young game王思聪game什么时候上市

曾有人问国民老公王思聪,你介意被叫“土豪”吗?他回答:“我当然介意啊!因为我不土啊!我读书多,有品位,怎么土了?”(好,萌!mua~)有没有人跟小编一样,是听到这句话以后,才开始彻底沦陷的?简直到了癫狂不已深陷其中无法自拔的地步啊!抱怨王思聪“脑残富二代,你们天天报道个球?”的人,年轻人~不是我说你,哈哈哈哈哈,太单纯!思想简直太单纯!王思聪四年是前面目模糊的“万达公子”,之前你听过他?他的微博评论一开始的几条评论绝对不超过一万!若有半句假话吃我翔翔!哈哈哈!现在就不一样了,名副其实的“网络红人”。你以为原因只是因为他是年少多金口无遮拦轻狂贱萌贱萌的二货?嘿嘿嘿,Too young, too simple.&他的真实身份,是一个网络营销高手!累死我了,饶了半天,真相总算浮出水面。我一定是太无聊了,从凌晨2点翻王思聪的微博。越翻越觉得这个二货不简单。第一条微博总算“炫了个富”,之后...再也看不到传说中的霸道总裁承包鱼塘的梗了。对了,今天元宵节不放假...他高调,却也神秘,那么张狂却又不失克制。虽然以骂战成名,但是他仍然能做到“热闹不断有、负面不沾身”,把自己往“屌丝”方向拉能有力减少仇富心理,他深谙此道。他知道怎么把自己变得更受欢迎,他知道网友们喜欢看什么,他知道什么东西能制造话题。不过,一想到“王思聪失败的结局就是沦为万达接班人”,还是深深地忧伤了一把,今生安安静静的做一枚丑比,不悲、不喜、不拉轰,下辈子一定好好投胎!duang~我知道你们一定要骂死我了,有完没完?天天放东京热?还是要冒死向大人们禀告:网友曝出奶茶妹妹和刘强东在南京高档商场挑选钻戒!虽然戴着口罩,但奶茶妹妹笑弯的眼睛足以看出她的喜悦之情,刘强东也在一旁精心挑选,面带微笑看上去心情很不错。有传闻称两人婚礼将于近期在宿迁和北京两地举办,刘强东给了女方家准备了约一亿的聘礼!娘亲啊,吓死人!亏多少都不够赔啊!那么,有一个小小的问题——为什么不在京东上面买???这种“21岁少女”什么的,最是霸道总裁的菜了。我就不喜欢,我喜欢干练直爽的熟女雪姨。我相信,马天宇,也会默默同意的···今天,网易娱乐标题写上——雪姨王琳把马天宇当马骑 夹腿大喊“驾驾驾”,把我这个纯洁质朴、涉世未深的小编羞得盖上眼睛,一点细节都不敢看啊~羞~好羞~小朋友看了根本把持不住啊怎么办。有一件事情,从这里开始,我先求大神鉴定,这啥玩意儿?章子怡在微博上晒出自己的美发照,说道:“明天开拍新戏染头发,各种小兴奋!这跟小拇哥的发色有像哇~”。还有哦,你注意到了吗?今天元宵节不放假。随后,汪峰转发评论称“是不是考虑也带我染一个,免的再把扑克比赛说成duangduang,All in”。扑克比赛,扑克...扑...克...比...赛...赛...心...塞...把这个叫做扑克比赛,偷偷否认赌博,洗白的节奏啊。你们被电信诈骗过吗?李若彤曾经被骗100万,罗霈颖曾经被骗58万,汤唯曾经被骗21万。电信诈骗早已不是新鲜把戏,但还是有好多女明星中招啊。“婉君”俞小凡也被骗了!多年的积蓄800万元人民币也被骗一空!骗子都那么牛逼了?业务都整到娱乐圈了!心里咯噔一下,赶紧回去看看我的账号余额,98.9!还好,这下放心里!春天来了,夏天还会远吗?你愿意做一个倔强的瘦子,还是甘心当一枚任性的胖子?肥姐沈殿霞的女儿郑欣宜,复胖至90公斤,在脸书吐露心声,决定停止减肥,“不会再强逼自己”。这...这是...受(瘦)够了的节奏吗?&日前为新歌《你瘦够了吗?》拍MV,欣宜变身黑衣女郎舞动肥硕身段,踢出“朝天一字马”!哟!瞧这身手!对于有报道称她与任职外国网上杂志摄影师Silas Lee拍拖兼半同居一事,蜜恋中的欣宜笑说:“我现在好开心呀,有人不介意我肥还是瘦,他是喜欢我这个人,喜欢我的内在美”。嗯嗯,我只想说,你开心,就好...开不开心,冷暖自知。柯震东他爸,你开心吗?柯震东拉上爸爸柯耀宗亮相某杂志封面,柯耀宗也说:“自己没把孩子教好,要向大家道歉。” 还说“最近柯震东的身材线条练得比之前壮”,怀念穿同条裤的岁月。完了,这是打亲情牌,又用肌肉撩哧单纯少女的节奏啊!面对好友切割、舆论排山倒海的批评声浪,柯震东说,这是他该承受的,自己已经复原得差不多,也有信心面对接下来的讨伐及挑战。以后的事,谁知道呢?你那么帅,太容易原谅你,就越发证明了这个是看脸的世界。不好。我表示保留。网友,跟帖说一下,你们要原谅他吗?拜托拜托...关注“网易娱乐”,微信号“ent_163”,再多看看我们的微博,我会告诉你里面很萌(huang)很和谐(baoli)?我会告诉你你将有机会拿到明星粉丝礼物?切~网易娱乐无节操小撸
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Fun English Games &&&&&&|&&&&&&&&&&|&&&&&&&&&&|&&&&&&&&&&|&&&&&&&&&&|&&&&&&&&&&|&&&&&&&&&&|&&&&&&&&&&|&&&&&&&&&&|&&&&&&&&&&|&&&&&&&&&&|&&&&&Thursday started a little slow, but by the time 3 p.m. rolled around, the action was fast and furious, culminating in a flurry of deals that sent several quality point guards across the country.
Here’s a breakdown of every trade made in the hours leading up to the deadline, as reported.
To MIL: Michael Carter-Williams, Tyler Ennis, Miles Plumlee
To PHI: LAL pick (protected)
To PHX: Brandon Knight, Kendall Marshall
To BOS: Isaiah Thomas
To PHX: Marcus Thornton, CLE pick
To DET: Reggie Jackson
To OKC: D.J. Augustin, Enes Kanter, Steve Novak, Kyle Singler
To UTA: Grant Jerrett, Kendrick Perkins, OKC pick (protected), 2nd round pick
To BOS: Luigi Datome, Jonas Jerebko
To DET: Tayshaun Prince
To HOU: Pablo Prigioni
To NYK: Alexey Shved, 2 2nd round picks
To HOU: K.J. McDaniels
To PHI: Isaiah Canaan, 2nd round pick
To MIA: Goran Dragic, Zoran Dragic
To NOP: Norris Cole, Justin Hamilton, Shawne Williams
To PHX: Danny Granger, John Salmons, 2 1st round picks
To PHI: JaVale McGee, OKC pick (protected)
To BKN: Thaddeus Young
To MIN: Kevin Garnett
To SAC: Andre Miller
To WAS: Ramon Sessions
To DEN: Will Barton, Victor Claver, Thomas Robinson, POR pick (protected), 2nd round pick
To POR: Arron Afflalo, Alonzo Gee
Five takeaways
1. The Thunder remade their bench.
Enes Kanter‘s defense is disastrous and Steve Novak hasn’t been in an NBA rotation in two years, but D.J. Augustin gives Oklahoma City more of a floor general on its second unit and Kyle Singler adds shooting (41 percent from 3-point range this season) to complement their stars. With Serge Ibaka and Nick Collison already on the frontline, Kanter’s defense might not be as much of an issue as it was in Utah.
2. If Dwyane Wade is healthy, the Heat will be a tough out.
Goran Dragic is the best point guard Wade has had in Miami (if you don’t count LeBron James as a PG) and will take some of the ball-handling burden off of Wade’s shoulders. Dragic pick-and-pops with Chris Bosh will be deadly.
As they stood on Wednesday, a healthy Heat team could have been a tough opponent for a high seed in the East that didn’t have much playoff experience. Now, they’re downright scary.
3. The Blazers are all-in.
With one of the best starting lineups in the league, the Blazers added Arron Afflalo to a bench that already includes Steve Blake and Chris Kaman. And playing alongside LaMarcus Aldridge and Damian Lillard should help Afflalo shoot threes more like he did last season (43 percent) than he has this season so far (34 percent).
Anything can happen in the Western Conference playoffs, but the Blazers just improved their odds of making a deep run.
4. The Sixers didn’t believe in Michael Carter-Williams
Or they didn’t believe he was a star. So they traded him for another chance at a star, a Lakers pick that’s protected 1-5 this year and 1-3 each of the next two years. Carter-Williams’ length was one ingredient to the top-12 defense that Brett Brown had built this season, but Sam Hinkie is still kicking that can down the road.
5. Did the Bucks take a step back to save money?
Brandon Knight may have been an All-Star had Jimmy Butler not been able to play on Sunday. And the Bucks broke up a team that won eight of its last nine games going into the break, perhaps to avoid paying Knight (a restricted free agent) this summer.
But the Bucks’ defense, which already ranks second in the league, may have improved with the addition of Carter-Williams. Put his wingspan together with that of Giannis Antetokounmpo and John Henson, and the Bucks can cover the whole court with just three guys.
— John Schuhmann
Prince back to Detroit, 3:15 p.m.
Hearing Pistons swung trade before the buzzer to reacquire Tayshaun Prince from Boston
& Marc Stein (@ESPNSteinLine)
Hearing Tayshaun Prince to Detroit for Jerebko and Datome
& Marc Stein (@ESPNSteinLine)
Rockets make last-minute deals, 3:03 p.m.
New York has traded Pablo Prigioni to the Houston Rockets, league source tells Yahoo Sports.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Houston will send New York two second-round picks for Prigioni, source tells Yahoo.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Philadelphia has traded K.J. McDaniels to Houston for Isaiah Canaan and a second round pick, league source tells Yahoo Sports.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Four-team trade, 3:03 p.m.
ESPN sources: Brandon Knight to Phoenix. MCW and Tyler Ennis to Milwaukee. Isaiah Thomas and picks to Philadelphia
& Marc Stein (@ESPNSteinLine)
Bucks go hard, getting Michael Carter-Williams from Philly and Tyler Ennis and Miles Plumless from Phoenix in three-team deal. Holy moly.
& David Aldridge (@daldridgetnt)
Suns, per source, will also be getting Marcus Thornton from Boston in Thomas deal.
& David Aldridge (@daldridgetnt)
Sixers went from taking on Isaiah Thomas in three-team deal with Milwaukee and Phoenix to letting Suns send him to Boston instead
& Marc Stein (@ESPNSteinLine)
Kanter to OKC, 2:55 p.m.
Utah is finalizing a deal to send Enes Kanter to Oklahoma City, league source tells Yahoo Sports.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
As part of three-way deal with Detroit, OKC will send Kendrick Perkins to the Jazz, source tells Yahoo Sports.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
In Utah-OKC-Detroit deal, Thunder get guard D.J. Augustin and Kyle Singler from Pistons, Steve Novak from Jazz.
& David Aldridge (@daldridgetnt)
Dragic to Miami, 2:49 p.m.
Goran Dragic has been traded to Miami, I'm told
& Marc Stein (@ESPNSteinLine)
In deal sending Suns point guard Goran Dragic to the Miami Heat, I'm told his brother, Zoran, is also outbound.
& Sam Amick (@sam_amick)
Source: Miami sends Danny Granger, Norris Cole, Shawne Williams, Jordan Hamilton and two first-round picks to the Suns for Dragic brothers.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Jackson to Detroit, 2:46 p.m.
Oklahoma City has traded Reggie Jackson to Detroit, league source tells Yahoo Sports.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Garnett back to Minnesota, 2:37 p.m.
Source: Kevin Garnett agrees to trade, will go home to Minnesota for Thaddeus Young.
& David Aldridge (@daldridgetnt)
Thunder checking other options, 2:22 p.m.
Sources: OKC hasn't committed to Lopez deal, and there's still another center that they've had talks about acquiring: Utah's Enes Kanter.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
The Thunder are &pushing hard to get Enes,& according to a source.
& Jody Genessy (@DJJazzyJody)
Nevertheless, there's still strong belief that OKC will complete the deal with Nets. Decision looming soon.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Budinger could move, 2:10 p.m.
Chase Budinger could be available to teams looking for help on the wings after the deadline passes…
Wolves still discussing deal sending Chase Budinger to Sixers, league sources tell Yahoo. Budinger would get buyout, Sixers get picks.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Less than two hours to go, 1:14 p.m.
One of the options for the Nets with Jarrett Jack involves him being sent to Detroit, sources said.
& Brian Windhorst (@WindhorstESPN)
Minnesota and Brooklyn are still awaiting Kevin Garnett's decision about waiving his no trade clause, league sources tell Yahoo.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Yahoo's latest on Oklahoma City and Brooklyn push to complete trade.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
The Nets are still waiting on OKC in two-team situation focused on Brook Lopez/Reggie Jackson, I'm told.
& Sam Amick (@sam_amick)
Word from Phx is that owner has dug in & told folks he won't trade Dragic. That, of course, wouldn't be the 1st time an owner dug in.
& Ramona Shelburne (@ramonashelburne)
The market for Gary Neal, 12:36 p.m.
Gary Neal made an impact on the Bobcats when they got him at the deadline last year. But he’s shot just 29 percent from 3-point range this season and was sent to Minnesota in the Mo Williams trade before the All-Star break. He hopes to keep moving, apparently.
Hawks remain among 4-5 playoff teams pursuing trade for Gary Neal, sources say. Neal and coach Mike Budenholzer have history with Spurs.
& Ken Berger (@KBergCBS)
If Neal isn't traded, or if he's dealt to a non-playoff team, his agent, David Bauman, will pursue a buyout, source says.
& Ken Berger (@KBergCBS)
Chandler, Lawson staying put, 12:15 p.m.
The Nuggets have unloaded almost $20 million of 2015-16 salary in two deals, but that may be it. Wilson Chandler and Ty Lawson seem to be staying put. Chandler’s 2015-16 salary is just partially guaranteed for $2 million (but becomes fully guaranteed for $7.2 million on July 1), so it could be an interesting piece in a Draft-day trade.
Unless something else emerges between now and deadline, Denver is done dealing today, league source tells Yahoo.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Meanwhile, there's no plans to move Wilson Chandler. He'll remain in Denver
& Chris Dempsey (@dempseypost)
And, of course, Ty Lawson will not be moved, as previously reported. Not going to the Lakers. Not going to the Pacers.
& Chris Dempsey (@dempseypost)
Sessions for Miller, 12:00 p.m.
George Karl will have a familiar face running his second unit, as he’ll be reunited with former Nuggets point guard Andre Miller.
Kings trading Ramon Sessions to Washington for Andre Miller, source tells Yahoo.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Ramon Sessions has now been traded on three of the last four trade-deadline days. In 2012, he went from Cleveland to the Lakers. Last year, he went from Charlotte to Milwaukee.
JaVale McGee to Philly, 11:55 a.m.
Sources: The
are closing in on trading center JaVale McGee, in addition to the Afflalo deal.
& Chris Dempsey (@dempseypost)
Denver has agreed to send JaVale McGee to Philadelphia, along with a first-round pick via OKC, league source tells Yahoo Sports.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
The pick Denver is sending to Philly with McGee is OKC's 1-18 protected pick in this June's draft, source says.
& Ken Berger (@KBergCBS)
It’s one thing for Sam Hinkie and the Sixers to add a few million dollars of extra salary this season, but McGee is owed $12 million next year, when the Sixers plan to have a frontline of Nerlens Noel and Joel Embiid.
Afflalo to Portland, 11:25 a.m.
We have a trade, and the Blazers have a wing (who has a player option for $7.5 million next season).
Denver has traded Arron Afflalo to Portland, league source tells Yahoo.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Blazers will send Will Barton, Victor Claver, a future lottery protected 1st and a second-round pick to Denver for Afflalo and Alonzo Gee.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Thomas Robinson goes to the Nuggets too, source tells Yahoo.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Portland's sending 2016 first-round lottery protected pick. If not conveyed, becomes '17 lottery protected. After that, it's two future 2nds
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Knicks believe they have an outside shot at getting Goran Dragic for Hardaway/Calderon package, per source.
& David Aldridge (@daldridgetnt)
All the players going to Denver are on expiring contracts, though both Barton and Claver could be restricted free agents this summer if the Nuggets extend them qualifying offers.
More teams get involved, 11:22 a.m.
If the Nets are going to trade Brook Lopez, they’d like to lighten the payroll as much as possible.
Yahoo Sources: Minnesota, Philly could be included to expand Brooklyn-OKC deal w/ Garnett to Wolves, Thad Young to Nets. Among many parts.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Thunder & Nets re-engaged in Brook Lopez talks last night, sources said. Teams investigating 3rd team options at moment to expand deal
& Brian Windhorst (@WindhorstESPN)
Nets attempting to make a move to offload some salary/ease luxury tax. In short, they're looking for home for Kendrick Perkins.
& Brian Windhorst (@WindhorstESPN)
Source indicates &real possibility& of Reggie Jackson-Brook Lopez deal.
first reported talks re-started between teams.
& David Aldridge (@daldridgetnt)
Brooklyn, OKC talks heat up, 10:50 a.m.
We just might have a major trade on Thursday.
that talks between the Brooklyn Nets and Oklahoma City Thunder on a trade featuring Brook Lopez and Reggie Jackson have heated up…
The Brooklyn Nets and Oklahoma City are in serious talks on a deal for Brook Lopez – with a key component centering on the Nets’ ability to persuade Thunder guard Reggie Jackson to make a long-term commitment to the franchise, league sources told Yahoo Sports.
The Nets and Thunder are discussing a deal that would include Kendrick Perkins and Jackson joining the Nets, but Brooklyn is working to gauge the enthusiasm of Jackson about coming to Brooklyn, league sources told Yahoo Sports.
There are several more moving parts in Nets-Thunder trade talks, league sources said.
Heat in for Dragic, 10:38 a.m.
The Miami Heat have point guard issues, so they’ve put themselves in the Goran Dragic conversation.
Source says Miami offering two future 1st round picks for Dragic….but as of now, Sarver still being stubborn
& Chris Broussard (@Chris_Broussard)
And as others have noted, Suns owner Robert Sarver is not a happy camper. Remains to be seen what part that plays –
& Sam Amick (@sam_amick)
SAC & HOU have assets to interest PHX but not Dragic's interest. Others don't have assets or can get him in July. Tough ultimatum for .
& Paul Coro (@paulcoro)
Nets, Thunder talk Lopez again, 10:29 a.m.
The Brooklyn Nets and Oklahoma City Thunder had talked about a Brook Lopez trade a couple of weeks ago, but the Nets balked at the lack of talent they were getting from OKC. But now, Reggie Jackson could be a part of the deal, if he’s willing to sign long-term in Brooklyn.
Sources: Brooklyn, OKC could have traction on Brook Lopez talks again — if Nets believe they can convince Reggie Jackson to sign extension.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Dragic put Suns in a tough spot, 10:17 a.m.
Goran Dragic put the Phoenix Suns in a tough position with his late trade demand and short list of teams he’d be willing to go to, all while the Suns are holding on to the last playoff spot in the West. …
As the Sacramento Kings continue to be warned that Phoenix Suns guard Goran Dragic would have no interest in signing an extension with them, the team has become increasingly reluctant to pursue a trade, league sources told Yahoo Sports.
The Kings were not part of the list of preferred teams that Dragic’s agent, Bill Duffy, gave Suns management, but they probed the possibility of making a deal with Phoenix and trying to use the rest of the season – as well as the offer of a five-year contract – to sign Dragic after the season.
The Kings would’ve been willing to offer a package that included 2014 first-round pick Nik Stauskus and a future first-round pick, but discussions are dissipating with the trade deadline approaching on Thursday afternoon, league sources told Yahoo Sports.
Point guard chatter, 9:42 a.m.
Will Goran Dragic or Ty Lawson be moved by 3 p.m. ET? Right now, nothing sounds too close to happening.
Yahoo Sources: With Goran Dragic still insisting he wouldn't re-sign, Sacramento is increasingly hesitant on pursuing deal with Phoenix.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Knicks package for Dragic includes Tim Hardaway Jr. and Jose Calderon
& Chris Broussard (@Chris_Broussard)
Pretty much nothing has changed in Ty Lawson's status as a
player that won't be traded, sources say.
& Chris Dempsey (@dempseypost)
were never interested in any Lawson for Pacers guard George Hill swap.
& Chris Dempsey (@dempseypost)
No buyout for KG, 9:30 a.m.
Kevin Garnett’s offensive game has disappeared over the last few years, but he can still help a team on defense and
for the second straight season.
But any team looking to add KG for the stretch run won’t be getting him for free.
Sources: Despite Doc Rivers' strong interest, Brooklyn's Kevin Garnett has ruled out contract buyout. He'll consider the one trade scenario.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
Nuggets want picks, 9:21 a.m.
The Denver Nuggets know that there are a few teams in the market for help on the wing, so with six hours to go before the deadline, their price is high.
Hearing Denver has been seeking a future first-rounder AND second-rounder for Arron Afflalo. And two first-rounders for Wilson Chandler …
& Marc Stein (@ESPNSteinLine)
But now that trade deadline less than six hours away, let's see if Denver prices go down. As it stands: Afflalo still more likely to move
& Marc Stein (@ESPNSteinLine)
Quiet contenders, 8:55 a.m.
If it ain’t broke…
So far, these teams believe they have nothing going at deadline: Clippers, Raptors, Spurs, Hawks, Grizzlies. Can always change w/ one call.
& Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA)
The first team on that list should be deperate for bench help, but due to a lack of remaining assets, may have to wait for the buyout market.
Morning chatter, 7:44 a.m.
: Would Kevin Garnett approve of a return to where his career started? ESPN’s Marc Stein reports that the Minnesota Timberwolves and Brooklyn Nets have had “serious discussions” about a trade that would send reunite Garnett and Wolves coach Flip Saunders, with Thaddeus Young going to Brooklyn. The deal would reduce Brooklyn’s payroll and luxury tax this season, as well as give them more frontline flexibility as they chase one of the final two playoff spots in the East. But it would also add Young’s $10 million salary to their payroll next season, unless he chose to exercise his early termination option and become a free agent. Of course, it would all be dependent on Garnett’s willingness to change teams mid-season for the first time in his career. He has a no-trade clause in his contract.
: Goran Dragic reportedly has a short list of teams he’d like to be traded to. But the Phoenix Suns are happy to take calls from anyone else who might be interested in the point guard and has the assets the Suns want, as Yahoo’s Adrian Wojnarowski writes.
League execs say angered Suns owner Rob Sarver refusing to accommodate Dragic's trade request. Bluff or real? We'll know is less than 8 hrs
& Chris Broussard (@Chris_Broussard)
Source says &no way& Dragic signs long-term deal with Indy, Hou, Bos, Sac or any other team not on wish list he gave Suns (MIA, LAL, NYK)
& Chris Broussard (@Chris_Broussard)
: Reggie Jackson did his best to avoid getting fined for a public trade request on Wednesday, giving no clear answers to questions about his future with the Thunder, as Darnell Mayberry of the Oklahoman writes.
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