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用友T3软件软件中的凭证只有5行,实际上有6行分录,怎么办? 0:0:0 用友T3小编
问题模块: 总账关键字:填制凭证问题版本:用友T3-用友通标准版10.8plus1原因分析: 见问题答案。适用产品:T3系列问题答案:输完第5行分录后,按回车键,凭证中会自动增加出第6行,同理,也可增加第7行、第8行等。
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【用友通普及版购买】用友通普及版购买 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &:QQ &a style=&background:none& href=&http://wpa./cgi/wpa.php?ln=1&key=XzkzODA1MzI2Ml8xOTQ2NjJfNDAwOTkwODQ4OF8yXw target=&_blank&&在线咨询&&从客户实际需求出发,面向成长型企业开发设计,提高管理水平、优化运营流程,实现全面、精细化财务管理与业务控制的一体化管控信息平台,帮助企业快速、准确应对市场变化,支持稳定、安全、成熟的长期可持续性发展; 同时满足企业决策者和管理者随时对内部信息的需求,提供方便快捷、高效率的实时动态信息交互,实现实时企业随时管理;功能模块包括:总账、往来管理、现金银行、出纳通、报表、税务管家、网上银行、核算、跨帐套查询等模块。用友通标准版的客户价值:成长型企业管理整体解决方案,降低购置成本;财务业务一体化设计,数据充分共享、及时精确;丰富查询、智能分析、综合信息管理平台,辅助决策支持;流程导航,方便易用,远程应用,部署灵活;动态信息交互、实时企业随时管理;保障投资、平滑安全升级;简介:总账总账系统将财务核算和信息技术相融合,实现企业财务核算的自动化。企业以最少的人力投入、以最快的速度、以最优的准确度,及时、真实、可靠地进行账务处理,为企业提供多角度、多方面的精细化财务数据;同时协助企业进行往来款管理、现金银行管理等。 &灵活的凭证录入、查询、审核、过账及汇总; &多种账务处理、查询、输出; &期末汇总、自动结转损益、转账及结账; &完全支持成长型企业会计制度,系统预制成长型企业会计科目、财务报表; &部门、人员、项目、客户、供应商全面管理;往来管理客户和供应商是企业价值链上的两个重要环节。加强对单位往来的管理,不仅有利于加强对于往来款项的管理,减少坏账损失,加速资金周转,提高企业经济效益,而且有利于营造一个高增值的价值链,为企业的长期、快速发展提供良好的经营环境。 &实现多条件组合的往来款总账、明细账查询,及时掌握最新情况; &提供往来账龄分析,往来账清理等往来账管理工作,加速流动资金的周转;现金银行现金、银行存款是企业流动资产中最敏感的部分,借助“现金银行管理”,加强对现金和银行存款的控制和管理,随时掌握现金、银行存款收付的动态和库存现金余额,确保现金和银行存款的安全。 &实时查询银行日记账、现金日记账及资金日报表; &银行对账,系统自动编制余额调节表; &支票管理;出纳通是出纳人员使用的一款十分简便化工具,提供现金、银行业务的日常处理、自动核对数据、形成银行余额调节表、日记账和其他财务账表查询,同时支持支票管理薄方式,集成了票据通出纳人员使用的各种支票,领用核销支票所产生数据可以自动生成日记账;进行全方位、全程化资金流变动情况的反映,帮助企业和单位开展严格、及时的监督管理工作。财务报表财务报表是国内优秀的企业管理软件工具,与用友账务系统之间有完善的接口,在财经领域发挥着巨大的作用。总账子系统为企业财务核算提供了详尽、丰富的凭证、账表信息,财务报表则是对这些分散信息进行归类、汇总,形成系统、概括性的报表信息。 &预置工业、商业、事业单位等多行业的常用财务报表; &提供丰富的函数、公式,保证实时、快速、准确生成企业管理所需要各种会计报表;核算管理:主要针对企业商品收发存业务进行核算,掌握商品成本情况,为企业成本核算提供基础数据。并可动态反映库存资金的增减变动,为降低库存,减少资金积压,加速资金周转提供决策依据。支持移动平均、全月平均两种计价方式;各种业务处理、业务单据自动生成凭证,进入总账系统,形成财务业务一体化流转。用友T3普及版软件报价用友T3普及版总账(现金银行/往来管理/出纳)财务报表、出纳管理、税务管家单用户4980 & & & & & & & 核算管理 & 3280 & & & & & & & 网上银行 & 4000
用友T3普及版 总账(现金银行/往来管理/出纳)财务报表、出纳管理、税务管家 单用户
新建帐套需要注意哪些事项新建帐套需要注意哪些事项 & & & &当我们有了软件之后,不要急于尝试软件的各项功能,有的选项选了之后不能修改。首先应该对软件的使用细则有一套清晰的了解,应了解该财务软件的运作流程。然后,按下列程序进行套帐的初始化操作。1、在用友财务软件中,首先应该以管理员的身份新建套帐,建帐之后不应先去初始化期初余额,更重要的工作是进行财务分工!不要对我说你单位就你一个会计,即便如此,你也得进行财务分工,身兼数职:所有的财务软件都将凭证的录入与审核计帐相分离,以便交叉监督。最常见的财务分工方式是分成四人:系统管理员、制单员、审核员、记帐员。在以后的使用中,应该按帐务核算的分工以不同的身份登录财务软件。2、进行科目设置。在财务分工之后,接着应查看由系统提供的会计科目是否能够满足你单位的核算需要,如果不够(准确地说,肯定不够!),还应该添加相关的科目。比如,在核算增值税的过程中,很明显地需要“应交增值税”二级科目甚至三级科目,但你在系统提供的会计科目中不能找到,此时应进入“会计科目”模块,进行科目的添加工作,在添加的过程中,应该注意对科目编码的设置。如果是二级科目,该科目的前三位编码一定要设成对应的一级科目的代码。应该知道的是,用友财务软件对科目的管理是以科目编码为依据的,如果科目编码设置错误的话,后患无穷!而且,科目只要设定好了,以后核算中想将之删掉都不行!3、进行期初余额的设定。如果你新建套帐的启用日期是在年份中间,在录入期初余额时,不能在“年初余额”栏目中输入,这样做是徒劳的。我就曾因为该问题一直怀疑是否是有软件故障。正确的方法是在“期初余额”栏目中输入。在进行期初余额录入时,一定要注意数据的准确性,因为,这些期初数据一旦发生作用时,你是无论如何也不可能去修改的!
结转工资时,提示结转失败,请检查05年数据是否正确?年结失败的原因是工资类别001,005套中有两个数据接口文件错误(以2005登录打开数据接口文件程序出现实时错误),导致年结失败! 1、打开数据库UFDATA_001_2005 2、删除表WA_JKData2 3、SELECT * FROM WA_JKItemSet WHERE (cJK_id = ’2′) go SELECT FROM WA_JKSet WHERE (cJK_id = ’2′) go 4、重新建立年结帐套、结转数据。 5、年结成功。
酒业公司自行加工消费税筹划 酒业公司自行加工消费税筹划
由于酒类产品生产企业自制应税消费品和委托加工应税消费品在用于连续生产应税消费品时,税法规定的征免税项目不同,因此对于酒类产品生产企业来说,很有必要对委托加工和自制应税消费品的经营方式进行税收筹划,以便节约税收成本,增强企业在市场中的竞争能力。下面举例说明: 第一种方案: 新威酒业有限责任公司日委托振业酒业有限公司加工散装粮食白酒一批,委托方和受托方均为增值税一般纳税人,双方已按规定签订了委托加工合同。合同上注明:委托方提供原材料大米50万公斤,金额为40万元,加工成粮食白酒30万公斤,用于企业连续生产高档瓶装白酒;同时,委托方支付受托方加工费8万元,增值税1.36万元,运输费1.5万元,运费发票由运输单位开具普通发票,并直接交给委托方。假设受托方没有同类白酒的销售价格,那么,委托方这批加工的应税消费品的生产成本该是多少呢?
库存模块,材料出库单点击“修改”后,软件操作界面一直无反应,也无法做其他操作。由于材料出库单数量较大,并且使用的是SQL SERVER 2000 数据库。该版本数据库连接池有限,每次访问数据库都会重新执行SQL本身的存储过程sp_reset_connection ,在数据量较大的情况下会导致查询非常慢。将SQL SERVER 2000数据库升级到SQL SERVER 2008数据库。
商贸宝新锐普及版的手工算法和批号是什么关系 问:商贸宝新锐普及版的手工算法和批号是什么关系
原因分析:软件操作 问题解答:工龄工资公式: iff(工龄=1,1000,工龄*50+1000)公式意思:如果工龄为1年,工龄工资为1000, 如果工龄不为1年,工龄工资为 工龄*50+1000
问题模块: 存货核算关键字:是否支持多存货同一个货位问题版本:T+ 11.5原因分析: 可以,同一货位无存货各类限制适用产品:用友T+系列问题答案:可以,新增库存单据时可
用友软件结转到新年度后如何修改外币核算问题描述:结转到新年度后如何修改外币核算分析及处理:用户去年没有外币核算业务,因此建账时没有选择外币核算。今年开始有外币核算业务,年度结转后修改账套,选择外币核算打上&&&时不保存。以账套001年度2003为例程序在2003年修改的为2002的数据,所以无法修改正确。UPDATE UFDATA_001_2002AccInformation SET cValue = 'True' WHERE cSysId = 'AA'AND cName = 'bFrgnCurrencyAcc'应该为:UPDATE UFDATA_001_2003AccInformation SET cValue = 'True' WHERE cSysId = 'AA'AND cName = 'bFrgnCurrencyAcc'执行以上语句即可。
当有客户结算以前沉欠的帐务时,有抹零头的时候,怎样处理? 比如A客户借我单位19,680.20元,结算时只给我们19,680元.我公司就视同客户结清全部余款.可机器中还这样记录着欠款.该怎样处理?首先到销售模块的业务范围设置中,在“应收核销”中把“现金折扣是否显示”的选项选中。然后在收款单中,就会出现两列“可享受折扣”和“本次折扣” 在“本次折扣”的列中填入零头,这样与客户的欠款就结清了。在填制凭证时,把零头作为财务费用处理。
用友软件增加明细科目时提示新增会计科目是,提示上级科目已经使用,新增科目将自动改为上级科目的设置已经使用的科目如何增加明细科目在软件操作过程中,经常会遇到对已经使用的科目,要求增加其明细科目的问题。科目已经使用,有两种情形:1、该科目没有期初余额或本期发生数,但在月末转账定义中使用。2、该科目已经有期初余额或本期发生数。下面分别就这两种情形的处理方法,分别进行介绍。情形1:该科目没有期初余额或本期发生数,但在月末转账定义中使用。业务举例:已经设置过“期间损益结转”后,再增加损益类科目,主营业务收入的明细科目就会出现如下提示:处理方法为:在这个提示界面,点击“否”;进入期间损益结转设置界面,删除“本年利润”科目,点击【确定】按钮。增加相应的明细科目后,重新进行期间损益结转设置。情形2:该科目已经有期初余额或本期发生数。系统会把一级科目的数据和属性全部转移到增加的第一个明细科目中。业务举例:损益类科目“补贴收入”已经本期贷方发生10元钱,并且已经进行期间损益结转设置。现在增加其明细科目“补贴收入——税费返还”。处理方法:在会计科目档案中,点击“增加”按钮,增加明细科目,系统如下提示:点击“是”,再点击新增科目界面上的“下一步”,提示:点击“是”,即可完成该操作。a.凭证上科目会自动替换,如图2-1所示;图2-2 科目数据自动转移到新增明细科目上c.期间损益结转定义中已经修改为补贴收入——税费返还”,如图2-3所示。这时需要重新登录,重复上述增加明细科目的操作步骤。2、如果原来一级科目下的10元是由两个以上的内容组成,则还要作调整凭证。如原来的10元包含“税费返还”6元,“其它”4元。现在10元全部放在了“税费返还”明细科目上,则要调出4元给“其它”。新增“其它”明细科目,调整凭证为借:补贴收入——税费返还 4贷:补贴收入——其它 43、对于第二个新增的损益类科目的明细科目,必须到“期间损益结转设置”中,对该科目进行设置,才能在期间损益结转的时候,结转这个科目的数据。如注意事项(2)中新增的“补贴收入---其它”。如图2-4所示。在“520302 其它”后对应的“损益科目编码”处录入“3131”,点击【确定】按钮。(注:在新企业会计科目制度下,“本年利润”的科目编码是3131,所以这里录入3131;如果在建账的时候,选择的是别的行业性质,则要录入该行业性质下“本年利润”的科目编码。)
用友T3如何生成报表用友T3如何生成报表报表生成财务报表 → 文件菜单 → 新建 → 选择行业分类模版 → 在格式状态下修改格式(左下角) → 点击左下角“格式”,使其变成“数据”状态 → 数据菜单 → 关键字 → 录入关键字(单位名称、年、月、日)→ 确定2、保存报表报表取数完毕 → “保存”到本地磁盘(非系统盘)3、 增加报表月份取数财务报表 → 文件菜单 → 打开 (找到上次保存的报表)→ 在“数据”状态 → 编辑 → 追加表页(页数自定)→ 在左下角打开第二页 → 录入关键字(单位名称、年、月、日)→ 确定 → 取数后保存
用友软件如何解除单据锁定,清除异常任务?用友软件如何解除单据锁定在SQL2000 企业管理器里,直接删除LockVouch、GL_mvcontrol、GL_mvocontrol、GL_mccontrol、UFSystem..UA_Task、UFSystem..UA_TaskLog表数据。可以先清除UFSystem..UA_Task、UFSystem..UA_TaskLog的数据,一般都会解决问题。
用友T3建立年度账提示未找到路径用友T3用友通建立年度账报错用友T3建立年度账提示:未找到路径。点“确定”后提示:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]数据库 ‘UFDATA_999_2008′ 不存在。请用 sp_helpdb 来显示可用的数据库。通过还原或附加数据库时路径选择错误。账套所在路径有误,路径必须为ZTXXX路径下:如zt001,而不应该是001。重新附加或还原数据库,选择正确路径。
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Series Switch from a Corrupt or Missing Image or in Rommon Mode - Cisco
Recover a Cisco IOS Catalyst
Series Switch from a Corrupt or Missing Image or in Rommon Mode
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This document explains how to recover a Catalyst
Series Supervisor II-Plus (WS-X4013+), Supervisor III (WS-X4014), Supervisor IV (WS-X4515), or Supervisor V (WS-X4516) from a missing or corrupted system image, or an incorrect boot variable. The Supervisor II-Plus, III, IV or V module image can sometimes be corrupted during a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) download, or when manually deleted by the user. The switch provides a number of ways to recover should any of these events occur on these Supervisor Engines.
The Catalyst
Series Supervisor II-Plus, III, IV and V runs Cisco IOS& software only, and does not run Catalyst OS software. If you wish to try to recover a Catalyst
Series Supervisor (I and II) that runs Catalyst OS, refer to this document:
When the Supervisor II-Plus, III, IV or V-equipped switch boots up or resets, there are these two possibilities:
The switch starts up normally and displays the Hostname& prompt or the default Switch& prompt.
The switch cannot find the image, the image is corrupt, no image is present in the bootflash device, or the boot variable is set incorrectly and therefore winds up in ROM monitor (ROMmon) mode. It displays the rommon& prompt. In ROMmon mode, the switch must be able to locate a valid system image from either the bootflash device or the slot0 Compact Flash card. These Supervisor Engines also provide an Ethernet Management port (10/100 Base T), which is available only from ROMmon mode and can be configured to download a new valid image through TFTP from a TFTP process. There is no option for Xmodem or Ymodem which allows you to copy an image through the console port.
In addition to the 64 MB internal Flash Single In-Line Memory Module (SIMM), these Supervisor Engines have one Type 1 Compact Flash card slot which has a capacity of up to 128 MB. If the system or the boot image should fail, theses devices provide a backup. These mentioned Flash devices are recognized in ROMmon, and the images stored there can be used to recover. The Flash device is optional, which can be obtained from Cisco or a third-party supplier. Refer to this document for more information related to using Compact Flash with Supervisor II-Plus, III, IV or V:
There are no specific prerequisites for this document.
. The information in this document is applicable only for Catalyst
Series switches using Supervisor Engine II-Plus, III, IV or V.
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
for more information on document conventions.
When the switch operates normally, it is at the hostname& prompt or the default Switch& prompt. You can issue the dir bootflash: or dir slot0: commands to view the contents of the Supervisor Flash devices, as this example shows. Issue the verify command to determine if the image has a valid checksum, as this example shows:
Switch#dir bootflash:
Directory of bootflash:/
Jul 11 :10
bytes total ( bytes free)
Switch#verify bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW
Verified bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW
Since the switch recognizes all Flash devices in ROMmon mode, you can issue the dir &device-name& commands to show the Flash contents, as is demonstrated in the remaining sections of this document.
Notice in the previous example, there is only a single boot image in bootflash. You can have as many system images as you can fit in either the bootflash: or slot0:. Bootflash size is fixed at 64 MB, whereas slot0: Compact Flash is available in 64 MB or 128 MB options. How to manage the bootflash and Flash cards is up to you, but consider distributing the images between these devices for more redundancy in case of a failure.
The switch could wind up in ROMmon mode due to these reasons:
A switch reload or crash after the image was corrupted or deleted. See the
section of this document for more information.
The Compact Flash which holds the system image has been removed. See the
section of this document to determine if a valid system image is present in the bootflash:. If there is no file present, see the
section of this document
The configuration register has been changed incorrectly. The configuration register value of 0x0 always brings the switch to ROMmon mode. The typical configuration register is 0x2102, with the boot system flash command pointing to the system image to load. Refer to this document for more information about the configuration register:
section of .
The boot variable is incorrect, but a valid image is still present. See the
section of this document for more information.
These primary symptoms occur in your network if the switch is in ROMmon mode:
Routing failures occur because ROMmon mode cannot route between VLAN interfaces, and is only designed to recover the switch.
If you try to Telnet to any of the interfaces it fails, and if you are connected to the console port of the Supervisor, you see this prompt:
rommon 1 &
The switch might end up in a continuous reboot sequence if the boot variable is not set to the correct system image file and proper destination device. For example, the configuration register value of 0x2102 requires that a boot variable is specified by issuing the boot system flash configuration command.
This output is an example of a situation in which an incorrect boot image is specified when setting up the boot variable, which prevents the booting of the system image. This output is only seen on the console of the switch, as the switch is not yet functional.
* Welcome to Rom Monitor for WS-X4014 System. *
* Copyright (c) 2002 by Cisco Systems, Inc. *
* All rights reserved. *
ROM Monitor Program Version 12.1(11br)EW
Board type 1, Board revision 5
Swamp FPGA revision 14, Dagobah FPGA revision 48
MAC Address : 00-01-96-d9-f6-fe
Ip Address : Not set.
Netmask : Not set.
Gateway : Not set.
TftpServer : Not set.
Main Memory : 256 MBytes
***** The system will autoboot in 5 seconds *****
Type control-C to prevent autobooting.
******** The system will autoboot now ********
config-register = 0x2102
Autobooting using BOOT variable specified file.....
Current BOOT file is --- bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-8a.Ew
boot: can not load &bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-8a.Ew&
The switch will automatically reboot now...
rommon 1 &
This reboot is continuous.
These steps show how you can recover the switch.
You should already have a console connection to the Supervisor to see the previous output and perform the recovery. On a standard Windows operating system platform, configure a HyperTerminal connection directly to COM1 with these settings:
Eight data bits
One stop bit
Flow control = none
Use a rolled male RJ-45 cable to connect from COM1 on the PC to the console port on the Supervisor module. Use a DB-9 connector on the PC.
The reboot continues until autoboot is prevented when you press Control-C and go into ROMmon mode.
This is shown in this example:
* Welcome to ROM Monitor for WS-X4014 System.
* Copyright (c) 2002 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
ROM Monitor Program Version 12.1(11br)EW
Board type 1, Board revision 5
Swamp FPGA revision 14, Dagobah FPGA revision 48
MAC Address
: 00-01-96-d9-f6-fe
Ip Address
: Not set.
: Not set.
: Not set.
: Not set.
Main Memory
: 256 Mbytes
***** The system will autoboot in 5 seconds *****
Type control-C to prevent autobooting.
!--- Press Control-C.
Autoboot cancelled......... please wait!!!
rommon 1 & [interrupt]
Issue the dir bootflash: command to list the files present in the bootflash, or issue the dir slot0: command to list the files present in the Compact Flash device.
In the example, the files are in the bootflash: device:
rommon 1 &dir bootflash:
6516904 bytes (0x6370a8)
Total space =
bytes, Available =
rommon 2 &dir slot0:
6516904 bytes (0x6370a8)
Total space =
bytes, Available =
Note:&The reason the switch reboots continuously is because the system image file name specified does not exist, but there is a valid file in the bootflash and slot0:. Also, the system image file name specified is case sensitive. If it is not specified correctly, it causes a continuous reboot.
Since you have the required system image file present in the bootflash:, you can issue the boot bootflash:&filename& command to boot the switch. Issue the boot slot0:&filename& command if you want to load the system from the file present in slot0:. The system is booted with that specified image. If the switch fails to load due to the specified system image being corrupt, or the valid system file is not present, see the
section of this document.
This is shown in this example:
rommon 2 &boot bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW
Rommon reg: 0x
Running diags...
Decompressing the image
############################################## [OK]
k2diags version 1.6
prod: WS-X4014
part: 73-6854-05
serial: JAB054109FE
Power-on-self-test for Module 1:
Status: (. = Pass, F = Fail)
Traffic using serdes loopback (L2; one port at a time)...
switch port 0: .
switch port 1: .
switch port 2: .
switch port 3: .
switch port 4: .
switch port 5: .
switch port 6: .
switch port 7: .
switch port 8: .
switch port 9: .
switch port 10: .
switch port 11: .
switch port 12: .
switch port 13: .
switch port 14: .
switch port 15: .
switch port 16: .
switch port 17: .
switch port 18: .
switch port 19: .
switch port 20: .
switch port 21: .
switch port 22: .
switch port 23: .
switch port 24: .
switch port 25: .
switch port 26: .
switch port 27: .
switch port 28: .
switch port 29: .
switch port 30: .
switch port 31: .
Traffic using asic loopback (L2; all ports at once)...
switch port 0: .
switch port 1: .
switch port 2: .
switch port 3: .
switch port 4: .
switch port 5: .
switch port 6: .
switch port 7: .
switch port 8: .
switch port 9: .
switch port 10: .
switch port 11: .
switch port 12: .
switch port 13: .
switch port 14: .
switch port 15: .
switch port 16: .
switch port 17: .
switch port 18: .
switch port 19: .
switch port 20: .
switch port 21: .
switch port 22: .
switch port 23: .
switch port 24: .
switch port 25: .
switch port 26: .
switch port 27: .
switch port 28: .
switch port 29: .
switch port 30: .
switch port 31: .
Traffic using asic loopback (L3; all ports at once)...
switch port 0: .
switch port 1: .
switch port 2: .
switch port 3: .
switch port 4: .
switch port 5: .
switch port 6: .
switch port 7: .
switch port 8: .
switch port 9: .
switch port 10: .
switch port 11: .
switch port 12: .
switch port 13: .
switch port 14: .
switch port 15: .
switch port 16: .
switch port 17: .
switch port 18: .
switch port 19: .
switch port 20: .
switch port 21: .
switch port 22: .
switch port 23: .
switch port 24: .
switch port 25: .
switch port 26: .
switch port 27: .
switch port 28: .
switch port 29: .
switch port 30: .
switch port 31: .
Module 1 Passed
Exiting to ios...
Rommon reg: 0x
Running IOS...
Decompressing the image
######################################################################### [OK]
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, California
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) Catalyst 4000 L3 Switch Software (cat4000-IS-M), Version 12.1(11b)EW,
TAC Support: /tac
Copyright (c)
by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 14-May-02 13:31 by hqluong
Image text-base: 0x, data-base: 0x00B1C1F8
cisco WS-C4006 (MPC8245) processor (revision 5) with 262144K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FOX
Last reset from Reload
32 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
18 Gigabit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
467K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
Uncompressed configuration from 1732 bytes to 4359 bytes
Press RETURN to get started!
00:00:21: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from memory by console
00:00:21: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/2, changed state to up
00:00:21: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (TM) Catalyst 4000 L3 Switch Software (cat4000-IS-M), Version 12.1(11b)EW,
TAC Support: /tac
Copyright (c)
by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 14-May-02 13:31 by hqluong
00:00:21: %SNMP-5-COLDSTART: SNMP agent on host Switch is undergoing a cold start
00:00:22: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/2,
changed state to up
00:00:24: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/2,
changed state to up
Issue the enable command to enter into EXEC mode, as this example shows:
The system is back up. Issue the dir bootflash: command to note the file in the bootflash:. Issue the dir slot0: command if you loaded the system file present in the slot0:.
Switch#dir bootflash:
Directory of bootflash:/
Aug 13 :13
bytes total ( bytes free)
Issue the show bootvar command to check the current boot variable.
Switch#show bootvar
BOOT variable = bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-8a.Ew,1
CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist
BOOTLDR variable does not exist
Configuration register is 0x2102
Remove the existing incorrect boot variable and add the correct one. Issue the configure terminal command in order to do this.
Switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.
End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#no boot system flash bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-8a.Ew
Switch(config)#boot system flash bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW
00:01:31: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consol
Save the configuration from running to startup, by issuing the write memory command.
Switch#write memory
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 4359 bytes to 1730 bytes[OK]
Check the boot variable again to make sure it is set properly so that the switch boots up the correct system file on the next reboot. Issue the show bootvar command in order to do this.
Switch#show bootvar
BOOT variable = bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW,1
CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist
BOOTLDR variable does not exist
Configuration register is 0x2102
The Supervisor boots into ROMmon mode if the image specified is corrupt or no image file exists. Typically, you should have more than one image in the bootflash: or slot0: devices so that the switch can be recovered.
Complete these steps, in the order given, to facilitate a successful image recovery from ROMmon mode without any valid image.
Make a console connection to the Supervisor. Typically on a standard Windows operating system platform, configure a HyperTerminal connection directly to COM1 with these settings:
Eight data bits
One stop bit
One stop bit
Use a rolled male RJ-45 cable to connect from COM1 on the PC to the console port on the Supervisor module. Use a DB-9 connector on the PC, and a HyperTerminal connect window to connect to the Supervisor.
Press Enter. If you get the rommon & prompt, skip to Step 3. If the switch continuously reboots, press Control-C to prevent autoboot and to get into ROMmon mode.
* Welcome to ROM Monitor for WS-X4014 System.
* Copyright (c) 2002 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
ROM Monitor Program Version 12.1(11br)EW
Board type 1, Board revision 5
Swamp FPGA revision 14, Dagobah FPGA revision 48
MAC Address
: 00-01-96-d9-f6-fe
Ip Address
: Not set.
: Not set.
: Not set.
: Not set.
Main Memory
: 256 Mbytes
***** The system will autoboot in 5 seconds *****
Type control-C to prevent autobooting.
!--- Press Control-C.
Autoboot cancelled......... please wait!!!
rommon 1 & [interrupt]
Verify that there is a valid file present in the bootflash: by issuing the dir bootflash: command, and the dir slot0: command to check the slot0:, as this example shows. If you do have any valid file, see the
section of this document for the recovery. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
rommon 1 &dir bootflash:
File size Checksum File name
Total space =
bytes, Available =
rommon 2 &dir slot0:
File size Checksum File name
Total space =
bytes, Available =
Issue the set command to display the current environmental variables.
rommon 3 &set
PS1=rommon ! &
RET_2_RTS=13:36:46 UTC Tue Aug 15 2000
Issue the unset boot command to clear the current invalid boot variable, which defines the file to load.
rommon 6 &unset boot
Connect the management port on the Supervisor to the network to access a TFTP server. The Fast Ethernet port (10/100 MGT) on the Supervisor Engine is inoperative in normal operation in current software releases. An Ethernet cable plugged into the 10/100 MGT is active only in ROMmon mode. Refer to this example of a Catalyst
Series Supervisor Engine II-Plus, III, IV or V for the location of the MGT port:
As this example shows, if you plan to connect the 10/100 MGT port to the PC/Router directly, use a straight cable. If you connect to another switch, use a crossover cable.
rommon 7 &
!--- Connect the appropriate cable to connect to the network.
Established physical link 100MB Full Duplex
Network layer connectivity may take a few seconds
The MGT port auto-negotiates speed and duplex with the connected device. Currently, you can not hardcode speed and duplex settings. Since this port is available only in ROMmon mode and for TFTP only, it is not a major concern if the speed and duplex are mismatched due to any potential auto-negotiating problem. The TFTP application has an internal packet loss mechanism to prevent any corruption of the system image being downloaded.
Issue the set interface fa1 &ip address&
&subnet mask&
command to configure an IP address for the 10/100 MGT port, as this example shows. If the subnet mask is not specified, the IP address would take the default classful mask.
rommon 7 &set interface fa1
Issue the set ip route default &gateway_ip_address&
command to configure the default gateway for the switch to use to get to the TFTP server, as this example shows. The default gateway should be a routing device in the same subnet as the IP address configured in Step 7.
rommon 8 &set ip route default
In ROMmon versions earlier than 12.1(12r)EW, even if the TFTP server is in the same subnet as the 10/100 MGT port, you still need to configure the default gateway by issuing the set ip route default &gateway_ip_address&
command. If you are directly connecting your PC, which has the TFTP server application installed, use the IP address of the PC for the default gateway IP address. If the default gateway is not configured, the TFTP can not be performed. This restriction is resolved starting in ROMmon version 12.1(12r)EW or later. You do not need to specify the default gateway IP address if the TFTP server is in the same subnet as the management IP address.
Issue the set command to verify the configurations which have been made.
rommon 11 &set
PS1=rommon ! &
RET_2_RTS=13:36:46 UTC Tue Aug 15 2000
Ping the TFTP server to ensure that there is connectivity to the server from the MGT port on the Supervisor Engine. Enter the ping &tftp_server_ip_address&
command, as this example shows:
rommon 9 &ping
Host is alive
If the ping is not successful, troubleshoot the IP connectivity issue from the default gateway to the TFTP server. If the TFTP server is the same subnet, make sure it is configured with the IP address you are pinging.
Once the ping to the TFTP server is successful, you can issue the boot tftp://&tftp_server_ip_address&/&image_path_and_file_name&
command to specify the system image which is available in the TFTP server to boot the Supervisor III.
rommon 6 &boot tftp://
Tftp Session details are ....
Filename : /cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW
IP Address :
Loading from TftpServer:
Received data packet # 12729
Loaded 6516904 bytes successfully.
Rommon reg: 0x
Running diags...
Decompressing the image
############################################### [OK]
k2diags version 1.6
prod: WS-X4014
part: 73-6854-05
serial: JAB054109FE
Power-on-self-test for Module 1:
Status: (. = Pass, F = Fail)
Traffic using serdes loopback (L2; one port at a time)...
switch port 0: .
switch port 1: .
switch port 2: .
switch port 3: .
switch port 4: .
switch port 5: .
switch port 6: .
switch port 7: .
switch port 8: .
switch port 9: .
switch port 10: .
switch port 11: .
switch port 12: .
switch port 13: .
switch port 14: .
switch port 15: .
switch port 16: .
switch port 17: .
switch port 18: .
switch port 19: .
switch port 20: .
switch port 21: .
switch port 22: .
switch port 23: .
switch port 24: .
switch port 25: .
switch port 26: .
switch port 27: .
switch port 28: .
switch port 29: .
switch port 30: .
switch port 31: .
Traffic using asic loopback (L2; all ports at once)...
switch port 0: .
switch port 1: .
switch port 2: .
switch port 3: .
switch port 4: .
switch port 5: .
switch port 6: .
switch port 7: .
switch port 8: .
switch port 9: .
switch port 10: .
switch port 11: .
switch port 12: .
switch port 13: .
switch port 14: .
switch port 15: .
switch port 16: .
switch port 17: .
switch port 18: .
switch port 19: .
switch port 20: .
switch port 21: .
switch port 22: .
switch port 23: .
switch port 24: .
switch port 25: .
switch port 26: .
switch port 27: .
switch port 28: .
switch port 29: .
switch port 30: .
switch port 31: .
Traffic using asic loopback (L3; all ports at once)...
switch port 0: .
switch port 1: .
switch port 2: .
switch port 3: .
switch port 4: .
switch port 5: .
switch port 6: .
switch port 7: .
switch port 8: .
switch port 9: .
switch port 10: .
switch port 11: .
switch port 12: .
switch port 13: .
switch port 14: .
switch port 15: .
switch port 16: .
switch port 17: .
switch port 18: .
switch port 19: .
switch port 20: .
switch port 21: .
switch port 22: .
switch port 23: .
switch port 24: .
switch port 25: .
switch port 26: .
switch port 27: .
switch port 28: .
switch port 29: .
switch port 30: .
switch port 31: .
Module 1 Passed
Exiting to ios...
Rommon reg: 0x
Running IOS...
Decompressing the image
######################################################################### [OK]
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, California
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (TM) Catalyst 4000 L3 Switch Software (cat4000-IS-M), Version 12.1(11b)EW,
TAC Support: /tac
Copyright (c)
by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 14-May-02 13:31 by hqluong
Image text-base: 0x, database: 0x00B1C1F8
cisco WS-C4006 (MPC8245) processor (revision 5) with 262144K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FOX
Last reset from Reload
32 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
18 Gigabit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
467K bytes of nonvolatile configuration memory.
Uncompressed configuration from 1730 bytes to 4359 bytes
Press RETURN to get started!
00:00:21: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from memory by console
00:00:21: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/2, changed state to up
00:00:21: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (TM) Catalyst 4000 L3 Switch Software (cat4000-IS-M), Version 12.1(11b)EW,
TAC Support: /tac
Copyright (c)
by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 14-May-02 13:31 by hqluong
00:00:21: %SNMP-5-COLDSTART: SNMP agent on host Switch is undergoing a cold start
00:00:22: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/2,
changed state to down
The switch has booted with the image it got from the TFTP server by copying it to the DRAM. The image is not yet copied onto the bootflash:, and therefore it has to be copied again into the bootflash: or slot0:. Issue the enable command, and provide the password if one is needed to enter into EXEC mode, as this example shows:
Note:&If you have accidentally deleted the system image, you can issue the dir /all command to check the deleted file, and issue the undelete &file index number& &device&
command to undelete the file. This prevents you from having to TFTP the new file. If this is the case, skip to Step 17.
Ping the TFTP server by issuing the ping &tftp_server_ip_address&
command to make sure the TFTP server is reachable, as this example shows:
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 8/10/16 ms
If the ping is successful, skip to Step 15. If not, make sure you have a connection to the TFTP server from the switch. Typically you have to connect one of the regular 10/100 ports or Gigabit ports to another switch, or connect the TFTP server installed PC directly to one of the switch interfaces.
Refer to the
for more information.
Copy the file in the TFTP server onto the bootflash: file system. You can also save the file to the slot0: Compact Flash device. Issue the copy tftp flash command and follow the prompt.
Switch#copy tftp flash
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW
Destination filename [flash]? cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW
Loading cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW from (via Vlan1):
[OK - 33472 bytes]
6516904 bytes copied in 110.124 secs (59244 bytes/sec)
If you want to copy the system image to slot0:, issue the copy tftp slot0: command, as this example shows. Otherwise, skip this step.
Switch#copy tftp slot0:
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename [cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW]?
Destination filename [cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW]?
Loading cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW from (via Vlan1):
[OK - 33472 bytes]
6516904 bytes copied in 166.800 secs (39258 bytes/sec)
Note:&The IP address of the TFTP server and the file has already been preselected since you used the information for the transfer of the image to the bootflash:. If you would like to change it, type the new IP address or image name. Otherwise, press Enter and the preselected information is used.
The system image has been copied. Issue the dir bootflash: command to note the file in the bootflash:. Issue the dir slot0: command if you loaded the system file into the slot0.
Switch#dir bootflash:
Directory of bootflash:/
Aug 13 :13
bytes total ( bytes free)
Issue the verify command to verify the integrity of the downloaded file. If the verification fails, you have to download the file again.
Switch#verify bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW
Verified bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW
Issue the show bootvar command to check the current boot variable and the configuration register variable.
Switch#show bootvar
BOOT variable = bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-8a.EW1,1
CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist
BOOTLDR variable does not exist
Configuration register is 0x2102
You might have to remove any existing incorrect boot variables and add the correct one, as this example shows. In this example, the configuration register is already at the desired 0x2102 value. If this is not the case, issue the global config-register 0x2102 command.
Switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.
End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#no boot system flash bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-8a.Ew1
Switch(config)#boot system flash bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW
Switch(config)#config-register 0x2102
00:01:31: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consol
Note:&If you have no boot variable, directly issue the boot system flash bootflash:&filename&
command. Or if you are booting from slot0:, issue the boot system flash slot0:&filename&
Issue the write memory command to save the configuration from running to startup.
Switch#write memory
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 4359 bytes to 1730 bytes[OK]
Check the boot variable again to make sure it is set correctly, so that the switch boots up the correct system file on the next reboot. Issue the show bootvar command in order to do this.
Switch#show bootvar
BOOT variable = bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW,1
CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist
BOOTLDR variable does not exist
Configuration register is 0x2102
There is currently no verification procedure available for this configuration.
There is currently no specific troubleshooting information available for this configuration.
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