
& [Steam]《环世界(RimWorld)》评测:一款质量上乘的独立游戏
由 Ludeon Studios制作发行的《环世界(RimWorld)》截止上周在Steam销售周榜当中以88元的售价仅排在GTA5之下位居第二名。该款模拟经营类独立游戏以其独到的复杂生存系统和百玩不腻的游戏模式收获了广大玩家一致好评,从其Steam上2400多条的评论依然保持96%的好评率就可以直观的看出本作的品质。
& &来源:游迅网
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【B18mod个人汉化】Steam World + Westernization 系列
预测一大帮萌新被坑,楼主介绍的MOD很好,不过最重要的CE(Combat Extend)被你漏了介绍了,这个DLC级别的MOD对于还不会查找红字,理解MOD冲突的萌新来说就是噩梦~~
好像很有意思的感觉,近身了不知能不能换小刀。我没装副武器MOD,这些老式武器射击间隔应该挺长 。
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Title: RimWorld
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 15 Jul, 2016
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&The game is already fully playable, balanced, and generally free of bugs. Over one million players have been enjoying it since our Kickstarter in October 2013. All major content pieces are in place, and we're currently doing final balancing and polishing. We're doing Early Access to indicate that it's still in final testing.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&The game is generally content-complete, we're doing final polishing, so the full release should be relatively soon.
Please buy the game only if you want to play it as it exists now - not based on what it might some day become.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&Since we're currently in the final polishing stage, the final game will only differ from the Early Access version by being better balanced, faster, more polished in general, and with some new content bits here and there. There won't be major content updates at this late stage.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&The game is fully playable, low in bugs, and well-balanced. It is in the final stages of polishing before release.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&The price may rise after Early Access. We're not sure.
The price won't go down for a while.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&The community has been involved already since October 2013 when our Kickstarter launched. Each of the many major releases since then has been directed and refined based on their feedback, mostly through our forums () and the RimWorld subreddit ().We intend to continue engaging with players as we have done as it's been very fruitful and enjoyable for all so far!&
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About This Game
RimWorld is a sci-fi colony sim driven by an intelligent AI storyteller. Inspired by Dwarf Fortress, Firefly, and Dune.You begin with three survivors of a shipwreck on a distant world.Manage colonists' moods, needs, wounds, and illnesses.Fashion structures, weapons, and apparel from metal, wood, stone, cloth, or futuristic materials.Tame and train cute pets, productive farm animals, and deadly attack beasts.Watch colonists develop and break relationships with family members, lovers, and spouses.Fight pirate raiders, hostile tribes, rampaging animals, giant tunnelling insects and ancient killing machines.Trade with passing ships and trade caravans.Decorate your colony to make it into a pleasurable space.Dig through snow, weather storms, and fight fires.Capture refugees or prisoners and turn them to your side or sell them into slavery.Discover a new generated world each time you play.Build colonies in the desert, jungle, tundra, and more.Learn to play easily with the help of an intelligent and unobtrusive AI tutor.RimWorld is a story generator. It’s designed to co-author tragic, twisted, and triumphant stories about imprisoned pirates, desperate colonists, starvation and survival. It works by controlling the “random” events that the world throws at you. Every thunderstorm, pirate raid, and traveling salesman is a card dealt into your story by the AI Storyteller. There are several storytellers to choose from. Randy Random does crazy stuff, Cassandra Classic goes for rising tension, and Phoebe Chillax likes to relax.Your colonists are not professional settlers – they’re crash-landed survivors from a passenger liner destroyed in orbit. You can end up with a nobleman, an accountant, and a housewife. You’ll acquire more colonists by capturing them in combat and turning them to your side, buying them from slave traders, or taking in refugees. So your colony will always be a motley crew.Each person’s background is tracked and affects how they play. A nobleman will be great at social skills (recruiting prisoners, negotiating trade prices), but refuse to do physical work. A farm oaf knows how to grow food by long experience, but cannot do research. A nerdy scientist is great at research, but cannot do social tasks at all. A genetically engineered assassin can do nothing but kill – but he does that very well.Colonists develop - and destroy - relationships. Each has an opinion of the others, which determines whether they'll become lovers, marry, cheat, or fight. Perhaps your two best colonists are happily married - until one of them falls for the dashing surgeon who saved her from a gunshot wound.The game generates a whole planet from pole to equator. You choose whether to land your crash pods in a cold northern tundra, a parched desert plain, a temperate forest, or a steaming equatorial jungle. Different areas have different animals, plants, diseases, temperatures, rainfall, mineral resources, and terrain. These challenges of surviving in a disease-infested, choking jungle are very different from those in a parched desert wasteland or a frozen tundra with a two-month growing season.You can tame and train animals. Lovable pets will cheer up sad colonists. Farm animals can be worked, milked, and sheared. Attack beasts can be released upon your enemies. There are many animals - cats, labrador retrievers, grizzly bears, camels, cougars, chinchillas, chickens, and exotic alien-like lifeforms.People in RimWorld constantly observe their situation and surroundings in order to decide how to feel at any given moment. They respond to hunger and fatigue, witnessing death, disrespectfully unburied corpses, being wounded, being left in darkness, getting packed into cramped environments, sleeping outside or in the same room as others, and many other situations. If they're too stressed, they might lash out or break down.Wounds, infections, prosthetics, and chronic conditions are tracked on each body part and affect characters' capacities. Eye injuries make it hard to shoot or do surgery. Wounded legs slow people down. Hands, brain, mouth, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, feet, fingers, toes, and more can all be wounded, diseased, or missing, and all have logical in-game effects. And other species have their own body layouts - take off a deer's leg, and it can still hobble on the other three. Take off a rhino's horn, and it's much less dangerous.You can repair body parts with prosthetics ranging from primitive to transcendent. A peg leg will get Joe Colonist walking after an unfortunate incident with a rhinoceros, but he'll still be quite slow. Buy an expensive bionic leg from a trader the next year, and Joe becomes a superhuman runner. You can even extract, sell, buy, and transplant internal organs.And there's much more than that! The game is easy to mod and has an . Read more at .(All non-English translations are made by fans.)
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
Minimum:OS: Windows XPProcessor: Core 2 DuoMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 384 MB of RAMStorage: 500 MB available space
Minimum:OS: OSX 10.5Processor: Core 2 DuoMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 384 MB of RAMStorage: 500 MB available space
Minimum:Processor: Core 2 DuoMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 384 MB of RAMStorage: 500 MB available space
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More Manhunters 更多猎杀人类- 提高事件「猎杀人类」的几率No Random Construction Quality 无随机建造品质- 将建造建筑时品质与技能等级的关系固定,不再随机- 20级100%传奇,但如果不到20级也100%不会有传奇,17-19级100%大师,0-2级100%极差V15 RimHair Styles Merged 边缘发型整合- 将好几种发型Mod整合成一个ModLess Incident Trolling 更少的事件频率- 将太阳耀斑、日食等间隔提高,以及一些事件频率调低。降低难度Storage Search 储存区搜索- 在储存区的筛选器中添加搜索框,方便找到物品来勾选或取消勾选
【发型Mod】Spoons Hair ModXeva's RimhairRimsenal - RimhairNackblad Inc Rimhair
【Mad Skill 疯狂技能 / 技能经验不减】对于原版,技能如果缺乏练习,经验值会缓慢流失,经验掉光后还会降级。而这个Mod可以改变这种情况。Mod分三个版本,按需择一安装。Mad Skill技能经验值完全不掉。Mad Skills - Tiered技能仍然会掉经验,但不会掉级,经验掉到1%时即会停止。Mad Skills - 50%技能掉经验的速度降低50%。
mad skill现在功能这么多,原来我用的应该是掉经验不掉级的...
吧主可以把No Random Construction Quality 无随机建造品质的MOD放出来嘛我想等到圣诞节再买
支持吧主 steam的网页打开太慢了 这里订阅方便多了!!


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