
论坛正在维护中...《最后的神迹》全异常状态 + 武器技说明 - 我爱秘籍
鉴于本人英文水平有限,日文更是只限于亚美爹,一库这种水平 ,只做了中英对照
冰 Freeze& & & & & 冰抗性为0,不能追击
炎 Burn& & & & & & & 炎抗性为0,行动次序强制最后
雷 Shock& & & & & & 雷抗性为0,不能出暴击(Ctritical Trigger按键)毒 Poison& & & & & 每次行动按最大百分比扣血(好像是16%,忘记哪看来的了)
酸 Acid Burn& & 毒抗性为0,特别抗性为0(Special Defence 不知道是啥)气绝 Black Out& 一回合不能行动
麻痹 Paralyze& & 一定回合内不能放物理技能
沉默 Silence& & & 一定回合内不能放魔法技能
延迟 Delay& & & & 如果单位没有行动,则行动次序到最后
石化 Petrification 每次受到伤害都有几率被KO
魅惑 Enthrall& & 攻击友方直到被杀死或战斗结束
诅咒 Curse& & & & 每次行动都有几率KO
即死 Instakill& & 单个单位即死效果
过劳死 (找不到合适的词形容了,暂且这么叫吧)Overkill 单个单位受到过多伤害时被KO(大于200%最大生命值?)
保护 Protection 全额抵消一次物理伤害
魔法保护 Ophic Ward 全额抵消一次魔法伤害
嘲讽 Decoy& & & & 吸引所有的敌人的攻击
隐身 Stealth& & & 不会被敌人锁定,但是主动攻击敌人时会锁定
减速 Slowdown& 延长关键扳机的时间(就是更容易按出暴击)
保险 Safety& & & & 对即死效果免疫(不包括Overkill)
物理吞噬 Physical Eater 在一定的回合内吸收所有物理伤害(就是敌人打你你加血)
魔法吞噬 Mystic Eater& 在一定的回合内吸收所有魔法伤害(效果同上)
AP减少 AP Charge Down& 每回合回复的AP减少
XX奖励 XX Bonus 对XX怪物攻击时附加20%的伤害
Freeze& Unit have 0 defense against ice, and do not get extra attacks.&
Burn& Unit have 0 defense against fire, and always act last.&
Shock& Unit Have 0 defense against thunder and do not get Critical Triggers.&
Acid Burn& Unit have 0 defense against poison, and their Special Defence falls to 0.&
Poison& Union lose a percentage of HP after each unit's turn&
Black Out& Unit cannot act or react until the end of turn.&
Paralyze& Union is blocked from using combat arts for a set number of turns.&
Silence& Union is blocked from using mystic arts for a set number of turns.&
Delay& Unit is moved to the end of the action queue when it didn't act so far in this turn.&
Petrification& Each damaging attack has a chance to cause KO.&
Enthrall& Attack the wrong side until the end of battle or killed.&
Curse& Unions have the chance of instant death before each unit's action.&
Instakill& Instant death to a single unit.&
Overkill& KO to a single unit when doing too much damage. (More than twice of the units HP?)&
Protection& Fully block one physical attack.&
Ophic Ward& Fully block one mystic attack.
Decoy& Attract all enemy attention and attacks.&
Stealth& The union cannot be caught in Deadlock. But will Deadlock when it engages the enemy.&
Slowdown& Slows down the time in Trigger Chance more.&
Safety& Immune to instant death (i.e. Instakill or via Curse). Does not prevent KO via Overkill.&
Physical Eater& Absorb all physical damage received for a set number of turns.&
Mystic Eater& Absorb all mystic damage received for a set number of turns.&
AP Charge Down& Receive a reduced amount of AP each turn.&
[Creature Family] Bonus& 20% Additional damage against monsters of that [Creature Family].
Unknown Bonus& 20% Additional damage against ???? type of monsters
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