
独立游戏在玩家的心目中往往是精致的小制作的代言。一般一款独立游戏往往能让人眼前一亮。但是如何清晰地严格地为独立游戏划一条线呢?这个恐怕很多人都难以清楚的说出来。随着主机游戏陆续登陆国内市场,市场中越来越多的移动平台以及Steam游戏开始浮出水面。从2014年轰动整个游戏圈的《》,到2015年的《80天》、《鲤》和《球球大作战》等热门独立游戏大作,一个个独立游戏如雨后春笋般正在不断地发展前行,但与此同时,独立游戏开发者的生存环境也变得越来越艰难了。独立游戏制作和商业游戏制作之间的界限,随着游戏产业的发展,一天天变得模糊起来。对于独立开发者们来说,如今想要做一款‘黑马’级的产品变得越来越难,有些人觉得是游戏本身质量不够高,也有人觉得是营销费用不足,然而,似乎这并不能成为一款游戏失败的全部原因。在过去的几年里,独立游戏越来越受到资本市场的瞩目,越来越多的人开始介入这块领域,这给独立游戏市场带来巨大生机的同时,也产生了诸如玩法重复雷同,开发盲目等问题。国产独立游戏不受资本与市场的控制,在创新度与题材选取上自由度更高,而在没有商业资金与大公司的专业支持下,很难获得更大的舞台。比如最近一个名叫Daniel West的独立开发者在博客中表示,自己和一个学生团队利用3年半业余时间打造的独立游戏虽然获得了80%左右好评、有不错的市场营销推广,但最终仍然以失败告终。所以,如果开发者只是做了一款好游戏,这是远远不够的,市场上的好游戏太多了,而且好游戏推出的频率在加速,消费者们的可选项太多了,好游戏以及伟大的游戏都不少,有了优秀的市场营销策略也并不足够,因为每天都有更多游戏比你投入更多的营销资金。那么,你是怎么看待独立游戏的呢?你因为什么原因会去尝试一款独立游戏呢?欢迎在下方评论区和我们分享你的观点和看法。优秀的评论将会出现在下一期的每日讨论中哦!上一期我们讨论的话题是。手动滑稽……谢谢你的喜欢~
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作者:Sergiu Craitoiu
对于我的上一款游戏,我花了6个月的时间并与3名朋友非常努力地致力于它的创造中。上周我们终于在Google Play Store发行了这款游戏。我希望能够与你们分享我到目前为止所获得的市场营销理念和经验,以及作为产业中的独立开发者同时也是新人的我在推广游戏时所做出的市场营销决策。
2015年11月的时候我们参加了Game Jam。而因为那时候的我们没有美术师,所以我们决定使用自己游戏中的机制和图像去创造一些新内容。一整个晚上我们都待在一个角落里创造游戏,我们甚至未与其他人交谈。这也是我们做出的第三个错误的决定。Game Jam主要是关于各种交流。这里会有许多市场营销人员,游戏记者和优秀的程序员进行开放式讨论。我们应该与这些人进行交谈,分享彼此的想法和联系方式等等。
当我们离开Game Jam后,我真的很高兴看到我们收到的反馈。隔天我便在谷歌上搜索Game Jam希望看到一些有关我们的描述。但是我却什么都没找到。
social-media(from gamasutra)
Steam和Google Play想要呈献给用户一些视频。而在去年圣诞之前我们决定是时候创造游戏的预告片了。幸运的是我有个朋友拥有影视剪辑经验,我们也非常努力去创造一部优秀的游戏预告片。我认为视频预告片比网站更加重要,因为它对于用户的影响力更大。这里存在的唯一缺点便是,我们应该更早去制作预告片。也许我们应该为游戏创造更多视频或gif。
在圣诞和新年前夜之间,我们决定尝试将游戏移植到Steam并获取一些Steam Greenlight经验。因为有些朋友想在计算机上玩我们的游戏,所以我们决定尝试看看,这也成为我们当时的次要目标。因为看到许多手机游戏在Steam上的移植表现得很出色,所以我们也决定试试看。当然了,这是一次手机移植,并且我们从评论中可以看出不是所有人都喜欢我们的这一决定。但是如果我们能够通过Greenlight,我们便能够在游戏中添加更多内容。
Google Play
我必须承认在这里我们并未做任何功课。因为我们并不想在我们的游戏描述或截图中投入任何相关信息和关键词。我曾与一个在手机平台上发行过游戏的朋友进行交谈,他告诉了我描述,关键词和截图的重要性。所以我们马上在Google Play上添加了一些描述和截图。
不要幻想着IGN或Gamespot等大型网站会发布一些有关你们游戏的内容。虽然这并不是不可能的事,但却是一件非常困难的事。有些网站需要你支付200美元才愿意为你的游戏作评论。所以我建议你能够在Alexa Rank上根据网站排名去寻找一些合适的网站。
( 本文为游戏邦/编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转发,如需转载请联系:游戏邦 )
Marketing ideas for your indie game
by Sergiu Craitoiu
I’ve been working really, really hard on my last game, for the last 6 months, together with other 3 friends. Last week we finally released it on Google Play Store. I want to share with you my marketing ideas and experiences so far, what marketing decisions I’ve made in order to promote my game as an indie and newbie in this industry.
When I first met my team, last summer, to discuss some ideas for our game, I had no marketing experience at all. In fact, none of us had. We previously released only one game which gathered only 186 downloads in a year. Encouraging huh? So we knew that there is a jungle of apps and games out there and we need to get out of obscurity somehow.
First bad decision
Looking back, I think that we took a very bad decision with our game right from the beginning. Why? Because we didn’t include any marketing plans in this process. We just wanted to develop the game, because we are programmers and who cares about marketing, right?
Our game is based on the countryballs comics (geopolitical satire), where all countries are represented only by balls with the colors of the flag and big funny eyes. There is a huge hype that Polandball cannot fly in outer space and because of that, all other countries make fun of it. Our idea was to create an upgradable rocket to help Polandball fly to the moon. And we said, let’s make the best game possible and the community will certainly help us and not worry about marketing at all.
Score: 0 good – 1 bad decisions.
The friends experience
After a few months, nobody knew about our game or that we are developing a new game. We were afraid that maybe someone will steal our idea and create or release the game before us. So we decided to keep it top secret. That was the second bad decision that we have taken chained with the first one.
After a few months when the art was ready and some core mechanics were there, we decided to show the game to some friends. We were so proud of our game and we thought that everyone will love it.
The first reactions were: I don’t know what to do in this game? I don’t like this and that! Why there are so many balls? How do you move? I don’t understand what’s happening here?
We were so upset at that moment. We worked for 3 months and the game was crushed by our friends. But also our friends provided us with honest feedback and they gave us new ideas on how to improve the gameplay. Have we learned something then? Maybe…hmm not really. We still decided to keep it secret and only a few friend knew about our plan
Score: 1 good – 2 bad decisions.
The Game Jam experience
We went to a Game Jam in November 2015. Because we didn’t have any artist with us at that time, we decided to use the mechanics and the art from our game to create something new there. We isolated ourselves in a corner all night long, working on the game, and we didn’t talk with other people at all. That is the third bad decision and mistake that we did. Game jams are all about networking. There are marketing people, game journalists, other good programmers which are open for discussions. We should have talked to them, share our idea, share contacts, etc.
In the end we only took some feedback on our graphics and gameplay, which is cool, but we didn’t create any relationship, which is wrong.
Score: 1 good – 3 bad decisions.
The website experience
Back home, I was very happy about the feedback I received from the game jam. Next day I was searching about game jams on Google to check if someone has written about us. Didn’t find anything, however there was an article that opened my eyes.
I told to my team that I really want to create a website for our gameno matter what they say. Their first reaction was “You are mad bro? Why do you spend money and time building a website”? After I explained to them the importance of the website, they changed their opinion and they finally agree that this is a good idea.
We didn’t want to spend too much time on our website, so we quickly decided to use a WordPress site with a WordPress theme. We spent like 100-120 bucks on domain, hosting and the WordPress theme.
The website it’s like a visiting card, people can always find information about you, what are you doing, what are your plans, etc. So we finally made a good decision. But guess what? We didn’t want to share the website until the game is ready so we didn’t create a game blog. The forth bad decision.
Our website now: /
Score: 2 good – 4 bad decisions.
The Amazon T-Shirt experience
Recently Amazon launched a service where you can upload a picture and they print and ship T-shirts with your print all over the world. I found about this service, from a good friend of mine and I quickly decided to create some t-shirts based on the game graphics. I created 4 pictures and uploaded them on the website. Didn’t share them at all, but somehow I managed to sold about 10 T-shirts without even spreading the word. I think any indie can try this service, it’s free and it’s a good promotion for your products. I think this is another good decision.
I also heard that, there are other companies which can provide these kind of services. Even on mugs and other objects.
Score: 3 good – 4 bad decisions.
The Credits page experience
During this time, I was helping a friend with some advices on a physics engine. When he decided to make it open source, he asked me and a couple of other people if we want credits on his GitHub page. I noticed that some people were happy to be mentioned there. So I immediately got the idea to put a Credits page on our website. People love to be involved in your project so listen to them and give them credits. In this credits page I put websites links to support other games or websites, YouTubers channels, communities and of course people. Everyone who help us will end up on our Credits page.
Score: 4 good – 4 bad decisions.
The Social Media experience
We finally created our game Facebook and Twitter pages. These are super important tools for marketing because you can post more often about game updates or screenshots. You can remind and keep people informed about your project.
Beside Facebook and Twitter I suggest to share content on Reddit, Tumblr and Imgur. This helps you create a small game fanbase.
We didn’t share anything. We decided to share some content only when the game is ready and published. In my opinion that is another bad marketing decision.
Score: 5 good – 5 bad decisions.
The video trailer experience
Steam and Google Play wants to show some video to users. Just before Christmas we decided that it’s time to create a video trailer too. Luckily my friend had some experience with movie editing and we manage to create a good introduction/trailer movie. I think that the video trailer it’s much, much important than the website because it will have a greater impact on the user. The only reproach here is that we should done this earlier. And maybe create more videos or multiple gifs with our game.
Score: 5 good – 6 bad decisions.
The Steam experience
Between Christmas and New Year’s Eve we decided that we should try porting our game on Steam to gain some experience with Steam Greenlight. Some friends asked us if they could play our game on the computer so we decided to give it a try and this became a secondary objective for us. Other mobile ports are doing very well on Steam, so why not give this a try? Of course this is a mobile port and not everybody loved the idea based on their negative votes and comments. However, if we pass Greenlight we will add more stuff to our game. Until now we are at 60% to be Greenlit in 7 days: /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=&tscn=
This also introduced lots of people to our game, so if you have a mobile-PCish game you can publish it on multiple stores and platforms.
So 6 good – 6 bad decisions.
The Google Play experienceI have to admit that we didn’t do our homework here. Why’s that? Well we didn’t put any relevant information and keywords in our game description or screenshots. I talked with a friend who published a few games on mobile and he told me that it’s all about the description, keywords, screenshots, people’s reviews and most importantly the title and . We immediately begin to add a good description and other screenshots in Google Play.
On 15th January we had 864 total installs and about 310 uninstalls.
Score: 7 good – 7 bad decisions.
Youtubers and websites
Out of 100 websites only 5 of them replied to us.
Don’t expect big websites like IGN or Gamespot to write about you. It’s not impossible but it’s very hard to get there. Some website asked us for 200 $ to make a review. My advice is to check those websites on Alexa Rank to see their position rank. Those website were on position 4 million on Alexa Rank. That’s like 20 views per day.
From 70 YouTubers only 5 replied.
I think that it’s a very good idea to talk with YouTubers to make a review for your game. My advice is to talk with small YouTubers at first, it’s really hard to get in contact with a big YouTuber. Try to get them on Social media, there is a much higher chance to see your message. Also if the YouTuber’s main focus are only PC games it’s a very small chance to look over your mobile game. But you can try, no one stops you
Score: 8 good – 7 bad decisions.
The next step in our plan is to release it on iOS as soon as possible.
In conclusion, I think that the most important thing is to include a marketing strategy for your game even if it’s not ready or published. Let people know about you and your project.
Good luck with your marketing decision(
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