宾得90mm f2.8k35f2和m35f2相比哪个优秀一些

宾得(Pentax) - 知乎不管是过去,还是现在, 这是一个了不起,却不被国内多数人了解的牌子.阅读全文关注话题分享阅读全文1.6K140 条评论分享收藏感谢阅读全文53656 条评论分享收藏感谢阅读全文42046 条评论分享收藏感谢阅读全文36655 条评论分享收藏感谢阅读全文28567 条评论分享收藏感谢<strong class="NumberBoard-itemValue" title="& SMC-A 50/1.2
SMC-A 50/1.2 综述
Pentax SMC-A 50/1.2...()
综合评分: 4.49分
总平均分: 4.49
操作性: 4.67
耐用性: 4.83
性价比: 3.43
解像力: 4.53
色彩还原: 4.73
机械结构: 4.73
评分人数: 15
评论人数: 15
浏览人数: 391484
& CP+2016:引爆全场人气 宾得K-1试用体验
CP+2016:引爆全场人气 宾得K-1试用体验
00:27:52 蜂鸟网
  早在全画幅数码相机上尚不普及的二十一世纪初,当时的宾得公司以当时的专业级胶片MZ-S为基础,研发了一款具备600万有效像素的全画幅数码单反相机――MZ-D。但非常不幸的是,这款产品由于种种原因最终胎死腹中,没有上市销售。2003年宾得公司在其最后一款胶片单反相机*ist基础上发布了APS-C画幅数码单反相机*ist D,正式迈入了APS-C画幅数码单反相机时代。从此开始,尽管经历了全画幅数码单反相机的普及以及全画幅无反相机的风生水起,但宾得还是一直专注于APS-C画幅数码单反相机及DA系列镜头的研发和生产。直至2015年CP+展会上,理光映像展台展出了全画幅数码单反相机的3D打印模型,正式标志着理光映像开始研发全画幅数码相机。尽管中间还是出现了跳票的情况,但最终理光映像公司正式在日正式发布了全画幅数码单反相机――K-1,这款凝聚着无数宾得粉丝十数年的期盼的全画幅数码单反相机终于来到了我们眼前。在CP+2016展会期间,理光映像展台提供了宾得K-1以供摄影爱好者上手体验,这不仅使理光展台成为本届展会最具人气的厂商展台之一,更令我们非常有幸能够在第一时间体验到这款全画幅数码单反相机。HD PENTAX-D FA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 ED DC WR(左一)、HD PENTAX-D FA 24-70mm F2.8 ED M WR(左二)、HD PENTAX-D FA 15-30mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头(右二)和宾得K-1机身(右一)  除了宾得K-1机身之外,我们在理光映像展台还体验了三款适用于全画幅数码单反相机的镜头――HD PENTAX-D FA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 ED DC WR、HD PENTAX-D FA 24-70mm F2.8 ED SDM WR和HD PENTAX-D FA 15-30mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头。宾得K-1机身线条硬朗、刚毅,可谓是个性十足  相信此前大家已经通过我们的新闻报道和技术解析,了解了宾得K-1机身的主要外观设计。宾得K-1机身线条硬朗,各处线条感明显,尤其是机顶五棱镜处更是在向历史上经典的胶片单反相机致敬。机身尺寸和重量均控制出色,体现了宾得“以小为美”的理念  这款产品尽管配备了全画幅感光元件,但机身的尺寸和重量控制得还是相当不错的,几乎与中端APS-C画幅数码单反相机相仿,小巧轻便的机身依旧延续了宾得品牌产品“以小为美”的设计理念。在下图中,即使我们用索尼A7RII这样的无反相机进行对比,宾得K-1的尺寸也不会超出太多。宾得K-1相比索尼A7RII这样的无反相机在尺寸上也不会相差太多  为了更好地介绍宾得K-1的机身特点,以及独特的操控方式,我们在现场也拍摄了机身试用的视频,网友们可以从中直观地感受到宾得K-1这款极具个性的全画幅数码单反相机的特点:我们在理光映像展台现场介绍宾得K-1的特点?宾得K-1机身主要技术参数:&#万像素全画幅CMOS传感器,无低通滤镜设计(拥有模拟低通滤镜功能)&#9654;像素位移功能&#9654;SAFOX 12自动对焦传感器,33点自动对焦,其中包含25个十字对焦点&#9654;全画幅模式下4.4张/秒,APS-C模式下6.5张/秒&#9654;全画幅模式下可一次连拍70张JPEG或17张RAW图像&#9654;ISO 100-204800&#9654;14bit RAW&#9654;KAF2卡口(兼容KAF3、KAF2、KAF、KA、电动变焦镜头)&#9654;5轴防抖&#9654;PRIME IV图像处理器&#9654;内置GPS、Wi-Fi、天体追踪功能&#英寸特殊设计翻转屏&#9654;支持双SD、SDHC、SDXC规格存储卡&#9654;全新设计的快门,耐久度达30万次&#9654;快门速度30-1/8000秒,闪光灯同步速度1/200秒&#9654;镁合金+不锈钢材质机身,防尘防水,最低工作温度-10摄氏度&#9654;机身尺寸:136.5×110×85.5mm&#9654;机身重量:1010g  宾得K-1配备了一块去除低通滤镜的约3640万有效像素的全画幅感光元件,其最大的亮点在于通过五轴防抖,实现了诸如低通滤镜模拟、像素位移高画质拍摄、构图微调甚至是天体追踪功能,真可谓是将机身防抖发挥到了极致。根据官方资料,宾得K-1机身配备的五轴防抖最多可实现降低5挡快门速度的效果,在数码单反相机及无反相机中处于领先水平。此外,这款产品还采用了全新设计的SAFOX 12自动对焦系统,具备33个自动对焦点(25个十字型自动对焦点),实现了最低达-3EV的自动对焦场景亮度。整体来看,尽管参数配置水平在目前的全画幅数码单反相机中不算领先,但宾得K-1还是具备一些相当吸引人的亮点,极具个性,可谓是诚意满满。?拓展阅读:?产品外观:刚猛造型极具个性  下面我们来看一下宾得K-1的整体外观设计:最终发布的宾得K-1机身与去年在CP+2015和P&E2015理光映像展台展出的3D打印模型基本一致,尖尖的机顶设计是其外观的最大特点,极具个性的设计也令宾得K-1也成为一款非常有“宾得”味道的数码单反相机,辨识度很高。宾得K-1机身正面外观宾得K-1机身侧面外观宾得K-1机身侧面外观宾得K-1机身搭配HD PENTAX-D FA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 ED DC WR镜头效果宾得K-1机身搭配HD PENTAX-D FA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 ED DC WR镜头效果宾得K-1机身机顶外观宾得K-1底部外观  宾得K-1定位于专业级别数码单反相机,高像素全画幅感光元件、遍布机身的拨盘、按键以及各种端口无疑证明了这一点,而具体的细节设计我们将会在后面的篇幅为网友们介绍。作为一款迟来了很多年的全画幅数码单反相机,发布后凝聚了非常高的人气,理光映像展台也吸引了大量摄影爱好者前来体验,甚至会出现需要排队超过一个小时的情况,从中我们不难看出对宾得K-1 的喜爱。?产品细节:专业定位操控便捷  前面我们为网友们介绍了宾得K-1的主要外观设计,那么接下来我们再来看一下这款全画幅数码单反相机的细节部分:宾得K-1最吸引人的莫过于约3640万有效像素的全画幅无低通感光元件,并配备有目前机身防抖的最强配置――五轴防抖系统。高像素的全画幅感光元件相信会令宾得K-1具备相当出色的画质表现,尽管在展会现场我们无法插卡实际拍摄,但从相机屏幕的回放来看,这款产品具备了相当不错的分辨率表现,高感画质也十分令我们惊喜。宾得K-1配备了约3640万有效像素全画幅感光元件SR机身防抖已升级为五轴防抖拍摄模式拨盘的设计与K系列数码单反相机相同这款产品独创性地设计了必备功能直接操控系统,进一步提升了操控性能  宾得K-1机身在机顶右侧配备了一块尺寸小巧的肩屏,而节省下的空间则设计有必备功能操控系统,位于机顶右侧的功能拨盘集中了比较常用的功能,用户可以通过肩屏右侧的拨盘对这些功能进行设置而无需进入机身菜单,同时又不会影响前后双拨盘原有的功能,进一步提升了操控性能。机身左侧端口麦克风及耳机线3.5mm端口宾得K-1在机身左侧设计有三个按键及自动对焦模式拨盘遥控快门线端口位于机身右侧SD存储卡插槽下方独特的可翻折液晶屏幕设计液晶屏通过滑轨和四根金属杆与机身相连屏幕可实现多角度的翻折  除了机顶之外,宾得K-1的可翻折液晶屏幕也是一大亮点,相比其他产品仅能上下翻折的屏幕,宾得K-1机身设计有四根金属杆加上滑轨,不仅可以上下翻折,还能实现一定幅度的左右翻折,甚至是轴向旋转,更大的翻折自由度令用户无论在任何角度拍摄,均能清晰明了地查看屏幕。背部按键的布局和数量与K系列APS-C画幅数码单反相机相仿宾得K-1为竖拍手柄预留了电子触点,三防设计实现了全天候拍摄机身电池容量为1860mAh  总的来看,宾得K-1机身在细节设计上面还是有比较多的亮点,这也体现了理光映像对这款全画幅数码单反相机的诚意。作为一款定位专业的产品,宾得K-1凝聚了目前理光映像最先进的技术,尽管在部分参数上面相比同级别产品有所不及,但相信凭借独特的个性,还是能够吸引非常多的摄影爱好者关注。?28-105mm套机镜头外观&细节设计  除了宾得K-1机身之外,理光映像还发布了一款浮动光圈的全画幅标准变焦镜头――宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 ED DC WR。这款镜头体积小巧,变焦环几乎占据了绝大部分镜筒,内置的DC变焦驱动系统相比宾得传统的机身驱动对焦更加安静。从实际体验来看,即使我把耳朵凑在镜头旁,对焦声音也并不吵闹,对焦十分坚决。宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 ED DC WR镜头正面外观设计宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 ED DC WR镜头侧面外观设计宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 ED DC WR镜头底部外观设计宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 ED DC WR镜头体积非常小巧宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 ED DC WR镜头变焦至长焦端效果宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 ED DC WR镜头前部细节设计宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 ED DC WR镜头卡口细节设计  这款镜头定位为宾得K-1机身的套机镜头,同时也具备防尘防滴设计,搭配K-1机身时可实现全天候拍摄。这款镜头最大的特点就是非常小巧,而在画质部分尽管无法进行严谨的测试,但从照片回放来看画质表现还是相当不错的,我们也非常期待能够实际拍摄体验。?24-70mm F2.8镜头外观&细节设计  对于全画幅数码单反相机来说,恒定光圈F2.8的“大三元”镜头显而易见是必须的。理光映像公司也在此前发布了一款恒定F2.8的标准变焦镜头――宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 24-70mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头。关于这款镜头的整体外观和光学设计,相信网友们已经非常清楚,我们先来看一下这款镜头的外观设计:宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 24-70mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头正面外观设计宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 24-70mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头侧面外观设计宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 24-70mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头背部外观设计宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 24-70mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头侧面外观设计宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 24-70mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头采用变焦环在前、对焦环居中,而对焦距离窗最后的设计点状的变焦环和对焦环手感相当不错,一旁的“DFA”铭牌表面这款镜头适用于全画幅数码单反相机该镜头配备有变焦锁,可将变焦环锁定在24mm端宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 24-70mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头变焦至70mm端效果宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 24-70mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头前部外观设计宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 24-70mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头卡口外观设计  由于这款镜头还没有正式上市,我们无法安装在机身上进行实拍测试。不过从镜头的做工来看,宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 24-70mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头做工相对精致,镜头前部依旧采用了经典的绿圈,尾部的红色橡胶圈则表面该镜头具备防尘防滴性能。?15-30mm F2.8镜头外观&细节设计  在超广角焦段,理光映像也推出了一款恒定F2.8的超广角变焦镜头――宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 15-30mm F2.8 ED SDM WR。这款镜头自不必多说,相信网友们看到该镜头焦段和双层设计也能知晓。与宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 24-70mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头相同,这款镜头也还没有正式上市,我们也无法进行实拍体验。宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 15-30mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头正面外观设计宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 15-30mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头侧面外观设计宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 15-30mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头背部外观设计宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 15-30mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头15mm端变焦效果宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 15-30mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头30mm端变焦效果宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 15-30mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头正面细节设计绿色金属装饰圈是其外观最大特点宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 15-30mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头位于底部的对焦距离窗宾得HD PENTAX-D FA 15-30mm F2.8 ED SDM WR镜头卡口细节设计  目前在适用于全画幅数码单反相机的镜头群方面,理光映像已经推出了恒定F2.8的“大三元”镜头,刨去28-105mm变焦镜头之外,K卡口还有一支焦段为150-450mm的超远摄变焦镜头。而在定焦镜头方面,K卡口还有早年间的包括经典的“三公主”系列及其他部分FA定焦镜头。此外,此前适用于APS-C画幅数码单反相机的200mm F2.8、300mm F4和560mm F5.6这三款长焦镜头依旧可以在K-1机身上使用(根据理光映像官网资料)。总的来看,理光映像还需要推出更多的全画幅数码镜头,以满足用户在不同焦段拍摄的需要。?菜单界面:照明设置是最大亮点  前面我们已经为网友们介绍了宾得K-1及三支镜头的外观和细节设计,那么接下来我们再来看一下这款产品在菜单设计上面有何改进:宾得K-1的菜单设计风格与此前的K系列APS-C画幅数码单反相机有所不同,设计风格更加扁平,符合现在的时尚潮流。位于菜单上部的不同功能区块的图标也不会像过去的产品那样在左上角扎堆,显示效果更加清晰。宾得K-1同样具备像素偏移和天体追踪功能拼接机身防抖系统K-1还实现了自动水平补正和构图微调功能  凭借五轴机身防抖,宾得K-1还实现了诸如像素偏移分辨率、天体追踪、低通滤光镜模拟器、自动水平补正以及构图微调等功能,可谓是将机身防抖发挥到了极致。关于像素偏移分辨率,此前在K系列数码单反相机上就能够有效提升画面的分辨率,到了拥有约3640万有效像素的K-1机身上,我们对该功能下的分辨率表现也非常感兴趣。宾得K-1新加入了网格线在内的多种信息显示  宾得K-1还加入了取景器网格线在内的多种光学取景器内的信息显示功能,给用户的取景拍摄带来更多便利,而这一点此前一直是宾得K系列APS-C画幅数码单反相机所缺失的。用户在菜单内可对宾得K-1机身上的LED照明灯功能进行设置两个部位的照明灯还可以在菜单内调节亮度大小并且支持每部分的LED照明灯亮度独立调整还可以完全关闭该功能  在前面现场试用的部分,我们提到宾得K-1在镜头卡口、存储卡插槽、遥控快门线端口和背部液晶屏处新增了LED照明灯,便于用户在黑暗场景下拍摄。而在机身菜单内,我们同样可以对该功能进行细致调整。宾得K-1还加入了户外显示设定,无需进入机身菜单即可调节屏幕亮度按下INFO按键后,用户可以调整在该菜单内各项功能的排列位置  总的来看,宾得K-1在机身菜单功能设置上面取得了不小的进步,诸多人性化设计也方便了用户在室外不同环境下进行拍摄,这样人性化的细节设计也是同级别产品所没有的。&#160;?感光度测试&编辑观点  由于理光映像展台的宾得K-1机身无法插卡实拍,于是我们采用拍摄屏幕的方式来对这款产品的高感光度画质进行测试。宾得K-1机身的最高感光度可达ISO204800,这在以往的高像素机身上也是非常罕见的,我们也对其高感光度画质产生了浓厚的兴趣。我们在同一场景内拍摄了ISO范围内各挡ISO的样张,并100%放大屏幕查看。宾得K-1感光度测试实拍样张ISO6400样张100%放大效果ISO12800样张100%放大效果ISO25600样张100%放大效果ISO51200样张100%放大效果ISO102400样张100%放大效果ISO204800样张100%放大效果  从屏幕上来看,宾得K-1展现出了相当出色的高感光度画质,ISO12800下暗部也相当纯净。随着感光度的进一步上升,噪点开始增加,但即使是在像ISO102400这样的超感光度下,噪点也还是能够接受。?官方样张赏析&编辑观点&#160; 由于无法直接插卡拍摄,我们也不能直接达到了机身的照片,从样张题材的丰富程度来看,宾得K-1机身更像是一个可以全天候在任何场景内拍摄的相机产品。至于这款产品的售价,目前理光映像官方还在商鼎之中,敬请网友们继续的静静等待,直至DFA全画幅镜头群组建的那一天。焦距:43mm  光圈:f/2.8  ISO感光度:100曝光时间:1/1000s  曝光补偿:0EV  白平衡:自动焦距:77mm  光圈:f/8  ISO感光度:100曝光时间:1/320s  曝光补偿:0EV  白平衡:自动快门速度:1/200 &#160;光圈:F11 &#160;ISO感光度:200画幅裁切模式:FF快门速度:1/400 &#160;光圈:F5.6 &#160;ISO感光度:400画幅裁切模式:FF焦距:230mm  光圈:f/8.0  ISO感光度:100 &#160;曝光时间:1/250s  曝光补偿:-0.7EV  白平衡:手动焦距:200mm  光圈:f/5.0  ISO感光度:100 &#160;曝光时间:1/250s  曝光补偿:-0.3EV  白平衡:自动?编辑观点:  宾得K-1这款迟来了十几年、令无数宾得粉丝望眼欲穿等待的全画幅数码单反相机终于来到我们面前。尽管等待的时间已经够长,但从CP+2016展会上理光映像展台极高的人气,以及宾得K-1相机试用柜台排起的长长的队列,都表明了摄影爱好者对这款产品的足够认可。宾得K-1推出的意义可谓重大,不仅在市面上增加了一家具备研发和生产全画幅数码相机的厂商,更是了却了宾得APS-C画幅数码单反相机用户的多年夙愿,相信这些核心用户很有可能会成为宾得K-1的首发主要买家。  但我们也要看到,目前宾得K-1的竞争环境还是非常激烈的,以全画幅无反相机为代表的产品正在蚕食着数码单反相机的市场,而宾得K-1也需要面临这样的难题。此外,宾得K-1相比同级别竞争对手在一些细致的功能点上面有所创新,但包括自动对焦系统、连拍系统、以及整体参数配置上面还有着一定的提升空间。当这款产品上市后,摄影爱好者势必要与同级别竞品进行参数的对比。届时,整体参数配置不占优势的宾得K-1如何去吸引刚刚开始接触摄影的用户,则是理光映像需要解决的挑战。  在镜头群上面,目前理光映像已经发布了恒定F2.8的“大三元镜头”,但在常规焦段上,还是缺乏经过数码优化设计的大光圈定焦镜头还相对缺乏。我们也希望理光映像能够推出更多适用于全画幅机身的镜头产品,覆盖各个焦段的同时,相比竞争对手还能够保持自己的特色。推出了全画幅机身仅仅是第一部,我们也衷心地祝愿理光映像能够坚持下去,为摄影爱好者们提供更多的选择。
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SMC Pentax-A 35mm F2
Date of last review
Sun April 15, 2018
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Average User Rating
89% of reviewers
This lens is optically similar to its M counterpart.
SMC Pentax-A 35mm F2 & www.pentaxforums.com, sharable with attribution
Image FormatFull-frame / 35mm film Lens MountPentax K Aperture RingYes (A setting) DiaphragmAutomatic, 6 blades
Optics7 elements, 7 groups Mount VariantKA Max. ApertureF2 Min. ApertureF22
Min. Focus
Max. Magnification
Filter Size49 mm
Internal FocusNo Field of View (Diag. / Horiz.)
APS-C: 45 & / 38 &
Full frame: 63 & / 54 &
HoodPH-S49 (28/35mm) CaseHard case HA-90B
Lens CapPlastic clip-on CoatingSMC Weather SealingNo Other Features
Diam x Length63 x 41.5 mm
Weight205 g
Production Years
Engraved Name
35mm Product Code
22770 Reviews
Lens hood was not included with lens
Price History:
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Showing Reviews 1-9 of 9
Lens Review Date: April 15, 2018
I can recommend this lens: Yes |
Price: $370.00
sharp, light, automatic, handsome
rare, not cheap, worth it
Sharpness: 9&&&
Aberrations: 8&&&
Bokeh: 10&&&
Handling: 10&&&
Value: 8&&&
Camera Used: k5&&&
beautiful and consistent color rendition
fast and SHARP stepped up and wide open. paid a bit more than you all did but i acknowledge these people and take no offense.
will get expensive as people realize wwhat
Lens Review Date: March 10, 2018
I can recommend this lens: No |
Price: $220.00
sharpness in the center of the frame
sharpness at the edge of the frame
Sharpness: 5&&&
Aberrations: 7&&&
Bokeh: 8&&&
Handling: 9&&&
Value: 4&&&
Camera Used: SONY A7 r&&&
I tested the lens on the SONY a7 42MP.
sharpness in the center of the frame
f2.8 - 8 , f4 - 9 ,f5,6 - 9 , f8 -8
sharpness at the edge of the frame
- f2 - 1 , f2,8 - 2, f4 - 3 , f5,6 - 4 , f8 - 4,5 , f11 - 5
Contrast - 9
reflections - 5
I recommend this lens to the matrix - APS-C or smaller.
Lens Review Date: January 18, 2017
I can recommend this lens: Yes |
Price: $270.00
sharp wide open, fast, great colours, nice focus
Sharpness: 10&&&
Aberrations: 9&&&
Bokeh: 10&&&
Handling: 10&&&
Value: 10&&&
Camera Used: K5IIs, K3, K-01&&&
One of the very best 35mm lenses Pentax ever made. In some regions it might well be the best.
I own 2 of them and sold my FA35/2 in favor as I prefer the A35 despite the FA being lighter and an AF-lens. The only 35/2 lens which I do find better is the Zeiss Distagon T* 35/2, but this is quite a heavy lens, not at all the lens you chose for light travel. I also have the SMC Takumar 35/2 which is optically identical with the K35/2. There is no question, the DA35 Macro-Limited is a fantastic lens as well, great macro, but? AF hunts due to its macro ability and long focus throw, most of the time I use it manually for that very reason.
At 2,8 the A35/2 is as sharp as the DA35limited but allows F2 and thus is more versatile aside of lack of macro ability. But add a Canon D240 52mm achromatic close-up lens plus an 49-52mm adapter and one has excellent close-up abilities. Or a Canon D250 achromat. Both fantastic value.
Sigma or Pentax achromatic lenses cannot compare.
At infinity the A35/2 is as sharp as the DA35limited. It does not have this special micro-contrast which the Zeiss Distagon supplies. Wide open sharp enough, it allows portrait, particular because
bokeh with its 6 blades is astonishingly nice wide open, I did not expect that.
At F3.5 the A35/2 is as sharp as my K35/3.5 wide open! The K35/3.5 is of course very light and has this special 3-D presentation which it shares with the Zeiss, but it's use is limited. If I would have to chose just one lens, it might well be the A35/2.
I prefer the A35/2 even over the A28/2 (I have two copies of this lens as well, because both, the A35 and the A28 allow excellent DLSR comparison)
Built quality is excellent, similar to the M35/2.
I am aware that a review is very subjective, normally I would rate this lens 9 or 9,5, but due to some rather &of-the-point reviews& it got I feel one has to balance this out. 10 points is what I would give the best Limiteds of the Zeiss Distagon and the K28/2. So a healthy 9.5 it is.
Lens Review Date: June 3, 2015
I can recommend this lens: Yes |
Price: $280.00
Sharpness on FF
Sharpness: 9&&&
Aberrations: 8&&&
Bokeh: 9&&&
Handling: 10&&&
Value: 10&&&
Camera Used: K-01, K-3, BMD4K, A7s, GH4&&&
I've had one of these gems for a couple of months now, used for Video/Cinema shooting, and the occasional still.
When I have a 50mm on a full frame A7s, this 35mm gives a close enough to similar framing when on a K-01 or BMD camera with s35 sensor to be able to match the shots between FF and s35.
The K-01 loves it, so does the K-3 - Very easy to do hand-held work with a K-3 and this lens.
This lens makes a BMD camera look better then they are,..
The M4/3 sensor of a GH4 really doesn't take all that much advantage of the lens though - the 35 looks like a 70mm.
Put the 35mm on a Full Frame A7s, and the section of the glass used by the APS-c and s35 cameras is excellent, but there is a fall off in focus sharpness out near the edges of the frame - the sort you wouldn't notice in a still, but do when a person moves partially in to the soft zone in video.
I recommend this lens to anyone shooting FF, s35 or APS-c, it's excellent value for money.
The consistency of the colour transmission also makes it very easy to match colour grades between this and other SMC lenses, especially the 50f1.7, 85f2, 100f2.8 and 135f2.8
Lens Review Date: February 9, 2015
I can recommend this lens: Yes |
Price: $189.00
Solid build, smooth focus, sharp, great color
no auto-focus???
Sharpness: 10&&&
Aberrations: 9&&&
Bokeh: 10&&&
Handling: 10&&&
Value: 10&&&
I also agree this lens in under-rated. It shines next to the FA 35 F/2 version with a much better build and every bit as good optically. I
had owned one for near 20 years before selling it after moving to digital...a mistake. I found a nice example recently at a good price and have been enjoying it very much on my K-3. A previous reviewer calls it ugly. I don't understand at all. Every one of the pre F/FA/DA lenses are beautiful in my eyes and I am so glad to be able to use them on the new cameras. Perhaps there are few reviews simply because it is somewhat rare. It is very nice indeed shot wide-open with a wonderfully smooth bokeh. I have not tested it for CA in extreme lighting. I suspect it will have the usual bit of easily corrected fringing.
The only criticism I have is it is soft at F/2 when focused at infinity. Closer than 30 ft or so and it is just fine. It seems to be optimized for medium to close distances.
Lens Review Date: October 11, 2014
I can recommend this lens: Yes |
Price: $300.00
sharp, fast,iq, bokeh, color rendering, optical performance
Sharpness: 10&&&
Aberrations: 9&&&
Bokeh: 10&&&
Handling: 10&&&
Value: 9&&&
Camera Used: K5&&&
First of all, previous reviews of this lens are very strange. Just one rating, only for sharpness category, and it is 7??? C'mon consumer zooms sometimes got better ratings here on pentax forum. Are those ratings some kind of conspiracy by Pentaxian holy order? Masked secret weapon with false ratings?
Second, see ratings for SMC Pentax-A 28mm f/2, that lens got 9.10 overall. But this is a better lens. I tested them side by side and keep this one. Slightly, but noticeably better sharpness, better/easier focusing (wierd, in theory should be opposite?), better bokeh, better color rendering (subjective).
Third this is probably the best 35mm ff lens Asahi/Pentax ever made ( not 30, not 31, just 35
). This statement is based on expirience with K35f/2, K35f/3.5, M35f/2, M35f/2.8, A35f/2, A35f/2.8 and FA35f/2.
Overall rating should be 9 but I give it 10 because of previous reviews and ratings.
Lens Review Date: April 11, 2010
I can recommend this lens: Yes |
Price: $300.00
Wide maximum aperture, build quality, optics
Rare, front of lens looks average looking
Sharpness: 7&&&
Got a pristine copy of this rare lens from a good friend. The lens looks very similar to its f/2.8 sibling but just a tad longer in length. Build quality is good and the optical quality is good on my copy. The first impression is the very nice color rendition this lens gives, just warm and punchy. Kinda hard to get the original hood but with the proliferation of generic 49mm metal hoods, this is not an issue. I'm very pleased with the focal length on digital and is ideal as a prime lens for walkabouts. The f/2 maximum aperture (very usable) and 6 bladed aperture does make a difference bokeh wise compared to the cheaper and more plentiful A 35mm f/2.8.
UPDATE: When this lens was tested against
other Pentax 35mm lenses, the resolution was found to be worse compared to the newer Pentax lenses. For this reason, I have changed my recommendation.
Lens Review Date: August 5, 2009
I can recommend this lens: Yes |
Price: $275.00
Great build quality, IQ, size, good bokeh and DOF & it's beautiful
none other than it's fairly rare
First of all, I think the Pentax-A series lenses are great looking and most of them have great build quality and IQ. Also, most of them are fairly compact and have a great fit and feel on modern DSLRs.
The copy I have is sharp wide open and only gets better when stopped down. The color and contrast are great throughout the aperture and focus range and bokeh is good for the focal length.
DOF is predictable and consistent and the lens is a pleasure to use, especially with a split-image focusing screen. The focus ring rotates @180 degrees which makes minor adjustment easy.
It's small and compact for a fast lens, but not too small, light but not cheap or &plasticky&.
Highly recommended if you can find it.
Lens Review Date: July 22, 2007
I can recommend this lens: Yes |
Price: $340.00
Great focal length on digital, decent build, really good all rounder
I was nervous about buying this lens as I couldn't find an awful lot of information about it out there on the net.
The screenshots I could find showed a fairly ugly lens, and I was braced for disappointment.
In fact, when it came, I realised it's a gem.
It's very sharp, and quite useable even wide open, and the bokeh is nice.
I don't think it's going to set the world on fire, but I absolutely cannot fault it.
If this was the only lens I could ever have I'd shrug my shoulders and say &fine&, because it really does the job.
No complaints from me.
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