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The Shadowlands: Ghosts and Hauntings
I would like to share my brothers experience as well as my own.
was always
pretty skeptical when it came to ghosts.
I never said that they don't
I always wanted to believe in them, but I had never seen one.
changed when my older brother started having some sightings at his
house in a
western suburb of Chicago.
It all started about 10 years ago.
brother was letting his dog out in the backyard before he turned in.
middle of the lawn he noticed a grayish mass.
As he looked more closely,
form began to take the shape of what looked like a person kneeling
in prayer.
The dog was oblivious to this shape so my brother just shrugged it
off as his
eyes playing tricks on him.
Ever since that night my brother has had
About one week later my brother was exiting his front
he walked to his car he once again saw this "shape" kneeling on his
To my brothers horror, the shape this time stood up and started
towards him as if to greet him.
He turned and ran back to the house.
inside he became sick to his stomach.
He didn't understand.
playing tricks on him?
About 6 months passed.
My brother was watching
late one night when his wife called him to bed.
He turned off the
started heading to the top of the stairs where his wife was waiting
When he got about half way up, a small ball of light materialized
This ball stayed in the same place for a few seconds then
"whisked" behind my brother and disapeared.
Both my brother and
knew now that they were not alone in the house.
My brother called me the next day to tell me what had happened.
maybe he was drinking or something.
I told him, "Well, has this thing
to harm you in anyway?"
He said, "no."
So I told him just to relax
eventually this thing will go away.
I was wrong.
Whatever was in
and around
his house apparently liked it there and had no intentions of leaving.
days later my brother heard something rattling around in the bushes
of his house.
He opened the blinds and stared out the window.
darkness, staring back at him was a face.
My brother froze.
that of an Indian, old and wrinkled.
Finally realizing what he was
at, he closed the blinds and just sat down on his sofa.
About a minute
a sweet and heavy scent permiated the entire room.
Then the ball of
had seen before materialized in his living room.
He was scared but
scared as he was before.
He thought back to what I said.
This apparently
not a hostile spirt.
It just seemed very interseted in my brother.
brother lives in a town which borders the Des Plaines river and the
once the property of Alexander Robinson, chief of the Potawatomi, Chippewa
Ottawa Indians.
He was given a large plot of land for his aid during
Dearborn Massacre.
He is buried along with his family no more than
1/2 a mile
from my brothers house.
His final resting place, in a forest preserve
always been a hot spot for supernatural activity.
My brother was
that the man he saw was infact an Indian.
Maybe even Alexander
Over the next few years, my brother and this spirit lived
in peace in the house.
Every once and a while the spirit would make
A ball of light appearing here and there, a sweet and pungent
It was almost as if this spirit was a new member of his family.
he would call me and tell me stories.
I would play along with him,
really believing his stories.
That all changed one night back in 1992.
at my brothers house watching a baseball game.
I was sitting on the
just happened to glance up his set of stairs.
Up there in the darkness
AlI I saw was its head.
It had no facial features.
I only saw
looking down at me.
I jumped out of my seat.
I knew I wasn't seeing
My brother said, "relax, he won't hurt you."
Just as he said that,
I had just seen my first ghost.
I have been a believer
paranormal ever since.
Probably the most graphic incident happened to my brother just a little
The spirit spoke to him!
It was late at night and my brother
lying in bed.
He was just about to doze off when all of a sudden he
deep voice say, "Wake up.
They're trying to get in."
My brother jumped
As he did he noticed a bright light out side his window.
out and saw a police car driving slowly up the street shining his spot
at the homes across the street.
My brother would later learn that
across the street was broken into that night.
The spirt was warning
He is convinced that someone was trying to get in that night.
thats my story.
My brother still lives in the house with his Indian
He's says that he will never sell his house.
He doesn't want to leave
friend behind.
My brother has become very spiritual since his experiences.
think this is proof that ghosts are not out there to harm us but to
Thanks for reading, I hope you can print it on your sight.
by tjimmo@doc.state.vt.us
The one and only McDonald's in Burlington Vt. has at least one spook.
seems that it was built on the old foundation of what was a theater.
the theater burnt to the ground. And the story goes that there were
children who died in the fire along with an old man that tried to
Many staff have reported that they have heard thing banging
in the basement, some have seen thing move by them selves, ie..
cups have been known to fly across the room with out any help. And
occasion an old man came in out of the rain and went in to the
this is not unusual as many street people use the bathrooms at this
What was weird about this time was that no one ever saw him come out,
the manager went in to check on him all she saw were his watery foot
prints going in, there are no windows in the mens room. Is this a
story? If you ask the corporation they would say no, but just ask the
staff who saw their coffee cups fly across the break room.
I wrote of an experience with the spirit of my mother a couple
weeks back, a nice ghostly experience.
Now I have a different
experience to tell.
It was about 6 or so years ago, at the same apartment I wrote about
my last story.
Very early one morning I suddenly awakened.
I looked at the bedside
clock and saw it was 3:00 A.M.
I wasn't nervous or anything, I
I must have just finished a dream cycle and woke up. I decided to use
the restroom and exactly three minutes later was back in bed (I again
had looked at the clock).
I knew I was wide awake and was settling
to go back to sleep when suddenly my body felt weird. A feeling of
paralysis came over me, where I could only move my fingers and my
I sleep on the right side of the bed, and when I looked over to that
side there was a dark figure right by the side of the bed.
like a monk, dressed in robes and a cowl, but with the cowl pulled
the head so I couldn't see the face (not that I was really trying to,
mind you!)
I saw the monk reach over me and insert his hands into my heart area
(that's the only way I can describe it).
I saw the form of his hands
into my body and even felt their presence inside me, doing something
As I mentioned, I was mostly paralyzed, but was trying
all my might to awaken my husband, who was sleeping soundly next to
I looked over and tried to scream, but could only manage the very
faintest moan, barely audible even to me.
My fingers were trying in
vain to touch him but weren't close enough to reach him.
definitely on my own!
The only thing I could control was my mind, and I started silently
praying for this thing to leave me, to get out.
I was able to use
force of will from inside me and somehow, between this and all my
praying, this forced the monk to move away and dissolve.
As soon as this happened I was released from the paralysis and I
out in a cold sweat.
I didn't awaken my husband just then, I wanted
be sure I really wasn't dreaming.
Now, for this to happen once was bad enough, but the monk apparently
wasn't through 'reorganizing' my innards!
About a month to 6 weeks after the first incident, I got another
from the Monk.
Again, it was very early in the morning (not sure of the time this
around as I didn't get a chance to look at the clock), and I awakened
suddenly with the distinct feeling that someone or something was
beside me.
Again, the paralysis came over me as before, and as I
looked, there again was the monk beside my bed.
This time I watched
go to the foot of the bed, whereupon he climbed on the bed and
He then reached his hands into my solar plexus region and as before
could feel my organs being moved around. No pain of any kind, just
very unsettling sensation of energy inside my body.
Of course, this
not something I particularly cared to have happen to me, and after
trying in vain to somehow awaken my sleeping husband, used a
of prayer and inner will to somehow "push" him off of me and away.
This I was able to do once again, but even after I was able to move
again and woken up my husband and told him about it, I could still
"feel" this energy in my body, no matter how hard I tried to push it
I'm not sure what this all means.
I was of course terrified at the
time, but I am puzzled as to what the meaning of all this was.
exactly sure if this was a negative spirit or a positive one.
scared, but mainly because of the experience itself, not because I
I should also mention that these were not my only experiences with
entity, whatever it is.
I have had at least two dreams that I can
remember in the years previous to these occurrences where the Monk
Not threatening, but not exactly jolly and calming,
More like a presence that was around but I wasn't sure what it's
There were also coinciding odd incidents in the same time frame as
Monk visits.
On two occassions, about a month apart, I would find a tiny scoop of
flesh taken out of my left middle finger, in the same spot both
It was bizarre - I only noticed it as I was reaching for something,
saw that it was cut with precision, and there was no blood or pain.
searched the sheets of the bed and anything around the bed that might
have caused this to happen, but there was nothing. And it happened
month later, as I mentioned.
I still have the scar.
Have never been
able to explain it, but I have wondered if the wounds and the Monk
connected in any way.
If anyone has any ideas out there, please do contact me!
interested to hear them.
My Aunt and Uncle bought a farm in Pennsylvania
in the mid-fifties. In 1964 I was five years old. I was staying with
because my Mother was going to have another baby. My Aunt kept close
on me and I was rarely out alone. One day I was outside playing by
barn. Suddenly a little boy appeared. He was so vivid I can still
see him. He was wearing fifties clothes, an aviator type hat and a
jacket. He wanted to play and I said sure. He and I played in the
barn. He showed me a hole in the floor of the barn. He said,
see that hole? My Dad was bringing in a bull and the bull crashed
through the floor. I forget everything else except that my Aunt was
very worried about me and called me into the house.
I found out later that the house was very, very
haunted. From the time they moved in. The house had old-fashioned
thumb latches that would constantly click and open. My Aunt finally
moleskin under them so they could sleep. My Uncle was found dead in
house in 1964. He was buried on his thirtieth birthday. My Aunt put
the house up for sale when he started appearing to her, naked, and
exhausted, like
he had come a long, long way. One day my Aunt was outside working when
rode up in a bicycle. He knew all about the farm. He said he used to
play with a little boy in the barn.
My Aunt still kept property around the
farm. My cousin built a home there. My Cousin was in a restaurant
one day and there were workmen at the next table talking about the
farmhouse. They said it was haunted and they would never go back into
The old house has had several owners. It is not a happy
place. Now the new house has problems. Vapors go in and out of the
window and my cousin's grandchild keeps saying Hi, to an unknown
I just found out today that a little boy lived in the original
farmhouse with his mother, who was a widow and was very ill. The little
boy had a lot of free time and used to play in the barn a lot. He would
sleep on a chest next to his mother. I have never forgotten
These visitations from relatives who have passed
started back in the year 1974.
My husbands grandmother passed away
were married in 1972. When our 1st child was born 1974, I had known
that there
things as spirits or ghosts
for a couple of years. One night
son was woken up by what I thought was a possible Diaper change or
he wanted a
nighttime feeding. When I finished giving him a bottle, which he didn't
much at all, I put my son down to sleep. As I went to put the bottle
walked in the hall to go towards the kitchen , which was on the left,.
a strong presence in the livingroom , which was on the right side off
hallway. I felt as if eyes were upon me and they were watching my every
weird. The only thing that came into my mind at that moment
was I felt
the personality of
my husbands grandmother. I wanted to stay in the
kitchen,Because I was a little fearful of the encounter, but I knew
back to bed. This happened about 2a.m.As I left the Kitchen to go back
felt she was still in the livingroom. I just went back to my
The next morning I told my husband ,who is aware of the spirit world
happened.. My husband called his mother to ask when did Grandma die
us what day.The day Grandma made her presence known was the day of
anniversary when she died.
A few years later
my husbands grandmother ( his
mother) passed away. A year passed and again I was woken up to my
crys and I went to see what was the matter. After I attended to my
son, again
I was going back to my bedroom and as I approached the hallway , I
felt a very
strong presence in the livingroom. This time I felt the presence
towards the hallway where I was. I was frightened. At that moment the
thing that came to my mind was my husbands other grandmother. I felt
personality. She was a very strong headed woman not like his other
, who was more gentle in spirit. I again told my husband what I
and he again asked his mother what day did his fathers mother die and
was the 1st anniversary of his grandmothers death.
My husbands Uncle
back in the 1980s.
after his death,
my husband was awoken by someone shaking him .
My husband said that when he opened his eyes, he saw his uncle looking
much alive and healthy.
My husband wasn't frightened to see him but
acknowledged his uncle by name and was about to sit up when his uncle
his hand out as if to say don't bother getting out of bed.
husband in a gentle reassuring voice " Tell your mother I'm all right".
then faded right before my husbands eyes!
Excitedly, my husband jumped out of bed to light up a cigarette.
from my sleep.
I asked him what the matter was, he told me "I'll tell
Since then, some Aunts and Uncles on my side
died but we never got a visitation from them. The visitations seem
on my husbands side of the family.
other paranormal activity that
happened in our family,but I will save those for another day.
Here is a story that my mother told me after my father died.
personally did not witness this but believe me, my mother would never
about this.
It really isn't that big of a story but I thought you
About two weeks after my father commited suicide, my mom was asleep
the couch in our living room.
The living room faced a long hallway
house and she was sleeping with her head in that direction.
awoke suddenely by a gust of wind and when she looked up, she saw a
floating down the hall towards her holding a candle.
She could not
make out a
face but she did notice the figure had on brown work boots.
knew it was my dad because all he ever wore were brown work boots.
she was not scared as the figure floated right by her into the kitchen
A couple of days later she spoke with a priest concerning
The priest had told my mother that the candle the figure
holding was a sign of hope.
I am from Ohio..I work in a nursing home and me along with several
employees have seen and heard a spirit who visits this home especially
or shortly after someone dies.
Nurses are very exact and factual people
know what I have seen and when we compare stories it gets too real
for all of
We think she may of been a nurse named Mary and that she helps
the other side.
I sometimes think it may be our imagination but then
my story my seem small to many people but it meant alot to me when
My story begins when I was 11 going on 12. Raised in a tight family
with love.
My mother had me when she was 19 and my father never claimed me as
his own, so
the only man in my life was my grandpa.
Surrounded only by girls meaning
my mom, grandma and aunt, he raised me up as a tomboy bigtime.
had a very
close bond me and him, there was never a time when I wasn't with him
Anyway's my grandpa had not been feeling well for many months, the
told it was work and old age and didn't really run any tests even though
was fully insured by medical coverage.
I was at my moms when we got
that my grandpa collapsed and fell down and wouldn't wake up. They
rushed him to
the emergency room and that's when they finally decided to take some
find out that he had lung cancer.
The doctors gave him 2 weeks to
3 months to
live since his blood was already in his spinal cord, which is very
was in terrible condition and I was devistated.
Two days later I stayed
friends house, she was trying to comfort me and cheer me up some but
how can you
cheer some one up when you know that a loved one is going to die and
night I cried my self to sleep.
Then early that morning I awoke hearing
grandpas voice saying Alexis I will always love you and be there for
that was it.
I knew he was dead at that very second, I looked at my
alarm clock to see what time it was it was around 1:10 in the morning.
room was ice cold and I started crying uncontrolably knowing that the
I knew as a father was gone. My friend woke up wondering what was wrong
through my sobs she couldn't understand me.
The phone rang about 5
later. It was my mother calling saying that they were on their way
to pick me
up, to go to the hospital.
It was weird when my friends mom came in
me who it was I told her he was dead before she even said a word, and
asked me how I knew, I told her he was just here.
After my mom and
picked me up we got to see my grandfather for the last time.
I later asked the doctor at what time my grandpa had passed
his answer is what shocked me but confirmed to my self that I wasn't
the head), he told me some time between 1:05 and 1:15 am.
I now know
grandpa came to say his last good bye to me at 1:10am waking up hearing
voice for the last time.
There have been two times that he has shown
to me. Once in a dream, that was to real, I mean I could smell him
awoke even, and the second was when he saved me by pulling me back
curb before getting hit by a car.
I know he keeps his promise I still
his presence every once and awhile, and he lets me know he is near.
Thank you for taking your time to read this if you have any questions
or want to
tell me about any of your experiences you can e-mail me at
I lived in one house for 22 years, and experienced several
happenings. One particularly memorableevent occured while I was
on the couch. I could sense something was entering the kitchen, and
moving into the family room. My eyes were closed, and there was no
but I was aware it was moving toward me.
It actually sat on the arm of the couch, grasped both my hands and
squeezed them
firmly, then gave me a comforting pat on the head, and then left the
room. I jumped up from the couch and called out, then searched the
but found nothing. I recently moved to another house, and one night
fell from above the sliding door in my bedroom, for no apparent
The next morning I heard water running, and discovered the washer
was turned
on, and there was water running into it! I had not even been in the
utility room
since the previous day.
My husband died about two years ago.
We both loved animals very much.
time he said to me "Ann, when we get to heaven we are going to be met
In February of this year (1999) I went into the bedroom to turn
To my surprise there was a cluster of sparkling lights above
I wasn't frightened but was curious
about this.
all around the room
but didn't see the lights anywhere else.
at my pillow and the lights were still there,
As I continued watching
lights gathered closer together and formed the image of a cat.
formed cat jumped off of my pillow and jumped down off of the bed.
completely disappeared before it reached the floor.
I looked around
but couldn't see it anywhere.
We have had several
small animals
so I couldn't tell which one this was but I got the idea that
This house is only about 50 years old but has quite a history.
part of a land grant granted by the King of Spain to a Franciscan order
1700's and was used as a cattle range until the last century.
I am writing this story to share with you people about what I have
encountered which is all true. Not a make BELIEVE story. I was around
years old when I was going swimming in the old river in Quang
Ngai,Vietnam. My family were living in a suburban place. It is dark
scary in Vietnam escpecially when we don't have no lights, one scary
things that always scared me was the graveyards. People that died
buried their bodies
anywhere, even near rivers or so. Well to
my story, it was around 12:00 pm, and the weather was extremely hot.
and my two brothers decided to go for a swimming, When we got to the
river, my two brothers went off , leaving me alone by myself. Seeing
two brothers having fun, I started to go forward to them. As I was
walking, I felt something really abnormal. It was the sands. The
was moving down as I take each steps. After realizing that I was scared
decided to go back, as I turn my body around, something or a hand I
would say grabbed my leg. It started to pull me down. First, I thought
just the sands, but then I can feel the fingers and the feeling of
hands. Then I started to go down. I try to scream but I couldn't.
my head were almost cover with water, my older brother came to me and
all of the sudden the hands let my leg go and I was up again. I was
lucky that day. My brother saved me. I told him about the incident
he told me it might be the sands.(Trust me it wasn't I can feel the
hand.). This is not the end yet.
Several days after the incidents
neighbor's daughters went to swim in the same river but in up
of the sister swim and sometime pull her down. The other sister
do anything, she decided to grab on to the other one and both of them
die. Many of my townspeople said that the water ghost took the two
sisters life. In case if you don't know, There are alot of Ghost in
Vietnam. The water ghost which is very common, if you have the same
birthday as the person that die, they will pull you down and kill
they do it to release their soul. I am currently living in America.
must say I believe in Ghosts.
My husband, Chris, & I had just moved into our first apartment
was out working, Chris had noticed that there were two bowls placed
cupboard, with a single fork resting at the top.
We were using the
only to store food, so when I had gotten home, Chris had questioned
had put the bowls there.
Of course, I hadn't.
For the next couple of days after that, Chris and I would wake up with
-- literally shot up from our sleep -- at exactly 6:30 every morning.
made this even more unusual was that the both of us didn't need to
until 10:00a.m. for work.
But there we were, up from the middle of
our sleep,
leaving us to do nothing but look at each other & wonder why.
Several days pass, and I started to feel nervous.
I started getting
into my head that there could be a ghost in the house, causing us to
at this ungodly hour.
As Chris and I were about to go to sleep, I
hear creaking noises from the kitchen nearby.
I got up, turned on
the kitchen
light, and found that the cabinet, the utensil draw, and the cupboard
across from the former two were all slightly opened to the same degree.
closed all of them, went back to bed, and began to hear the same
noises all over again.
Now totally scared, I found myself getting
up every 15
minutes to shut the doors and draw -- which were progressing opening
more, faster and faster.
I had to finally ignore it to get a decent
One morning, I was awoken by a man's voice, saying,"Who are you?"
waking up at 6:30, we both shot up to see an old man standing at the
our bed, sternly looking at us, dressed in overalls and a red plaid
Although I could see him in color, the window behind him shined the
rays right through him.
We stared in shock for about 10 seconds, then
With that, we didn't see or hear from him again.
The little old lady downstairs, our landlady, showed us her family
about a month after the hauntings ended.
Chris and I both agreed that
we saw was her husband, who had built the house himself and died about
years ago.
We've never told our landlady, but we think that her husband
just making sure that we wouldn't harm his wife.
Hello, I was reading your stories and found them very fascinating..I
story I would like to share about my dog Bandit. Bandit was a lhasa
me and my family had for about 14years. Bandit had a series of
problems, which since he was mainly "my" dog, I got a job to pay his
bills. (I was barely in my teens) we all loved that little dog so much.
a large family..4 brothers and my parents and myself. Well, towards
the end of
his life he became very ill, I was not living at home at the time,
but my mom
would always call me when something was wrong with him. On this day,
driving out to my moms, I started to cry and became very sad, I think
premonition of what was to come the next few days. Bandit it turned
diabetes, and we didn't know it, he was very sick and spent the next
in the vet while they tried to stabilize his glucose level...to no
wouldn't eat, he was very weak, he kept getting fevers..there was no
had to make the decision to put him to sleep. I must say that was the
most difficult decision I had ever had to make. I was devasted. My
mom called
my brothers at there jobs, and everyone was there at that vet that
day, except
my dad,he was working. We spent a little time with him in the room
before they
took him back to give him the shot. That dog was smart...I could swear
little guy knew somthing was up..finally, they took him back and 2
brothers went back there with him...they came back out crying and I
was done..I was completely devasted..that was my baby. But strangely
way home, I felt a sense of relief, like he wasn't in pain or
anymore. Like any crazy pet owner, I had him privatley cremated at
a cemetary,
and to this day his ashes are in my mothers armoirre. But..in the weeks
come after we put him to sleep, my little brother...(who still lived
could swear he heard bandit at night..sometimes when Bandit would get
restless, he would kind of wimper, like he wanted someone to pay attention
him, that's what my brother would hear..then my brother would call
name(which is what he used to do when Bandit was alive) and it would
my father...big spook skeptic...also heard Bandits claws tapping on
floor in the kitchen...one of his favorite places to sleep. My mom
trying to get me to take the ashes with me, now that I have my own
home, but I
always tell her no, because that is his home. I don't know about anyone
but I firmly believe that if an animal is treated and loved like one
family, that they develop a soul, and maybe, just maybe, they are waiting
us in heaven...My belief is that my 2 grandpas that passed on some
are taking care of Bandit till I get there...:)
I would like to tell you about an experience
that happened two summers ago in my ex's aunt's store in downtown Toronto,
I was hanging around with my ex and his uncle while they were doing
some work in the
store. I was sitting on the stairs while they were working. About
two feet away from me and about three feet from my companions, there
of vegetables sitiing flatly on top of another box of equal size and
weight. All of a sudden, the box flipped upside down, like some unseen
force threw it, and vegetables went flying as the box went flying.
raised goose-bumps on all of our arms. Apparently, there was some other
weird things that went on but no one would reveal to me what it was.
you for not thinking me crazy!!!
I have lived in my house
for 10 years now.I moved here when I was four years old.Our house is
old now.It was built in October,1898.My first experience with my great
grandmother was the night we moved in.I was sleeping and I saw the
figure of a
beautiful woman dressed in a ball gown that was probably dated in the
walked over to my bed and looked at me sternly,what happened after
that I do not
know.When I awoke in the morning my clothes were tatterd and torn and
scratches and bruises all over me. My mom was terrified to because
the ghost had
visited her to.She says that the figure just stared at her for a long
time until
my mom became so frightened that she had to turn on the light.I never
anything again for seven years.On November 21,1994 my best friend and
sister were staying all night with me.We were all sleeping in my room(we
school in the morning).My room gets cold in the winter because there
of heat up there so I had a little portable plug in heater in my room.At
a.m. they woke up and saw the knob on my heater turning on it's own
the shadow of an old woman on my blinds.They tried to wake me but I
was in such
of a deep sleep they thought I was comatose.Things have gotten alot
since then.Things came up missing in the house after we had just placed
there,we here footsteps in the hallways upstairs,door slamming and
flying open
by themselves,etc.We've finally become used to all of this.The past
have been so chaotic they often frighten me.Last summer my friend Andrea
standing underneath the chandlier in the living room and one of the
light covers
fell right in front of her,if she hadn't have jumped back it would've
her head.I checked the chandlier and the bolts and screws were so tight
couldn't be moved.Then it stopped for a couple of months. Last Semptember
the first time I had seen my great grandmother since I was four.I was
my room when the instumental Clairde Lune came on.My room went completely
then I saw lights like from a disco ball or something(the little circles
light all over the floor,ceiling,etc.)and I saw the figure of my great
grandmother and great grandfather dancing to it.When the song was over
disapeared and my normal lighting returned.Then last December I had
party,three of my friends were sleeping in the extra room upstairs
while me,my
boyfriend and another friend were sleeping in my room.My friends that
in the extra room talking when the door started swaying back and forth.They
checked the windows which were shut tightly and locked as well as all
windows upstairs.Then the room went completely pitch black and an elderly
appeared and began talking to them.She told them to be very careful
of what they
say in the house and to be quiet so they wouldn't awaken him.She also
she's been protecting all of us for years from him.Then she disappeared
everything returned to normal.My most recent experiences were last
right now.Last night I was laying awake when the song Living Dead
Girl by Rob Zombie came on the TV. All of a sudden the volume went
way up,I have no remote to my tv so I couldnt've accidently turned
it up.My TV
is on one side of my room and my bed is on the other.When the song
was over the
volume returned to where I had it. As I'm typing this everytime I mention
him(whoever he may be)I get a very cold chill and the hair on my neck
stands up,my cats tail gets real puffy and his hair stands up on his
back.Then I
hear people arguing in the hallway upstairs(I'm home alone) then it's
and I feel safe.I just wish I could talk to my great grandmother and
for protecting me,my family,and friends.I'm glad to have her around
even though
she's scared me from time to time.
I have seen ghosts all of my life and live with one now.
by my grandfather that it is a gift so I just accepted it.
many stories but I will start
with the most interesting.
Some years ago a co-worker and
friend asked my to grow and arrange
the flowers for her wedding.
She asked my in Feb. so all winter
we talked about it at
She has one sister who is handicapped and in a wheel
chair, who was the flower girl.
were five brides maids. I kept having this dream
of the wedding.
There was someone at the
then the bride would come down the isle, then the sister
in the wheelchair.
Finally I asked
my friend if she had an older sister.
The succession of the
three women made me think there
must be someone.
She was shocked when I asked her because indeed
she had an older sister who
died when she was three weeks old.
I told my friend of my dream
and told her, her sister
is with her in spirit and grieves the fact that she can't truly
be your older sister in the
I asked the bride if we could make a bouquet for her
and lay it on the alter.
The morning of
the wedding, when I was lugging in big buckets of flowers from
the garden, she came.
was a small precious sweet soul.
Of course she startled me,
but I clamed down and turned to
focus on her. &She nodded her head and closed her eyes
as if to say thank you.
sweet spirit.
My name is John and I'm 22 years old.
I'm currently living in California
the home I grew up in.
I'm writing to ask you a few questions that
hopefully shed a little more light on my "encounters".
I'm a rational
man, not normally taken to flights of fancy.
I'm an ex Police Officer
served in the United States Air Force as such.
I came home a few months ago and am living at home until I can reasonably
myself on my feet financially.
Being an ex cop, I have a few compact
located throughout the house which are normally locked up.
located in the bedtable beside my bed.
It's a Sig 226 with a lazersight
halogen minibulb.
(Not a cheap sidearm).
Anyways, to get down to
I am a light sleeper, as the Military has done to me in the past few
One night, around 0415 I awoke with the feeling that I was being watched.
woke up and turned onto my side and looked at the doorway, which was
Just outside my doorframe in the darkened hallway was a shadowed
Thinking it an intruder, I watched for a moment, and blinked the sleep
eyes and got ready to take a course of action.
As I stirred slightly
attempt to reach for my gun, the figure moved deeper into the shadows
hall and moved down the hallway towards the landing.
I opened the
and grabbed my gun, and ran to my doorframe and then uncharacteristically
jumped into the hallway, my finger on the button that enabled my
minibulb and lazersight to activate.
What I saw still scares the bejesus out of me even to talk or think
Standing at the top of the stairs was a vaguely female shape.
out the contours and lines of the female form.
My small light illuminated
entire hallway like a small sun, my lazersight showing as a hazy dot
the dark shape.
The thing that mystifies me, is that whatever it was,
shadow of its own on the wall.
I got the distinct impression that
this thing was, it turned around in that instant.
I stood there looking
and it stood there looking at me.
I've been in wartime situations
seen death in someone's eyes more times than I dare to even want to
But whatever this was scared me into being numb!
Whatever this thing
slowly started "walking" towards me and I raised my gun and drew down
whatever approached me.
It seemed almost to pause for a moment, then
to almost "blur" and rushed at me and then through me and then was
the only thing behind me was the hallway towel closet.
I dropped my
unable to keep from shaking in pure terror, much as I am now.
parents and my father proceeded to grumble at me with some very
explatives about being woken for a "ghost" and walked out to the
grabbed up my gun and did a walk-thru of the house and found
secured and in proper order.
When this thing walked "through" me, I didn't feel the coldness that
read about on your page.
I felt warmth, almost like a warm body, then
That's my question.
Am I imagining all this?
Why the warmth?
Even now I'm scared stiff and always close my door and lock
night and normally don't sleep until about 3am, as I am terrified of
could be outside in the hallway.
I rarley tell anyone this story cause usually they think I am off my
Being only 13 my ghost experiences are not many but for ones I have
they are freaky.
The whole thing started when my Grandfather died.
only 56 and I felt guilty because I had to leave the hospital.
returned about an hour later he was dead.
I have always carried that
with me and always will.
My parents often leave me alone to go shopping
just sit around and watch TV.
One time it was a hot Australian summer
australin) and I thought I would die ( pardon the pun) without any
I was watching an old Titanic movie when the shutters
Now not really banging but swining back and forth and hitting
Well this scared me to death ( pardon another pun) but I soon
about the incident.
Another time at the same setting it was a corner
eye thing that got me.
Just for a brief second I think I saw a tall
outlined in black.
Well we eventually moved to America to travel and
Well this spirit or ghost or grandfather must have just got
away in the baggage because when we moved to Texas it was just the
just a feeling.
I mean not just that kind of feeling but a strong
scared-as-heck feeling.
This continued throught to phoenix where I
shadows a couple of times.
We know live in Connecticut and grandad
himself known.
Our house detects any move.
I mean you move a muscle
creaks. Well it seems when I alone the creaks are just always happening.
the dead ( I keep punning) of the night it still creaks.
Its not my
or my brother.
My brother sleeps above me and is only 5.
My parents
across the hall and I can always hear them geeting out or into bed.
My dad has
had some experiences.
While in our current house he was collecting
and felt a squeeze on his shoulder.
He has also seen a little boy
with lumps
on his head when he was a kid. My mother has seen a ghost.
nurses and know what they see.
Now the thing is I always feel guilty
see or feel the presence.
I think it might be grandad telling me not
guilty or something.
But its everywhere.
Its like grandad just follows
I have the feeling 24/7.
I will try and get my parents to e-mail you
their stories.
Thanks for reading
Well, I recently was discussing 'ghost' experiences with my friends
and I mentioned a frightening experience that happened to me, my husband,
my sister in-law.
Talking about what happened 6 years ago got me
I decided to see if anyone had experienced this same sighting.
It all started 6 years ago when my husband and I went to
to visit my sister in-law.
At the time she rented the upstairs space
old house.
When you open the front door, the stairs are directly in
There is another door leading to the down stairs rooms, however
been bolted shut.
Upstairs, she placed a curtain at the top for
There are two rooms, one to each side of you.
has a walk-
in closet, one closet has been transformed into a kitchen, with a small
refrigerator, and microwave.
Directly across the stairs is a bathroom.
room to the left she has converted into a T.V/living room.
The night we arrived we sat around talking about childhood memories.
noticed as we were talking, I would hear the toilet flush for no reason.
made a comment about how the toilet liked to mess with her.
flushed sporadically, mostly when she had guests over.
My husband
made a comment about how it must be haunted, and the ghost
didn't like to share her
with anyone.
The next night the three of us had gone out to a local
club and had came
back slightly intoxicated.
We were being somewhat loud, not to where
disturbing, just laughing and having fun.
The toilet was silent the
night, as if it was mad at us.
The next day we were out sight seeing
and got in late.
My husband was tired so he went to bed and my sister and I stayed up
When we finally went to bed, it was just after 1:00am.
night changed my
outlook on everything supernatural, however I didn't realize it until
days after.
Me and my husband slept in the waterbed in one of the bedrooms and
slept on a cushion/mattress on the floor in the living room.
awakened by sudden harsh movement of the waterbed.
It felt as if someone
pounding on it.
I looked around and nobody was there.
My husband
I layed back down and no more than 10 minutes later I felt
hard movement.
This time I sat straight up, my husband also felt the
and he sat up.
We were blaming each other, telling the other to knock
a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach.
About 40 minutes later
movement came again, this time harder.
At the time I was just starting
fall asleep again.
I got mad and yelled to the air to quit moving the damn bed.
know who I was talking to, but it felt good to yell.
I then fell
completely asleep
along with my husband.
Let me just mention that it was the 4th of
weekend and the humidity was awful.
I was sleeping in just a light
T-shirt and we were
not using any blankets.
Around 4:00am my I was awakened to my
throwing the blankets atop of us, he kept saying "don't move, he is
here" over
and over again.
My husband, however was still asleep.
I thought he
Then I felt another hard pound on the bed and I screamed.
someone was standing at the bottom of the bed, I felt him.
husband up completely and he threw back the covers.
I was expecting
to see a mass murderer standing
there, however the room was empty.
He went over and turned on the
We both looked pale as if we saw a
I asked him why he threw the covers over me and he told me
strange dream.
He said in his dream he had gotten out of bed and looked
the window down to the front porch of the house next door.
man dressed in a colonial outfit sitting in a rocking chair, smoking
a handmade pipe.
looked up at my husband and waved.
My husband then turned around to
bed where I was laying.
The man was now standing over the bed staring
My husband said in his dream he yelled at the man and he ran over to
In reality, my husband never got out of bed.
I was fully awake after
husband had thrown the blankets over me and we were both completely
still when
the violent pounding happened.
I wanted nothing more than to get out
There was no way were we going to fall asleep again, so we turned
on all the
lights and went into the room where his sister was sleeping to wake
We told her what happened and she said she had a strange, scary dream
that night.
She said she was laying down on her stomach and she
something behind her.
She tried to get up to see what it was, but she couldn't move.
was as if something was on top of her.
I had this feeling as
if something was there
I can't explain the feeling, but my hair on the back of my
My husband went downstairs to go outside a little while after
we woke up his sister, it
was now about 6:00am.
He found the front door wide open, as if someone
out of the house in a hurry and forgot to shut it.
We were trying
to rationalize
what had happened and we couldn't.
Everything was just not in order.
Everything I have said so far doesn't really account to much, just
some young people scaring
themselves with pretend ghosts, right.
Well, we left the next day, thank goodness.
The night we got back
California, where we are from, I called his sister to let her know
we had made
She said she was going to a friend's house to spend the night
because her toilet was
every 10 minutes and she was scared.
We both made a joke
of it, but deep down
inside we knew something was wrong.
That same night we were watching
trying to unwind from the long trip.
I turned it to Sightings, the
which I might add I never watch.
For some reason I felt I needed
to see this show.
The show aired a strange, horrifying story.
It was about the
ghost of Glenburnie
Maryland, Colonel Daniels.
He apparently was the local townskeeper
He would sit on his porch and smoke his pipe and watch the
There were several sightings where he would come check on all
the new people in the
I was never so scared as I was at that moment.
I am writing to you to not only share my experience, but to also
ask you if
you have any information about this particular haunting of the town
Glenburnie, Maryland.
Thank you for letting me share my story.
Hello. I have visited you site many times and thought I should share
story with your readers also. Just so you know I am 21 and I live in
small city in Michigan. My friend's parent's house is haunted. I've
known her since we were 10 yrs old but have only been going to her
since I was 16.
Right off the bat I should tell you that the house was built sometime
during the 1860's. Everyone that goes there knows that you either feel
right at home there and are really comfortable or you can't stand to
in the house at all. I have always been comfortable there. I even lived
there for almost a year. Anyways back to what I was saying.....there
were many couples and families that moved in before they did. everyone
of them moved out in a hurry. One couple was there for 2 nights and
left. Her family has been there for quite a few years now. My friend
2 older sisters her mom and her dad.
Two times since they moved in the ghosts (we know there is a man,
woman, and a little girl ) kept pestering her dad while he was trying
go to sleep to let him know that the house was going to catch on fire.
Another time years ago, the middle sister was home alone watching
when she heard my friend calling her from upstairs. She went to the
bottom of the stairs to see what she wanted but before she climbed
first step she remembered that she was alone and that my friend was
still at school.
A few of our friends have also seen strange things happen. Once another
friend of mine and I were watching TV waiting for our friend to come
home. (The couch faces the big window in their livingroom) We saw a
little girl skip across the porch in front of the window heading for
door. My friend and I thought it was our friend's neice so she went
opened the door for her, but no one was there.
Just recently though her mom was in the kitchen and she looked out
window to see what the guys were up to. They were looking under the
of my friend's boyfriend's truck. When her dad came in her mom asked
was out there with him and he said Steve* and his brother. She said
there was another man standing right next to you. None of them had
the male ghost out there but her mom.
One time my friend was sick and she was laying in bed it was about
2am. Her door was open a bit and she saw a woman whom she thought was
her mom looking in on her. She called for her mom but the woman just
left. She asked her mom the next day and her mom said she never got
last night.
Her mom had slept in one Saturday morning and she heard what she
thought was one of her grandaughter's come in her bedroom. She had
eyes closed and felt someone kiss her forehead. She opened her eyes
say goodmorning and there was no one in the room. The girls weren't
Another time her mom was sitting on the floor in the livingroom playing
solitare and my friend was sleeping on the couch. Out of nowhere she
footprints in the carpet walking around her and the cards. They have
really plush carpet.
Also in the old houses they had parlor rooms for funerals. It's now
their den but I have noticed that no matter what it is always cold
there, and I always feel like someone is watching me when I'm in there.
There are many more things that have happened in that house, but I
don't want to use up all of your space. I'm just glad that they are
ghosts and not violent. I will swear on a stack of bibles that
everything I described is true to my knowledge, and my own experiances
that this story IS real. Thanks for reading.
Hi my name is Kal and I wanted to share an experience I had in
Philippines when I went on vacation there with my mother. We
were staying at my aunts house
and were all sleeping in the same room because it was summer there
the house only had one air conditioner. Anyway to make a long story
short one night my mom,me,aunt,and two cousins
were sleeping in that room when I heard my mom calling my name. She
telling me to wake up. So as I started to wake up I heard the
drawers on dresser
opening and closing.
The lamp was also turning on and off there was also a horrible smell
the room it smelt like rotten eggs. I was kind of scared but
not to bad because other
things like this had happened before to me and my friends but we
really paid that much attention to them before because when
they happened
we were usually drunk or really tired and it only occured three
or four times before.
Anyway back to my beginning story. When my aunt said "He knows
here the rucuss stopped. You see my mom and aunt believe that
the "ghost" was my grandpa
coming to see
me because I left the Philippines when I was only two
years old and now I am twenty-five. I was also my grandpa's
favorite grandson.
Well that is it thanks for listening and I would really appreciate
comments you cared to make about this inncedent.
This story is one that my grandmother told me.
About 15 years ago my Grandmother's friend Kioko was married in the
yard of her (my Grandmother's) house.
After they were married they
to go for a little trip to Yellow Stone National Park.
They told my
Grandma that they would return in about 2 weeks and they would call
tell her how they were doing every once in a while
they left an
# just incase.
About the third night that they were gone, Grandma was in her bed
was trying to sleep but had a terrible time getting comfortable.
terrible feeling that something was wrong.
She couldn't quite
what was wrong so she decided to try and call the number that Kioko
her in case she needed something.
As she was getting out of bed she
She knew that she was probably hearing things so she
think anything of it.
She walked down the hall and then all of a
she saw "Kioko" walking down the hall.
Grandma reached out to grab
Kioko dissapeared.
Later, when she finally gathered her senses and walked into the
and called the number.
Kioko picked up the phone on the other line
When Grandma heard her voice, she knew that she was okay.
I have always believed in the supernatural because the
house I grew up in, and which my parents still own, is haunted. It
old farmhouse from 1828. We would hear people walking up the stairs,
people talking in other rooms, but you couldn't make out what they
saying. My grandfather on my father's side of the family wouldn't even
stay i he was scared of the voices.
In the past ten years or so,
the walking and voices have stopped. I'm not sure if it is because
to try to talk to the ghosts when I was a child and reassure them that
weren't there to harm them, but they no longer seem very active. I've
heard recently that sometimes they respond like that if you try to
talk to them,
but that was just what I did when I was a child and afraid of them.
most recent ghostly activity there was when my father's glasses went
missing for
about a week. All of us looked for them, but they were nowhere to be
found. Then, one day, they were back again, lying in their case on
table just inside the back door! We also have a large library of books,
and often books will go missing also.
Another strange thing in our
house is the ghost cat. I'm not really sure which of our deceased cats
is, or if it's even one of our own. I never experienced it firsthand,
one night my husband (then boyfriend) was sleeping in the spare room
cats' food bowls were on the ground by the bed, right below where his
was. He was awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of a cat
eating hard cat food, and he looked down to see which one it was. There
were no cats in the room, but he could still hear the noise of a cat
eating out
of the bowl.
The next morning, my husband told us about the incident. My father
got a strange look on his face, and
then he said, Well, that's funny because... and he told us about
feeling a little cat jump on his bed and curl up by him almost every
night, but
when he would look for it, there was nothing there. We also noticed
the two cats who live in the house often seem like they are watching
or someone moving across the room, but whatever it is is invisible
us. One final interesting incident, although I'm not positive that
you could call it a ghostly
incident, also involved a deceased cat. The background is that my father
had found a little black cat who had stumbled across the busy highway
of his car one morning. He quickly pulled onto the side of the highway
rescued the cat, which he took home with him that afternoon. The cat
so happy that all it wanted to do was lie in the grass in the warm
purr. Unfortunately, despite my parents' efforts to save it, it was
sick and weak to ever recover. They told me about this incident a day
two after the cat had died, and I was upset because I like black cats
and I had never gotten to meet it.
A few months later, I was on the highway, driving to Cincinnati to
see my parents. I wasn't thinking
about much of anything, and certainly not about cats. Suddenly, I got
most vivid image of the little black cat in my mind, although I had
never seen
it. I could see it lying in my parents' yard in the sun, as they had
me it loved to do, and it was like a wave of sadness sweeping over
me when I saw
it. When I glanced over then at the side of the highway, I thought
tiny little kitten face peering between some weeds at the edge of the
shoulder. Although I often stop to help stray cats and dogs, I do not
think I would have stopped for this one, thinking it was just my mind
tricks on me, if I hadn't just had the vision of the little black cat
died. The kitten I thought I saw on the side of the highway looked
small that I wasn't even sure I really had seen it, especially since
was going at least 65 mph! When I pulled my truck over
and backed up along the highway shoulder, I couldn't see anything at
all, since
the weeds were high. But when I got out of the truck and walked back
the highway, I spotted a small black and white kitten with long hair.
was so scared and starved that at first it didn't even notice I was
just was lying down with it's nose touching the ground. When I called
it, though, it finally looked up, and then it started running towards
me, crying
as loudly as it could. It was so small that I could hold it in one
and I never would have seen it without the intervention of the black
cat. I took it into the truck and gave it to my parents, who nursed
back to health and still have it to this day.I think that the haunting
our house when I was a child was fairly normal and not at all sinister,
what I've heard of other accounts. I'm actually glad that I grew up
haunted house, because that experience gave me a lot of faith in the
reality of
the spiritual world. It's also nice to have had experiences with ghost
cats, since I am deeply committed to helping stray animals, and I think
there can be animal ghosts, then that offers some proof that they have
too. I've just found your web site (I've just gotten hooked up to the
internet for the first time!), and I really
enjoyed reading the true stories and thought I'd send you mine if you
use it. Thanks for having such a lot of information about the
My mother told me this story.
It happened to her years ago (1940's)
she lived in the coal mining region of West Virginia, and was then
to her first husband.
If my own mother didn't tell me this first-hand,
not sure if I'd believe it, but my mother isn't one to spin yarns.
She had walked down the street (approx 1/4 mile) to her mother's house
When she left Granny's house, it was dark.
On the other side
the street, between Granny's house and Mom's house there was a
which had a dirt trail leading up to a house.
A light caught her eye,
she watched it figuring someone was walking up the trail carrying a
But when the light rose up into the trees, and then up above the trees,
thought it was rather strange, but really didn't think too much about
When she got to her house, she called for her girlfriend (she lived
apartment upstairs from Mom) to come out to see it.
All of a sudden
friend started uncontrollably crying and saying that there was going
an accident in the mines.
Both her husband and my mother's worked
shift in the coal mines.
That every time that light was seen an
happened. Legend had it that an old coal miner used to live up on
mountain, and that he had died in an explosion in the mines.
his ghost comes back to warn the men when there's going to be another
And sure enough, whenever that light was seen, there was
explosion indeed.
My mom tried to calm her friend down, and they all went in for the
At about 2:00 am Mom was awoken by a knock at the door.
It was some
from the mine who came to tell her that there was an explosion in the
and that her husband had been hurt (he lost two fingers in the
From that night on, Mom said she would never look up that mountain
She didn't want to see the lantern light.
In the early 1980's I lived in Bloomington, Illinois.
I did not then
drive a car, and would take the bus to work and back every day.
day to and from work the bus passed by a beautiful old house with
stained glass windows.
Whenever I passed by that house I thought to
myself that it looked haunted.
There was no reason for me to think
I never saw anything unusual while passing by.
One day at the office, a co-worker named Sue, was telling a story of
some strange experiences she had been having.
Sue was living with
boyfriend who was then out of town.
She and her boyfriend hadn't
getting along, and while he was gone she was considering leaving him.
Sue was living in the very house I thought to be haunted.
Up until that time, Sue had never experienced anything unusual while
living in the house, but as soon as she started thinking about
she began hearing loud booming noises as if someone was pounding on
walls and doors.
Also, while walking up or down the stairs, she
feel someone grab her ankle and try to trip her.
She thought maybe
boyfriend hadn't really left town and was trying to scare her.
called where her boyfriend was supposed to be and he was indeed
Sue did a little research on the house and found out it was the last
house built by a local architect.
Also, the architect had lived in
house before his death some decades before.
Sue eventually broke up with her boyfriend, moved out of the house
after a time, left the state.
Two years later I was drinking beer in a local bar when I overheard
another friend of mine, Frank, telling some people about some strange
experiences he was having at the house he lived in.
He had just
the day before that he couldn't afford the rent where he was living
would have to move out.
That night while he was laying in bed he
a very loud booming noise is if someone was pounding on the door
of his bedroom, but when the noise stopped and he went out to
investigate, no one was there.
It was the very same house!
could tell, Frank and Sue did not know each other.
I was very intrigued by Frank's story.
I had never seen or heard a
ghost and thought I could handle the experience if I was not alone.
asked Frank if I could spend the night with him in the house.
I had never been in the house before.
It was as beautiful inside as
was outside.
I particularly remember a circular stained glass window
the west wal a picture of some birds and plants.
Apparently, the ghost of the house only started acting up when the
current resident began to think about leaving.
Perhaps because I
admired the house so much
nothing happened while I was there,
but I believe Sue's and Frank's stories.


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