如何运作recruitment managerrketing

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Recruitment marketing is the
an organization uses to find, attract, engage and nurture talent before they apply for a job, called the pre-applicant phase of .
Analyst firm Brandon Hall Group defines recruitment marketing as all activities and strategies aimed at building and maintaining employer brand, extending reach and exposure of career opportunities, building and nurturing candidate relationships, and all management of messaging and advertising of talent acquisition efforts.
The focus is initiating relationships with candidates prior to talent needs and beyond job openings by engaging them through the many touch points of the modern job search. The goal of a recruitment marketing strategy is to increase the number of qualified candidates in an organization's talent pipeline. This strategy can be achieved through the use of a recruiting stack software solution. The recruiting stack can be a single or collection of tools and processes to meet the needs of recruitment marketing. Bersin by Deloitte defines a talent pipeline as an organization's ongoing need to have a pool of talent that is readily available to fill positions at all levels of management (as well as other key positions) as the company grows. In contrast, traditional
is focused on the immediate need of filling a specific job requisition.
A recruitment marketing strategy leverages principles of
and integrates messaging across the , online job advertising (through job boards and aggregators like ,
and more), , , , , career sites, ,
to reach and engage potential candidates to opt into an employer's . Once in the CRM (candidate relationship management), the focus is building relationships and nurturing candidates through personalized content, alerts and calls-to-action to send them relevant information, as well as job openings.
By tracking, measuring and analyzing the effectiveness of recruiting efforts, recruitment marketing is turning talent acquisition into a data-driven function that consistently and predictably drives more qualified leads into the hiring funnel. Using an integrated recruiting stack solution fueled by business intelligence and data science, companies can now report on the entire hiring process including the effectiveness of their recruitment marketing strategy and the value of their talent pipeline.
Business in all facets has largely turned "inbound" in the last decade—customers are finding their own paths to services, products and companies versus companies using ads to disruptively get in front of potential customers. Inbound marketing has been the most successful marketing method for doing business in recent years because companies are creating value and interest for prospective customers, turning them into loyal and long-term advocates.
notes that inbound marketers who measure ROI are more than 12 times more likely to be generating a greater year-over-year return.
Marketing teams have thus transformed and expanded, adding new positions like content strategist and digital analyst, and expertise in social media, SEO and demand generation. The modern marketing team has key roles with specific knowledge in efforts that will attract more interested leads through broader channels, and more importantly, will nurture them into qualified prospects to deliver to sales.
To create differentiation and improve candidate engagement, recruiting is using marketing tactics with similar functions and strategies. While there has always been an element of marketing in a good recruiting process, historically it has never been the core, and departments have been siloed between marketing and HR. Now, however, the talent acquisition industry is seeing marketing and recruiting becoming intertwined, with recruitment marketing emerging both as a distinct discipline and a core competency affecting every part of the talent acquisition cycle.
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Wheeler, Kevin (25 June 2014). . ERE.Recruitment | Brand Activation | Event Marketing | Pico
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Provide necessary recruitment strategies for marketing and sales support control.
Active and successful marketing and recruitment results.
Coordinate marketing and recruitment efforts to include information sessions and preparation and distribution of materials.
Public networks like Facebook and LinkedIn can be used for marketing, recruitment, prospecting and brand enhancement.
Jobs2Web: (acquired by SuccessFactors) a candidate marketing and analysis system that helps recruiting organizations manage the recruitment marketing process.
To date, social media has traditionally been utilized for marketing and branding as well as recruitment efforts across the enterprise.
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The Recruitment Marketing sector is still in the early adoption stage, but is quickly gaining traction with HR professionals on a global level. For being such a new "thing" in the talent acquisition space, there is a lot of noise about what Recruitment Marketing is and what it can do for you and your recruitment teams.
For clarity, Recruitment Marketing in it's basic form is: all the activities an organization takes to source, attract, engage and nurture talent before they apply for a job. Recruitment Marketing then, by definition, sits in the pre-application phase of the recruitment cycle.
It is important to understand that applicant tracking systems (ATS) and recruitment marketing platforms are distinctly different. Recruitment Marketing platform = pre- ATS = post-application, on-boarding, etc.
When investigating the adoption of a recruitment marketing platform, ensure there is the ability to integrate your recruitment marketing platform into your ATS platform, allowing you to source internally for those past silver medalists, quickly and effectively. These are candidates who have already been exposed to your process and brand at length and were, in most cases, great candidates who fell just short. With the right integration, you will be able to effectively communicate on an on-going basis with these candidates to keep them engaged with your employer brand.
Recruitment Marketing and ATS platforms should not be viewed by recruiters as two separate platforms, however, they should be viewed as complementary tools to help effectively organize workflow at different stages of the recruitment cycle. An effective Recruitment Marketing platform will help build deep, evergreen pipelines of talent, ultimately aiding in a decreased time and cost to hire.
With the emergence of the Recruitment Marketing sector, I have read about the potential of HR Tech displacing many recruitment professionals, when in actuality, that is not the case. The best article I have seen on the relationship between HR Tech and the personal recruiter was by Greg Savage, which you can read for yourself, . In short, HR Tech should be designed to support and streamline human efforts, not replace them.
To close, I draw your attention to this article from Talemetry, which provides a succinct discussion on what Recruitment Marketing is and can do for your recruitment team:
If you prefer visuals, and have 6 minutes, check out this video to learn
If you are interested in discussing how
can help your recruitment organization, I'd be happy to help. !
#RecruitmentMarketing #Recruitment #HRTech #HumanResources #ATS
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