
  题图:One Yellow Spring by Jake Olson Studios on 500px
  5月底我写过一篇文章「还没有使用 Markdown 写作么」,收到了200条留言,热情的读者希望我再写一些 Markdown 相关的故事。不过,做为一个矜持的写作者,你让我写我就写,那我的形象不是全毁了?所以,这一篇等到了7月份。
  Markdown 的缘起
  我在上一篇文章中写道,Markdown 是一种轻量级的「标记语言」,它允许写作者以一种非常简单易学的标签来控制文章的版式,让人专注于纯粹的文字,而不是最终的版式。这一点,和之前推荐过的「字里行间」相比,就像两条山路,一条巍峨陡峭蜿蜒至顶追逐创意无限,一条深入谷底探求文字的奥秘,各自不同。
  Markdown 是由约翰&格鲁伯(John Gruber)和亚伦&斯沃茨(Aaron Swartz)发明的。前者是一位来自美国宾夕凡尼亚州的作家、著名博客作者、UI 设计师。后者就是大名鼎鼎的「互联网之子」,英年早逝的天才少年。我们看一下他年轻时候的事迹:
  13岁赢得了为年轻人而设的、创作教育及协同非商业网站的ArsDigita Prize比赛首名。
  14岁成为了 RSS1.0 的开发组的一员。(后来,他和 John Gruber一起开发了Markdown)
  15岁进入W3C的 RDF 核心工作组,并写了RFC3870。
  18岁和 John Gruber 一起开发了 Markdown 标记语言,无数喜爱写作的人们基于 Markdown 写出了传世之作,用户遍及天下。
  19岁的时候他编写了著名的 开发框架,深得 Python 开发这喜爱,并成为了 Reddit 的创始人……
  关于 Markdown,Aaron 在自己的博客上是这么写的:
  For months I’ve been working with John Gruber on a new project. The idea was to make writing simple web pages, and especially weblog entries, as easy as writing an email, by allowing you to use much the same syntax and converting it automatically into HTML.
  可见,Markdown 的缘起,就是发明者希望把写博客这件事变得像写邮件一样简单,你可以用一些简单的标记控制文字的版式,并自动转化成 HTML 页面。
  为什么你应该使用 Markdown 写作?
  基于 Markdown 写作的好处非常明显,用两段话就可以说清楚。
  首先,Markdown 是纯文本格式,你几乎可以用任何一款编辑器打开你的文稿进行编辑,你可以用 Ulysses,也可以用有道云笔记,甚至,你可以直接在命令行打开 Vim 进行写作,兼容性好得令人发指,支持的工具多如牛毛,还可以进行版本控制。
  其次,Markdown 的标记非常简单易学,掌握了基础的内容,就可以编排出美观、简洁的页面。不同的 Markdown 编辑器可以提供不同的渲染方式,转换成不同的格式。可以成书,可以成文,可以做成 epub、pdf、mobi(Kindle 格式)等。可谓一次写作,四处得瑟。
  有了 Markdown,你在写作的时候完全不需要去考虑文章最终的排版,只管「诗赋倒流三峡水,笔阵独扫千人军」。
  我在「还没有使用 Markdown 写作么」已经介绍过了 Markdown 的基础语法,今天聊聊 Markdown 的扩展。
  Markdown 的扩展
  Markdown 是一种相对简单的标记语言,如果用来做复杂的语义表达,就会力不从心,所以产生了许多第三方的扩展语法,其中比较著名的是 GitHub Flavored Markdown,简称 GFM。
  GFM 主要是为了方便开发者在 GitHub 上写文章,所以有针对性的做了扩展,比如:
  1、GFM 在 issue 中通过 # 和 数字 可以自动链接到对应的 issue,例如 #1024
  3、GFM 实现代码语法高亮
  4、协作的是时候可以直接 @ GitHub 里的联系人
  5、增加了一些自动引用,比如,项目,用户,issue 等等
  除了 GFM,很多优秀的编辑器也提供了基于 Markdown 的扩展,比如我上次介绍到的有道云笔记,他们除了对标准的 Markdown 标签进行了很好的支持,还提供了待办事项、流程图、序列图、甘特图和 LaTex 公式的支持,你可以通过简单的文本划出各种精美的图形。当然,这些特性我上次已经说过了,但我还是想说一次,因为 有道云笔记终于发布了 Mac 版!
  有道云笔记 Mac 版来了
  最早的有道云笔记 Mac 版是相对简陋的,外壳是 Mac 的,芯还是 Web 的,使用起来并不舒展,和 OS X 的风格也大相径庭。最新推出的 Mac 版2.0 增加了很多原生的支持,UI 界面也进行了全新的设计,可谓焕然一新。
  Mac 版有道云笔记的界面布局和 Web 版本保持了一致,左边是树状结构的文件夹,中栏是文件列表,右边是主要的文本编辑区。左边栏采用了类似 OS X 的毛玻璃设计,颜色雅致,与文件列表区和编辑区的色彩进行了区分。点击分割栏,可以收起左侧的边栏,给文件和编辑区更大的空间。
  有道云笔记的文件管理没有采用群组或笔记本的模式,而是模拟了类似操作系统的文件夹功能,你可以分门别类的建立自己的文件夹和文件,多级目录,海量文档,并进行全文检索。唯一的遗憾是,目前有道云笔记只针对自己的笔记格式进行了索引,对于 Markdown 和其他结构化文档,只提供针对文件名的搜索,希望下个版本的全文检索能够补足这个功能。
  Mac 版有道云笔记对 Markdown 的支持和 Web 版类似,有兴趣的童靴可以去读上一篇的介绍,不再复言。这次让我吃惊的是,新版本增加了对非结构化文档 Office、iWork、PDF 等多种格式的支持,这意味着你可以直接在客户端浏览 Keynote、Pages 和 PDF 文档,而不是仅仅以附件的形式作为文档的附属品。我们曾经做过 iWorks 文档的转化,格式处理起来非常复杂的,有道云笔记在这方面也没能处理的尽善尽美,有些格式或大文件的预览会出现一些问题,另外,你也无法对 Pages 或 Word 等文档进行编辑。
  Mac 版相对于 Web 版,离线阅读和编辑做的更好,没有网络的情况下也可以正常使用,联网之后自动同步数据。有道云笔记为用户提供了免费的 3G 存储空间,存储的文档和笔记可以多端同步,并生成分享链接,随时分享给同事和朋友。文档的密码保护、历史版本功能,也颇具特色。
  另外,Mac 版全屏之后,可以给编辑区留出更大的使用空间,这一点与 Web 版相比,会让写作者更舒服一些。
  新版本有道云笔记比上一版有了巨大的进步,也有一些不足之处,比如对快捷键的支持,对复杂文档的处理,对沉浸式写作的支持等方面,还有很大的进步空间。希望这款国产软件在未来,能够给大家带来更多的惊喜,尤其是 Mac 版。
  目前 Mac 版有道云笔记 2.0 已经正式发布,大家可以去官网
  下载,Mac App Store 版本将于近日上线。
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客服邮箱:35+ Markdown Apps for the Mac
on November 14th 2012
Writing for the web has always been burdened by the need to format content in HTML. It isn’t enough to just write and publish content—you need to capture the reader’s attention as well.
You can’t simply write a blog post or a web page and slap it onto the site. Headers, bolding, emphasis, bullet lists, and numbering are necessary to hold down and guide your readers all the way to the last sentence. The process can be quite tedious, which is why the birth of Markdown is a huge breath of fresh air for content creators of all experience levels.
But Markdown isn’t just for those who work online. It’s a simple syntax that makes formatting and writing in plain text easier for everyone. With these writing apps, you’ll have an easier time putting your thoughts down on screen, whether you’re writing a note for yourself or a Markdown formatted file for publishing online.
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What is Markdown?
An easy-to-use formatting syntax created by John Gruber of Daring Fireball,
enables the rest of us ordinary internet folk to create and format web content even with basic or no prior HTML knowledge. Markdown’s syntax, as Gruber pointed out, is simple in that it only corresponds to a basic set of HTML tags, making it easy to memorize and integrate into one’s workflow. It’s inspired by plain text email, which explains the use of “punctuation characters” and symbols, such as asterisks and brackets.
A great description can be found in the Markdown syntax documentation:
A Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.
In other words, writing in Markdown is writing without HTML formatting getting in the way of the writing process. You’re writing in plain text, but HTML is already implemented based on the punctuation characters used in the text. Since you’re writing in plain text, you can guarantee that you can always open your document on any computing device, something that can’t be said for, say, a Word document.
Eventually, after discovering how easy it is to organize content with Markdown, people began to use it to list and organize ideas, tasks, reminders, etc. Hogbay Software’s
is a great example of how you can use Markdown to create and interact with todo lists in plain text.
How Does Markdown Work?
Markdown’s goal is to make writing, editing, and reading web content easy for everyone. It’s pretty straightforward in that all you need to do is familiarize (and eventually memorize) the syntax to get started. Let’s break it down by showing examples of basic Markdown text editing:
Bold and Emphasis
To bold and emphasize, simply wrap text with asterisks. Emphasis (italics) is triggered by wrapping text with one asterisk on both sides. To bold text, wrap it with two asterisks.
Emphasis: *The cat ate my red polka dotted sock.*
Bold: **The cat ate another one of my red polka dotted socks.**
To link text to a particular web page, wrap it with brackets. Right beside that (with no spaces in between), insert the link to the page within a pair of parentheses. Want to insert an image? Do the same thing, but put the link to the image and add an exclamation mark at the beginning.
[My Fluffy Muffin](/)
Headers are triggered either by . You can use either of the two, but if you want to insert multiple header levels, atx is the best style to use as it supports header levels 1–6.
# This is H1
## This is H2
### This is H3
Lists are great ways to break down paragraphs with large chunks of text. To create an unordered list, you use asterisks, plus signs, or hyphens. For an ordered list, use numbers followed by a period.
Unordered list:
– Item 1
– Item 2
– Item 3
Ordered list:
What Should You Use for Markdown Editing?
Markdown has become such a huge time saver and an efficient method of writing that a new sector has opened up in the app market: Markdown apps.
These apps are either designed or updated to support Markdown’s syntax. How these apps function in relation to Markdown vary. For instance,
supports Markdown editing and previewing. On the other hand,
by Brett Tepstra functions only as a Markdown previewer that enables you to see if you’ve formatted your document correctly.
The number of Markdown-supported apps for the Mac is growing steadily as people begin to learn and adopt this revolutionary way of writing for the web. As such, this article features 35 different apps that support Markdown, from text editors to previewers to a combination of both.
Markdown: Previewers Only
Learning and writing Markdown can always start with just a fresh .txt file. Simply apply the syntax to your document and you can preview the outcome by using a Markdown previewer.
Marked is a popular previewer that allows you to view Markdown, MultiMarkdown, HTML, and plain text files in an efficient and intuitive manner. It updates in real time as you edit your documents, refocusing and repositioning itself according to where you are currently working on in the document. Then, it gives you powerful export options to turn your Markdown file into HTML, or perhaps a PDF or Rich Text document.
Price: $3.99
Requires: OS X 10.7 or later
Notesdeck consolidates all of your text files from different apps and services, such as Evernote (read only), Dropbox, and Simplenote. One of its prominent features is being able to preview Markdown live, saving you time and effort from formatting all of your notes in HTML.
Price: $21.99
Requires: OS X 10.6.6 or later, 64-bit processor
Markdown: Editors
While a standalone Markdown previewer may be all you need, there are text editors that you can use to write, edit, and preview your Markdown-formatted documents. Prices and available features will vary from app to app, so take the time to read each app’s description and list of features before anything else.
is a text editor designed primarily for writing and editing in Markdown. As you type, Macchiato formats and edits your document, taking the ease of use of Markdown editing a step further. The app hasn’t been updated since August 2011 though, but it does come with several features, such as typographical and color themes to customize the Macchiato experience.
Price: $19.99
Requires: OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
MarkMyWords takes on a platform-independent approach by using just plain text to create, edit, and preview texts in various markup languages, including Markdown. Some of its well-known features are live preview, inserting your own CSS stylesheets into your Markdown documents, text templates and markers for easy organization, and a distraction-free writing environment.
Price: $24.99
Requires: OS X 10.6.6 or later
Valetta boasts of being the first single-pane Markdown editor for the Mac. With this app, your document is already prepared for the web as you type in that the current line (where the cursor is found) is shown only as the Markdown source. It also saves in screen space as it eliminates the extra preview window pane.
Price: $6.99
Requires: OS X 10.6 or later
Developer: &a href=”/”Valetta Ventures
Texts is a rich text editor designed to separate presentation from the content creation process. It works like a typical word processor, but it stores the finished documents as plain text with Markdown markup, making it compatible to other Markdown-supported applications and ready for publishing to the web. The latest version comes with built-in MultiMarkdown support.
Price: Free
Requires: Mac OS X 10.6+
Markdown Pro gives you all the tools you need to create beautiful, well-formatted documents using the Markdown markup language. It also aims to make the writing process fun and interesting through its themed live preview feature. With custom templates, fast support, and export to PDF or HTML, Markdown Pro is a flexible and high quality Markdown editor for documents, notes, long articles, essays, and the like.
Price: $9.99
Requires: OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
MarkdownNote for Mac is another text editor that is designed to make Markdown text editing easy and convenient for you. Main features include a live previewer that updates as you type, preview and editor size adjustments using shortcuts, and the ability to anchor the preview pane to the bottom of your document. Development has ceased though, so there won’t be updates to the app.
Price: $3.99
Requires: OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
Easy Markdown makes Markdown editing and formatting easy and seamless for everyone. It automatically translates plain text to formatted web pages through the use of basic Markdown formatting. Through collapsible split views, you can type normal plain text on the left pane and view the final output on the right. You can then copy the HTML code or RTF format at any time while working on your document.
Price: $3.99
Requires: OS X 10.7.3 or later, 64-bit processor
nvALT 2 is a fork of the popular text editor Notational Velocity, extending the latter with more features and interface modifications. Some of these include being able to write and edit text files in Markdown. There are other functionalities built into the app in relation to Markdown, such as Textile and (Multi)Markdown support with preview and converting imported URLs to Markdown.
Price: Free
Inspired by the elegance and flexibility of Notational Velocity, Nottingham is a simple and lightweight note-taking application for the Mac that supports Markdown editing and live previews of Markdown-formatted text files and notes. The overall design is pretty much similar to Notational, so current users will feel right at home with it.
Price: Free
Requires: Mac OS X 10.7 and above
Another minimalist writing app for those wanting to focus on writing alone, next Writer offers a distraction-free environment wherein everything fades out except for the current line and paragraph. It also features Night mode, two font size thesaurus/spell and grammar check, and export to various formats.
Price: $4.99
Requires: OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
Markdown+ targets users who wish to create beautiful web documents without any prior knowledge of HTML and Markdown. Through keyboard shortcuts and menus, you can easily create and edit Markdown formatted documents even if you haven’t taken the extra ten minutes to learn the standard syntax. Markdown+ also features 9 different styles, an intuitive user interface, live previewer, and an export option that allows you to save the file as HTML ready.
Price: $5.99
Requires: OS X 10.6 or later, 64-bit processor
Postie is a simple Markdown editor that creates, edits, and publishes to , a Markdown web publishing service that converts Markdown files saved to your Dropbox account into actual web pages. If you own a Scriptogram blog, you can use Postie to write, edit, and post directly to it by using the shortcut Cmd + P.
Price: $1.99
Requires: OS X 10.8 or later, 64-bit processor
Markdown: Distraction-Free
Geared towards writers in need of focus and concentration, the following are distraction-free minimalist Markdown editors designed to make writing and Markdown-to-HTML conversion seamless, easy, and of course productive.
One of the best distraction-free writing apps for the Mac,
supports a subset of Markdown’s syntax that you can implement by typing certain characters. The latest version of iA Writer takes Markdown editing and previewing a step forward with the new in-app previewer. Simply use the shortcut Control+Cmd+R to toggle the previewer and view your Markdown-formatted document.
Price: $4.99 for a limited time
Requires: OS X 10.6 or later
is another great choice if you’re looking for an elegant distraction-free writing app that supports Markdown. Besides its beautiful user interface, Byword is built for smart Markdown editing, supports MultiMarkdown extensions, and also comes with its own in-app previewer.
Price: $9.99
Requires: OS X 10.6 or later
Writedown is another contender in that it’s a distraction-free writing/editing app with Markdown syntax highlighting. Other features include an in-app live preview (shortcut: ? + ? + P), multiple supported formats (e.g. .md, plain text, HTML), customizable writing environment, and being able to resume writing after closing Writedown.
Price: $4.99
Requires: OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
Clean Writer Pro is as its name suggests: a clean, minimalist, distraction-free app that supports Markdown. It’s no-nonsense, without the bells and whistles, and yet has everything you need to focus on writing. In terms of its Markdown support, Clean Writer Pro has a live preview feature, the standard Markdown syntax highlighting, and Markdown-to-HTML functionality.
Price: $5.99; currently on sale at $0.99
Requires: OS X 10.7 or later
While it doesn’t come for free,
is a distraction-free minimalist writing app with Markdown support. Taken from its predecessor, myTexts, and developed for the latest version of OS X, Free is optimized for the Retina display and is built with a handful of features despite its minimalist appearance. A couple of these include saving to iCloud, paragraph highlighting and color schemes, word count/frequency/statistics, and exporting to multiple formats (e.g. Word, OpenOffice, HTML).
Price: $4.99
Requires: OS X 10.7.4 or later, 64-bit processor
LoremIpsum is another great option for seamless writing and editing in Markdown and rich text documents. Besides the standard features that come with writing apps for OS X, LoremIpsum offers Markdown smart editing, live HTML preview for Markdown documents with in-page anchors, a well-designed rich text editor, auto-wrapping, timed writing, inline bookmarks and themes.
Price: $2.99
Requires: OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
Markdown: Professional Text Editors for Coders
Another subcategory are professional text editors that can be extended to support Markdown and MultiMarkdown editing and publishing. These are Markdown-supported apps targeting advance users who handle code and markup languages in their workflows.
MultiMarkdown Composer, a.k.a. mmdcomposer, is a powerful text editor that supports both Markdown and , a superset of the Markdown syntax that extends it with additional features, such as tables, footnotes, left- and right-sided blockquotes, etc. Since this means learning additional formats, you can use MultiMarkdown Composer to essentially do the MMD formatting work for you.
Price: $9.99
Requires: OS X 10.6 or later
While most of the Markdown editors here are for writers and general users, Mou is designed with more advance users (e.g. web developers) in mind. As such, it’s built with more powerful features, such as actions, enhanced CJK support, auto pair, custom CSS live preview, and HTML export. The app is currently in beta and free to download and use.
Price: Free
Requires: OS X 10.7+
TextMate is another professional editor for web developers in need of an app that makes writing code and markup easier and much more organized. As it works with various markup languages, you can write/edit Markdown formatted documents by downloading and installing the , which allows you to convert and preview Markdown formatting either in the app or by generating and opening in browser.
Price: EUR39, open source code
Requires: Mac OS 10.5 and above
TextWrangler is one of the more powerful HTML/text editors for the Mac.
(4.0) adds .md and .mdown formats to the app’s list of default suffix mappings in order to support Markdown editing, giving web developers much more ease when developing and formatting great web pages.
Bonus: Sable Cantus shares
to allow Markdown-to-HTML conversion and export. You can then view the final output using a Markdown previewer.
Price: Free
Requires: Mac OS X 10.6 or later
Similar to TextWrangler, Sublime Text 2 is a feature-rich and powerful professional text editor that can also be tweaked and extended to integrate Markdown to one’s workflow. Federico Viticci of MacStories compiles
to plugins to enhance Markdown compatibility with Sublime Text 2, one of these being Brett Terpstra’s .
Price: $59
Requires: OS X 10.6 or 10.7
Markdown: Integration with Other Apps
Finally, we have a series of apps with unique functionalities but can support various markup languages, Markdown included. These may be blog editors, word processors, site builders, and the like.
SiteKite is both a HTML editor and a FTP uploader, making it easy for beginners learning how to build a website. As it supports Markdown editing, you can create and edit bits of your website’s pages without spending too much time inserting HTML tags and formatting.
Price: $9.99
Requires: OS X 10.6 or later, 64-bit processor
QuickCursor works as a productivity booster by taking your favorite text editor and connecting it to any application through a global shortcut. In relation to Markdown, QuickCursor launches a Markdown-supported text editor (e.g. Textmate) and automatically pastes the document into a Markdown previewer (e.g. Marked). Other compatible Markdown editors include MultiMarkdown Composer, Mou, and TextWrangler.
Price: $4.99
Requires: OS X 10.6 or later
A fusion of Hog Bay Software’s text editing tools,
is a plain text outliner designed to boost productivity by organizing ideas, items, lists, etc. by using basic Markdown syntax to define the outline structure. In this sense, it can actually function as a Markdown editor as well. You can read more about FoldingText and its relation to Markdown (as well as its limitations) in .
Price: $24.99
Requires: OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
BlogEasy is a desktop blog editor for the Mac that allows you to write and publish in either HTML or Markdown. It’s targeted towards WordPress users, which isn’t so bad as 14 million of the world’s websites are powered by WordPress. The app is currently in beta, so you can download the latest version from the official website.
Price: F $9.99 at the Mac App Store
Requires: OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
is another desktop blog client for the Mac with more features and support for other blogging platforms (e.g. Blogger, Tumblr). You can write and edit posts in Markdown using the HTML editor, saving you time and effort in formatting your upcoming post in HTML. Once you’re done, you can see the final output in HTML rendering in the app’s live preview window.
Price: $39.99
Requires: OS X 10.6.6 or later
One of the most popular and beautiful journaling apps for the Mac, Day One makes journaling and writing quick entries a memorable experience. Apart from fast synching to Dropbox/iCloud, photos, locations, and easy sharing to social networks, Day One offers (Multi)Markdown support for users who prefer to write with text formatting syntax. You can take a look at
for reference.
Price: $9.99
Requires: OS X 10.7.4 or later, 64-bit processor
Notebooks is a desktop notes app that allows you to keep and sync notes to the iOS versions, allowing you to take your notes wherever you go. It’s available as a public beta, so it’s free to download and try.
Notebooks supports Markdown, allowing you to edit and preview Markdown, to view your Markdown documents always in HTML, and to permanently convert Markdown to HTML. It also supports Pandoc style document headers and the ability to insert Markdown through dedicating formatting keys is well on its way.
Price: Free
is a semantic text editor that borrows concepts from Setext and LaTeX. It supports several markup languages, Markdown being one of the many you can use to structure your documents on the app. Headings are defined by the “#” symbol and bold text by wrapping with asterisks. Those waiting for Ulysses 3 can also expect Markdown support, as indicated by .
Price: $11.99
Requires: OS X 10.6.6 or later
has long been regarded as one of the most popular and powerful writing software for authors, scriptwriters, academics, and the like. It’s dedicated to handling and organizing long documents, making it easier and less tedious for writers to create and produce. The latest version supports MultiMarkdown 3.0 and MultiMarkdown for LaTeX export.
Price: $44.99
Requires: OS X 10.6.6 or later
eBookBinder is designed to make ebook creation and publishing easy for everyone. It uses your existing documents and turns them into chapters of your ebook. Besides the standard file formats, eBookBinder supports markup languages, such as Markdown, MultiMarkdown, BBCode, etc.
Price: $5.99
Requires: OS X 10.6.6 or later
Bonus: TextEdit
Because the core of Markdown is to create ready-to-use, publishable web content while keeping the focus on the actual writing process, plain text files are the writer’s main material. In this sense, Apple’s very own TextEdit can be used to create and edit Markdown formatted content. You can then use any online or offline Markdown previewer to see it all rendered in HTML.
Price: Free
Markdown Resources
Need a bit of help learning how to write and edit in Markdown? Looking for a tutorial to help you get started? No problem!
There are plenty of articles, tutorials, and documentations available online to help you understand the syntax and how to apply the basic rules to your documents. Here are a couple of Markdown and MultiMarkdown tips, links, and resources to help you get started:
The Origins: Daring Fireball Markdown Documentation
Other Markdown Tutorials and Resources
[Design Shack]
[Simple Editions]
[Brett Terpstra]
[PDF; also by Fletcher Penney]
[Huy Nguyen]
What did I miss?
Did I miss a Markdown editor or previewer? Got a tutorial that would go well in the list of resources? Let me know in the comments below.
And since November is NaNoWriMo month, I hope this roundup will help you find the best writing app to help you write and publish your manuscripts. Happy writing!
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