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14nm制程耗电更省 AMD Radeon RX480实测
AMD在今年Computex记者会上终于正式发表了首款搭载POLARIS绘图芯片的Radeon RX480显示卡,而且在公布199美金的建议售价之后,更是让人期待这款显示卡的实际效能表现。这次在RX480显示卡中所搭载的POLARIS绘图芯片不仅将制程推进至14奈米,更还采用了AMD第四代GCN架构设计,为显示卡带来明显的效能与功耗效率提升,而且新架构中也有导入了4K HECV编解码硬件加速功能以及增加DP1.4与HDMI2.0b影音端子,让显示卡有更充足的多媒体应用。
AMD POLARIS绘图芯片架构与新功能支援
AMD新推出的POLARIS北极星绘图芯片目前会有POLARIS 10以及POLARIS 11两种版本,两者主要的差异是在于运算单元数量有所不同,而这次推出的Radeon RX480显示卡中便是搭载了POLARIS 10绘图芯片。至于RX470也同样是搭载,而另外一款入门级的RX460则会搭载POLARIS 11绘图芯片。AMD这次推出的两款北极星绘图芯片都是采用Globalfoundries的14nm FinFET制程以及第四代的GCN架构设计,而且还有增加4K硬件解码与编码的支援以及DP1.4 HDR影音端子。
跟上一代的GCN架构相比,AMD这次推出的第四代GCN架构除了提升几何图形的处理能力、内存压缩效率、异步运算的分配效率之外以及VR方面的优化之外,这次还新增加H.265 Main 10解码与4K60 HEVC编码加速,而且影音输出支援也升级为HDMI2.0b与DP1.4-HDR版本,并可支援具备HDR功能的显示卡。
AMD Radeon RX480显示卡搭载的POLARIS 10绘图芯片中有具备一组GRAPHICS COMMAND PROCESSOR图形命令处理器,可用来将图形运算作业分配给下面四个Shader Engine串流处理器引擎,并且还有设置4组Asynchronous Compute Engine异步运算引擎以及两组Hardware Scheduler来加强异步运算的效能。而在每个SE模组里面也都各有1组几何处理器、1组Rasterizer光栅器以及9个Compute Units运算单元来执行图形运算作业,并且在绘图芯片还有内建了2MB的共享L2快取内存。另外,在绘图芯片的右侧还有设置了多媒体加速模组、显示输出控制器以及CrossFire技术的处理单元。
在POLARIS 10绘图芯片中的每个运算单元都有包含了64个Stream Processors串流处理器数量以及四个Texture Units材质单元,并且还有内建16Kb的L1快取内存。
这次的POLARIS 绘图芯片也有加强了内存与色彩资料的压缩率,让内存有更好的存取效率。就官方资料来看,这次的RX480显示卡虽然只有256bit的内存频宽,但透过内存压缩率的加强,便能让使得RX480的内存传输效率比R9 Fury X增加将近40%以上。
针对硬件编解码方面的支援,这次的POLARIS 绘图芯片也增加了HEVC编码加速支援,最高可支援4K@60fps影像。而POLARIS 绘图芯片除了能够加速影像编码作业之外,在执行2-pass encoding编码作业时也能够有更好的影像画质表现。
底下是官方提供的1-Pass与2-pass encoding编码效果比较,给大家做个参考。
至于硬件解码支援方面,POLARIS 绘图芯片同样有支援HEVC Main 10、VP9以及MJPEG等影像格式解码,让使用者在浏览影音网站的时候能够获得更流畅的播放效果。
至于影音输出支援方面,这次新的POLARIS 绘图芯片则是将影音端子提升至DP1.3、DP1.4-HDR以及HDMI2.0b版本,而且透过影音端子规格的升级,现在也只需要一条DP传输线就可以直接输出5K分辨率的影像。.
AMD新推出的POLARIS 绘图芯片也可以支援HDR显示器,当使用DP输出HDR影像时,最高可达到Hz的影像。
新增Global Wattman监控页面
AMD这次除了在硬件方面推出新款的RX480显示卡之外,在驱动程式还有加入了一个新的Global Wattman功能页面,主要是可以让使用者用来监控显示卡的时脉、温度以及风扇转速之类的运作状况,而且功能页面内也有提供7段时脉调整图表,可以用来自订显示卡的运作时脉提升曲线。
AMD Radeon RX480显示卡外观与规格
接着就来实际看一下这次AMD推出的RX480显示卡吧!看到显示卡之前,先提供一张RX480显示卡的规格表给大家做个参考。从规格表上可以看到RX480显示卡中所搭载的POLARIS绘图芯片中一共具备了36个运算单元、2304个串流处理器数量,默认时脉为1120MHz,并可自动加速至1266MHz。而这次的RX480显示卡也会有4GB以及8GB GDDR5两种规格版本,同样都是具备256bit的内存频宽。由于绘图芯片制程的进步,AMD这次推出的RX480显示卡的功耗规格仅有150W,所以也只需要一组6Pin电源就能驱动显示卡。
AMD RX480的外型设计跟之前的Fury系列有点像,并且一样是采用鼓风扇的散热设计。
AMD公版Radeon RX480显示卡的GPU-Z资讯。
看完AMD POLARIS绘图芯片的架构以及新功能支援介绍之后,接着就来看看大家最期待的效能表现吧!这次的测试除了会有AMD Radeon RX480显示卡的数据之外,还有拿了之前的公版AMD R9 290以及华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡来一起测试,好让网友可以做个AMD新旧产品以及对手产品的比较。下面列表是这次测试所搭配的各项零组件清单,一样先给大家做个参考。
处理器:Intel Core i7-6700K
主机坂:华硕ROG M8e
硬盘机:OCZ Vector150 256GB固态硬盘
内存:金士顿DDR4-3000 4GBx2
电源供应器:技嘉ODIN 1200W
作业系统:Windows 10 64位元
<font color="#DMark软件测试
在3DMark软件的Fire Srike、Extreme以及Ultra三个项目测试中,AMD RX480显示卡的效能总分别为、10449分、华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的效能总分别为、10090分、公版AMD R9 290显示卡的效能总分别为、10109分。
Unigine Heaven 4.0测试结果
当分辨率设定在与,并开启4XAA反锯齿选项以及最高等级的显示特效时,AMD RX480显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为61FPS与16.2FPS、华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为65.4FPS与16.2FPS、公版AMD R9 290显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为15FPS与56.5FPS。
Unigine Valley测试结果
当分辨率设定在与,并开启4XAA反锯齿选项以及最高等级的显示特效时,AMD RX480显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为65.1FPS与18FPS、华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为73.8FPS与19.7FPS、公版AMD R9 290显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为64.7FPS与18.2FPS。
当分辨率设定在与,并开启最高等级的显示特效时,AMD RX480显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为86.52FPS与27.99FPS、华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为89.12FPS与29.51FPS、公版AMD R9 290显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为77.7FPS与25.33FPS。
当分辨率设定在与,并开启超级等级的显示特效时,AMD RX480显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为74.45FPS与26.85FPS、华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为90.86FPS与29.52FPS、公版AMD R9 290显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为71.28FPS与25.76FPS。
在GTA 5游戏中,因为GTX970跟R9 290显示卡的内存都只有4GB,没有办法开启4K分辨率测试,所以这次GTA5就只有测试分辨率,并且一样将显示材质选项设定为“非常高”与开启MSAA 4X以及NVIDIA TXAA反锯齿设定,AMD RX480显示卡在五个场景测试的每秒平均画面张数结果分别为53.44、50.49、52.22、57.83、58.59FPS、华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡在五个场景测试的每秒平均画面张数结果分别为62.46、58.55、61.06、65.85、68.04FPS、公版AMD R9 290显示卡在五个场景测试的每秒平均画面张数结果分别为60.72、62.34、55.35、51.26、56.24FPS。
Hitman 刺客任务@DX11
当分辨率设定在与,并开启最高等级的显示特效时,AMD RX480显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为69.42FPS与30.6FPS、华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为57.7FPS与24.5FPS、公版AMD R9 290显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为64.9FPS与28.36FPS。
当分辨率设定在与,并开启最高等级的显示特效时,AMD RX480显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为71.84FPS与20.41FPS、华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为66.04FPS与12.19FPS、公版AMD R9 290显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为61.58FPS与10.23FPS。
当分辨率设定在与,并开启最高等级的显示特效时,AMD RX480显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为97.81FPS与59.45FPS、华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为105.5FPS与66.52FPS、公版AMD R9 290显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为78.75FPS与48.71FPS。
当分辨率设定在与,并开启最高等级的显示特效时, AMD RX480显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为79.3FPS与28.9FPS、华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为76.8FPS与25.8FPS、公版AMD R9 290显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为73.3FPS与28.8FPS。
当分辨率设定在与,并开启最高等级的显示特效时,当分辨率设定在与,并开启最高等级的显示特效时,AMD RX480显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为93.3FPS与30.3FPS、华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为94.1FPS与30.1FPS、公版AMD R9 290显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为80.4FPS与28.6FPS。
Hitman 刺客任务@DX12
当分辨率设定在与,并开启显示特效开到Crazy等级时,AMD RX480显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为31.3FPS与25.1FPS、华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为31.7FPS与21.2FPS、公版AMD R9 290显示卡的每秒平均张数测试结果为35.4FPS与25.4FPS。
在室温26度以及裸机运作的环境下,当AMD RX480显示卡在待机的状态时,运作温度大约是在36~38℃左右。
接着用Furmark软件实际烧机15分钟之后,AMD RX480显示卡的运作温度则会控制在85℃以内。
当系统在待机状态时,搭载AMD RX480显示卡的系统总功耗约为90瓦、搭载华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的系统总功耗约为87瓦、搭载公版AMD R9 290显示卡的系统总功耗约为90瓦。
实际玩GTA5时,搭载AMD RX480显示卡的系统总功耗约为272瓦、搭载华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的系统总功耗约为295瓦、搭载公版AMD R9 290显示卡的系统总功耗约为380瓦。
实际玩战地风云四时,搭载AMD RX480显示卡的系统总功耗约为292瓦、搭载华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的系统总功耗约为290瓦、搭载公版AMD R9 290显示卡的系统总功耗约为390瓦。
当系统执行3DMark软件测试时,搭载AMD RX480显示卡的系统总功耗约为255瓦、搭载华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的系统总功耗约为268瓦、搭载公版AMD R9 290显示卡的系统总功耗约为366瓦。
最后透过Furmark软件让GPU达到满载运作的状态时,搭载AMD RX480显示卡的系统总功耗约为256瓦、搭载华硕STRIX GTX970显示卡的系统总功耗约为300瓦、搭载公版AMD R9 290显示卡的系统总功耗约为395瓦。
AMD这次推出的Radeon RX480显示卡跟对手的超频版GTX970的效能相比,基本上可以算是齐鼓相当,而且在制程提升的加持下,这款显示卡不仅整体效能比之前的R9 290显示卡更好,耗电量更少了100多瓦,也比对手的超频版GTX970少了大约20~40瓦左右的耗电量,每瓦能够获得的效能明显提升许多,对于比较重视功耗表现的使用者来说,AMD这次推出的RX480显示卡的确是个不错的选择,要是实际售价能够跟发表会上公布的199美金差距不大的话,相信会让不少玩家为之心动。
显示卡相关新闻Call of Duty: Black Ops III
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driver 16.7.3
not working
on Black Ops 3
WattMan settings have been restored due system failure )
same problem ...
blue screen
&default radeon WattMan settings have been restored due system failure&
RX480 radeon
( same error ) So
, im go to play
Yes ... Bo3 is a very nice game but
huge resources
im go to play tetris
but first of all
i remove this
operating system
Windows 10
because is a garbage in all point af view
! Apparently
Windows 10
is not for games
Xbox console or PS4 console are from games
... but windows 10
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AMD driver 16.7.2 works better for me but thats just me... no lag
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Date Posted: 11 Aug @ 2:43amPosts: 3
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View mobile websiteHow to use AMD's WattMan, the powerful new overclocking tool for Radeon graphics cards
Forget about third-party overclocking tools. WattMan has everything you need to crank your graphics cards to 11.
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Thomas Ryan
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Forget about fancy third-party overclocking tools. For the first time ever, AMD’s new Radeon Software Crimson driver packs everything enthusiasts need to tweak, fine-tune, and crank up their graphics cards—though only if you buy a new card sporting AMD’s next-gen .One of the ’s biggest headlining features is actually a new Radeon Crimson overclocking tool dubbed . The ability to overclock your Radeon card with AMD-supplied software isn’t completely new: Prior to WattMan, AMD offered its less robust OverDrive tool since about 2007. (Older Radeon graphics cards still default to OverDrive, even if you install the latest Radeon Crimson software.)But while OverDrive offered control over clock speeds, the PowerTune limit, target temperatures, and fan speeds, it used a rather limited slider-based interface. Additionally, OverDrive’s controls weren’t very granular and lacked important features like core and memory voltage control, individual clock state control, and real-time graphing of all of these performance variables. These issues forced most overclockers to turn to robust third-party software like MSI’s Afterburner and EVGA’s Precision X instead.But AMD’s Radeon WattMan remedies all of these shortcomings. Here’s how to use it.Getting around WattManWorking with WattMan is dead simple. Open up AMD’s Radeon Settings app and click the Gaming tab, then Global Settings, and finally the Global WattMan tab. You’ll be greeted by the interface shown below.
Click on any image in this article to enlarge it.
WattMan’s most striking feature revolves around its real-time graphing, dubbed “Histogram,” which maps out your RX 480’s activity level, current core clock speed, memory frequency, temperature, and fan speed. In other words, every crucial measurement you need to monitor while overclocking your graphics card.Best of all, if you see something weird on the graph—like a big clock speed drop—hovering your mouse over the issue will bring up the stats for that specific point in time. If you’re trying to troubleshoot a cooling or performance problem, WattMan’s graphing feature is a godsend.A thoughtful twist on this performance-tracking feature is the ability to use it globally or with only specific applications. AMD’s per-app Profile settings allow you to use WattMan to profile performance while a specific game is running for up to 20 minutes at a time. Select the game you want to profile, enable the Histogram option for it, and WattMan will begin recording when you launch the game.
A histogram tracking the Radeon RX 480’s behavior in Far Cry Primal’s specific Profile WattMan settings.
This application-specific profiling ties in nicely with the rest of WattMan’s overclocking capabilities, which can also be applied on a per-game basis. With the Profile WattMan tools located inside each game’s specific settings in Radeon Crimson, you can overclock your RX 480 in the games that need more horsepower and bump the target temperature down in less strenuous titles.Playing with powerWattMan’s powerful granularity is the application’s biggest strength, and that strength is most apparent in its clock speed and voltage controls.Like the power management technology found on modern CPUs, AMD’s PowerTune management engine switches between seven performance states, which are defined by unique clock speeds and voltages. Using the WattMan tool you can configure each of these seven states to your own personal preference.For most people, that means overclocking the top clock state into the highest possible stable speed, up from the RX 480’s normal 1,266Mhz boost state. But before you do that, you’ll want to increase the card’s power limit as much as possible.The power limit slider dictates the amount of power that your graphics card will allow itself to draw. If you increase it, you can reduce power consumption-related throttling—which can lead to higher stable overclocks—and if you decrease it you can reduce overall power consumption. During our testing, we found that the RX 480 performed slightly better if you set the PowerTune limit to +10 percent.Theoretically the RX 480’s PowerTune limit can be raised all the way up to +50 percent (or lowered to -50 percent). But AMD engineers say that +20 to +25 percent will probably more achievable for most cards. Ah, the .
Graphically rich benchmarks like Unigine Heaven, which loops GPU intensive workloads and reports clocks and temperatures, can be useful for testing the stability and performance of an overclocked graphics card.
With that done,
involves firing up a looping benchmark like Unigine Heaven and then increasing the core clock speed of your graphic card until the benchmark crashes. Then you reduce clocks speed a bit and run it for a few hours to verify stability, continuing to reduce clock speeds if necessary. (Adjust the card’s power limit using the same technique.) We were able to push our RX 480’s clock speeds up to 1,330MHz, or about a 5 percent increase, before we ran into stability issues.When it comes to the per-state voltage controls, it’s best to focus your efforts on the highest three clock states, where the RX 480 spends most of its time during intense gaming sessions. State 7 is the boost state of the RX 480, where the clock speed in WattMan is set to 1,265 and the voltage is set to 1,131. The maximum voltage that WattMan can set for any given state is 1,150. If you want to overclock the RX 480, setting State 7’s voltage to 1,150 will improve stability while you raise clock speeds.Chill outSo now you know how to overclock the Radeon RX 480, and what to expect when using the tools. But WattMan tinkering with the goal of improving power efficiency shouldn’t be overlooked, especially given the
of RX 480 reference cards.Merely setting the PowerTune limit to -20 percent transforms the RX 480 into a significantly more efficient graphics card, with only a tiny hit to performance, as I detailed in an examination of the RX 480’s power usage at . Thomas RyanIf you want to go further, “under-volting” is performed using a very similar process to overclocking, but instead of playing with clock speeds to increase performance, you decrease the voltages required to maintain stability at stock clock speeds. AMD’s WattMan makes this easy. But before we dig in, make sure that you have the Voltage Control toggle for both the GPU and the Memory in the Manual control position. If these aren’t both in Manual mode, your voltage adjustments won’t have any effect, in a bizarre WattMan quirk.The process for under-volting once again involves opening up a looping benchmark and letting it run while you incrementally reduce voltages. Eventually you’ll lower voltages too far and the benchmark will crash. Increase your RX 480’s voltages slightly from that point and then run the benchmark a few hours to verify stability. In our testing we were able to lower voltages for the top 3 states down to 1050 millivolts (mV) while maintaining stock clock speeds, which is an 81 mV savings over the default settings.Radeon Crimson’s
(FRTC) feature can also help you to save even more power by capping the maximum framerate of you GPU, so your graphics card won’t pump out more frames than your monitor can display. Why let your GPU render frames you’ll never see? Take the power savings instead.Memory boost With a power-sipping under-volt or perhaps even a bit of an overclock applied, we can now turn to tuning the RX 480’s card’s memory. Cranking up memory clocks can help increase performance.AMD’s WattMan again provides granular control over the RX 480’s onboard RAM, with the ability to over-volt the RX 480’s GDDR5 by up to 150 mVs and raise clock speeds from 2,000MHz up to 2,250MHz. We were able to hit a stable memory overclock of 2,200MHz, or a 10 percent overclock, after manually raising the voltage to 1,150 mV.Fine-tuning Finally, AMD’s WattMan lets you define the RX 480’s most noticeable characteristics. You can manually set minimum and maximum fan speeds, a minimum acoustic limit, and maximum and target temperatures.AMD’s stock settings for all of these are actually pretty good, but you can tweak them to your heart’s content. If you’re overclocking, you’ll probably want to increase the RX 480’s target temperature by three to five degrees to reduce potential thermal throttling while the card cranks away at higher clocks.Likewise, you’ll want raise the target fan speed from the default 2,200 revolutions per minute (RPM) maximum to ensure your RX 480 stays cool under the increased heat. But don’t take this too far, because the RX 480’s blower-style cooler sounds like a ferocious hair dryer when it’s spinning at 100 percent fan speed. Our recommendation: Set the target fan speed to 4,000rpm—it’ll be loud—and work down to an acceptable-to-you noise level from there. We found 3,000rpm to provide the best blend of acoustics and cooling.Bottom lineAMD’s WattMan is a major step forward for Radeon overclocking, and a stellar in-driver tool for gamers looking to get the most out of their new RX 480 graphic cards. If you’ve picked up AMD’s new mainstream champion and haven’t played around with WattMan yet, the only thing I have to say to you is, “U Watt Man?”Because I just had to make a joke about that horrendous name.
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