ultimatedon chickenn horse一个人能玩吗

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包含 31 項 Steam 成就
名稱: Ultimate Chicken Horse
類型: , , ,
發行日期: 2016 年 03 月 4 日
???&Best in Show& - Boston FIG 2015
??&Audience Choice& - Boston FIG 2015
購買 Ultimate Chicken Horse
-35%? 48? 31
購買 Ultimate Chicken Horse - Soundtrack Edition
包含 2 個項目:
-10%-42%? 84? 49
此遊戲的 DLC 可下載內容
11 月 8 日
Today, in conjunction with our Midweek Madness sale, we're announcing the new Level Sharing and Free Play Mode update!
You can find more information about the update and how to create and share levels in
on the Clever Endeavour website.
We're really excited to share this update with you, it's something we've wanted to do for a long time, and a feature that a lot of people have asked for in the game. Now, you can share your creations with your friends, YouTube audience, Twitch fans and more.
Use #UCHCode on social media to make sure that we can find them more easily and potentially feature them in the future.
See you in the game!
09 月 22 日
The newest update to Ultimate Chicken Horse comes with a ton of changes and the online portion of the game is now out of Beta! You can hear all about the new changes in .
It's time to
and play online with friends or join t there are always several matches available online for you to join, and the new updated lobby shows you the best matches possible based on skill, connection quality, and other factors.
We've also added Twitch integration, where Twitch streamers can have their audience vote on which blocks will appear in the Party Box. Once the chosen platform is placed, the names of the people who voted will pop out of it.
Next up is a new level, the Pier!
This level features a giant wave that the players need to run away from... don't get caught underneath! The level makes for an interesting dynamic when players have to place obstacles on the path with the added pressure of constantly needing to move forward quickly.
Our newest block added to the game is a punching plant which gets angry when you come near it, then punches out in a fit of flowery rage a second later. If you get caught in its range, you may regret it.
We're pretty excited to have these updates out, and we're still working hard on the game. Next up is a big new feature, please follow us on your favourite social media site to stay informed!
“PAX Game of Show: Ultimate Chicken Horse”
“An early front-runner for game of 2016”
“[One] of the most promising local multiplayer games I've tried since the likes of Towerfall”
SteamOS + Linux
作業系統: Windows XP SP2 or Later
處理器: 1.5GHZ +
記憶體: 2 GB 記憶體
圖像: 512 MB VRAM
Intel HD 4000 / GeForce 200
Series / Radeon HD 4000 Series
DirectX: 版本:9.0c
Storage: 2 GB 可用空間
Additional Notes: Broadband internet is required for online play.
作業系統: Windows 7 or later
處理器: Dual Core 2.3 GHZ
記憶體: 4 GB 記憶體
圖像: 1024 MB VRAM
DirectX: 版本:9.0
Storage: 2 GB 可用空間
Additional Notes: Broadband internet is required for online play.
作業系統: Mac OSX 10.8+
處理器: 1.5GHZ +
記憶體: 2 GB 記憶體
圖像: 512 MB VRAM
Storage: 2 GB 可用空間
Additional Notes: Broadband internet is required for online play.
作業系統: Mac OSX 10.8+
處理器: Dual Core 2.3 GHZ
記憶體: 4 GB 記憶體
圖像: 1024 MB VRAM
Storage: 2 GB 可用空間
Additional Notes: Broadband internet is required for online play.
作業系統: SteamOS , Ubuntu 12.04+ or comparable
處理器: 1.5GHZ +
記憶體: 2 GB 記憶體
圖像: 512 MB VRAM
Storage: 2 GB 可用空間
Additional Notes: Broadband internet is required for online play.
作業系統: SteamOS , Ubuntu 12.04+ or comparable
處理器: Dual Core 2.3 GHZ
記憶體: 4 GB 記憶體
圖像: 1024 MB VRAM
Storage: 2 GB 可用空間
Additional Notes: Broadband internet is required for online play.
(C) 2016 Clever Endeavour Games
(780 篇評論)
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——I use both hands to achieve your dream
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请先进入验证邮箱.游戏推荐时间。今日新款Ultimate Chicken Horse_steam独立游戏吧_百度贴吧
游戏推荐时间。今日新款Ultimate Chicken Horse
官方介绍幻想变身一匹会反弹跳、闪躲弓箭和设陷阱的小马,打败您的动物伙伴们,顺利闯过大家一起设置的障碍冒险关卡? 愿望实现了! 超级鸡马是一款玩家不断制造陷阱来妨碍对手到达终点的互动游戏,其中的关卡由您和好友一道设置。若您闯关成功而好友却未能通关,那么您将得分!无论是联机还是单机游戏,都能和您的动物朋友们一起挑战不同地点的各种关卡,与好友共同寻找开心玩乐的新方式。 联机和单机游戏 从脑洞大开的障碍设置到千方百计地顺利通关,游戏的每一步都充满独特的乐趣 各式各样的障碍物搭建出花样无限的关卡 尝试小鸡、小马、绵羊和其他奇妙的动物角色 欢乐无限的卡通风格 不容错过的超酷配乐
个人简评超级鸡马,顾名思义主角是一只小鸡和一匹小马,这必将是一个互相撕逼的故事。语言:先说点题外话,2015年下半年以来支持中文的游戏越来越多了,说明支持正版的玩家越来越多了,开发商也越来越重视大中华区。这个趋势很好,这款小品级游戏也是自带中文。这点先给好评。画面:小清新手绘风,个人非常喜欢的风格,从画面上就给人轻松之感角色:小鸡,小马,小浣熊,小羊。四种人物都是个顶个的萌。音乐:音乐很俏皮而不浮夸,很符合好朋友们坐在一起互相撕逼的氛围,另外不同角色有不同的叫声,尤其是小马的,特别逗。玩法:玩法别出心裁,半回合制游戏,策略+动作,总体上说是一个障碍赛到终点的游戏。首先,回合开始,--放置物品阶段(策略部分)--每个玩家选择一种道具(有障碍道具也有增益道具)放置在地图中任意位置。当所有人都放置之后,---障碍赛阶段(动作部分)---,大家从起点往终点小红旗处跑,跑到就得分,碰到障碍基本就没命了。。。,如此循环,最后谁先或得最开始设置的分数(默认5分),谁就是最终胜利者。P.S. 障碍设置的太难,大家都死在路上了,谁都不得分;障碍设置的太简单,所有人都到重点了,同样都不得分。模式:两种模式,区别就在选择道具上。派对模式:每回合大家都是从四种道具中。4选1。创意模式:每回合大家都随便利用道具库,里面有各种各样的十几种道具联网:目前支持单机模式,联网模式测试中,即将推出。总之又是新一代撕逼利器,和朋友们坐在沙发上一起撕逼简直快乐,我只能说买买买啊!
有点pc coop版马里奥制造的感觉
玩了 几小时 不知道怎么解锁场景和角色
我就想知道这个游戏神马时候能联机- -……
这游戏再不出联机就真没人玩了!我现在入了他 就没有玩过一次,自己一个人没法撸啊!!!
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Includes 31 Steam Achievements
Title: Ultimate Chicken Horse
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 4 Mar, 2016
???&Best in Show& - Boston FIG 2015
??&Audience Choice& - Boston FIG 2015
Buy Ultimate Chicken Horse
-35%? 48? 31
Buy Ultimate Chicken Horse - Soundtrack Edition
Includes 2 items:
-10%-42%? 84? 49
Downloadable Content For This Game
Recent updates
8 November
Today, in conjunction with our Midweek Madness sale, we're announcing the new Level Sharing and Free Play Mode update!
You can find more information about the update and how to create and share levels in
on the Clever Endeavour website.
We're really excited to share this update with you, it's something we've wanted to do for a long time, and a feature that a lot of people have asked for in the game. Now, you can share your creations with your friends, YouTube audience, Twitch fans and more.
Use #UCHCode on social media to make sure that we can find them more easily and potentially feature them in the future.
See you in the game!
22 September
The newest update to Ultimate Chicken Horse comes with a ton of changes and the online portion of the game is now out of Beta! You can hear all about the new changes in .
It's time to
and play online with friends or join t there are always several matches available online for you to join, and the new updated lobby shows you the best matches possible based on skill, connection quality, and other factors.
We've also added Twitch integration, where Twitch streamers can have their audience vote on which blocks will appear in the Party Box. Once the chosen platform is placed, the names of the people who voted will pop out of it.
Next up is a new level, the Pier!
This level features a giant wave that the players need to run away from... don't get caught underneath! The level makes for an interesting dynamic when players have to place obstacles on the path with the added pressure of constantly needing to move forward quickly.
Our newest block added to the game is a punching plant which gets angry when you come near it, then punches out in a fit of flowery rage a second later. If you get caught in its range, you may regret it.
We're pretty excited to have these updates out, and we're still working hard on the game. Next up is a big new feature, please follow us on your favourite social media site to stay informed!
“PAX Game of Show: Ultimate Chicken Horse”
“An early front-runner for game of 2016”
“[One] of the most promising local multiplayer games I've tried since the likes of Towerfall”
About This Game
Ever wish you were a wall-jumping, arrow-dodging, trap-setting horse, besting your animal pals in a race through a peril-laden obstacle course that you all built together?
Wish Granted!
Ultimate Chicken Horse is a party platformer where you and your friends build the level as you play, placing deadly traps before trying to reach the end of the level. If you can make it but your friends can't, you get a point! Play online or locally with your animal buddies and experiment with a wide variety of platforms in all sorts of strange locations to find new ways to mess with your friends.
Online and local play
Unique game flow, from strategic block placement to twitch control platforming
10 levels with different features (for now)
Save and share what you build
Huge library of blocks to create an infinite variety of levels
Play as a chicken, horse, sheep, and other wonderful animals
Fun, cartoony art style
Sweet funky soundtrack
Please note: there is no &single-player& version of this game. There is online multiplayer, where you can join random lobbies with friends or strangers, so you can still enjoy the game alone! We have also added &Free-play& mode, which allows you to play by yourself, but is only useful for building levels and attempting to run through them.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP SP2 or Later
Processor: 1.5GHZ +
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB VRAM
Intel HD 4000 / GeForce 200
Series / Radeon HD 4000 Series
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: Broadband internet is required for online play.
OS: Windows 7 or later
Processor: Dual Core 2.3 GHZ
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 1024 MB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0
Storage: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: Broadband internet is required for online play.
OS: Mac OSX 10.8+
Processor: 1.5GHZ +
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB VRAM
Storage: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: Broadband internet is required for online play.
OS: Mac OSX 10.8+
Processor: Dual Core 2.3 GHZ
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 1024 MB VRAM
Storage: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: Broadband internet is required for online play.
OS: SteamOS , Ubuntu 12.04+ or comparable
Processor: 1.5GHZ +
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB VRAM
Storage: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: Broadband internet is required for online play.
OS: SteamOS , Ubuntu 12.04+ or comparable
Processor: Dual Core 2.3 GHZ
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 1024 MB VRAM
Storage: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: Broadband internet is required for online play.
(C) 2016 Clever Endeavour Games
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