
坦克世界捷克线8级中坦TVP VTU介绍_TVP VTU怎么样 - 安粉丝手游网分类坦克世界捷克线8级中坦TVP VTU介绍9.1213.9MBHello Warriors,here is the Czechoslovak tier 8 TVP VTU Koncept以下是捷克斯洛伐克线8级车TVP VTU概念车的情报:Description:In 1945, the newly reformed army of Czechoslovakia was equipped with a wide assortment of vehicles from Cromwells to T-34's with a large chunk of the armored forces consisting of captured German equipment. One of the proposed solutions to the unification issue was to design an entirely new general purpose tank that would replace all the different tanks in service. The program was called TVP ("Tank for General Use") and in October 1945, the army did lay down a set of requirements for that vehicle. In March 1946, Military Technical Institute (VTU) introduced the first project of the program of a highly mobile and heavily armed medium tank that was inspired by German, Russian and British influences. The initial project was then passed to koda that responded on the proposal with a project of their own, the T 40. The VTU concept project never passed the drawing board stage.1945年,重新组建的捷克斯洛伐克陆军装备了五花八门的装甲车辆,从克伦威尔到T-34,还有大量装甲部队在使用缴获的德国装备。有一个统一型号的提案是设计一种全新的通用坦克,以替换正在使用的各种坦克。这个计划被称为TVP(通用坦克)。1945年10月,陆军确实为这计划制定了一系列需求。1946年3月,军事技术研究院 (VTU)受德国、苏联和英国坦克的启发,开始了该计划的第一个项目,这是一种高机动性,且有重火力的中型坦克。最初的项目提交给斯柯达公司后,斯柯达提 出了自己的项目,即T 40作为回应。VTU概念车仅停留在图纸阶段。地面阻力:0.959/1.247/1.822主炮:10.5cm vz.39N(可选主炮:8.8cm vz.41N,100mm vz.44S)穿深:188/219/53(AP/APCR/HE,88mm炮为194/237/44,100mm炮为175/250/50)均伤:320/320/420(88mm炮为240/240/295,100mm炮为250/250/330)俯角:-5/+20(其他两门炮为-8/+20)译注:其实还有一门炮,8.8cm vz.37N,穿深为132/200/44,均伤220/220/270相关文章必玩榜


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