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→ 兽人必须死2图文攻略
15:29:34 来源: 作者:ldy常乐 (0)
&兽人必须死2在今天终于放出了。跑跑车小编也在第一时间给大家准备了兽人必须死2的详细图文攻略,给哪些刚接触此游戏的朋友提供些许帮助。第一关:轻型兽人,中型兽人.初期女主角会以魅惑加冰冻为中心的控场战术.配合路轨帮忙输出,所以选择在第一转弯位置的路轨前布防.矿车解决最外路线漏怪的.第1波练手,顺便造陷阱.尽量魅惑中型,聚怪时间长,压力小.蓄力弹打怪群中间,偶尔让他们弹飞下去.第2波出来就已经成型.依靠魅惑,喷尿,法术攻击,冰冻等打combo继续combo...依然继续combo...顺便铺铺路.依然还是继续combo..没神马好铺了.最后来一下combo矿车惊魂加上女主角猥琐姿势.79000分.详细数据.最后一波前把钱全部扔到悬崖处的墙壁上,边打边退即可.还是十分简单的.如果有10点,可以先解锁骷髅项链.&第二关:Tunnels(记得打名字了)轻型兽人,中型兽人,大地元素.新加入大地元素是只本身就能抗,死后还分裂两只.分别在第波右路,第波左路,最后一波两边一起.所以魅惑他是首要工作.值得注意的是,蓄力弹有可能把中型兽人震下去中间矿道,并且不好运的没有被矿车撞死,很容易漏怪.多多注意下自己的小地图,上下层颜色区分和矿道图示原因,有时候很难看到.陷阱组可以设置在汇合处,集中点依靠魅惑+斜角喷尿效果比较大.还有落石帮忙.忘记点开书就截图了- -.在后方建立陷阱.第1,2波可以魅惑加蓄力弹轻松解决.铺上喷冰,矿车惊魂了!第3波铺好中间的冰.可以直接在后方清理汇合的敌人.两边可以交给陷阱处理.落石应急.第4波对称的把地面铺满冰冻.combo~~大地元素,魅惑!左路的大地元素.把穿过防线的先魅惑了.保证安全再慢慢处理元素.继续华丽的combo第5波,由于更多的陷阱补充,变得毫无压力.注意那两只大地元素即可.貌似怪走不进来了.82000.依然比男主角多- -.第三关:Chasm轻型兽人,小狗,中型兽人.终于迎来万恶的小狗了.同时解锁了饰品,治疗饰品.带上实验一下.原来是个装备,切换到该饰品被动效果就常驻.首先分析一下地图,两条轨道,都有墙壁.汇合处距离大门太短,加上有小狗,我放弃了地刺(虽然十分想试下),改用喷尿封杀加矿车一路.那么接下来就简单了,喷尿的秒喷对小狗是威胁,比兽人1的箭墙好多了.开始铺左边,左边先出.突然想起要试下饰品的主动技能,消耗法力补血...然后进入冷却.进入战斗.让怪走到路轨,魅惑,喷尿.哇~~啊`啊,再一次矿车惊魂.第2波出右边.把轨道切换到右边.魅惑,蓄力,喷尿万金油.第3波开始,两边一起来,先左边.打完左边打右边.记得把路轨调回去左边,因为长度问题,左边的车来的更快,同时陷阱重心在左边,人守右边.注意小狗.第4波依然两边一起来.万金油combo清理为左边设置冰冻陷阱,要么冰冻喷尿,要么惊魂喷尿.哇``啊```...被撞的.被万金油的.被冰的.结果右边压力不大..左边清理后,把右边combo刷干净.分好低- -.第4关:The Crossing (前传)我心中万恶的计划终于可以实现了.存够点数买钟摆了!开心的加点.感觉很牛逼的样子进去第4关发现.全部墙都太高.钟摆你好,钟摆再见.重来洗点.突然发现50点数可以买夏日清凉套.但是我还是忍住了,改换逆天神器2号,火焰喷射器.加点.第三关解锁了弹簧,这次加上火焰喷射器,一个更邪恶的战术又出现了........&第4关:The Crossing (本传)轻型兽人,中型兽人,小狗,弓箭手,大地元素.地图分析,两条路.上路靠墙,下路只是桥.两边直路尽头很靠近大门,所以一定要在直路上解决.战术跟第3关一样,人守一条,陷阱一条.当然有墙的可以放喷尿,同时处于高处,等会弹簧下来的怪正好落在桥上吃吃combo.配合路轨,基本可以解决上路.人就守下路.第一波铺点好玩的火焰喷射,路轨在右.很显然,桥的左侧被火喷,桥中间喷火弹簧往路轨方向弹,右侧路轨惊魂.打开,转弯一看,都是弓箭手..惊魂吧.接下来是小兽人.没压力.第2波,上路.怪搭配同样.为了避免两个陷阱同时触发,先错开下布置喷尿.第3波两边一起.上路有喷尿可以守,先右边.惊魂.快速跑到上层解决剩下的.第4波,铺满喷尿,开始铺弹簧,当然往悬崖铺.第4波开始出现大地元素,上下各1.先上路.魅惑处理掉后剩下的小兽人让陷阱解决.魅惑处理下路的惊魂.第5波继续铺弹簧.同时把路轨切换到上路.人守下路.有东西开始往下飞.第6波依然补弹簧.注意下路的大地元素.依然靠combo混分.回到上路,这时上路还有一只大地元素...他不会被弹!!!打分裂后还是会被弹下去的.铺上冰冻降降防御.清理掉下路后,应该立即回到上路.不应该做这种观摩动作.因为上路有2个大地元素,不被弹...结果还是我魅惑强力.悲惨的图来不及截.第5关:Big valleys(没前传了)这图不就是很对称很宽阔那个么?轻型兽人,中型兽人,自爆,弓箭手,小狗,大地元素.自爆居然在第5关就加入了.也解锁了个矮人.分析下地图.全图中轴对称,两门三路.明显的左边右边中间再来几个.令人惊讶的是.全部都铺满了路障,轨道上的矿车装满熔浆.一边移动一边等着你打下熔浆救场.看来这些路障只能是自爆的目标,再起一点卡位让熔浆倒准点.没什么道具,只好还是喷尿一边,人守一边,中间自求多福.还有各种吊链炸弹,落石提供.先设置左侧,怪从左侧出现.小杂碎.没压力.第2波,右边补两个喷尿,感觉这次是来右边了.然后我错了..近距离刷自爆...接着来一队弓手.中间还冲进来,冷血了么- -没办法没药吃,等3波休息回血吧.还好这波左右一起出并不难,两边都设有陷阱.信春哥满血了!貌似自爆这种危险东西,还是多点喷尿好.改变方案,各处直道铺设.依靠送的路障或多或少能拖延下冷却时间.第4波开场又是自爆.自爆就算了,这次全跑中间,还有大地元素若干只.魅惑,落石吧.中间补几个喷尿,虽然我觉得他下波是两侧.真心两侧了.同样有大地元素,只能魅惑一边去解决另外一边.相安无事来到第6波.感觉路障爆的差不多了.中路上来一队小狗,还好喷尿在.然后中间很没新意的又是大地元素接着还是很没新意的大地元素.依然是大地元素..第7波.这样两边跑明显受不了,集中陷阱在左边好了,基础不错.人在右侧守.几队两侧同时进攻后,中间开始刷怪.又是大地元素...落石帮忙.把两侧剩余的小怪清掉迎来最后一波.第8波,全部钱喷尿吧.中间,左侧补上.大地元素依然多.落石清中路最后还好过了,发现解锁了路障!路障!路障!第6关:Hidden Gulch这关我重新打的一次,所以空出一个新解锁的空位和新道具.洗点买出钟摆,终于可以买了.并且升级.敌人很丰富,轻型兽人,中型兽人,弓箭手,小狗,自爆,大地元素,胆汁蝙蝠.新怪,胆汁蝙蝠,飞行单位,会吐胆汁,该范围有烟雾,进入烟雾得到减速的状态,跟狼人那样.地形,对称,中间一条凹凸的直路,不过怪一般不走.除非你引他们或是堵路.虽然我带了路障,但是这关有自爆,在没有完善的反自爆之前,路障还是藏起来好.如下图,只有该横梁可以放置钟摆.这次比较简单,无脑全钟摆输出.依然是左侧先.纵向钟摆加两个控场.有路轨经过,优点缺点都有.第一波,左路右路顺序出杂碎,最后出两只大地元素.建立右边防线.第2波,新飞行单位加入.注意好蝙蝠的密集度.如果3-4只堆一起在打附送的弓箭手,用蓄力弹.如果单体点杀,一段蓄力即可.扫射虽然快,2下就解决,可惜弹太细,不容易命中.第3波继续建造防线.这波有小狗,左先右后,注意别漏了.&同样注意有空军加入.右路小狗会趁机偷渡.第4波.继续升级钟摆阵.敌人兽人开始出现大量中型.可以在中间凹凸路攻击空军,建议提早击杀,他们会优先把弓箭手杀掉,虽然3波回复,但这是第4波.第5波,建造.自爆的加入,我们应该往后退有一段可以判定自爆的距离.第6波,开始建立钟摆后的候补喷尿陷阱.钟摆这作根本是搞笑.轻型兽人一下秒不死就算了,还会把怪往大门反方向推.只好设置喷尿补刀.自爆又来了.还会掺杂一波小狗.继续扩建后,第7波来的更多中兽人.同样上台子打空军.大地元素的加入.第8波把后方补刀组加上冰冻,这样万无一失了.坐观钟摆毫无力度的击杀.1个15块.各种越过钟摆阵.第9波.完善后方.对空.继续漏怪.&最后的弓箭手.6只同时来的大地元素.钟摆这作威力大减,升级后依然杀不死怪,还会把怪甩过陷阱,推向大门.而路障造价到达900,路面也宽阔了许多,不好摆设.这些都是难度提升的一种体现,同时增加多样性.第7关:Precipice这关很好玩.图较多.开始时洗点.把一切点数点加满路障价钱和路障回血.然后是拾荒者饰品加满,剩余的能出钟摆最好.地形,这座很神奇的漂浮物是刷空军的.主建筑,很多轨道,而且长,主要激活默认那条即可.其他的熔浆矿车和落石用来急救空军的.这下来是重点了.由于3级造价的路障,可以在初期造10个.如下图布置.下坡路段.以上这么做,是把兽人路线调整到路轨上,然后无限惊魂.如果你不熟悉路障修正路线,请自行搜索路障流技巧心得.开局对空,兽人会被惊魂的.等兽人多的时候,打开饰品,让矿车撞上敌人得到额外金钱.第2波,敌人陆空在左侧出现,裂缝前过道设置Z型经典横向路障.对空.注意小狗.这条路现在通过的路轨十分短,人要帮忙击杀.第3波开始修正路线,把路线拉直.下面一组惊魂图组.左边也有敌人,注意回防有钱建造下带有减速的喷尿(如果有)拉直线路.&依然要对空对空.食人魔的出现.这次的食人魔,很耐打,很恶心.矿车撞到他矿车也回爆.魅惑解决.惊魂一把.复习下之前摆过的路障.继续补喷尿.继续惊魂.两个食人魔加入,魅惑在桥上或空地,以免误伤路障,虽然路障升级了回血.但是也不耐打.哇~~啊啊啊~~全飞了.飞....这关的车频率很高.在右侧横向轨道后封死,让怪只走喷尿陷阱的路线.魅惑食人魔.魅惑大地元素.把冲出路轨的兽人都尿死.之前封这里,可以看到兽人会走这边,但是发现没路,会再往回走.重型怪突破了就优先魅惑.开始建造矮人.第7波对空.稳定的惊魂下去.有了一定数量的矮人,食人魔可以被秒杀了终于.因为有拾荒者的支持,才能建造一队矮人秒怪.注意最后一波的两边空军.持续出的.手雷爆破.空军可以用落石轻松清场.大队矮人.第8关:Servant Entrance走进第二章节.有一段过过过场.第二章第1关回到了传统的城堡内部.没有了惊魂的矿车,多了恶心的敌人小狗,豺狼人,重型兽人,自爆,弓箭手,食人魔,中型兽人,轻型兽人.洗点,升级钟摆,加速独特.拾荒者,其他随便升下,带上熔炉和治疗饰品保命.分析地图.经典的双门单路模式,找个好位置,钟摆就可以了...这只是兽人1的战术.找了一下,这里有个平台,而指向的那个低位天花板的过道是两个门的敌人汇合处,设置钟摆合适.而现在站的位置,矮人部队.基础的建立卡路线单钟摆控场陷阱组.由于有自爆,我们需要补上一定的反自爆.我的熔炉有残留状态升级,随手丢两个赚点外快.第一波注意的是那串小狗很快,钟摆跟不上,需要魅惑掉狼人帮忙追击,同时狼人被蓄力弹打中后会爬下,很神奇的装死.第2波跟第1波没什么区别,打兽人的时候注意往后拉点,以免漏怪.可以合理利用掉那个吊灯.第3波就需要开始补反自爆的喷尿.在陷阱组前方设置.注意如果自爆突破了把路障炸爆了需要及时补上.万金油没压力.第4波开始把路障换下来,多配置喷冰和钟摆.配置点矮人拉拉怪扔扔手雷.注意一下重型兽人控制食人魔是关键.边打边退.第5波可以在平台配置矮人了,那里比较安全,能安全的输出,就是少了卡位以防漏怪.开始转换3排钟摆.这次钟摆真心没力...注意豺狼人魅惑,吊灯等.接着布置后方补刀区,下个熔炉更多钱.combo~后方区上补充点矮人以便拉怪.第8波,可以有资金设置前方的反自爆.减少压力.把最后的食人魔魅惑好就轻松可以过了.&
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
本站提供: 好玩的单机游戏,是大型基地网站Copyright &
.All Rights Reserved备案编号:湘ICP备号-1兽人必须死 陷阱摆放技巧
时间: 14:19:42 来源: 作者:乐游
1 战斗法师难度
2 不修改不剧透第一次玩
3 最后一关不适合
4 优先升级 沥青 路障 弓箭手 刀锋 钟摆 箭墙
5技能只学陷阱专精 就是第一个是陷阱和守卫杀怪获得额外66%金钱那系 不管什么关 上来先学了额外金钱技能
前提条件:1 战斗法师难度2 不修改不剧透第一次玩3 最后一关不适合4 优先升级 沥青 路障 弓箭手 刀锋 钟摆 箭墙5技能只学陷阱专精 就是第一个是陷阱和守卫杀怪获得额外66%金钱那系 不管什么关 上来先学了额外金钱技能宗旨就是单路口 障碍聚怪 四连刀锋 三连钟摆 下铺沥青 跳板最后 弓手补漏多路口 自守一门 强化旁路 远程多砍 近战多射 火墙堵门 冰冻有空军 优先爆头 怪多冰弹 圣骑肉盾 弓手输出 记得升级 守卫回血耗子们 普通耗子 弓手补漏 爆炸耗子 手动击杀 如有条件 吊弩伺候大怪们 豺狼冰冻 绝不手软 其他不急 手动打残 陷阱补刀 守卫补漏感兴趣的往下看陷阱套路大概有三种情况1 刚开始 没什么陷阱很简单的关卡 没事打打就过了基本是利用箭墙的纵向火力配合减速吹风 在最后狭窄的地方放几个地刺防止漏怪2 有刀锋陷阱了尽量堵路屠杀 实测4连刀锋就不怎么漏怪了墙墙 墙墙 大门 大门 墙墙 墙墙墙墙             墙墙墙墙 路障 路障 路障 沥青 刀锋墙墙       路障 沥青 刀锋墙墙       路障 沥青 刀锋墙墙       路障 沥青 刀锋墙墙          地刺 墙墙如果没有狭窄地形就尽量用路障把怪聚在一边 也是这个赌法单路这样基本完美解决所有问题 大怪要手动处理如果地刺位置造了跳板而且升级了力量系陷阱可弹飞大怪 那就大怪也不用处理了双路先培养起这样一个陷阱房 另外一个门自己带着火焰戒指去堵门口烧 烧的时候狂点弩 弩可以先把怪的盾打掉 然后烧一下就死烧的间隔有几秒 往后边退边打 蓝满了再去门口放把火 然后清掉漏网的即可3 有钟摆和低矮地形墙墙 墙墙 大门 大门 墙墙 墙墙墙墙             墙墙墙墙 路障 路障 路障 沥青 刀锋墙墙       路障 沥青 刀锋墙墙       路障 沥青 刀锋墙墙          跳板 刀锋在沥青上纵放一个钟摆 升级力量系陷阱对大型怪物有效后 这个口一个都不会漏 (百分之一几率一下会漏掉一两个耗子想保险就后面放几个沥青和箭墙)开局先钟摆和两三个挡路路障即可 怪只要是扎堆进来的 你站在沥青上 他们大多也会乖乖踩着沥青过来 总之就是陷阱杀怪多拿钱然后补三个沥青再补两个箱子就基本成型了 刀锋从后方往前补 适用于屠杀大怪和补刀漏网之鱼如果没有纵向三格的矮棚就横向来墙墙 墙墙 大门 墙墙 墙墙墙墙          墙墙墙墙 路障 路障 沥青 刀锋刀锋 沥青 沥青 沥青 刀锋刀锋 沥青 路障 路障 墙墙墙墙          墙墙弓箭手和吊弩应用(还有防爆炸耗子和对付空军)弓箭手是好东西 没有自爆耗子的关卡把弓箭手放在后面一点横向排开 让他们可以打到走到中间的怪即可 但是切忌要远离箱子第一 兽人弓箭手的精度很低 经常会射到弓手附近的箱子 第二 漏怪了之后 怪会因为打弓手而毁了路障 特别注意耗子体型矮小 在路障后面弓手很难射到的 所以提倡纵向钟摆和纵向刀锋陷阱 让弓手更好补漏一般情况下第一次休整的时候要升级守卫自动回血 不小心漏个豺狼什么的 一死就是一片弓手 得不偿失空军会比较好对付 有多种选择 可以 自己射掉 或者冰戒指清掉 也可以造个圣骑士在必经之路上 怪遇到圣骑士会停下来吐火球 远点再造几个弓手就解决了有自爆耗子尽量把弓手放在高处 或者造吊弩 这里有一点要注意 吊弩一定不要横着造 最好斜线造如果以下这种情况 出了爆炸耗子 所有吊弩全都会打第一只 然后华丽丽的漏掉所有剩下的(耗子从进入吊弩射程到跑出射程 无减速状态吊弩只能射1箭)墙墙 墙墙 大门 墙墙 墙墙墙墙          墙墙墙墙 吊弩 吊弩 吊弩 墙墙墙墙          墙墙墙墙          墙墙如果斜着造 每个弩会相继杀掉前后耗子 就解决了墙墙 墙墙 大门 墙墙 墙墙墙墙          墙墙墙墙 吊弩       墙墙墙墙    吊弩    墙墙墙墙       吊弩 墙墙实在缺钱的关卡可以上来造一堆弓手 然后开始 多用冰冻和吹风控制怪 让弓手打死 这样第一次休整时候就有很多钱了实在没墙和顶棚放置刀锋和钟摆 基本就是尽量路障聚怪然后遍地沥青后U型造弓手 稍微吹吹风就过关了 有圣骑在沥青上造俩圣骑更好
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Title: Orcs Must Die! 2
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Release Date: 22 Nov, 2012
Buy Orcs Must Die! 2 - Complete Pack - 2-Pack
HALLOWEEN SALE! Offer ends 1 November
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Packages that include this game
Buy Orcs Must Die 2 - Complete Pack
Includes 4 items:
Orcs Must Die 2 - Are We There Yeti?, Orcs Must Die! 2, Orcs Must Die! 2 - Family Ties Booster Pack, Orcs Must Die! 2 - Fire and Water Booster Pack
HALLOWEEN SALE! Offer ends 1 November
-76%? 78? 19
Buy Orcs Must Die! Franchise Pack
Includes 7 items:
Orcs Must Die! 2, Orcs Must Die 2 - Are We There Yeti?, Orcs Must Die! 2 - Fire and Water Booster Pack, Orcs Must Die! 2 - Family Ties Booster Pack, Orcs Must Die!, Orcs Must Die! - Artifacts of Power, Orcs Must Die! - Lost Adventures
Downloadable Content For This Game
- &A qualified triumph for veterans of the first game and newcomers alike.&
- &Just as a good sequel should be, Orcs Must Die! 2 is everything I love about the original and more: great art and personality, clever puzzles and green meat-grinding traps, and now with the added bonus of easy-to-use, Steam-powered co-op.&
- &A year ago, I couldn’t imagine another game mixing tower defense and third-person action as well as Orcs Must Die! Clearly, I was wrong.&
About This Game
You’ve tossed, burned and sliced them by the thousands – now orcs must die more than ever before! Grab a friend and slay orcs in untold numbers in this sequel to the 2011 AIAS Strategy Game of the Year from Robot Entertainment.
Leap back into the fray as a powerful War Mage or crafty Sorceress. Defend new fortresses and dwarven mines, laying waste to thousands of orcs and other monsters with a dizzying array of weapons, spells, guardians, traps, and trinkets. Play co-op with a friend and continue the battle in a brand new campaign mode, or fight to stay alive in the challenging new Endless Mode!
Unlock new defenses and old favorites, upgrade them like never before, and unleash them on the nearest pile of slobbering orcs!
Co-Op! - Play as the War Mage, the headstrong hero who charges into danger, or play as the more strategic Sorceress who keeps the mob at bay with mind-control and magic.
Story-based Campaign – Pick up where the original game left off with a brand new story-based campaign that you can play in Single-Player or Co-Op!
New Endless Mode - Play alone or join a friend to put your skills to the test against endless waves of increasingly difficult enemies.
Classic Mode - Steam players who own the original Orcs Must Die! will automatically unlock co-op versions of 10 levels from the original game featuring new enemies!
Over 20 Deadly Enemies - Face an army of vile new creatures like Earth Elementals, Trolls, and Bile Bats. And they’ve brought all of your favorite trap-fodder from the original Orcs Must Die! along with them!
More than 50 Traps, Weapons, and Guardians – Choose from an enormous armory of new and classic defenses, including an all new assortment of magical trinkets.
Massive Upgrade System – With more than 225 persistent trap and weapon upgrades to unlock, you can build an arsenal perfectly suited to your slaying style.
Extensive Replayability – Multiple game modes, “Nightmare” difficulty, and an enormous skull-ranking system provide hours of replayability
Scoring System and Leaderboard – Compete with your friends for supremacy on single-player and co-op leaderboards!
System Requirements
OS:Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Processor:2GHz Dual Core
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon x1950 or better with 256MB VRAM
Hard Drive:9 GB HD space
Additional:Broadband Internet connection recommended for co-op play.
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
Additional:Broadband Internet connection recommended for co-op play.
(C) 2012 Robot Entertainment, Inc.
All rights reserved.
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This is a wave after wave of orc killing madness. There are many ways to kill the orcs and each way seems more pleasing than the next. This is a tower / hero defense game that is very amusing. I would recommend this to kill time or play with friends. It's not my favorite co-op game but it is fun. There's nothing about this game that screams I MUST have, so if you like the previews, the art and just wanna kill orcs, then this is the game to have. Rating: 6/10
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Invested many hours of fun into this game and still loving it.
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Perfect game for perfect people.
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Love the game.PLEASE PORT THIS TO Virtual Reality!! The Vive would be perfect for this game!
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96%? For this? It's pretty lame. The progression is too slow, and nothing is really satisfying to use. Try &Deception& series on Playstation and you'll see the difference.
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67 people found this review funny
Award yourself 1pt for each yes, 0pts for each no:Like Tower Defense games?Like 3rd Person Shooter games?Like killing Orcs?Score:0 - this game is not for you1 - you may or may not like this game2 - you probably will like this game3 - you need this game in your life4+ - stop cheating, this is why we can't have nice things!
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13 people found this review funny
Orcs Must Die! 2 is the follow up to Orcs Must Die 1, and is a third person tower defence game, developed by Robot Entertainment.
The game was released on PC July 2012. The main difference with Orcs Must Die 2 is the addition of co-op gameplay. Everything else is virtually the same. You play either as a War Mage or sorceress in the story mode. You have to defend at one or more rifts which open at the start of the level. Each level has a varying amount of waves of enemies continuously spawning in order to reach said rift. Your aim is to stop them by building traps whilst also using your own character to kill them as well. Before each level you choose your load out of traps that you want to use. You start out by only being able to take 4 or 5, but work your way up to being able to take 10 traps on a stage with you.
Before jumping into each level too, you can upgrade your traps to do more damage, have a lower cool down time, or some other ability such as slowing the enemy if they are hit by it for example.
You'll notice from the very beginning that there are a few traps that you'll always want to take with you, such as the slowing trap - but included in your loadout, is your characters weapon, so you have to choose carefully. You are given an infinite amount of time to build your traps at the start of each level, and you are also given a healthy amount of time between waves to allow you to build more. You are granted extra coins after each wave, and for killing enemies, and you use these coins to purchase more traps. Whilst you can also place traps when enemies are spawning, this isn't always a good idea as your main focus should be on killing enemies then.
A large portion of this game is actually you spamming your left mouse button using your main weapon, whilst you aren't able to destroy everyth it is more used as filler for your time as most of the damage will come from the traps.
There is a huge variety of traps as well, and you probably won't even use them all even by the end of the game, leaving you plenty of chances to experiment. The graphics in Orcs Must Die 2 are really nice. They are in the cartoon style that many of us really enjoy, but they aren't so childish that they can't portray the maturity of the title. There are some really nice special effects, such as the lava and ice traps, they all look marvellous. Everything is perfectly animated too, whilst a lot of the enemies are copy/pasted, that is to be expected from a game of this type.Orcs Must Die 2 has a very ca the song is played constantly and it will be driven into your head and you'll be whistling it without realising it. Other than the soundtrack, the rest of the game's audio is brilliant too. The game is narrated in the cut scenes b it would have been nice to get voice acting on the female though. This game has varying levels of difficulty, the regular easy, medium and hard mode. You only unlock hard mode after you have beaten the game. There is one other form of difficulty, and that is endless mode. This will pit you against an endless stream of enemies, meaning you have to constantly upgrade your traps and the enemies will not stop until they either kill you or destroy your rift. This mode will really test your metal but is extremely fun to play in. Most players should really be playing this game on the Medium skill level, the easy mode is too easy and will not really offer any challenge to any tower defence veteran. All of the levels in Orcs Must Die 2
I cannot find any faults with them at all. The early stages of the game are a tutorial stage really, allowing you to test out your traps to work out how they are best used, so the levels are pretty simple, but once you reach the end levels, you'll really be putting your trap building skills to the test, as you have to defend multiple rifts from multiple entry points of enemies. Some of the bigger levels offer a bit of support in getting around quickly in the form of teleporters, these will teleport you to the other side of the map once stepping in them. I have been playing Orcs Must Die 2 for almost thirty hours, this is because there is absolutely tons of content in this game, not only is the single player story mode eight hours of gameplay, you also have the added replay ability of playing the story again as the other hero (with different skills and abilities), and then you also can replay the whole game again on co-op which adds a whole another level of content as the enemies are all scaled up to match you and your friend - and finally, we have the endless mode, this is the part of the game that I have spent the majority of my time and I am absolutely hooked on it. As you play the story mode, once you reach the final waves of a level, you'll often feel like you wish you could carry on and see how far you get, you can do
you just keep building traps, and facing more and more enemies as they just keep coming. This mode alone has given me about fifteen hours of gameplay. Orcs Must Die 2 can be played on all resolutions. I played on 4k with everything on max settings and was able to get 60 FPS constantly. I did however have a few crashes, this mainly happened when you minimize the game too many times, and it gives you a message something regarding DirectX. Although this was annoying, I only had it when minimizing and not whilst in the midst of gameplay. The game can be played with a controller, but as it has elements of aiming with a crosshairs, the game is highly recommended to be played with a keyboard/mouse - it just works so much better on them. This game is an absolute must play for any tower defence fan, if you had any sort of enjoyment out of the first, you'll get more of the same out of this, and the added edition of co-op makes it even more appealing to a wider audience. Not to mention the hours and hours of content on offer in this game. The regular price tag of ?10, 99 is fairly marked and should be considered a must play for me.
Tom's Score Card1) Stay away2) Not Recommended3) Only recommended when on sale4) Recommended5) Highly recommended6) This is a must playIf you found this review helpful, please consider giving it a thumbs up. You can also find more reviews over at Please also check out Completing the Backlog's Curator page
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A coop sequel, this game takes the first and ramps it up.
Some of the traps you used to love suck now, as they've actually been balanced to not be god-tier.
(I'm looking at you swinging mace a.k.a. roof pendulum of win.)
Each character gets their own unique trap and weapon, but beyond that they have the same access to traps, weapons, and spells.
It's a funny and fun tower defense game with a lot of shooter elements that allow you to solve missions in a number of ways, with some great survival challenge maps to have a blast with.
Best experienced coop, but still enjoyable single player.
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1 person found this review funny
With the exception of the clunky CoOp, this game was absolute perfection for those of us who like FPS/Tower Defense Hybrids.
The game does not take itself too seriously, offers casual and serious gameplay at different difficulties, and gives players of all skill levels a run for their money.This is an absolute must-have for any avid gamer.
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With its fast-paced multiplayer, completely redesigned spellbook, and extensive replayability, I'd say if you enjoyed the original Orcs Must Die! then I'd highly recommend Orcs Must Die! 2. However, OMD2 is shorter than OMD in terms of the campaign and only seems to expand on the original rather than offer a new innovative experience for tower defense fans.There's nothing wrong with the design of the levels or the gameplay in and of themselves. It's just that OMD!2 feels more like a sizeable update complete with co-op integration. It is a good game, though, which manages to live up to its predecessor. Soloing veterans of that game should think very hard if the amendments are enough to buy this sequel at launch.The absence of new levels, no in-game editor, and too close a resemblance with the original title make Orcs Must Die! 2 look more like an expansion pack than a fulfilling sequel.However it's still a thoroughly enjoyable experience that will charm newcomers as well as veterans of the first game.
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he Orcs Must Die is a very bad game I played it in less than 1h. I ask you to request that you return my money on this game I made a mistake creches me you would not forgive the error and return the money.
Thank you RoughtMonkeyCZE.
Really fun and amusing game, you can play this for hours and not get bored. You actually get to see your progress as you upgrade, you become faster and more efficiant, and that's pretty satasfying.
Probably not as good as the first one, but with Workshop support you'll get way more stuff tp see and do than expected.
Great and Challenging game to play with a Friend, A little repretitive but fun with a friend and very fun with a friend on a high difficulty10/10 IGN &Like a super version of Blooms tower defence with Orcs& Would Reccomend on Sale
its a good game that should be plaid with friends
A masterful sequel to the original Orcs Must Die!, OMD2 is full of character, humor, and a highly enjoyable and zany sandbox.Alas, Orcs Must Die! 3 turned into a MOBA, so OMD!2 is the last best thing.
I think this game is lots of fun and very cleverly made!
Recommended for People with OCD :D:D
I played 143 hours of it! Great replay value. good fun.
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