves the game
-Fixed the pickup asset. Sometimes the guy took a day off and did not show up!
-Fixed crash sometimes when host was trading hostages
-Added real bad music to the bad music asset that reduces the amount of civilians in the club.
-Changed so music stops sooner. This prevents the too long overlap when the assault starts.
-Fixed keycard asset from Big oil 1 to Big Oil2 & it spawned 4 cards. Now it spawns 1 card and on the ground int front of the team when they start. The keycard is highlighted. Pick it up and open the door of choice.
Framing Frame
-Optimized some collision on the train
Jewelry store
-Fixed that if you stand on the safe door on Jewellery store while it's drilling, and then keep yourself on the door while it opens, as soon as you get off the door you fall through the floor to the base of the map, and then teleport back to the playable area. So now you can stand on the safe door.....
-Fixed so that Bain does not tell you the police are sending in harder units, even though there are no police as you are in full stealth.
-Made it so the small parking lot booth does not allow the police to walls of it if you are inside.
-Bain speaks the correct line when player gets money and intel.
Changelog for Update #4 -
-Fixed a bug on the bank job(s) where sometimes the van door wouldn't open, causing progression to halt
-Fixed a bug on the Firestarter 3 job where sometimes the player could not secure bags
-Fixed a bug where a secondary gun would not show up in the safe house
Changelog for Update #5 -
-We got word from Bain that the Washington PD is really stepping up their car chase unit - keep
an extra eye out in the back mirror heading out of your heists
-Bags - you no longer can grab them through walls, fences and such - the easy days are gone!
-Revives - gone are the days of reviving your team mate through walls - man up!
-Your loot bags now show up in a growing pile in your escape car or chopper
-Updated several skill descriptions
-ECM jammers can now be used to open ATM machines
-Tweaked ECM feedback potency
-Hitman buffed
-Silent Drilling - Lower the drill sound effect volume when skill is activated
-Chameleon skill description text is now updated and more descriptive
-Drill Sergeant BASIC and ACE bonuses increased
-Buffed Cable Guy ACE
-Buffed converted cops damage
-Buffed Underdog BASIC
-Stockholm Syndrome - Civilians revive the player faster now
-Fixed that the progress backup save language wasn't clear enough
-HUD viewpoints no longer clips at the edges
-Added beeping call sound for the pager call
-Cranked up the volume on the ECM jammer
-New Bain-lines added
-Added new footsteps
-We now stop weapon animations at mission end to prevent them from triggering sounds - for
example, no more reload sound from shotgun in mission end screen
-Fixed pistols (some of them) not using &aiming sensitivity&
-Crime.net & Menu
-Crime.net filters! Finally! More filter options in crimenet. Pick difficulty, server numbers,
new (1 player in) and old (2-3 players in) servers
-XP tweaks to 1 day jobs vs 3 day jobs, it is now much more worth doing 2-3 day jobs
-Prevent terminate contract option if signed out (server in failed/disconnected state)
-Fixed a crash when host sign-out and sign-in during loading
-Fixed support for ultra widescreen / eyefinity
-Magically fixed controller for Ingame manual
-Enemies will now be highlighted when they are behind glass, while player is looking through
cameras, and the &box& marking heads of enemies will work through glass
-Gangsters can be highlighted during sneak phase
-Tweaked enemy surrender chances
-Sniper shoots less often but packs more punch
-Taser has more health and is a bit more sadistic
-Bulldozer has now a higher damage tolerance, and is more evil
-Taser volume cranked up
-Converted enemies will no longer have a pager when they die
-Converted guards on players side don't try to sneak off a call for backup
-Fix on saw melee
-Fixed a Steam disconnect issue caused by slow harddrives stalling the network thread
-Optimize the network code for less waiting
Mallcrashers Job
-Lots of new art for the mall such as lamps, barrista furniture and more
-New asset icons for mallcrasher gas cans are in.
-Blocked off a place where the player could get stuck if he really wanted to inspect certain gym
equipment from... interesting angles
-Fixed a wonky door on Mallcrasher
-Made the AI move around better on the map
-Removed the small rooms with the gas cans - reviewers really wanted this
Framing Frame Job - Train Trade
-Fixed issues where bags wouldn't count when traded in the Train Trade
-Bag collision on roof of train fixed
-Fixed collision in the secret tunnels
-Removed a floating stone!
Ukranian Job
-Safes that would spawn inside of walls have been removed
-Moved the ATM machines in the lobby a bit so they don't intersect
-Thermal drill now gets Technician bonuses for speed, alert radius and fixing itself
Framing Frame Job
-Fixed disappearing environment on the roof on the penthouse
-Fixed a light bug
-Fixed some rare objectives bug
Four Stores Job
-ATM machines now have a random chance on appearing
-Changed civilian animations so that there no longer are stonecold civilians during assaults
Rats Job - Trade
-Fixed a crash related to the client drop-in joining and crashing after a couple of seconds
Art - Miscellaneous
-Made glass double sided on player van
-Added window damage on on office dividers with glass in them
-Added Park Escape in daytime and Cafe Escape in daytime for better variety
-Removed some flying bushes on the Park Escape
Watchdogs Job - Truck load
-Fixed a gate that reacted in a strange way when C4 was used
-Fixed an issue where bags could be thrown in unreachable places
Firestarter Job - Day 1
-Fixed so cameras stop beeping after the alarm goes off
Firestarter Job - Day 2
-Fix for cuffed guard that is not detected as suspicious activity
-Fixed breakable glass in the server room
Safe house
-Fix for one secondary slot missing in weapons rack
Changelog for Update #6 -
-Fixed a Steam disconnect crash
-Fixed collision on Watchdogs Day 1
-Added so that the ECM blocks pagers if deployed BEFORE they go off. Warning: they come back after the ECM is done.
-Then you need to deal with them as usual. The ECM is a delay of the call not a terminator of it
Changelog for Update #7 -
-Tweaked the escape rate on several heists, lowering the chance of an escape happening
-Cable ties will no longer be replenished if dropping out and then into a game again
-Backup save is now saved automatically every time the user loads back to menu
-Because backup save is saved automatically, player is no longer asked to save while quitting the game
-Skill - Silent Drilling - Lowered the drill sound volume when skill is activated
-Implemented a fix connected to player movement crashes
-Implemented a fix where players would crash, seemingly because of connection problems, but actually because
of host issues
Change-log for Update #8 -
Gameplay crash
-Fixed an issue where the game would crash if the player was trading a hostage to get the host out of custody
Changelog for Update #9 -
-Fix for looping sounds getting stuck for host (while interacting with something giving a bag) when client finishes interacting with the same object
-Fixed an issue where texture bleed would occur on uppercase &H&
-Fixed some collision issues
-Fixed an issue where the player would get stuck in a toilet on the Framing Frame job, Day 1
-Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck behind doors
-Made some minor GUI tweaks
-The two heaviest armors now makes you move slower than before
-CMP Submachinegun has a new animation and a vertical grip
-Third person barrel extension (nozzle) named Stubby has an updated texture
-There now is a higher chance to drop weapon mods for weapons you currently own
-Some masks are now more rare than they were previously
-Chance for cash drop cards in PAYDAY is now reduced depending on your reputation level
-Ghost Tier 4 now reduces the movement speed penalty for armor
-Ghost Tier 6 now gives your weapons a chance to pierce enemy armor plates
-Skill - SMG Specialist - ACE - skill has been replaced: it now increases rate of fire for all SMG weapons
-Skill - Silent killer - ACE - skill has been upgraded: all your silenced weapons now have a chance to pierce enemy armor plates
-Skill - Lockpicking Expert - ACE - skill has been upgraded: you now also interact even faster while lockpicking
Change-log for Update #10 -
-New seeding for Crime.net contracts. All available contracts will have a chance to be displayed. No more waiting forever for a contract to appear.
-New Crime.net filter where you can filter on specific contracts.
-You can now buy contracts available on Crime.net. Bain will set you up for a fee deducted from your Offshore Account.
-For all stealth crews out there, you can now highlight cameras as long as the alarm hasn't been triggered.
-Fixed an issue where we changed the interaction point for lockpicking safes, making it work better
Safe house
-Due to popular demand from the community, we've improved the safe house vault - if you're rich enough, you'l)
-Shinobi - Ace - Changed skill description to more accurately describe what the skill does
-Juggernaut - Ace - Sprint and shoot upgrade added to the skill
-Kilmer - Ace - Sprint and reload upgrade added to the skill
-Stubby can now be modded on the CMP Submachinegun
-Silenced guns are much better silenced - Try it and see if you like it!
-Infamous ALT Space bug and BEEP keyboard is gone + dead + no more!
-Fixed an issue with the pager yellow highlights on gangsters killed before cops are alerted


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