最高警戒红色警戒 战斗要塞塞坦克

更新形式:全服停机维护维护时间:8月25日 14:00-18:00维护补偿:钻石*200、金币*50000、老兵生存指南*10更新内容:新增s级飞机——终结者列莫夫
新增橙色指挥官——蒙巴顿【兵种介绍】终结者列莫夫是飞机中的前排兵种,空军敢死队。拥有可观的输出的同时,BUFF技能依然强力。终极技能为:与玩家对战中减少所有出战单位所受伤害,技能效果可以叠加。属于PVP必备兵种。【指挥官介绍】蒙巴顿是空军天才将领,终结者列莫夫专属指挥官【获得途径】 1、钻石招募 2、游戏内相关活动同时,我们将调整钻石招募概率,使玩家在一定时间内,较高机会获得终结者列莫夫和终结者列莫夫碎片。【活动时间】日17:00 - 9月4日23:59【活动范围】全区全服【活动内容】钻石招募,较高概率获得终结者列莫夫及终结者列莫夫碎片。同时,玩家将仍然可以获得以下S级兵种:天启、猛犸、幽浮、基洛夫、尤里、幻影、特斯拉、夜鹰、空中堡垒、战斗要塞、精神控制车、光能援护车
军号:1552046 工分:19322
者战机Aircraft reporting 报到Channel clear 收听清晰Destination? 目的地Pilot reporting 报到Thrusters engaged 推进器工作Changing vector 改变行线Like the wind 风一样飘逸Wilco 照办Ready to strike! 准备(实行)打击Watch my six 看我的六枚Theyhave' m on radar 它们出现在上了We're goin' in 我们正在接近Instruments locked on 锁定(目标)Eject! Eject! 弹射 弹射Bail out! We're going down 我们在坠落夜鹰Need a lift? 需要起运么Air transport ready 运输机准备就绪Pick' m up, set' m down 搭载他们 再送他们着陆What's your request? 您要求是Maneuvers in progress 进行操作中Gotcha 收到Tour underway 飞行中Visibility clear 能见度很好Fire on sight 发现后即开火Clearing a path 清出一条道LZ(Landing Zone)is hot 逼近着陆区雌鹿Siege Chopper, checking in 报到We got the big gun 我们拥有大炮(实为23mm的链式机炮)Ready for deployment 准备(实施)部署Airborne artillery 机载火炮(就绪)All systems operational 所有系统运转(正常)Moving in 飞行中Transporting siege weapon 围攻武器运载中Let's take over the area 让我们接管该区域Airspeed to maximum 最高速Looking for clearing 搜寻待清理(区域)Load up the belts 装填弹带Give' em some pepper 送他们胡椒尝尝Target spotted 目标被瞄准Chop them all down 把它们都打下来Guns unleashed 机炮开火Time for a hellstorm 地狱风暴刮起Deploying cannon 部署Coordinates confirmed 坐标被确认Setting trajectory 设定弹道Fire at will 听命开火We're going to crash! 我们要坠毁了We've been hit 我们被击中了M' aidez! M' aidez! (法语Help me 从飞机船舶发出的无线电求救信号)Abort! Abort! 弃机 弃机Oh no! 噢 不基落夫飞艇Kirov reporting基落夫飞艇报到Acknowledged 听命Airship ready 飞艇就绪Helium mix optional 氦气混合方案选择中Setting new course 设定新的航线Maneuver props engaged 推进器运转Bearings set 轴承设定Bombing bays ready 弹舱准备打开Target acquired 获取目标Closing on target 朝目标接近中Bombardiers to your stations 投弹手就位M' aidez! M' aidez! (求救信号)We're losing altitude! 我们正丧失高度She's going to blow! 她要漏气了MIG MIGs on the way 米格行动中Airstrike confirmed 空袭得到确认Missiles Launched 发射Target arquired 获取目标I won't make it 我没有成功I'm going down! 我正在坠落Mission aborted! 任务中止悬浮飞碟Disc in flight 飞碟飞行中Yuri's Collection Agency 尤里财物征收局(可恶的飞贼)Let's transfer some assets! 让我们搞些有价值的资源Syhpons ready 虹吸装置就绪Accepting donations! 接受捐赠(奸诈!)Levitation units online 漂浮装置连线中Smooth ride 平稳飘移Spinning away! 旋转移动They are in our way! 他们挡道了Laserbeam ready! 镭射光束就绪Set to destroy 设定摧毁(的对象)They have nothing of value 他们一文不值Their systems are vulnerable 他们的系统如此脆弱I'd like to make a withdraw 我希望来一次收帐Yuri thanks them for their support 尤里感谢他们的支持(奸诈!)They will be generous 他们会很慷慨Allied Ship reporting 盟军船只报到Navigation systems ready 导航系统就绪Captian on the bridge 舰长在舰桥上Speed to full 全速航行Main engines engaged 主引擎运转Rudder set for new heading 朝新的航向转舵Aye commander 赞成 指挥官Steady as she goes 航行平稳Enemy spotted 发现敌人Attacking 开火Battle-stations! 进入战斗岗位盟军气垫船Welcome aboard 欢迎上船Having a nice day? 一天过得愉快么How about an adventure
来次冒险怎样Plenty of window seats 有充足的靠窗座位See the countryside 欣赏乡间风景吧 (看到的尽是弹坑、残骸、着火的建筑物)We're on our way 我们上路了Let's take the scenic route 让我们选一条风景好的路线Wanna stop for a picture? 要停下拍张照片么 (要拍,好歹也得留个遗照!)What a view 多美的景致啊Enjoy the ride 旅途愉快Aegis Cruiser神盾Scanning for aircraft 扫描净空区域Aegis reporting 神盾巡洋舰报到Protector of the Allied fleet 盟军舰队的保护者Allied cruiser ready 盟军巡洋舰就绪Missile systems operational 系统运转(正常)Guiding system set 导航系统设定Adjusting for current 对洋流(作出)调整Navigating water space 在水面上航行Plotting course 规划航线Rudder set 改变船舵Bring' em down! 击落它们Rocket's red glare 火箭的耀眼红光Let loose the allied furry! 发泄盟军的怒火吧Launch the heat seekers 发射热源跟踪器Clearin' the skies 打扫天空吧All hands on deck 所有人就位Target confirmed 目标被确认Aircraft Carrier responding 报到Flight-deck cleared 飞行甲板清理完毕Prepairing jets for takeoff 为飞机做升空准备Pride of the Allied Navy 盟军海军的骄傲The largest ship in the fleet 舰队中的巨人Slow & steady 缓慢又平稳Hold the course 保持航线New heading set 新航向被设定Coordinates confirmed 坐标得到确认Hornets in the air 升空Commencing attack run 开始实施打击Release the swarm! 机群起飞Naval airfleet engaging 海军航空机群投入作战We have a target 我们获得目标Typhoon attack sub 台风级(就绪)Caught under pressure 保持水压Torpedos armed 鱼雷就绪Hush! They maybe near! 嘘 他们可能(离得)很近了Running silent 无声无息地靠近They won't detect our approach 他们探测不到我们接近Use stealth 采取偷袭Dive! 下潜Checking periscope 窥视潜望镜Sink them 击沉它们Target verified 目标被确认Torpedos away! 鱼雷出仓了Fire torpedos! 发射鱼雷He's on our scope 他在潜望镜里就可以看见苏联气垫船I'm not armed, you know 我没有武装 您知道的Need a ride, anybody? 有人要乘坐么Where do you need to go? 您要(我)驶向哪儿Shuttle, ready for passengers 运输船准备装载乘客Let's take an excursion 让我们来次(短途)旅行Don't get too close to combat 不要离战场太近了Let's keep it safe 让我们保持安全Checking with map 核对地图Planning course 安排航线中Sea Scorpion 海蝎艇The water's warm, yes? 水真暖和 不是么Need a little speed? 需要加快些航速么Good fishing here 在这儿钓鱼真好(问题是工具呢?)Nice day for a cruise 航行的好天气I love my boat 我喜欢我的船The quicker, the better 越快越好At weekend, get away 在周末出去走走Riding the current 顺着洋流航行Sounds good 听起来真不错Running high! 高速航行They want some flak, eh? 他们要火 呃I hope they can swim! 我希望他们会游泳(幽默!)I see them! 我看到他们了The sea can be dangerous place 大海可以是很危险的地方Let's make some waves 让我们激起浪花吧无畏级战舰Ship reporting 船只报告Vessel ready 战舰就绪Yes, commander? 什么任务 指挥官Captain confirming 舰长批准Course set 航线被设定Navigating 航行中Engines engaged 引擎运转Target sighted 发现目标Fire at will 听命开火Close and fire 接近并开火雷鸣潜艇Boomer systems operational 雷鸣系统运转中Maintaining position and depth 保持位置和深度Deep sea vessal standing by 深海舰只待命中Engines primed 引擎启动Air pressure stabilized 保持舱压状态Adjusting rudder 改变尾舵Checking current 检查洋流Propeller systems engaged 推进系统启动All ahead, full 全速航行Thrusting forward 向前推进Locking missile coordinates 锁定坐标Missiles ready for launch 导弹准备发射Guidance systems checked 制导系统检查完毕They'll never see it coming 他们决不知道导弹从哪儿来Yuri will be proud 尤里会感到骄傲的Let the missiles fly 发射导弹Torpedos armed 鱼雷就绪This will be a sinker 这会是条沉船Fire (鱼雷)发射Bring them down to our level 让它们沉到我们下面去Launch initiated 开始发射Shark bait! 鲨鱼之饵尤里气垫船I am loyal to Yuri 我效忠于尤里Turbines clear 气轮风扇完好Transport at your service 运输船(愿意)为您效劳Awaiting Yuri's thoughts 等待尤里的命令I obey 我遵从Yes 是Transport in motion 运输船航行中Yuri commands me 尤里指挥我Your orders (给我)您的命令杀手Tank destroyer reporting 杀手报到No armors too tough 不存在牢固的装甲They gotta get through me first! 他们必须先过我这关Not the tank I can't break 不存在我射不穿的Deutschland's finest 德国最出色的Taking position 位置获知Advancing 行驶In the field (开往)那地方Moving forward 向前开动Demolition Derby time 毁灭德比战来了Let's see who's tougher 让我们瞧瞧谁更坚固Piece by piece 一个个的打成碎片Nothing left but junk 除了残骸没什么会留下You call that armor? 你叫那玩样儿装甲么黑鹰战机Aircraft reporting 飞机报到Standing by 待命中At your service 为您效劳Black Eagle reporting 黑鹰战机报到Eagle squadron (隶属)黑鹰中队Korea's finest 韩国最出色Command received 收到命令In transit 在飞行中Calibrating airspeed 校准空速Gunner in position 炮手待命Easy target 简单任务Let's take' m out 让我们消灭他们吧Eject! Eject! 弹射 弹射Bail out! 跳伞We're going down 我们在坠落自爆卡车My truck is loaded!" 我卡车装好了Let's make a delivery 让我们送个邮包吧I shall avenge us! 我会替我们复仇Why don't you die 为什么你不死呢One way trip 单程As you wish 如您所愿Watch out for the bumps 当心颠簸碰撞For my people! 为我的人民I am prepare ti die! 我志愿献身It will be a smoking crater 它会留下一个冒烟的弹坑Don't wait up for me 别再等我了- Akkkhah! 咔!电磁坦克Generators humming 发生器嗡嗡作响Wire for destruction 为摧毁而充电I have the power 我充满能量Reading meters 辨识仪表中Positively 毫无疑问Efficient and clean 高效又清洁(不放血式的杀人)Maximum power 最高能量That sparks my curiousity 那激发了我的好奇 (可怕的好奇心)Nothing wasted 杜绝浪费Free hook-ups 自由接通No charge for extra power 无须补充额外能量Prepare for rolling blackout 已做好突然停电的准备Need a little boost? 需要小股高压电么武装矿车War miner here 武装矿车在这儿Pride of the working class! 我们是劳动阶级的骄傲Building Soviet economy 建设的经济Making Russia strong! 使苏俄强大起来We are armed! 我们有武装Return to refinery返回精炼厂Relocating operations 重新部署行动At once, comrade! 立刻 同志For Soviet people 为了人民Serving the cause 为(伟大的共产主义)事业奋斗Da(俄语), comrade general 是 指挥官同志On the attack 开始攻击Protect the ore! 保卫矿石Take them out! 消灭他们They pose a threat 他们作出威胁(的姿态)This will show them 给他们点颜色瞧瞧Equal share for everyone 每人有份Let's keep the ore moving 让我们确保矿石运输(顺畅)Da(俄语), we will need that 是 我们需要那些(矿石)Looks like good place to mine (那儿)看起来是开采的好地点犀牛坦克Vehicle reporting 报到Ready comrade 准备就绪 同志Awaiting orders 待命Location confirmed 位置确认Moving 行动中Changing position 变换位置Target sighted 发现目标Encountering enemy 遭遇敌人We will bury them 我们将把他们埋了Attacking 开火防空履带车Armored personal carrier ready 单人就绪Ready for transport 准备载人Let's clear the air 让我们清理下天上吧Do you have a plan? 您有计划么What is the mission? 是什么任务Making tracks 寻路中I'll carry out operation 我将执行任务Getting in close (朝目标)接近中Catching path 正在赶路Firing salvo 齐射Flak away 打掉了Tear them apart 把它们打得散架Flak them down! 把它们打下来Guns loaded 装弹完毕V3火箭发射车Ready for launch 准备发射Armed for destruction
为摧毁而生的武装Rockets fueled and ready 火箭注满燃料且就绪V3 launch unit V3发射单位Let's keep up distance 让我们保持距离Advancing to new location 前进至新位置Moving to new launch site 驶向新发射点Not too close please 不要靠得太近了Repositioning 转移阵地中Missile launch confirmed 发射导弹确认Trajectory set 弹道已设定We have ignition 我们要点火了Sending airmail 发送航空邮件吧 (就是V3!收到即死!)Warhead primed 弹头安装完毕天启坦克The instrument of Doom 末日武器It is day of judgement 今天是审判日Armageddon(圣经中的的善恶大战) is here 大杀戮临近了Soviet power supreme 政权至高无上Annihilating 毁灭They will roam in fear 他们会在恐惧中徘徊I cast a deadly shadow 我投下了死亡的阴影It will soon be a wasteland 那里不久会变成一片焦土Excellent! (我是)无敌的Be patient 要耐心Eradicate them 歼灭它们The end is at hand (你的)终点近了This will be your last moments 这会是你的最后时刻Taste your mortality 享受你必死的命运吧The Apocalypse has begun 上天的启示已经降临Bringing down the hammer 审判之锤落下了苏联基地车Soviet construction vechile 苏维埃基地车Ready for deployment 准备部署Building the Soviet Empire 建立苏维埃政权Mobile construction centre 移动建设中心MCV reporting in 基地车报到As quickly as possible 越快越好Holding materials 正装载材料Moving constuction 基地车移动中Yes, comrade 是 同志Relocating 重新部署We will puncture through 我们会射穿(它的)Lasher Tank ready 就绪 (其实是鞭挞者坦克)Yuris tank division (隶属)尤里坦克师Where is battle? 战斗在哪里Turn up the speed 加快速度Yes, master Yuri 是 尤里主人The hunt is on 正在追猎Gonna make some scrap metal 即将(把它们)打成金属碎片They will not escape 他们无处逃遁Prepare for your lashes 你就等着被鞭笞吧盖特机炮Let's clear the air 让我们清理下天上吧Gun battery's cooled and ready 机炮电池已冷却并就绪Loadin' up the belt 装填弹带中I love the smell of gumpowder 我喜爱火药的味道(一看就知道不是个好对付的主)Guns ready for full auto 机炮就绪处于全自动状态Scanning horizon 巡视地平线Rolling! 剧烈摇摆I was born for this job 我生来就干这事(见敌人就揍)Faster and faster! 越来越快Let's take the guns for a spin 让我们转一下炮管吧Mow them dowm! 射下它们Let the bullets fly! 让子弹漫天飞舞How' bout a shell shower! 想来场弹雨么Rev up those cylinders 炮管转动起来吧磁能坦克Magnetron on standby 磁能坦克待命中Magnetic field commencing 磁场生成中Need a little force? 需要一点力么Generator ready 发生器就绪Point me in the right direction 给我指定正确的方向Shifting polarity 变动磁极We need no compass 我们无须指南针My power is irresistable 我的威力势不可挡(的确)Moving within range 移至射程内Reel them in 把它们钓过来Coils powering up 线圈蓄能完毕Let's bring them closer to us 让我们把它们弄得近些Maximum charge 最高蓄能Enemy locked 能量确定Coils powering up 线圈蓄能完毕Maximum charge 充能至最大值Enemy locked 能量锁定超时空矿车Oh, hello sir 噢 您好长官Ready as ever 时刻准备着Chrono miner reporting for duty 时空矿车报到24/7时刻待命Always on time 始终保持准时Oh yes, I agree 噢 是的 我赞成Sure thing, Sir! 当然可以 长官Of course 当然You'll get the cash in a flash 您瞬间就能得到资金It's in the bank矿在储运箱中Mining 采矿中Aah, there it is! 啊 (矿藏)就在那儿Rolling with a Chrono Convoy 和时空车队同行Return to refinery返回精炼厂I'll be there right away 我会立刻出现在那儿In the blink of an eye 在转瞬间(抵达)In no time at all 完全不费时间Let's dump this stuff 让我们卸下矿材Comin' home! 回来了灰熊坦克Vehicle ready 车辆就绪Unit reporting 灰熊坦克报到Yes, sir? 什么事 长官Ready to roll 准备开动Destination Commander? 目的地 指挥官Securing position 获得(指定的)位置Good to go 准备出发High speed, low drag 保持高速 不要拖延Oustanding 非常出色Bound forward! 向前推进Weapon ready 武器待命Commencing assault! 开始攻击Closing in 进行包围Drive' em up! 消灭掉它们Fire zone confirmed 开火区域(得到)确认步兵作战车Everythings made to fit 一切我都能胜任IFV ready IFV就绪Need a conversion? 需要转换(成其他形态)么We can make adjustments 我们能做出调整Transformer panels in order 变形嵌板就位Tools of the trade (IFV是)能变换的工具Fast and light 迅速 轻巧Made for speed 为速度而设计On the go 行动中Yup 好啊Running smooth 平稳行驶Watch my dust 看我扬起的尘土 (小心被爆!)It's a sure shot! 射得很准We've got' em 我们瞄准它们了Of course 确信无疑Takin' em down 干掉它们吧Hittin' em hard 痛击它们吧幻影坦克Mean green, and unseen! 变成绿色树又难以察觉Aren't the trees lovely? 树木不漂亮么Perfert hideout 最佳的隐蔽位置Natural sanctuary 大自然是我的圣殿 (自然提供隐藏的背景)Want some shade? 需要影子吗?Nobody's here but us trees! 这儿除了树外没有人影Layin' low 低位前行Look natural 看起来很自然Creeping ahead 悄悄地前进On the prowl 在潜行中Tree planting (准备)把树种那儿Going mobile 开始移动Now you see me, soon you won't 现在您看见我 过一会就不会了Surprise! (发动)突袭 (对敌人来说确实是个惊喜)Ha-haa! 哈哈Sneak attack! 暗地袭击One more for the landfill 又一辆得送垃圾填埋场了Time for an ambush 埋伏的时机到了光棱坦克Prism tank in order, sir 光棱坦克就绪 长官Length shifters in working position 焦距切换器在工作位置中Prism sensors stable 棱镜传感器被固定Panels charged 镜板完成冲能Compensating for terrain flux 校正地表磁通量Estimating distortion error 判断失真误差New coordinates processed 处理新的坐标Readjusting stabilizers 重新调整水平仪Magnifiers activated 放大透镜工作中Calculating reflection arcs 计算反射曲线Resolving target projectory 确认投射对象Focusing light energy 聚合光能量战斗要塞Preparing for battle 准备战斗Battle Fortress on the alert 战斗要塞警戒中Let's make a warpath 让我们驶上征程吧Takin' in close接近中We will tramp our enemies! 我们会压扁敌人的Let's load up the troops 让我们搭上自己的部队Nothing can stop us 无人可档Mobilizing 正在行使Rolling thunder! 雷鸣般地前进Let's see some action 让我负责行动Open fire! 开火Fire at will 听命开火Wipe' em out 把它们抹掉We will crush' em 我们会把它们碾成粉盟军基地车Packed up & ready 整装待发Materials checked and cleared 工具清点完毕Blueprints ready, sir 蓝图准备好了 长官Allied schematics on hand 盟军的图纸就在手上Let's set up shop 让我们建站What's the word? (您的)命令是什么Wanna set up over there? 准备在这儿建立么Let's find some flat land 让我们找块平坦的土地Location is key 位置最关键A new location, commander? 一个新的位置么 指挥官Shows on the road 指出道路Loaded up and truckin' 把物资装好并运走
军号:952605 工分:12126
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军号:1290769 工分:8097
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军号:366366 工分:62804
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军号:952605 工分:12126
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