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Part III Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)  Section A  Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer,Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.  注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。11. A)Children should be taught to be more careful.B)Children shouldn't drink so much orange juice.C) There is no need for the man to make such a fuss.D) Timmy should learn to do things in the right way.12. A) Fitness training. B) The newjob offer. C)Computer programming.D)Directorship of the club.13. A) Heneeds to buy a new sweater. B) He hasgot to save on fuel bills.C) The fuel price has skyrocketed.D) The heating system doesn't work.14. A)Committing theft. B) Taking pictures. C) Window shopping.D) Posing for the camera.15. A) She is taking some medicine. B) She has not seen a doctor yet. C) She does not trust the man's advice.D) She has almost recovered from the cough.16. A) Pamela's report is not finished as scheduled.B) Pamela has a habit of doing things in a hurry.C) Pamela is not good at writing research papers.D)Pamela's mistakes could have been avoided.17. A) In theleft-luggage office. B) At thehotel reception. C) In ahotel room.D) At anairport.18. A) She was an excellent student at college.B) She works in the entertainment business.C) She is fond of telling stories in her speech.D) She is good at conveying her message.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. A)Arranging the woman's appointment with Mr. Romero.B) Fixing the time for the designer's latest fashion show.C) Talking about an important gathering on Tuesday.D)Preparing for the filming on Monday morning.20. A) Hertravel to Japan. B) The awards ceremony. C) The proper hairstyle for her new role.D) When to start the makeup session.21. A) He is Mr. Romero's agent. B) He is an entertainment journalist. C) He is the woman's assistant.D) He is a famous movie star.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22. A) Make an appointment for an interview.B) Send in an application letter.C) Fill in an application form.D) Make abrief self-introduction on the phone.23. A) Someone having a college degree in advertising.B) Someone experienced in business management.C) Someone ready to take on more responsibilities.D) Someone willing to work beyond regular hours.24. A) Travel opportunities. B)Handsome pay. C)Prospects for promotion.D)Flexible working hours.25. A) It depends on the working hours. B) It is about 500 pounds a week.C) It will be set by the Human Resources.D) It is to be negotiated.
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  11.M: Today I fell off a step and twisted my ankle.
  W: Don't worry, usually ankle injuries heal quickly if you stop regular activity for a while.
  Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
  12. W: May I see your ticket please? I think you are sitting in my seat.
  M: Oh, you are right. My seat is in the balcony. I'm terribly sorry.
  Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
  13. W: Did you hear Mr. Smith died in his sleep last night?
  M: Yes, it's very sad. Please let everybody know that whoever wants to, may attend the funeral.
  Q: What are the speakers talking about?
  14. M: Have you taken Professor Young's exam before? I'm kind of nervous.
  W: Yes, just concentrate on the important ideas she's talked about in class and ignore the details.
  Q: How does the woman suggest the man prepare for Professor Young's exam?
  15. W: I'm so sorry sir, and you'll let me pay to have your jacket cleaned, won't you?
  M: That's all right, it could happen to anyone. And I'm sure that coffee doesn't leave lasting marks on clothing.
  Q: What can we infer from the conversation?
  16. W: Have you seen the movie the departed? The plot was so complicated that I really got lost.
  M: Yeah, I felt the same, but after I saw it a second time, I could put all the pieces together.
  Q: How did the two speakers find the movie?
  17. M: I'm really surprised you got an &A& on the test. You didn't seem to have done a lot of reading.
  W: Now you know why I never missed a lecture.
  Q: What contributes to the woman's high score?
  18. W: Have you heard about a new digital television system? It lets people get about 500 channels.
  M: Yeah, but I doubt they'll have anything different from what we watch now.
  Q: What does the man mean?
  Conversation One
  W: Gosh! Have you seen this Richard?
  M: Seeing what?
  W: In the paper, it says there's a man going round pretending he's from the electricity board. He's been calling at people's homes, saying he's come to check that all their appliances are safe. Then he gets around them to make him a cup of tea and while they are out of the room, he steals their money, handbag, whatever and makes off with it.
  M: But you know Jane, it's partly their own fault. You should never let anyone like that in unless you are expecting them. source:
  W: It's all very well to say that, but someone comes to the door and says electricity or gas, and you automatically think they are ok, especially if they flash a card to you.
  M: Does this man have an I. D. then?
  W: Yes, that's just it! It seems he used to work for the electricity board at one time. According to the paper, the police are warning people, especially pensioners not to admit anyone unless they have an appointment. It's a bit sad. One old lady told them she'd just been to the post office to draw her pension when he called. She said he must have followed her home. He stole the whole lot.
  M: But what does he look like? Surely they must have a description.
  W: Oh, yes, they have. Let's see. In his thirties, tall, bushy dark hair, slight northern accent, sounds a bit like you actually.
  Q19. What does the woman want the man to read in the newspaper? (A theft case)
  Q20. How did the man mentioned in the newspaper try to win further trust from the victims?
  (Flashing his I.D. to them)
  Q21. What is the warning from the police?( not to admit anyone unless they have an appointment)
  Q22. What does the woman speaker tell us about the old lady?(Her pension has been stolen by the man)
  Conversation Two
  M: Miss Jones, could you tell me more about your first job with hotel marketing concepts?
  W: Yes certainly. I was a marketing consultant, responsible for marketing ten UK hotels. They were all luxury hotels in the leisure sector, all of a very high standard.
  M: Which markets were you responsible for?
  W: For Europe and Japan.
  M: I see from your resume that you speak Japanese. Have you ever been to Japan?
  W: Yes, I have. I spent a month in Japan in 2006. I met all the key people in the tourist industry, the big tour operators and tourist organizations. As I speak Japanese, I had a very big advantage.
  M: Yes, of course. Have you had any contact with Japan in your present job?
  W: Yes, I've had a lot. The truth is I have become very popular with the Japanese, both for holidays and for business conferences. In fact, the market for all types of luxury holidays for the Japanese has increased a lot recently.
  M: Really, I'm interested to hear more about that, but first, tell me, have you ever traveled on a luxury train? The Orient Express, for example.
  W: No I haven't, but I have traveled on a glacier express to Switzerland and I traveled across China by train about 8 years ago. I love train travel. That's why I'm very interested in this job.
  Q23. What did the woman do in her first job?(marketing consultant)
  Q24. What gave the woman an advantage during her business trip in Japan?(She can speak Japanese)
  Q25. Why is the woman applying for the new job? (She loves train travel.)
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