apowersoft phone phonemanager是什么好用吗

phone manager
┃手机文件管理器(phone manager)
此功能可以在用户的分机上进行设置,或者通 过电话管理器(Phone Manager)程序进行设置。此功能允许用户在其它分机上 接听电话。
...盘是空的,什么都没有,最近在网上看到了LG的论坛,真是如获至宝啊,好不容易安上了驱动,可是发现还得要 手机管理器 ( PHONE MANAGER )我就晕啊!上哪里找这个啊?
Moreover, this powerful mobile phone manager allows you to create your own account to protect phone data.
Phone Manager is an application I wrote to send and receive text messages using a cell phone (see
Phone Manager是我写的一个应用程序,可以用蜂窝电话发送和接收文本信息(参阅
Adding support to Phone Manager, for instance, required only a few extra lines of C when I used Dashboard's convenience functions.
有了 Dashboard 的便利的函数,我只需要用 C 编写很少的几行代码,就可以在电话管理器中增加对 Dashboard 的支持。
Speaking at Design Day 2013, Wolff Olins creative director Todd Simmons and Windows Phone design studio manager Albert Shum talked about the challenges of rebranding a company like Microsoft.
The next day she often gives a follow-up thank you to the manager by phone.
More prominently-placed tiles in the phone's contacts manager have their published content (status updates, for instance) appear more frequently on the screen.
- 来自原声例句
Apowersoft Phone Manager PRO v2.8.9 绿色版_国外手机管理软件
Apowersoft Phone Manager PRO v2.8.9 绿色版_国外手机管理软件介绍
powersoft 手机管理器,现在,市场上可用的最佳移动管理软件之一是与这两个主流智能手机操作系统 — — iOS 和安卓系统完全兼容。它允许您管理、 传输、 查看、 还原、 备份手机或平板电脑文件包括邮件,联系人,书签,应用程序调用日志、 壁纸、 歌曲、 视频等。
-将所有文件从电话设备与 PC 都传输
-基于 iOS 和 Android 系统的设备很好地工作
-管理照片、 音乐、 视频、 短信,联系人,
Apowersoft Phone Manager PRO v2.8.9 绿色版_国外手机管理软件截图
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Apowersoft Phone Manager PRO 3.1.2 破解版
网友评分:6.4 分
应用平台:Win All
Apowersoft Phone Manager PRO 3.1.2 破解版
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请简要描述您遇到的错误,我们将尽快予以修订Apowersoft Phone Manager PRO:已升级为最新版本新速特软件站提供Apowersoft Phone Manager PRO最新免费版下载Apowersoft Phone Manager PRO最新版本更新时间: 13:50:49 Apowersoft Phone Manager PRO是最优秀的因其功能的流畅性及全面性而广受广大用户的喜爱的智能手机管理应用软件它可以完美地完美支持iOS以及安卓操作系统两大流行手机的操作系统应用它,你能够轻轻松松地在计算机上对短消息、联络人、使用、书签、通话记录、高清壁纸、mp3音乐、影片视频等智能手机文件进行管理、传送、观看、恢复复原、复原等操作最主要特点:-设备有关信息,实时检验-智能手机和计算机,轻轻松松互相传送-iOS以及Android操作系统操作系统,支持-各类智能手机文件,管理便利-一切智能手机数据,一键备份数据到计算机-迅速恢复复原,安枕无忧无虑-智能手机显示器屏幕,一键截取-智能手机播放画面,全屏幕同步演练Apowersoft智能手机帮手还兼具其它有用的性能,比如:一键截取屏幕,一键清除垃圾,一键root,在计算机上全屏幕演练智能手机播放画面等集一切那些性能于一身,绝对相信它将是你管理智能手机设备文件的最好之选此款智能手机文件管理器的用户窗口设计得特别精美,绝对相信你在应用的步骤中会有极为温馨的体验不论是管理文件,同步智能手机到计算机,恢复复原智能手机里的数据,照旧截取智能手机显示器屏幕,一切那些操作步骤都极为的方便在智能手机以及计算机中间传送资料,方便便利以防丢掉你智能手机里的主要文件,你或许常常需求把智能手机里边的资料传送到计算机曾经作为备份数据这个移动智能手机帮手可以助你轻轻松松地做到这一点另一方面,假如你在计算机上找到一系列美丽的图像,想要把他们保留为高清壁纸或智能手机屏保,你只需拼接智能手机到计算机上且单击导进按键来直接导进就可你也能够经过此办法把其它本地电脑文件如影片视频、智能手机铃音、网络游戏应用软件、音乐等传递到你的移动终端设备三种形式拼接智能手机假如你有和智能手机配套的USB线,你只要应用它把智能手机拼接到计算机,这个应用软件便能立刻检验到你智能手机有关的一切具体有关信息即使没有资料线,你能够应用WiFi把智能手机拼接到计算机在你应用第二种办法的时间,请在智能手机上启动此款智能手机设备管理器来接收识别码 ,并将它填写在计算机上第三种办法是直接用智能手机扫描检查电脑端窗口上的二维码来拼接完美支持一切iOS 以及Android操作系统系列设备当你在网上检索该类应用软件时,你会找到市面上并不乏智能手机帮手,不过他们中的大多数都不能同一时间完美支持Android操作系统以及iOS设备而这个应用软件能提供应你最完美的处理方法来管理你的iPhone,iPad,iPod,三星,联想,索尼,LG,HTC,摩托罗拉,Google Nexus等Android操作系统平板以及智能手机同步备份数据智能手机内容,操作便利应用该智能手机管理器,你能够不费吹灰之力就将智能手机文件同步到计算机只要实现几个方便的过程,你就能够备份数据一切的联络人、影片视频、书签、文件文档、高清壁纸、短消息、日历等到计算机假如你只要备份数据小部分内容到计算机,你能够直接选择目录文件之后将他们移动到计算机一键复原备份数据,轻轻松松替换智能手机个别时候,你或许会不经意删除了智能手机里边储藏的主要有关信息或者遗失了你的爱机极为可惜的是你智能手机里边存有的宝贵记忆也一起丢掉了因而,我们提议你每次拼接智能手机到计算机的时间,更好备份数据一下智能手机里的主要有关信息这般一来,你就能够随时随地找到已备份数据的数据值得津津乐道的是,该智能手机资源内容管理器能够助你完成一键备份数据,一键复原一切的智能手机数据比如,假如你准备替换一部新智能手机,你会找到没有比这更方便的办法了只需单击恢复复原按键,你就能够同步现在已经备份数据在计算机上的一切数据到你的新智能手机管理,整理,编写智能手机短消息,相片,影片视频,mp3音乐等经过应用Apowersoft智能手机帮手,你能够经过两种形式来管理储藏在智能手机里边的文件一层面,你能选用传递计算机上所有影视影音文件如mp3音乐,影片视频,图像等到智能手机另一方面一层面,智能手机里边保存的内容可以在计算机上直接被导出来、删掉、移动、F5快捷键刷新而你所需求做的就是单击一下按键除此之外,你能够传送短消息,编写联络人,导出来通话记录并保留为Excel文件,设定铃音等等智能手机显示器屏幕,随便所欲大家都知道,经过同一时间按住电源+声音大小减键,我们就能够在Android操作系统 4.0及以上设备截取屏幕了和之替换的办法是,应用智能手机管理应用软件单击截取屏幕按键来提取显示器屏幕截取的显示器屏幕会被保留为文件或拷贝复制到剪切板你能够从中挑选对你来说更便利的办法进行在计算机或笔记本上即时演练智能手机显示器屏幕虽然大多数电子公司倾向于研发越来越大屏的智能手机,不过在计算机显示器屏幕上观看东西总是更清清楚楚假设你想把智能手机显示器屏幕投射到一个更大的显示器屏幕上,以便网页在线共享或制做小样,什么样的形式会是最方便的呢?幸运的是,这个智能手机帮手能够让你以全屏幕,1:2,1:1,以及其它的百分比在计算机上演练你的智能手机显示器屏幕这么的话,能够便利其它人以更大的大小来观看你的智能手机显示器屏幕且也可以更为便利地截取智能手机显示器屏幕不但是在计算机上演练智能手机显示器屏幕,你还可以更一步应用Apowersoft录屏王来摄录一切的演练操作,以便你能方便地制做影片视频来讲解学习教程或者是为了一系列其它的目标有关设定中文语言窗口:大家在安装时或者在订制语言时选用Chinese 或者Chinese Simplified、Chinese Traditional 或者ChineseS、ChineseT就可本站提供Apowersoft Phone Manager PRO最新免费版下载
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Giveaway of the day&— Apowersoft Phone Manager Pro 2.7.1
A comprehensive and powerful mobile device management application.
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PowerDirector makes your home movies more engaging!
Apowersoft Phone Manager is a comprehensive and powerful mobile device management application. It allows you to easily manage your mobile from PC, supporting both Android and iOS systems. With it, you can import, export, delete, and edit all of your mobile files, including pictures, videos, music, contacts, messages, apps and more. One click to backup and restore mobile data is also available.
Besides, it enables you to display phone screen to PC in real-time and take screenshots with ease. Apart from file management and transfer functions, it’s also capable of mirroring your iOS device screen to PC and record every operations on your iOS device along with sound.
Key Features:
Manage Android phones, tablets, iPhone and iPad from PC;
Transfer all kinds of files between mobile devices and PC;
Manage music, photos, contacts, videos, SMS, apps, n
Backup and restore
Display phone
Take phone s
Record any activities on your iOS devices with sound.
System Requirements:
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; iOS 8.0 Android 3.0 or later
File Size:
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AirMore empowers you to connect your mobile device to PC wirelessly and transfer data without any hassle. You just need to open it in your web browser on PC and scan the QR code. After that, all data on your mobile phone will apper on your computer.
Free Online Screenshot is a web based screenshot application, which grants you the ability to capture anything you see on screen as image and make some quick editing by adding text, arrows, lines and many more. Plus, image uploading and sharing are also available with this tool.
Free Online Video Converter is a web-based application to convert videos in your local drive to any other formats that are compatible with your digital devices like PSP,
iPhone, iPad, DVD player, etc. This tool is totally free and does not require installation.
Free Online Screen Recorder is a simple yet web-based screen recording tool, which works well on Windows and Mac. It supports recording screen/webcam with system sound, microphone or both. It provides making real-time editing to make your video more instructive.
Free audio recorder is a useful tool that supports both Windows and Mac. With it, you can record any audio from computer sound card and microphone. Even better, it helps to play, manage recorded audio files and add ID3 tags for them.
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This is a useful app for Android phones and a Windows PC but it is not a mature product.
1) When a group of files selected on a phone are being deleted, there is no i that is, the PC Phone Manager display does not change.
At the end of the deletion, only a small window appears to indicate the number of files deleted.
When this happened to me when deleting 1200 files, I tried to shut the app down as it didn't seem right that there was nothing happening.
2) Photos on the phone selected for deletion often show up again later.
Very confusing.
3) Photos on the phone selected for deletion give no count of the selected items.
Comment by MennJiJo
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Just installed the program, ran the activate.exe but still on the trial version. I've deactivated my anti-virus but still no luck.
Tried everything I can think of to not hamper the activation but it's a no go. I'll probably just uninstall it. Thanks GOTD.
Comment by Robert Millar
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Comment by Robert Millar
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Installed without a teeny weeny bit of problem.
Seamlessly activated and licensed without a hitch.
Where is the problem?
Comment by Brilliant Bob
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As the sole user of this computer, I imagine I am the administrator, and certainly there is no choice presented to me by right clicking on Activate, when in Win7 -- and you can't do that in DOS.
Yet for now a total of SIX times I have tried to activate the progamme -- but it has never worked.
And some putative functions on Apowersoft's &three-day trial& that installed on my computer were a big disappointment -- like backing up WA and SMS messages.
I got ONE.
Not one person's set of messages -- one message.
I doubt that is due to the programme being activated or not,
The programme download itself will be DE-activated in less than three hours, and I don't see that this is going to be activated in time, so I will uninstall and go back to using MoboGenie.
That has certain disadvantages -- but at least it works.
Comment by Tranmontane
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Downloaded, installed and activated properly. Most features seemed to work except videos. It ran for a long time but never stopped.
I suggest that you make the vertical sliders wider. I would like to see the backup include notes. Also, is there anyway to view what is stored in the backup? The way it is, it is basically the same as iTunes backup.
Thanks for the program.
Comment by TomD
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Same problem. Downloaded and installed but it continues to say it is a three day trial. Too bad, looks like it would be a useful utility.
Comment by larrie
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Comment by NetMan
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Comment by CC
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Comment by larrie
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Comment by Marge
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Apart from message backup I don't see much point to this app
I store all my contacts in my Google address book
I copy/backup/delete files using ESExplorer on my phone & over my network
I have a screenshot app on my phone
I see no point in viewing my phone screen in real time (or with a delay as reported)
Comment by PaulW
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Warning to people who want to uninstall this application : you will need to clean up after it. The native 'uninstaller' does not remove program files, application data or the dozens of entries created in the registry.
Comment by Julia
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Comment by Steffo
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Comment by Hughjocapivvy
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Installed easily. Can view/export photos. Requires turning off iCloud for some functions. Didn't find any messages. Hmmm.
Comment by dom
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well, everything seems to install fine, and I can browse messages and files and pics on my phone, but when I want to start capturing the screen, a window on the PC app pops up saying I should &click START NOW& on my phone... but the only thing available on the Phone Manager app on the phone is a Disconnect button. What am I doing wrong?
Comment by Roger
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Comment by Roger
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Program installed OK but activation crashed Chrome. Still, program works. Not sure if active, though (whatever that means).
When it works, it does so nicely. However, it shows I have no Contacts and no Messages which is laughable. Other categories show up just fine.
So I feel mixed. I am impressed at the areas of function but baffled by the areas of non-function and not even sure if I open it tomorrow if it'll be there.
Comment by paul
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Also needs a way to both preview an image and see it's filesize.
Comment by Morris Cox
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Also, it claims that I have 1.49GB in Videos. However, when I go to the Video tabs, each section has a 0.
Comment by Morris Cox
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If you go to Files and try to sort by Size, it doesn't actually sort by size.
Comment by Morris Cox
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Doesn't work with my LGL16C &Lucky& Android phone.
Comment by Frank D
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I have downloaded and installed it okay, but after FIVE different attempts to &Activate& the programme, it stubbornly refuses to do so -- whichever way I attempt to launch the Activate.exe, even copying it to DOS and launching it from there.
Several times, uncompressing the zip file, it couldn't get the last one percent, so there was an error message.
Even when that was resolved, it still wouldn't go all the way to a properly registered programme -- a frustrating waste of time.
Right now the programme is STILL a trial version.
Since it seems other people have had the same problem, why don't GOTD come up with a fix, or at least a comment on what they are doing about it??
It LOOKS like a good programme, which should be very useful -- but there is no point in claiming the programme is free, when you are not given the way to make it work for more than the normal three days I imagine is given on Apowersoft's website.
We only have a few hours to &get with the programme& -- or else uninstall it.
That would be a pity.
Comment by Tranmontane
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Comment by DD
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Comment by Richard Johnson
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Comment by Morris Cox
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Comment by QM
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Comment by susiekay1649
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Downloaded, installed and registered with no problem on my Win7/64 laptop via Chrome. I use an Android phone, v 4.1.2. My first impression is that it's a useful program with room for improvement.
After a 1/2 hour of frustration trying to connect my phone (devs: could use more detailed instructions -- get some folks who've never done it to try while you watch), I got it connected. It would not connect via USB. Installing and running the Android app on your phone to enable USB 'automatically' just sends you to the location in your phone's settings. It does not do anything more 'automatic' than that. Turns out that option is grayed out on my phone*, so more frustration and time wasted. Finally got connected via WiFi through the QR code in the phone app.
Then I found there is different functionality between USB connection and WiFi. For example, I can't take a screenshot or view my phone's screen, which I was really looking forward to. (It looks like there are additional apps for that to download on their website.)
I like how the photos and music are preview-able in the program without a lengthy download. I was wishing for the same for the videos. With a transfer speed of 1.6 Mb/s via WiFi, a 129Mb video took &2 minutes to begin playing, the same as it took to export and save to computer. The playback through the program was jerky, playback from the exported file was normal. No reason to attempt playback through the app.
Backup --- There are few options here, and no option for saving photos, videos or music that I could see. I would have liked to see an option for a full image backup in case of catastrophic loss of data, so the phone could be restored to its previous state, not just my contacts and messages and what-not.
So, I'm still undecided. Most of what it does I can do by simply connecting my phone to my computer directly with USB and opening it as removable storage in file explorer, although the interface of the app *is* more convenient. I'll keep using it for a while and we'll see if it's a keeper.
I was happy to see that it did not disconnect when a phone call came in (also by WiFi).
Note to devs: the word 'opened' is misspelled on the Connection Guide.
*I did manage to get USB debugging enabled, but it still wouldn't connect via USB.
Comment by Dan O
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Installed on windows7/64 and downloaded/installed the app from Google Play Store on my Samsung Note 4 without issue. Activation went fine.
This works quite nicely over wi-fi, better than I expected. Connection was fast and clean once I typed in the code from the phone app into the Windows program.
Versatile and FAST. Displays phone content quickly. When looking at messages, shows the last half dozen or so, but if you scroll to the top of the message pane, there's a Click To Show More area, and then it shows them all.
The backup function is a bit weird - it has checkboxes for what you want to back up, but they're all selected by default, and there's no way to unselect them. I don't need my contacts backed up, for example, but I have no choice.
And a question for the developers: Can I use this to back up my old phone, then restore to my new phone? Similar programs I've used in the past (MyPhoneExplorer, for instance) get very finicky when trying to do that...
Overall, quite satisfied with this, am going to keep it.
Comment by DD
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Installation worked for me. Wifi hookup to my LG3 (D850) a snap. Easily able to delete some old screenshots. Program seems fine to me. Thank you Apowersoft and GOTD.
Comment by Arnold Knack
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It silently side-loads via the USB their own app that remains on the phone. That is why it needs USB debugging enabled in android phones. That is unacceptable to me. It requires the app on both wifi and usb connection modes. uninstalled.
Comment by TK
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Didn't work for me very well. I tried it with a Moto G and an LG G2 and had problems with both.
First, connecting was hit or miss. If I did manage to connect, I was usually disconnected while trying to perform an operation using the software. I did download the Phone Manager app and tried to use this program with wifi and connected via USB to the computer.
Second, while the interface is quite good, when I was able to connect, I was unable to move, delete, or copy files either on the phone itself or to/from my PC. I just got a red box saying the operation failed.
I will uninstall the program and go back to using AirDroid which works much better for Android phones.
Comment by John
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Unfortunately, this software requires iTunes to manage iPhones.
Comment by Big0range
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Comment by Morris Cox
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Comment by MBHelpful
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Based on comments about &messed up& installation process I won't download.
Would have been useful
Comment by Ann
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Comment by Julian
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Comment by Todd
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Only 2 problems I've encountered - 1) has to have the phone in USB debugging - so how to you get it to that point if the screen is smashed and you can't see what you are doing?
2) went to delete messages that I though had already been deleted but were still on the phone apparently - every 2 seconds the phone pops up asking if I want to use the program's message system instead of the phone's message system - annoying when you have tons of deletions to make.
Other than that, perfect for what I need - especially when pulling up clients old messages that they thought were deleted
Comment by Rob in Toronto
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Comment by Daryn
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Hello, everyone!
Thanks for your interest in Apowersoft Phone Manager. On behalf of tech support center, please allow me to express our hearty gratitude to you for your support to our product. For an even speedier start, we share you some tips to help you learn more about Apowersoft Phone Manager.
The license you get from this giveaway activity should be registered within 24-hour promotion. The license is only for 1 computer. If you use it on several computers, your key code will be suspended.
&strong&User Guide &FAQ&/strong&
Detailed user guide for Windows version:
&a href=&http://www.apowersoft.com/faq/phone-manager-faq.html& target=&_blank&&http://www.apowersoft.com/faq/phone-manager-faq.html&/a&
&a href=&http://www.apowersoft.com/faq/how-to-install-phone-manager.html& target=&_blank&&http://www.apowersoft.com/faq/how-to-install-phone-manager.html&/a&
&strong&Video demo:&/strong&
&a href=&https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8Ta4rVtKsw& target=&_blank&&https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8Ta4rVtKsw&/a&
If you have any questions or feedback in today’s giveaway, please do not hesitate to contact me in the Help forum mentioned as below!
&a href=&http://www.apowersoft.com/forum/phone-manager-f12.html& target=&_blank&&http://www.apowersoft.com/forum/phone-manager-f12.html&/a&
Best regards,
Comment by Jane
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Comment by Vicki
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Activating this was too frustrating and time consuming. UNINSTALLING for my sanity.
Comment by merle
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Comment by Dan O
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Comment by merle
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Comment by Dan O
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Comment by Angie
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Comment by merle
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Comment by merle
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Comment by Arthur Jaclson
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Comment by Dan O
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Comment by Dan O
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Will this application work on an iPod as well as an iPhone?
Comment by RCory
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I have tried it and I like this one.
Opens both apple and android phones as it says it does.
Comment by Ryan
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I installed their trial version a few days ago but uninstalled it soon. Today, I installed it through GOTD installer (activate.exe) but it is still saying to register me. Well, I must say, nowadays most of developers bring their software with a &messed-up& activation. I don't know why can't they keep it simple. We GOTD users test a lot before buying a lifetime license for the software offered here. Hence, GOTD team should see to it that the activation process is not too &messed-up&.
Comment by Sapphire
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Comment by Sapphire
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Comment by Victor
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Comment by Lenny
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Comment by Salvia
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Comment by Salvia
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Comment by hiram hiramoto
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Comment by KA
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Comment by Morris Cox
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Can you sync PC Outlook/Android with it?
Comment by Hans C. Faerden
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Why is this not taking me to the download page (as at Saturday 26th March 10.00 am)??
Comment by Dudders
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Comment by Dudders
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Comment by Richard Johnson
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So do you have to install it on your phone AND computer?
Comment by Chris Kurka
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Comment by Buckoooo
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Comment by Tarzan
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Comment by Darryl
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