recovery collar是什么意思什么用的

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看《肖申克的救赎》后想到的问题,片中典狱长、狱警、甚至是记者与审问Morgan Freeman的打酱油的人,大部分都带的是窄领带,而在现在很少很少看到有人带窄领带,这是因为几十年来衣着习惯的改变吗?上图~~&br&&img src=&/54c786ad0d1cfad237bf5ea_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1366& data-rawheight=&768& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1366& data-original=&/54c786ad0d1cfad237bf5ea_r.jpg&&&img src=&/adf10e887d_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1366& data-rawheight=&768& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1366& data-original=&/adf10e887d_r.jpg&&&img src=&/376ad9cde9784a33eee9_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1366& data-rawheight=&768& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1366& data-original=&/376ad9cde9784a33eee9_r.jpg&&&img src=&/ff7ab4fe63c2a209de63_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1366& data-rawheight=&768& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1366& data-original=&/ff7ab4fe63c2a209de63_r.jpg&&&img src=&/4ff54cafce2bc9_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1366& data-rawheight=&768& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1366& data-original=&/4ff54cafce2bc9_r.jpg&&&img src=&/a47ebc68a44ddf957e5db02c56751e07_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1280& data-rawheight=&720& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1280& data-original=&/a47ebc68a44ddf957e5db02c56751e07_r.jpg&&&br&谢谢你的回答 知乎有你而更好 ^_^
看《肖申克的救赎》后想到的问题,片中典狱长、狱警、甚至是记者与审问Morgan Freeman的打酱油的人,大部分都带的是窄领带,而在现在很少很少看到有人带窄领带,这是因为几十年来衣着习惯的改变吗?上图~~…
skinny necktie is a men’s tie that has a width of 1.5-2.5 inches. It is
a fashion accessory that was first introduced in the late 1960s, and
although skinny ties are highly fashionable and season specific, they
are clothing accessories that any man should have in his closet. Though skinny ties
can be found in 2-inch to 3-inch widths, the average and most popular
width of a skinny tie in 2012 is anywhere from 1.5-inches to 2.5-inches
wide. Going skinnier provides a more retro look, while going wider
creates a more traditional look.Like
traditional-width ties, the standard length for a man's skinny tie is
about 57 inches, give or take an inch depending upon the manufacturer.
When properly fitted, the tip of the skinny tie should fall near the
belt line when tied, extending no more than one inch below or three
inches above the belt.简述:兴起于1960年代;3.8-6.35厘米宽,长度与其他领带无异适合人群:Any body type and gender can wear skinny ties, but, due to proportions,
these ties work best on slender frames, hence why many women wear skinny
ties as well. 简述:胖人还是算了吧不自禁想到Hedi和他开创的skinny男装风潮不自禁想到Hedi和他开创的skinny男装风潮适宜场合:Skinny ties can be
worn for both formal and casual occasions. For a formal look, pair a
skinny tie (solid black being the most popular) with a fitted dress
shirt that has a smaller sized collar.简述:休闲正式皆可。但正装的话,注意衬衫需小领For a casual look,
still wear a collared shirt with your skinny tie. However, the tie knot
can be either knotted tightly or left loose. Roll up shirt sleeves and
pair with a vest for a well-dressed, casual look. Skinny knit ties are
especially popular when it comes to casual looks.Wearing a skinny
tie for work is entirely dependent upon the work environment. For a more
casual work environment, the skinny tie can be worn. If you want to
wear a skinny tie in a more formal work environment, it is best to
choose a narrow 3-inch width or slim 2.75-inch width.简述:正式场合,领带还是别太窄此观点还可参阅: Business attire is still wearing wider ties.:题主说的现在很少很少看到有人带窄领带,并不奇怪,中国穿衣打领带的人本来就少,带的话也基本是由于工作行业要求,日常生活中casual look打领带的人难得一见。而商界中宽领带的比例自然是占大多数,其一看起来稳重,其二领导们都发福了。最后来张宽领带的型男:附Fashion Rules for Skinny Neckties :1.
Match the tie with to the suit lapels. Skinny ties look best when worn with narrow lapels2.
Skinny ties look best with 1 or 2 button suit or blazer jackets.3.
Don't wear a dress shirt with a wide spread collar when wearing skinny
ties. The best shirts collars have a medium to narrow collar spread.
Also, button down collars are less suited for narrow neckties.4.
Match the narrow tie with a smaller, slightly asymmetric tie knot. A perfect tie knot is the so called four in Hand knot.5.
Skinny ties look best on slim men. Stocky and overweight men should stay
away from narrow ties as they will add even more pounds to the frame.6.
Keep the patterns and colors simple and modern. Traditional patterns
such as Regimental stripes, paisleys, and polka dots are less suited for
skinny ties. Best are solid colors, knitted skinny ties, and modern
stripes, as well as checks of all sorts.7.
Add a tie clip! A simple tie clip in polished silver or gold will be a perfect accessory for the skinny tie.
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or respective owners that have , Inc. the right and license to use such marks.第三人称单数:
[C]衣领 band, upright or folded over, round the neck of a shirt, coat, dress, etc.
[C]戴在动物颈部的项圈 band of leather, metal, etc. put round an animal's neck
collar&:&领口 ...
collar&:&衣领, 项圈 ...
collar&:&衣领 ...
collar&:&柱环 ...
collar&:&挪用 ...
collar&:&上 ...
collar&:&垫圈,套管 ...
collar&:&衣领 ...
collar&:&根颈;(银 ...
collar&:&轴环 ...
a band that fits around the neck and is usually folded over
(zoology) an encircling band or marking around the neck of any animal
anything worn or p
"the thief was forced to wear a heavy wooden collar"
"a collar of flowers was placed about the neck of the winning horse"
a short ring fastened over a rod or shaft to limit, guide, or secure a machine part
the stitching that forms the rim of a shoe or boot
a band of leather or rope that is placed around an animal's neck as a harness or to identify it
necklace that fits tightly around a woman's neck
"asked for a collar on program trading in the stock market"
"kept a tight leash on his emotions"
"he's always gotten a long leash"
the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal);
"the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar"
"the police nabbed the suspected criminals"
seize by the neck or collar
"collar the dog"
用作名词 (n.)
He grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him.
He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind.
Where are the dog's collar and lead?
用作及物动词 (vt.)
She was trying to put the dog's collar on to take it for a walk.
Tesla saw that Burak had somehow gotten the detonator switch for the collar around his neck.
I'm afraid I've singed the collar of your shirt.
My collar is only made of rabbit.
用作名词 (n.)
He turned his overcoat collar up.
The collar comes off this shirt and can be washed separately.
Why not turn your collar up against the wind?
What size of collar is this shirt?
Where are the dog's collar and lead?
The animal has a black collar and is therefore a different type from that.
Our dog has its name on its collar.
After graduation, she picked up a pink-collar job as a secretary in a big company.
Some day steel-collar workers may take the place of human beings.
Measures are taken to battle rising mandarin-collar crime.
They belong to the grey-collar people.
He is not in collar at present.
You are in the collar now. Marriage has its obligations.
用作名词 (n.)
collar and tie
讲究的装束 good clothes
When my father came home from the pits and had his bath, he would always put on collar and tie whether he was going out anywhere or not.
“You cannot go visiting your aunt Doris in hospital without a collar and tie,” his wife nagged at him.
用作名词 (n.)
He was collared by two French soldiers, and dragged back into the battery.
出自:F. Marryat
He would collar Miss Whatshername and ask for a synopsis.
出自:V. Woolf
The Stewart Earls and their grasping followers..collared much of the land.
出自:Jo Grimond
in collar的意思是“有事做”; in the collar的意思是“受约束”。
☆ 直接源自中古英语的coler;最初源自古法语的colier,意为颈。
collar&:&项链 ...
collar&:&颈圈 ...
collar&:&衣领,领子 ...
collar:collar 抓住...的领口[头颈]; 给(衣服)上衣领; 使戴项圈习惯用语against the collar 紧张地; 费力地; 冒着困难; 下死力或违反心愿地(原指牲口上坡时轭套擦着肩胛)be…
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