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755)this.width=755;" >◆中文片名:死亡笔记/死亡笔记前篇◆影片长度:126 mins◆对白语言:日语◆字幕语言:R3中英文◆导  演:金子修介 Shusuke Kaneko◆编  剧:Tsugumi ?ba      Takeshi Obata◆主  演:津川雅彦 Masahiko Tsugawa ..... 佐伯警察厅长官      中村育二 Ikuji Nakamura ..... 宇生田刑事      藤村俊二 Shunji Fujimura      藤原龙也 Tatsuya Fujiwara ..... 夜神月      Norman England      中村狮童 Shido Nakamura ..... 死神流克(配音)      濑户朝香 Asaka Seto ..... 南空直美      Matt Lagan ..... Lind L. Taylor      鹿贺丈史 Takeshi Kaga ..... 夜神总一郎      皆川猿时 Sarutoki Minagawa ..... 忍田奇一郎      香椎由宇 Yu Kashii ..... 秋野诗织      松山健一 Ken'ichi Matsuyama ..... L      细川茂树 Shigeki Hosokawa ..... FBI搜查官雷      户田惠梨香 Erika Toda ..... 弥海砂      青山草太 Sota Aoyama ..... 松田刑事      五大路子 Michiko Godai ..... 夜神幸子      满岛光 Hikari Mitsushima ..... 夜神妆裕      Miyuki Komatsu ..... 佐波刑事      清水伸 Shin Shimizu ..... 模木刑事◆类  型:神秘/恐怖/冒险/犯罪/奇幻◆级  别:香港:IIA◆国  别:日本◆出品年份:2006◆IMDB评分:7.7/10 (6,499 votes)影片简介  天才vs天才――主宰脑力战的人将主宰世界    故事始于死神界中一个无聊的死神把一本笔记遗落人间,被一个无聊的天才拾到了这本笔记……    夜神月――就读于名牌大学东应大学的尖子生。这位被寄予将来成为警视总监(日本警察职衔之一)厚望的天才却暗暗感到所谓法律的正义是有界限的。看着恶性事件的持续发生、不起诉以及未解决案件的增多、药物惯用者杀人竟被判无罪,夜神月在绝望中丢弃了《六法全书》(日本收载现行主要法律的书籍)。就在这个时候,一本黑色封面的笔记本突然闯进月无聊的生活里,笔记本上赫然写着“**”。在写着“如何使用”的那一页上,有这样一句话:只要名字被写在上面的人都会死。月虽然不相信但还是在笔记上随手写上了从电视上看到的诱拐杀人犯的名字。没想到,第二天月竟然从报纸上得知被自己写在笔记上的男人突然在狱中身亡。“原来这本****是真的,未来由我来主宰!”月不禁这样想道。    这本笔记的主人――死神琉克紧接着笔记突然出现在月的面前。琉克的出现并没有改变什么,月已经决定利用自己的双手制裁犯罪者,构筑理想中的世界。    逃亡中的恶性事件罪犯、借权力得以逃脱罪名的当权者,一切应该受罚却逃脱了的人相继神秘地死去。在互联网上,出现了一个以“KIRA=基拉”为名的“救世主”,他,到底是正义的使者还是罪孽深重的恶魔?    另一方面,ICPO(国际刑警组织)为了调查这一连串的基拉事件,将一个天才派往日本警察厅。他就是拥有超群情报收集能力以及神秘的推理能力、解开了许多世界上各种难以破解的案件的L(松山健一)。受到L的指示,日本警察、甚至连FBI也开始一起通缉基拉……755)this.width=755;" >755)this.width=755;" >◆中文片名:死亡笔记2◆影片长度:126 mins◆对白语言:日语◆字幕语言:R3中英文导演: 金子修介编剧: 大石哲也 / 金子修介主演: 藤原龙也 / 松山健一 / 户田惠梨香 / 细川茂树 / 濑户朝香 / 片濑那奈类型: 冒险 / 犯罪 / 剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚制片国家/地区: 日本语言: 日语上映日期: 片长: 141 分钟又名: 死亡 笔记 后篇 / 死亡 笔记2 / 死亡 笔记: The Last Name    上篇中,夜神月(藤原龙也 饰)设计除掉了女友和跟踪自己的FBI的探员,趁机混进了调查本部,但是,L(松山健一 饰)对他的怀疑并没有结束,新一轮的智力游戏继续进行。  与死神硫克个性迥异的死神雷姆把另外一本“****”扔到人间,得到它的是极度崇拜“基拉”的少女弥海砂(户田惠梨香 饰),她还以一半性命为代价得到了夜神月所没有的死神之眼。并主动和夜神月联系,答应协助他除掉L,条件是让月做自己的男朋友。聪明的L先发制人,将弥海砂关进了基拉对策室,夜神月为了救弥海砂,也为了自保,想到了一个绝妙的办法。  同时,因为跟踪报道“基拉”事件而风头大劲的樱花电视台发生了一连出人意料的事情,主播高田清美(片濑那奈 饰)追踪基拉的过程中发现了不为人知的秘密,随即第三名基拉出现了......  两个死神,两本“****”,三个基拉,一切扑朔迷离;两个算无遗漏的天才,谁最终能够洞悉..755)this.width=755;" >=755) window.open('/attachment/Mon_34_b2bc4f2149707da.jpg?227');" style="max-width:755max-height:6000" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>755)this.width=755;" >【中文片名】 死亡笔记3.改变世界【英文片名】 L.Change.The.World【片源格式】 Bluray【国家地区】 日本【导   演】 中田秀夫【表演者】松山健一 / 福田麻由子【年   份】   2008简介:杀人越货的罪犯连续神秘死亡,人们将替天行道惩治恶人的基拉奉为救世主,警方对之束手无策。专门解决奇诡事件的天才少年L推断,基拉有97%的可能性身在日本,于是他离开洛杉矶飞赴日本。临行之前,L心中浮起淡淡的预感——自己可能再也回不来了。L与基拉——夜神月的展开了正面交锋。这时,泰国的一个小村庄被人从大地上抹去了痕迹。L并不知道有一桩足以毁灭世界的重大阴谋正在酝酿之中。L以自己的生命为代价设下陷阱准备一举击溃夜神月。不料,多年的搭档老渡意外身亡。L决定在自己最后的23天中解决老渡所留下的任务。直升机送来了一箱给老渡的礼物,里面竟是一个男孩——他是遭灭顶之灾的泰国小村的唯一幸存者。L从男孩随身携带的磁碟资料中得知,该事件与恐怖的杀人病毒有关。此时,少女真希带着父亲的遗物来找老渡,她也是这场阴谋的受害者。追踪而来的杀手已然赶到,L带着两个孩子开始了逃亡。还剩下6天,一向不擅长户外活动又失去了左膀右臂的L能否脱离危机?能否消灭人类制造可怕的死神?755)this.width=755;" >网盘下载链接:   &&此段内容售价 3 铜币
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川公网安备 09号SOTA正距平 是温度相比往年上升还是下降?我在有关厄尔尼诺的文献中看到,觉得不是很明白在厄尔尼诺年前一年距平为正还是负
与平均值的差 是距平的概念SOTA(海温)正距平代表温度相比往年上升,负距平则相反
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关注虾米:Honey Gourami, Trichogaster chuna, Honey Dwarf Gourami (Colisa chuna/sota)
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Labyrinth Fish Species
* Honey Gourami
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Aquarium Tropical Fish Articles Betta Fish Care Infographic, a handy cheat sheet that will benefit any keepers of Siamese Fighting Fish. Basics on breeding some of the more commonly bred tropical fish Unit conversion calculator for aquariums: How many gallons are in your aquarium, how many drops in a teaspoon, whats the difference between a US gallon and a UK gallon, not to mention liters? Aquarium Cycling Guide: starting up a new aquarium the right way Fish tank care. Guide to fish care with a simple look at aquarium filtration, how to clean a fish tank, and a fish tank maintenance Schedule. Diagnose illness, chart symptoms, suggested medications How to set up an aquarium for the best results Freshwater fish compatibility chart and characteristics of different types of fish. What to feed tropical fish fry, livebearers and egglayers Glossary of aquatic science terms used in ichthyology and aquarium circles for freshwater and marine animals, corals and plants Piranhas, one of the most efficient predators with razor sharp teeth and a ferocious nature. Piranha Fish Species, description, information, habitat, and more! Setting up a Saltwater Aquarium. Guide to marine supplies, putting the aquarium together, cycling the aquarium water and adding fish!
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Selling a blue gourami. Female. Getting sl aggressive with my swordtail.Sue Maii have a Mono Fish Silver Moony, Moonfish, Mono Argentus Family: Monodactylidae and i'm looking for a good home for him/her. i just bough a tank that came with him and 2 green spotted puffer fish possibly looking for a home for them aswell. email me if interested StephenI wanted to name our little friend xray because you can see right thru his eye and out the other side. Cool little buddy.
bloop bloop bloop... :) hunnys daughter named him col. sanders.? these fish are cool!! We're down to 2 (had 4) that are doing very well. New tank and just learning...it's not quite as simple as we thought it would be. Buy tank, add water, add fish.
Learning that there's a little more to it than that. Sorry lenny (fish 1) and wigga (fish 2). And RIP Red. (poor little betta..learning curve..oops. and where can we buy a panda telescope? Anybody know? :) bloop bloop bloop...bettybloopI wanna buy 2 iridescent sharks plz contact meBrittney SandersLooking for a 6in+ sized cat, if you have one let us knowErichI have a male and female green Scats, the make is approx 7 inches and the female approx 5 inches. They have been very easy to maintain and I find they love broccoli as a treat!! They are sociable and come to the top of the tank at feeding time!! I am looking at selling them if anyone is interested, Peta
> Honey Gourami
Honey Gourami
I brought 12 of these a few months ago, 6 flame red and 6 honey, the 6 flame red started to deteriorate after about a month, loosing most of their colour to a faint... &&gary clarkOne established the Honey Gourami is a beautiful fish, and very desirable for a smaller aquarium!
Contents:Honey Gourami FactsKeeping Honey GouramiThe Honey Gourami Trichogaster chuna (previously Colisa chuna and Colisa sota) becomes very pretty once it gets settled, making a very pleasant addition to a smaller aquarium. It is colored in soft hues of silvery gray to light yellow, sometimes with a very light horizontal brown stripe along the center. The male develops a vibrant honey color when in breeding mode. A strong contrasting blue-black marking adorns its underside running across the face, throat, and abdomen. It is also commonly known as the Honey Dwarf Gourami.
When this species was described by Hamilton in 1822, because of the color differences in the sexes, he mistakenly described the male and female as two different species. The male he called Trichopodus chuna and the female Trichopodus sota. Earlier literature sometimes used these other names, but today they are recognized as being just one species. They are very closely related to the&well known& Trichogaster lalius, but are not quite as popular. This is presumably due to the fact that when seen in a retail setting, the coloring of both sexes is quite bland. They may even be mistaken for female Dwarf Gouramis.
Once they become acclimated and comfortable in their own environment&their truly beautiful colors begin to emerge. Rapid color changes depending on their mood and the other tankmates is common too, and so helps you know how they are doing. In captivity a number of color varieties have been selectively bred in two basic forms, red color morphs and gold color morphs. These are often more available to the aquarist than the "true" form because they maintain their coloration better, especially at the retailers. A number of descriptive common names are used for these varieties that including Sunset Gourami, Red Flame Honey Gourami, Dwarf Fire Gourami, Red Robin Gourami, Gold Honey Gourami, Red Honey Gourami, Red Fire Dwarf Gourami, Red Flame Gourami, Red Honey Fire Gourami, Sunburst Gourami, and various combinations of these terms.
Many of these common names are used for some of the color morphs of the Dwarf Gourami T. lalius as well, and for hybrids of T. chuna and T. lalius. When selecting these fish, unless the term "honey" is incorporated in the common name, it helps to know the scientific name as well. One of the most commonly confused varieties is the Flame Dwarf Gourami. This attractive color-morph of the Dwarf Gourami can look very similar to a red color morph of Honey Gourami.
This species is a Labyrinth fish and must have access to the surface of the tank so it can breathe. Labyrinth fish can still get oxygen by passing water through their gills, but they have an additional respiratory organ called the "labyrinth organ". Characteristic of all the Labyrinth fishes, this species is a bubble nest builder as well. However it does not use vegetation in its nest as the Dwarf Gourami does, but will build the nest under a leaf if available. The male will spit water droplets in both brood care and to catch prey. Spitting water above the nest bubbles forces the bubbles down into the water where he can arrange them back in the nest.
These fish are fairly easy to maintain and are a good choice for the beginner. They have a great appetite and are not in the least bit picky about what foods they will eat. These are the smallest members of the Trichogaster genus. Although on rare occasions they can reach up to about 3 inches (8 cm) in length, Males will usually only reach about 1 1/2" (4 cm) and the larger females will grow no more than 2" (5 cm).
Being a peaceful fish makes them a good addition to a community tank but they can be a little timid, especially if housed with fish that pester them. These fish are very desirable for a smaller aquarium. The minimum size is 5 gallons for a single fish, but a pair will need at least a 20 gallon tank. Be sure to provide them with lots of plant cover so they have plenty of places to hide. Ideally place plants along the back of the aquarium, have some floating plants, and leave open spaces in the front for them to swim.
For Information on keeping freshwater fish, see:
Geographic Distribution Trichogaster chuna
Data provided by
Kingdom: Animalia
Honey Gourami - Quick Aquarium CareAquarist Experience Level: BeginnerSize of fish - inches: 3.2 inches (8.00 cm)Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38 L)Temperament: PeacefulAquarium Hardiness: Very HardyTemperature: 72.0 to 82.0& F (22.2 to 27.8&deg C)Enter a Freshwater Aquarium - Enter your aquarium to see if this fish is compatible!Popular Searches - Freshwater fish for beginners - Peaceful Freshwater fish - Hardy Freshwater fish - Fish that are 1 inch bigger or smaller - Looking for cold water fish? (65 &)The Honey Gourami Trichogaster chuna was first described by Hamilton and Buchanan in 1822. It is found in South Asia from Gangetic provinces as well as from Assam and Manipur in India, and from Nepal and Bangladesh. Although this is just one species, the male and female were originally described as two different species by Hamilton. He named the male Trichopodus chuna and the female Trichopodus sota. Another common name it is known by is Honey Dwarf Gourami.
A paper by Myers in 1923 resulted in a taxonomic misinterpretation and at that time the generic name Colisa was adopted for the small western species of gourami. This interpretation has more recently come under review and the taxonomical structure revisited, and restructured. The result is that all the species which had been placed under Colisa have now been changed to Trichogaster as per Topfer and Schindler in 2009, and Tan and Kottelat in 2009.
This species is listed on the IUCN Red List as Least Concern (LC) as it is widespread and there are no significant threats across its range. Virtually all these fish available in the aquarium trade today are commercially produced. It is very unlikely that wild caught specimens would be encountered for the aquarium.
A number of selectively-bred ornamental strains have also been produced and are known by a number of common names including Sunset Gourami, Red Flame Honey Gourami, Dwarf Fire Gourami, Red Robin Gourami, Red Fire Dwarf Gourami, Gold Honey Gourami, Red Honey Gourami, Red Flame Gourami, Red Honey Fire Gourami, Sunburst Gourami, and various combinations of these terms. These names are also often used for color morphs of Trichogaster chuna and for hybrids of T. chuna and Trichogaster lalia.
They are pretty much a low altitude species of the tropical Far East. They inhabit rivers and lakes, ponds, ditches, and flooded fields. Many of these areas experience seasonal fluctuations due to the annual monsoons between June and October. These fish&typically occur in areas with thick vegetation where the water is sluggish, soft, and poorly mineralized. They are omnivorous in nature and feed on small invertebrates, insects and other zooplankton.
An interesting behavior, similar to that of the
Toxotes spp., found in both the Trichopodus and Trichogaster species is that they have been observed catching their prey by squirting water. They do this by aligning themselves diagonally in the water to watch for prey above. Then with sudden contractions of their mouth cavity, they will squirt drops of water at the prey, knocking it off its perch into the water, where it is quickly snapped up by the fish.Trichogaster chunaGroups - In nature this species lives communally with other peaceful species.LC - Least ConcernThe body of the Honey Gourami is somewhat compressed and similar to that of the Dwarf Gourami, though slightly narrower and the dorsal and anal fins are not as large. The ventral fins are threadlike and carry touch-sensitive cells. This fish has a labyrinth organ, a part of the fish which allows it to absorb atmospheric oxygen directly into the bloodstream.
They are the smallest member of the Trichogaster genus. Although they can reach up to just over 3 inches (8 cm) in length, they are usually smaller in the aquarium. A good length for the male is 1 1/2 inches (4 cm) with the slightly larger females up to 2 inches (5 cm). They have an average lifespan of 4 - 8 years with proper care.
The basic coloring is a silvery gray to light yellow with a light brown horizontal band mid body. Females retain this coloring while males develop more coloration when in nest building and spawning mode. The sides of the male's body, the anal and caudal fins, and the posterior portion of the dorsal fin will become bright honey-yellow or reddish-orange. The dorsal fin will become a brighter gold and the face, throat, and belly will become bluish black.
A number of color varieties have been selectively bred in captivity in two basic forms, red color morphs and gold color morphs. Breeders selectively pair specimens with the most desirable characteristics, thereby strengthening those characteristics in their offspring. These varieties are often more available to the aquarist than the "true" form because they maintain their coloration better, especially at the retailers. The beautiful Red Flame Honey Gourami is a variety that looks similar to the Honey Gourami but has a bright blue dorsal fin. The Honey Gourami is also more orange than red and has a darker belly and dorsal fin.3.2 inches (8.00 cm) - The Honey Gourami is the smallest member of the Trichogaster genus. Though in rare occasions they can reach about 3" (8 cm) in length, males will usually reach about 1 1/2" (4 cm) and females about 2" (5 cm).4 years - Their average lifespan is 4 - 8 years with proper care.This is a hardy fish with a peaceful nature and makes as a good choice for the beginner. They are fairly easy to maintain and readily take most commercially prepared foods. They like warm water but are quite adaptable. Not being overly sensitive to water chemistry conditions, they can tolerate changes within reason. They are prone to Velvet disease if the tank is not maintained.
Be very careful when selecting a specimen as in recent years there have been a number of health problems. These are found with dyed, hormone-treated, and virus-carrying gouramis that are commercially bred in the Far East. A quarantine period is&suggested when purchasing these fish.Very HardyBeginnerThe Honey Gouramis are , in the wild they feed on on small invertebrates, insects and other zooplankton. In the aquarium these fish will generally eat all kinds of live, fresh, and flake foods. To keep a good balance give them a quality flake or pellet food as the base to the diet. Supplement this with live foods such as white worms, blood worms, brine shrimp, or any other suitable substitute. Vegetable tablets can be offered as well. Generally feed once or twice a day.OmnivoreYesYesSome of DietSome of DietSome of DietDaily - Generally feed once or twice a day.These gouramis are hardy fish. Although the labyrinth organ allows the fish to survive in oxygen depleted water, it is a common misconception that this makes water changes unnecessary. This is hardly the case as these fish will suffer the same tissue damage from built up toxins as any other fish. Regular water changes are a must with 25% weekly being recommended.Weekly - Weekly water changes of 25% are recommended.The Honey Gourami will swim in all parts of the tank, but especially likes the middle and top portions of the aquarium. As a small fish they can be housed in smaller aquariums. But in a larger tank there will be plenty of space for plants, the water will be more stable, and there will be room for some tankmates as well. A single fish will need at least a 5 gallon tank but a larger 10 gallon aquarium is recommended. When keeping pair or a group, they will do best with about 20 gallons.
It is desirable to keep the tank in a room with a temperature as close as possible to the tank water, or risk damaging the labyrinth organ.The tank should have an efficient filtration system but should not to create too much of a current. Air stones are also recommended for these fish as they prefer well oxygenated waters.
These gouramis will show their colors best on a dark substrate. They enjoy an aquarium that is decorated in a manner that provides plenty of hiding places for this shy fish to feel safe and secure. If the tank is too sparsely decorated tank they will become shy and withdrawn. These fish appreciate dense vegetation with some floating plants to give some cover. However they will regularly breath air at the surface so its important to have some areas unencumbered with plants.10 gal (38 L) - A single fish can be kept in as small as 5 gallons but a pair or group will need a larger tank, with 20 gallons being a good size.YesAnyModerate - normal lighting72.0 to 82.0& F (22.2 to 27.8&deg C) - Keep the surrounding room temperature consistent with the water temperature to avoid causing trauma to the labyrinth organ. 80.0& F - Needs a temperature of 80° F (27° C) for reproduction.6.0-7.5
7.0 for breeding.4 - 15 dGH -
About 8° dGH is needed for breeding.NoWeakMiddle - These fish will swim primarily in the middle and top portions of the aquarium.The Honey Gouramis are generally good community fish but they are timid and slow-moving, so it may take a bit of time to become comfortable in an aquarium and come out of hiding. Once they are happily established the male's coloring will begin to show. Take great care when picking tankmates as very active or aggressive fish can easily intimidate them and often out-compete them for food.
They can be kept singly, in pairs, or groups. These are not a gregarious fish as far as schooling, but they do enjoy the company of their own kind and will display better in groups of 4 to 6 individuals. Still, within a group they will develop a pecking order of sorts, with the dominant member chasing away the others during feeding time or from a chosen area in the tank. When in pairs, the male may become belligerent to the female.&If kept in a group make sure there are plenty of hiding places to keep one or more of the individuals from being bullied. In larger aquariums they may be kept with some of the other gouramis, but territorial species such as many cichlids are best avoided.
They do best when kept&them with other peaceful fish. Good tankmates are peaceful
such as the
Trigonostigma heteromorpha and many of the other rasboras, danios, smaller Pethia, and Puntius species. Some of the peaceful barbs also work well, but avoid those that are notorious fin nippers like
and . Smaller
Pangio kuhlii and its relatives, many of the , smaller
like Corydoras species and Otocinclus, and smaller
make great tankmates.Peaceful - Breeding males can be quite belligerent.Same species - conspecifics: Yes - In a large, heavily planted tank they can be kept as a pair or in groups of 4-6 individuals.Peaceful fish (): Safe - These fish are very timid, so make sure to keep with less boisterous fish.Semi-Aggressive (): ThreatAggressive (): ThreatLarge Semi-Aggressive (): ThreatLarge Aggressive, Predatory (): ThreatSlow Swimmers & Eaters (): SafeShrimps, Crabs, Snails: Safe - not aggressivePlants: Safe - These fish appreciate a well planted tank.These fish exhibit sexual dimorphism with the male becoming much more colorful when in breeding mode He will become a vibrant honey color with a strong blue-black marking across the face, throat, and abdomen. The female is larger than the male, yellowish brown in color with a brownish mid-lateral stripe extending from behind the eye to the caudal peduncle, and her coloring does not change. Pairs will generally swim together.Breeding the Honey Gourami is not too difficult. Like most fish in this family, it is a bubble nest builder. They can be bred in pairs or small groups. It differs from its close relative the Dwarf Gourami in that it does not use vegetation in its nest, but will build the nest under a leaf if available. Pairs will also form a temporary bond and the male is more tolerant of the females hesitancy to spawn, whereas the Dwarf Gourami male may cause damage to the female if there are not enough places for her to hide.
It is best to provide a breeding tank, either a 10 or 20 gallons works fine, and keep the water level low at about 6 - 8" (15 - 20 cm). Water parameters should be about 8° dGH and the temperature between 80 - 84° F (26 - 29° C). Add a small gently air-powered sponge filter or some peat filtration. They need plenty of floating plants and/or stem plants grown to the surface. The nest for this species has relatively large bubbles and building it under a leaf helps to keep it stable. If it's built on a bare water surface it tends to break up unless its in a corner. Cover the tank well to keep the air above the water warm and humid, to help prevent damage to the labyrinth organ.
A pair or small group will need to be well conditioned with small offerings of live and frozen foods several times a day. When well fed, females should begin filling out with eggs, appearing very plump. While there is a bubble nest, the male will frequently show his courting colors. When he sees a gravid female, he will swim to her, display diagonally in front of the female, then swim towards the nest a bit encouraging her to follow. He will repeat the displaying and swimming until they reach the nest and begin to spawn.
As the female releases her eggs, about 20 per spawn, the male will immediately fertilize them. The male will pick the eggs up&in his mouth and put them in his bubble nest. The pair will then spawn again until about 300 eggs are produced. The eggs are kept in position by water spitting. The male will spit water droplets above the nest bubbles, which forces them down into the water where he can arrange them back in the nest.
After spawning you can remove the female, as the male will chase her away. He will continue to tend the nest and guard the eggs until they hatch. The eggs will hatch in about 24 - 36 hours, depending on the temperature, and at this time all adults should be removed. The fry will be free swimming and leaving the nest in about 3 days. Free swimming fry can be fed infusoria or a liquid fry food until they are large enough to eat baby brine shrimp. See the description of breeding techniques in: . Also see
for information about types of foods for raising the young.ModerateHoney Gouramis are pretty hardy so disease is not usually a problem in a well maintained aquarium. They are prone to Velvet disease if the tank is not maintained. It has the appearance of a golden or brownish dust over the fins and body and is caused by the parasite Oodinium pilularis which attacks the fish's gills, skin and mouth. Some other diseases they are prone to are bacterial infections, constipation and Hole in the Head if good water quality, nutrition, and maintenance is not provided.
In recent years there have been a number of health problems found with dyed, hormone-treated, and virus-carrying gouramis that are commercially bred in the Far East. So select specimens carefully and a quarantine period is suggested before adding them to an established aquarium. With any additions to a tank such as new fish, plants, substrates, and decorations there is a risk of introducing disease. It's advisable to properly clean or quarantine anything that you want add to an established tank prior to introduction, so as not to upset the balance.
These fish are resilient but knowing the signs of illness, and catching and treating them early makes a big difference. An outbreak of disease can often be limited to just one or a few fishes if you deal with it at an early stage. The best way to proactively prevent disease is to give your fish the proper environment and a well balanced diet. The closer to their natural habitat the less stress the fish will have, making them healthier and happy. A stressed fish will is more likely to acquire disease. For information about freshwater fish diseases and illnesses, see .The "true" Honey Gourami is generally available in stores and online, however it is not seen as regularly as the Dwarf Gourami. Selectively bred color varieties, such as the Red Flame Honey Gourami, are often easier to find as well. It is reasonable priced, with the females or purchasing by the pair, usually being a little less.
, Fishbase.org
, The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
, Seriously Fish, 2013
Dr. Rudiger Riehl and Hans A. Baensch, , Publisher Hans A. Baensch, 1991
Joseph S. Nelson, , Wiley, 2006.
Greg Jennings (Editor), , Firefly Books Ltd, 2006.
Glen S. Axelrod, Brian M. Scott, Neal Pronek, , TFH Publications, 2005
David Alderton, , DK Publishing, Inc., 2005.
Hans-Joachim Richter, , T.F.H Publications, Inc., 1988
Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod, , TFH Publications, 1998
Author: Clarice Brough CFSAvailable From These Merchants
Red Honey Gourami Colisa ChunaOffered By: That Pet PlacePrice: $6.99
Alyssa - I have had these fish in my 20 gallon tank for a few monthes now, and I have to say, they are by far the best fish I own. Very peaceful, and I have even gotten some fry from them. I will never give them away!The coolest part, is that my father got them as a birthday present for me.Eddie - Hi we have just started a tropical tank and we have 2 honey gourami's. This morning the top of the tank is covered with little bubbles, seems like thousands are these their young, if so what do we need to do? I would be grateful of any advice thanks.Cassandra May - My yellow gourami ate two of my tetras and ate two of my other fishs tails. Any ideas what to do with Sly? (thats the fishs name)? I chased him with the net for a bit when he would bite the others but that only worked for a day. Should i just find a new tank for Sly? any ideas?Charlie Roche - I think it best to move him.
Seems to have an appetite for live foods, which is not unusual for a gourami.
I'd say he has quite the appetite.Sherry - Is your gourami the regular or dwarf?michelle - I own 1 flame gourami and i am not sure if I like this fish or not. Every where on the net I have read it to be peaceful ect, but that is not true at all mine is the bully of my tank, being very aggressive towards my coral blue gourami and now I have had to keep my little coral blue in a seperation tank to avoid it being picked on, it is a nice fish but I would recomend potential buyers to only get one and not to keep it with other dwarf gouramiLorenj - Honey gourami is a beautiful little fish. I had a male and female but the poor female was chased relentlessly by the male and I strongly suspect that is the reason I have only one Honey gourami now! Not exactly the peaceful non-aggressive fish its supposed to be. Mind you like all bullies, it's incredibly shy when you approach the tank!


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