
amazing books that have changed me 🙏 - BabyCenter
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amazing books that have changed me 🙏
Posted 12/14/2015
power of a praying parent by Stormie omartian is amazing. Parenting can be so hard, as mothers we are always wondering, what are we doing right? What age we doing wrong? How can we be the best version of ourselves so our children have good examples to follow? I read this book and pray over my son often it has truly done wonders for me.. With that being said the power of a praying wife has been just as amazing for my marriage. It is deeper and my prayers have changed my husband.. Just a thought for us mommies out there ?
<div class="reaction_count_value reaction_count_position1" id="reaction_hug_total_
Posted 12/14/2015
That's awesome! I have both of these and need to actually read them!
Posted 12/15/2015
That&#39;s awesome! I have both of these and need to actually read them!
They are so worth the read and referring to afterwards!
Posted 12/15/2015
Thanks for reminding me to get both of these books.
L&B Est 11/05K2001,K2006,S2008,B2010,E2012
Posted 12/15/2015
Thanks for reminding me to get both of these books.
L&B Est 11/05K2001,K2006,S2008,B2010,E2012
Posted 12/22/2015
Thank you for the recommendations. I needed a reminder to pray more often, too!
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