
请先拖动验证码到相应位置Bone Quality and Health Centre (BQHC)
Bone Quality and Health Centre (BQHC) is officially established in 2009 as an major initiative of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. BQHC is a well-equipped centre and platform with state of the art clinical and laboratory densitometry equipment and functional testing devices. The Centre provides extensive technical support from project design, sample/patient handling, scanning to data analyses for 20-30 research projects at any time including bone densitometry and microarchitectural assessment for patients at risk of osteoporosis.
To facilitate multidisciplinary pre-clinical and clinical research in bone health,
muscle health and related musculoskeletal disorders across different age groups
– from children, adolescents to the elderly.To
provide high quality bone quality assessment and advices for the prevention and treatment for patients
with osteoporosis / at risk of osteoporosis and its related problems.
Dual energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA)
DXA measure bone mineral density (BMD) at
lumbar spine and proximal femur. Total body composition (including fat mass,
lean mass and total BMD)
can be obtained
by whole body scan.
Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (pQCT)
pQCT measures volumetric bone mineral density
muscle area and calculated bone strength index (BSI)
High-resolution pQCT (HR-pQCT)
HR-pQCT measures volumetric bone mineral density
(vBMD) and
microarchitecture of bone (in vivo) at the distal tibia and radius. The
resolution for a standard scan is 82um. By using micro-finite element analysis
(uFEA), bone strength
also be calculated.
Biodex Balance System SD features five test protocols, including Fall Risk Screening, Athletic Single-Leg Injury Screening, Dynamic or Static Limits of Stability, Postural Stability and Clinical Test of Sensory Integration of Balance (CTSIB), allowing testing and training in both static and dynamic formats. Clinicians can assess neuromuscular control by quantifying the ability to maintain dynamic bilateral and unilateral postural stability on a static or unstable surface. It provides fast and accurate fall risk screening for older adults and can be used as a balance assessment tool for concussion management as well as a training tool for lower extremity patients.
Hand dynamometer assesses the hand grip strength
for subjects
in kilogram
Force platform provides quantification of
functional human motion based on physical parameters, such as force, velocity and time.
It also measures
dynamic ground reaction forces and calculates the centre of
mass related physical parameters including acceleration, velocity, energy,
power, jumping height and stiffness or flexibility.
BIA is capable for measuring body composition by
using multi-frequencies
8-point tactile
electrodes method
, including 1kHz,
5kHz, 50kHz, 250kHz, 500kHz
and 1MHz. The
InBody 720
also allows estimation of segmental body composition including the left arm,
right arm, trunk, left leg, and right leg lean masses
As a center in a clinical department, BQHC provides comprehensive technical
support for pre-clinical and clinical research projects from study design,
scanning protocols development to data analysis.
Biomaterials and implants
Bone quality status in scoliosis patient
insertion (Pre-clinical / Clinical)
Fracture repair (Pre-clinical / Clinical)
Osteoporosis (Pre-clinical / Clinical)
Collaborative Partners
Children and Adolescent
Bone Health
Melbourne University,
Columbia University, USA
Department of Pediatrics, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Department of Diagnostic
Radiology and Organ Imaging, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Division of Biomedical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Biomedical Engineering
program, Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Etiopathogenesis of
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)
Drum Tower Hospital
Affiliated to Medical School of Nanjing University
Department of Diagnostic
Radiology and Organ Imaging, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Division of Biomedical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Texas A&M Health Science Center
Baylor College of Dentistry, USA
Secondary osteoporosis
Division of Rheumatology,
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Division of Geriatric,
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Department of Diagnostic
Radiology and Organ Imaging, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
is one of the common geriatric diseases and is associated with fragility
fractures. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), DXA is the gold
standard for diagnosis of osteoporosis. Our centre accepts referrals for bone mineral density measurement. A detailed report will be provided to
both the patients and the referring doctors.
addition to the DXA service, our staff is well-trained and experienced in
conducting clinical trials following the principles of Good Clinical Practice.
provide in vitro and in vivo scanning services for specimens
and biopsies using laboratory bone densitometry.
A website delivering useful information on bone health and Vitamin D with multimedia materials and interactive on-line game and dietary calcium calculator. The website is suitable for all.
Quality Management System (ISO )
The BQHC is the first bone health research centre in Hong Kong certified for quality management system (ISO). This accreditation ensures a quality service to patients and research subjects as well as better management structure and cost efficiency in daily operations.
International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) Certification
Technicians and Clinicians of our team are Certified Densitometry Technologists (CDT) and Certified Clinical Densitometrists (CCD)
Bone Quality and Health Centre
Room 14, 1/F Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinic (North Wing)
Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin
Telephone: (852)
Fax: (852)什么是三归依?


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