
言随着科学技术的发展,有线数字电视、地面数字电视、卫星数字电视、IPTV、网络视频等使中国广播电视和视格兰研究数据显示,2016年第二季度,我国卫星机顶盒出货市场占比最高,占比近4成;其次是IPTV机顶盒,占新增机顶盒出货量约三成;有线机顶盒、OTT TV机顶盒机顶盒占比均超过10%;地面机顶盒市场出货相对较小。网络综艺面对的受众群体多为90、00后的年轻人,一切自带话题以及网络热点的嘉宾和元素成为各大网综节目争相引流的关键。聚力传媒在北京雁栖湖国际会展中心举行“聚力传媒创享2017战略发布会”前
言2016年以来,有线电视行业面临更加严峻的市场环境。直播星用户增长延续去年状态,单季度增量破千万;I国家新闻广电总局电视剧司日前下发《关于进一步规范卫视综合频道电视剧编播管理的通知》。格兰研究数据显示,2016年第二季度我国机顶盒新增出货量为3354.3万台,与2016年第一季度(3354.8万台)基本持平;高清机顶盒出货量占新增机顶盒总出货量的51.6%。随着科学技术的发展,有线数字电视、地面数字电视、卫星数字电视、IPTV、网络视频等使中国广播电视和视sinodtv我们只沉淀有深度的信息和数据!热门文章最新文章sinodtv我们只沉淀有深度的信息和数据!大家好:我们在2014年12月成立了视译小组并启动了训练。每周固定时间(周日下午3:00-5:00),现场材料,现场视译,语音直接发送至群内,共同讨论盲点,然后再作总结。周一至周六每天再做周日现场材料,保证在规定时间内完成。目前小组已经进行了38次讨论,整个视译专练小组在不停地练习中。目前视译小组面向所有人员开放,通过完成进群作业进入小组参与训练。入群作业就是把视译大礼包里的第1期潘基文在CICA的讲话,视译一遍,并且录成文件提交给ABC群的宁宁(28366####)。你不用完美主义,也不用担心疑虑,哪怕做的不是很好,也要有勇气录音和提交,这是开始提高的第一步。今天和大家分享的是第38周的训练日志,包括中英文语料以及我们的批注。我知道你肯定会想先收藏着,但是其实这就是我们每天做一点点积少成多的结果。如果你全部跟着视译小组的节奏前进,你很快会发现你的行动量和你以前的纠结和犹豫相比,根本就是天壤之别。如果你想和我们一起练习,你可以自己先尝试一下我们的进群作业,你可以到/100k-1 下载。最后,给视译小组成员的话。在视译现场时,不要预先看全文,遇到不认识的词不要停下来去查证,运用二阶思维顺下去,尽量在现场翻译时就达到速度的要求;在平常的练习中,则既要保持速度,又要注意总结。时刻监测自己的训练状态与进步情况。持续不断地练习是取得进步的制胜法宝。如若遭遇到瓶颈期则需多总结思考,并且与小组成员反馈交流。第38周视译:英译汉周末现场练习部分I want to tell you three stories about the power of relationships to solve the deep and complex social problems of this century.You know, sometimes it seems like all these problems of poverty, inequality, ill health, unemployment, violence, addiction — they’re right there in one person’s life. So I want to tell you about someone like this that I know. I’m going to call her Ella. Ella lives in a British city on a run down estate. The shops are closed, the pub’s gone, the playground’s pretty desolate and never used, and inside Ella’s house, the tension is palpable and the noise levels are deafening. The TV’s on at full volume. One of her sons is fighting with one of her daughters. Another son, Ryan, is keeping up this constant stream of abuse from the kitchen, and the dogs are locked behind the bedroom door and straining. //148,50saddiction毒瘾a run down estate破败的社区Ella is stuck. She has lived with crisis for 40 years. She knows nothing else, and she knows no way out. She’s had a whole series of abusive partners, and, tragically, one of her children has been taken into care by social services. The three children that still live with her suffer from a whole range of problems, and none of them are in education. And Ella says to me that she is repeating the cycle of her own mother’s life before her.But when I met Ella, there were 73 different services on offer for her and her family in the city where she lives, 73 different services run out of 24 departments in one city, and Ella and her partners and her children were known to most of them. They think nothing of calling social services to try and mediate one of the many arguments that broke out.//150,50s73 different services run out of 24 departments in one city 73种服务让城市的24个部门不堪重负They think nothing of calling social services to try and mediate one of the many arguments that broke out他们认为社会服务部门无法帮他们调解纠纷And the family home was visited on a regular basis by social workers, youth workers, a health officer, a housing officer, a home tutor and the local policemen. And the governments say that there are 100,000 families in Britain today like Ella’s, struggling to break the cycle of economic, social and environmental deprivation. And they also say that managing this problem costs a quarter of a million pounds per family per year and yet nothing changes. None of these well-meaning visitors are making a difference.This is a chart we made in the same city with another family like Ella’s. This shows 30 years of intervention in that family’s life. And just as with Ella, not one of these interventions is part of an overall plan. There’s no end goal in sight. None of the interventions are dealing with the underlying issues. These are just containment measures, ways of managing a problem. One of the policemen says to me, “Look, I just deliver the message and then I leave.//166,56snot one of these interventions is part of an overall plan这些干预只是暂时应急break the cycle打破桎梏So, I’ve spent time living with families like Ella’s in different parts of the world, because I want to know: what can we learn from places where our social institutions just aren’t working? I want to know what it feels like to live in Ella’s family. I want to know what’s going on and what we can do differently.Well, the first thing I learned is that cost is a really slippery concept. Because when the government says that a family like Ella’s costs a quarter of a million pounds a year to manage, what it really means is that this system costs a quarter of a million pounds a year. Because not one penny of this money actually touches Ella’s family in a way that makes a difference. Instead, the system is just like this costly gyroscope that spins around the families, keeping them stuck at its heart, exactly where they are.//152,51scost is a really slippery concept只是概念上的成本keep them stuck at heart这一系统只是围着这些家庭转,于事无补And I also spent time with the frontline workers, and I learned that it is an impossible situation. So Tom, who is the social worker for Ella’s 14-year-old son Ryan, has to spend 86 percent of his time servicing the system: meetings with colleagues, filling out forms, more meetings with colleagues to discuss the forms, and maybe most shockingly, the 14 percent of the time he has to be with Ryan is spent getting data and information for the system. So he says to Ryan, “How often have you been smoking? Have you been drinking? When did you go to school?” And this kind of interaction rules out the possibility of a normal conversation. It rules out the possibility of what’s needed to build a relationship between Tom and Ryan.//130,44sWhen we made this chart, the frontline workers, the professionals — they stared at it absolutely amazed. It snaked around the walls of their offices. So many hours, so well meant, but ultimately so futile. And there was this moment of absolute breakdown, and then of clarity: we had to work in a different way.So in a really brave step, the leaders of the city where Ella lives agreed that we could start by reversing Ryan’s ratio. So everyone who came into contact with Ella or a family like Ella’s would spend 80 percent of their time working with the families and only 20 percent servicing the system. And even more radically, the families would lead and they would decide who was in a best position to help them. So Ella and another mother were asked to be part of an interview panel, to choose from amongst the existing professionals who would work with them.//156,52sfutile无关紧要rule out排除/使。。。不可能/无济于事/于事无补And many, many people wanted to join us, because you don’t go into this kind of work to manage a system, you go in because you can and you want to make a difference.So Ella and the mother asked everybody who came through the door, “What will you do when my son starts kicking me?” And so the first person who comes in says, “Well, I’ll look around for the nearest exit and I will back out very slowly, and if the noise is still going on, I’ll call my supervisor.” And the mothers go, “You’re the system. Get out of here!” And then the next person who comes is a policeman, and he says, “Well, I’ll tackle your son to the ground and then I’m not sure what I’ll do.” And the mothers say, “Thank you.” So, they chose professionals who confessed they didn’t necessarily have the answers, who said — well, they weren’t going to talk in jargon.//161,54sThey chose professionals who confessed they didn’t necessarily have the answers, who said — well, they weren’t going to talk in jargon. 他们选择的专家承认没有答案但他们不打官腔。They showed their human qualities and convinced the mothers that they would stick with them through thick and thin, even though they wouldn’t be soft with them.So these new teams and the families were then given a sliver of the former budget, but they could spend the money in any way they chose. And so one of the families went out for supper. They went to McDonald’s and they sat down and they talked and they listened for the first time in a long time. Another family asked the team if they would help them do up their home. And one mother took the money and she used it as a float to start a social enterprise.And in a really short space of time, something new started to grow: a relationship between the team and the workers. And then some remarkable changes took place.//145,49sbe given budget一部分的预算Maybe it’s not surprising that the journey for Ella has had some big steps backwards as well as forwards. But today, she’s completed an IT training course, she has her first paid job, her children are back in school, and the neighbors, who previously just hoped this family would be moved anywhere except next door to them, are fine. They’ve made some new friendships. And all the same people have been involved in this transformation — same families, same workers. But the relationship between them has been supported to change.So I’m telling you about Ella because I think that relationships are the critical resource we have in solving some of these intractable problems. But today, our relationships are all but written off by our politics, our social policies, our welfare institutions. And I’ve learned that this really has to change.//141,47sSo what do I mean by relationships? I’m talking about the simple human bonds between us, a kind of authentic sense of connection, of belonging, the bonds that make us happy, that support us to change,to be brave like Ella and try something new. And, you know, it’s no accident that those who run and work in the institutions that are supposed to support Ella and her family don’t talk about relationships,because relationships are expressly designed out of a welfare model that was drawn up in Britain and exported around the world. The contemporaries of William Beveridge, who was the architect of the first welfare state and the author of the Beveridge Report, had little faith in what they called the average sensual or emotional man. Instead, they trusted this idea of the impersonal system and the bureaucrat who would be detached and work in this system. And the impact of Beveridge on the way the modern state sees social issues just can’t be underestimated//165,55saverage sensual or emotional man感性的人威廉·贝弗里奇爵士  (William Beveridge, 日-1963年),英国人,是福利国家的理论建构者之一,他于1942年发表《社会保险报告书》(Report on Social Insurance),也称《贝弗里奇报告》,提出建立“社会权利”新制度,包括失业及无生活能力之公民权、退休金、教育及健康保障等理念。受凯恩斯经济学影响。他于1944年发表《自由社会的全面就业》一书,主张由国家及市场导向的私人企业来联合运作,对当代社会福利政策及健保制度深具影响[1]
。本文演讲思路:首先,提出描述主题研究人与人关系解决复杂社会问题。举例说明:一个破败城市家庭经历的问题,尽管生活窘迫但是他们没有向社会服务部求助。其次,社会服务部门有访问和资助问题家庭但收效甚微。第三,揭秘收效甚微的原因,即资金多用于系统维护,而非家庭本身,并引用数据论证:86%时间用在维护系统数据信息,14%同当事人交谈也不是正常的谈心,还是搜集数据。第四,专家意识到出了问题,并提出改革。更多人加入,拒绝官腔。人际交流能产生积极影响,因此成为社会服务部门的工作重心。最后,改革带来实质效果。第一个事例的主人翁本人及其家庭都发生了改变。继而引出人际关系新定义,同时提及社会福利最初只是制度上的构想,这种想法根深蒂固,需要大家努力过渡到对人际关系交往的工作重点上。ScalersTalk ID:scalerstalk本微信公众号作者Scalers,游走在口译世界的IT从业者。微信公众号ScalersTalk,网站,口译100小时训练计划群C 成长会是由Scalers发起的面向成长、实践行动,且凝聚了来自全球各地各行各业精英的社群。有意入会者请和Scalers直接联系,我和其他会员会和你直接交流关于成长行动等各方面的经验教训。成长会2016年已经启动招募,参见scalerstalk(scalerstalk) 


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