
21世纪全球全面战略伙伴关系的联合宣言导语在中国国家主席***访英行程接近尾声的时候,两国发表了“面向21世纪全球全面战略伙伴关系”的联合宣言。这个共有29点的联合宣言,包括了中英关系、经济、外交等等方面的合作与期望,也有提到环境以及动物保护等等的议题。联合宣言呼应了英国首相卡梅伦先前的说法,形容***这次访问英国是“开启了持久、开放、共赢的中英关系‘黄金时代’”。双方并且将未来十年之间,以扩大投资、相互支持创新与竞争力的方式“造福两国人民”。在宣言中,双方对彼此的“一带一路”与“英格兰北方经济中心”等计划的合作表示了“浓厚的兴趣”。联合宣言也包括了***本次访英的重头戏,也就是中国投资英国的欣克利角核电站C厂。此外中英也同意将在安全、金融、卫生等等方面加强合作,例如中国在伦敦发行人民币债券等等。在中国主导的亚投行方面,中国对英国成为第一个成为创始成员的西方主要国家表示“赞赏”。同为联合国安理会常任理事国的双方也承诺将按照《联合国宪章》共同合作,解决区域与世界的争端。中英联合宣言中文版(来源:新华社)  中英关于构建面向21世纪全球全面战略伙伴关系的联合宣言1 前言  一、应大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国女王伊丽莎白二世邀请,中华人民共和国主席***于日至23日对英国进行国事访问。访问期间,习主席会见了伊丽莎白二世女王及主要王室成员,同卡梅伦首相在唐宁街首相府、契克斯首相私人官邸及访问曼彻斯特过程中进行了广泛深入的交流。2 黄金时代   二、双方一致认为,作为今年高层交往高潮,***主席对英国事访问为中英关系提供了历史性机遇。中英将共同致力于构建面向21世纪全球全面战略伙伴关系。此访开启了持久、开放、共赢的中英关系“黄金时代”。3 互相信任   三、近十年来,两国关系加快发展、日趋成熟,双方高层交往密切,政治互信增强,经贸合作成果丰硕,人文交流日益深入。4 重要意义   四、双方高度评价进一步发展两国关系对促进世界和平、稳定与繁荣的全球性、战略性重要意义。5 中国实力   五、双方欢迎英国和其他一些发达经济体的复苏有所增强,但全球经济复苏仍面临重大风险。中国正在进行大规模的经济转型,双方坚定相信,中国庞大的经济体量和增长潜力将使今后一个时期中国经济保持较强劲的增长。6
重大机遇   六、中英视对方发展为双边合作的重大机遇。双方将扩大双边贸易投资,相互支持经济竞争力和创新,在未来十年造福两国人民。7 核心利益   七、双方愿根据平等相待、相互尊重的原则进一步增进政治互信,基于这种精神,双方认同彼此对自身政治体制、发展道路、核心利益和重大关切的重视。8 高层合作   八、双方将进一步密切高层往来,引领两国关系发展,挖掘双边关系潜力,保持并加强两国总理年度会晤、经济财金对话、高级别人文交流机制和战略对话等机制。双方将继续促进两国立法机构和政党交往,拓展两国地方合作。9 伙伴关系   九、中英都面临改革、发展和创新的任务,双方经济发展合作具有独特契合点。双方愿借鉴彼此成功经验,探索新合作模式,通过高水平科技创新支持经济可持续增长。双方同意提升双边创新合作水平,建立中英创新合作伙伴关系。10 知识产权   十、双方强调相互投资对促进各自经济增长和就业的重要性,将继续致力于扩大双边货物贸易和服务贸易发展。双方将为双向投资创造公平透明、积极友善的政策环境,致力于解决企业界有关市场准入和法规方面的关切。双方将共同努力,保护在英中国企业和在华英国企业的知识产权。11 投资银行   十一、双方对围绕彼此重大倡议,即中方“一带一路”倡议和英方基础设施升级投资计划及“英格兰北方经济中心”开展合作抱有浓厚兴趣,将在现有机制下就中英基础设施联盟进行进一步探讨,愿结合中欧共同投资基金和互联互通平台探讨相互对接方式,包括支持中方与欧洲投资银行开展合作。12 国际产能   十二、双方愿进一步加强国际产能合作,并对开展三方合作持开放态度。双方支持两国企业将中方产能和装备制造与英方专业知识结合起来,开展合作。13 核电建设   十三、双方重视在彼此国家开展能源和交通领域合作。英方欢迎中方企业逐步参与英民用核能项目。双方欢迎欣克利角C核电站项目达成商业协议。双方鼓励两国企业深入参与高铁项目。14 人民币国际化   十四、双方一致认为,两国金融合作在互利共赢的基础上取得了重要成果,双方愿深化在金融领域独特的长期伙伴关系,使其在双方合作中发挥表率作用。双方欢迎伦敦积极参与人民币国际化进程,将继续推动伦敦人民币离岸市场建设。英方欢迎中国在伦敦发行中国之外首只人民币主权债券。双方支持上海证券交易所和伦敦证券交易所就互联互通问题开展可行性研究。15 文体交流   十五、双方一致认为,人文交流是双边合作中非常活跃、极具潜力的领域,加强了彼此创新创意,推动了两国关系稳定健康发展。双方承诺促进文化教育联系,加强体育、媒体交流。16 卫生科技   十六、中英将共同努力,借鉴彼此在卫生、城镇化、科技方面的经验,增进彼此民众福祉。双方愿加强两国在医疗和卫生政策领域的交流,探索开展联合研究和合作,应对包括抗生素耐药性在内的全球卫生挑战。17 签证政策   十七、双方支持两国人员特别是青年往来,将进一步便利留学和旅游人员往来。双方同意,以富有竞争力的价格提供多年、多次访客签证。18 人权法治   十八、中英同意建立高级别安全对话机制,就防扩散、打击有组织犯罪、打击网络犯罪和非法移民等安全议题加强交流合作,不从事或者支持网络窃取知识产权、贸易秘密或者商业机密以获得竞争优势。双方愿加强相互尊重和理解,致力于人权和法治领域的交流。19 中欧协定   十九、英方全力支持中方按照《中欧合作2020战略规划》深化中欧全面战略伙伴关系。双方支持尽早完成一份雄心勃勃的、全面的中欧投资协定。双方呼吁早日开展中欧自贸区联合可行性研究,以实现第十七次中欧领导人会晤联合声明中确立的长期目标,即在条件成熟时签订深入全面的自贸协定。20 国际争端   二十、中英都是有全球影响力的国家和联合国安理会常任理事国,都对国际体系和全球事务负有重要责任,将同其他联合国成员一道,支持地区和全球稳定。双方同意加强合作,根据《联合国宪章》和国际法和平解决国际和地区争端。21 共同反恐   二十一、中英将加强多边合作,通过外交和政治手段解决冲突,实现稳定,继而消除恐怖主义和极端主义滋生的土壤。22 金融体系   二十二、双方支持二十国集团(G20)作为国际经济合作主要论坛发挥重要作用,将共同推动G20促进全球经济增长,构建公平公正、包容有序的国际金融体系。英方积极支持中国举办2016年G20峰会。双方将加强在财政、税收、金融、贸易、投资、发展、反腐败等领域合作,包括以G20反腐败工作组共同主席身份开展合作。23 货币篮子   二十三、英方支持人民币在满足现有标准的前提下在国际货币基金组织本轮特别提款权审查中加入特别提款权货币篮子。双方敦促所有尚未批准2010年份额和治理改革方案的成员不再拖延、立即批准该方案,从而进一步提高新兴市场和发展中国家的发言权。24 亚投行   二十四、中方赞赏英国第一个成为亚洲基础设施投资银行意向创始成员国的主要西方国家。双方期待亚投行早日投入运作,加入国际金融体系,并成为一个“精简、正规、绿色”的机构,帮助亚洲地区应对基础设施建设领域面临的缺口。25 持续发展   二十五、双方重申落实2015年后发展议程的承诺,包括将通过新中英发展伙伴关系等继续开展合作,支持减贫等联合国可持续发展目标。26 国际气候   二十六、中英认识到,需要在可持续发展框架下通过国际合作解决人类面临的最大威胁之一——气候变化。双方认同即将召开的巴黎气候大会是全球应对气候变化挑战的关键时刻。27 保护动物   二十七、中英认识到打击野生动物非法贸易的重要性和紧迫性,承诺采取积极措施应对这一全球性挑战。28 外交礼遇   二十八、双方同意相互支持各自改善和提升在对方国家的外交机构馆舍。29 共同发展   二十九、双方重申支持彼此繁荣和发展,共同努力促进世界和平、安全与发展。中英联合宣言英文版(来源:英国外交部)UK-China Joint Statement on building a global comprehensive strategic partnership for the 21st Century.At the invitation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, His Excellency President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China undertook a State Visit to the UK from 19 to 23 October 2015. During the visit, President Xi was received by Her Majesty and senior members of the Royal Family, and held extensive in-depth discussions with Prime Minister David Cameron at No. 10 Downing Street, his Chequers residence, and during a visit to Manchester.Both sides agree that the State Visit by President Xi Jinping, as the culmination of the high-level exchanges this year, provides a historic opportunity for UK-China relations. The UK and China commit to building a global comprehensive strategic partnership for the 21st Century. This visit opens a golden era in UK-China relations featuring enduring, inclusive and win-win cooperation.In the last decade, the bilateral relationship has flourished and matured with close high-level exchanges, deeper political trust, fruitful economic cooperation and wider people-to-people contact.The two sides recognise the global significance and strategic importance of stronger UK-China relations in promoting global peace, stability and prosperity.Both sides welcome the strengthening economic recovery in the UK and some other advanced economies, but significant risks to the global economy remain. Even as China is undergoing enormous transformation, the two sides firmly believe that the vast size and potential of China’s economy will continue to drive strong growth for years to come.The UK and China regard each other’s development as providing important opportunities for bilateral cooperation. Both sides will enhance bilateral trade and investment, and support mutual economic competitiveness and innovation for the benefit of both peoples in the decade ahead.The two sides will further enhance political trust based on equality and mutual respect and, in that spirit, recognise the importance each side attaches to its own political system, development path, core interests and major concerns.The two sides will increase the frequency, breadth and depth of high-level exchanges to guide the development and increase the potential of their bilateral relations. They will maintain and strengthen such mechanisms as the Annual Prime Minister’s Meeting, Strategic Dialogue, Economic and Financial Dialogue, and High-Level People-to-People Dialogue. Both sides will continue to promote the exchanges between their legislatures and political parties, and broaden regional and local collaboration between the two countries.The UK and China both face the tasks of reform, growth and innovation and are uniquely matched to cooperate on economic development. They stand ready to learn from each other’s successful experience and find new models of cooperation to support the growth of sustainable economies underpinned by world class science and innovation. The two sides agree to raise the level of cooperation in innovation and establish a UK-China Innovation Cooperation Partnership.The two sides stress the importance of bilateral investment in promoting growth and jobs, and will continue to expand two-way trade in goods and services. They commit to creating a fair, transparent, positive and business-friendly policy environment for two-way investment and addressing business concerns regarding market access and regulations. They will work together to protect intellectual property of Chinese and British companies in both countries.Both sides have a strong interest in cooperating on each other’s major initiatives, namely China’s “Belt and Road” initiative and the UK’s National Infrastructure Plan and the Northern PowerHouse. They will further discuss a UK-China infrastructure alliance under existing mechanisms and explore cooperation in light of the China-EU Joint Investment Fund and Connectivity Platform. This includes supporting cooperation between China and the European Investment Bank.The two sides are ready to enhance global industrial cooperation and are open to exploring cooperation involving third parties. Both sides support their businesses to combine China’s production capacity and equipment manufacturing with UK expertise.Both sides attach importance to their cooperation on energy and transport in each other’s countries. The UK welcomes the progressive participation of Chinese companies in its civil nuclear energy projects, and both sides welcome the commercial agreement on Hinkley Point C. Both sides encourage their firms to deepen cooperation and participation in high speed rail projects.Both sides agree that financial cooperation has made important progress on a reciprocal basis. They will deepen their unparalleled long-term partnership on financial services, as a leading area in the bilateral relationship. Both sides welcome London’s active participation in the internationalisation of the RMB and will continue to grow London’s RMB offshore market. The UK welcomes China’s issuance of a sovereign RMB bond in London, the first of its kind outside China. Both sides support the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange to carry out a feasibility study on a stock connect.Both sides agree that people-to-people exchanges are a vibrant and promising area of bilateral cooperation, which strengthen creativity and innovation on both sides and promote the steady and sound growth of bilateral relations. Both sides commit to boost cultural and educational links and to enhance sport and media exchanges.The UK and China will work together to learn from each other on healthcare, urbanisation, science and technology, to improve the welfare of their peoples. The two sides will strengthen exchanges in medical and healthcare policies and explore joint research and cooperation to tackle global health challenges including antimicrobial resistance.Both sides support increased visitor flows between the UK and China particularly between young people, and agree to work together to increase the opportunities for study and tourism. The two sides have agreed to launch new competitively priced multiple year, multi-entry visit visas.The UK and China agree to establish a high-level security dialogue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation on security issues such as non-proliferation, organised crime, cyber crime and illegal immigration. The UK and China agree not to conduct or support cyber-enabled theft of intellectual property, trade secrets or confidential business information with the intent of providing competitive advantage. The two sides will enhance mutual respect and understanding, and continue exchanges on human rights and rule of law.The UK fully supports China’s deepening comprehensive strategic partnership with the EU in line with the China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation. Both sides support the early conclusion of an ambitious and comprehensive China-EU Investment Agreement, and call for the swift launch of a joint feasibility study for a China-EU Free Trade Agreement to achieve the goals set out in the 17th China-EU Summit Joint Statement, which is, once the conditions are right, to build a deep and comprehensive FTA, as a longer term perspective.As countries of global influence and permanent members of the UN Security Council, the UK and China shoulder important responsibilities for the international system and global affairs. Both sides will work with other UN members to support regional and global stability. The two sides agree to strengthen cooperation on settling international and regional disputes peacefully in accordance with the UN Charter and international law.The UK and China will increase multilateral cooperation to help resolve conflict through diplomatic and political means to achieve stability and therefore tackle the conditions that give rise to terrorism and extremism.The UK and China support the G20’s important role as the premier forum for international economic cooperation, working towards world economic growth and an international financial system of fairness, equity, inclusivity and coherence. The UK actively supports China in hosting the G20 Summit in 2016. They will strengthen cooperation on fiscal, tax, financial, trade, investment, development and corruption issues, including as co-chairs of the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group.The UK supports the inclusion of the RMB into the SDR basket subject to meeting existing criteria in the IMF’s upcoming SDR review. Both sides urge members who have yet to ratify the 2010 quota and governance reforms to do so without delay to further enhance the voice of emerging markets and developing countries.China commends the UK for being the first major western country to become a prospective founding member of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). They look forward to the AIIB’s early operation and integration into the global financial system as a “lean, clean and green” institution that addresses Asia’s infrastructure needs.The two sides reaffirm their commitment to implementing the post-2015 development agenda and will continue to work together in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals including poverty reduction, and through a renewed UK-China Development Partnership.The UK and China recognise the need to address the problem of climate change, one of the biggest threats to humanity, in the context of sustainable development through international cooperation. Both sides also recognise that the upcoming international climate conference in Paris represents a pivotal moment for the global effort to tackle climate change.The UK and China, recognising the importance and urgency of combating the illegal wildlife trade, commit to take active measures to tackle this global challenge.The two sides agree to support each other in improving and upgrading their diplomatic premises in each other’s countries.Both sides reiterate that they are determined to support each other’s prosperity and development and to work together for the benefit of global peace, security and development.上面列出的最新中英宣言,非常有意思的是英国外交部和中国使馆的中英文对照翻译,对学习英文感兴趣的朋友可以仔细研究,慢慢品味。 中英宣言从宏观层面上说明了此次习主席访英的战略成果,但这次习主席访英给咱们老百姓带来了哪些实惠?有哪些红包呢? 大叔所分享所有文章均不代表任何法律意见,更多精彩文章,陆续完善中,点击阅读原文,可查看完整大叔发过的历史文章内容《大叔宝典》1000 《如何免费获得英国相关各类宝典: - 生活/房产/移民/签证/》1001 《英国留学生获得绿卡的10种方法 (1)》1012 《英国留学生获得绿卡的10种方法 (2)》9001 《获得英国国籍/公民的5种方法》9002 《英国出生儿童如何保留双重国籍》《签证指南》1008 《办理父母探亲签证宝典,附文件清单样本》1002 《探亲老人往返中英攻略,附海关通关宝典》1003 《英国定居结婚签证全攻略》1004 《预备企业家移民签证详解及百问百答》1005 《在英国申请美国签证攻略!收藏!》1006 《在英国申请法国申根签证攻略!收藏!》1007 《留学生英国居住满10年申请绿卡攻略》1009 《实战:英籍华人申请父母团聚绿卡指南》1010 《2015年10月T4学生签证指南》1011 《欧盟法及欧盟家属签证问答指南》《政策分析》2001 《英国投资移民指南》2002 《英国企业家移民指南》2003 《海外首席代表签证指南》2005 《英国毕业生企业家移民签证指南》2004 《如何为公司申请工作签证担保人资格?》2006 《和英国人在中国结婚办理结婚证指南》2007 《中国人在英国办理结婚指南》《英国创业》3001 《如何在英国注册英国公司?》3002 《《出国购物英语》完整手册》3003 《英国申请商标注册实战指南》更多精彩文章,陆续完善中,点击阅读原文,可查看完整大叔发过的历史文章内容公告通知本文部分内容来自英国驻英国大使馆,英国外交部,央视财经及网络,大叔搜集整理,任何问题欢迎联系(可加大叔个人微信号 A或直接在公众号留言),大叔会在最短时间内答复。多谢!
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加强国际合作 促进共同发展(中英)
Enhance International Cooperation, and Promote Common Development
speech at the International Forum on Going Global of Chinese Companies
  Distinguished Mr. Eleih-Elle-Etian, Chief of African Nation Delegation,
  Distinguished Mr. Serge Janssens de Varebeke, Chairman of the EU Chamber of Commerce,
  Dear Guests,
  Ladies and Gentlemen,
  由中国商务部举办以“走出去”为主题的国际论坛,这是第一次。昨天,吴仪副总理给论坛发来致辞,表达了中国中央政府对此次论坛的关注和良好祝愿。在此,我受薄熙来部长的委托,代表中国商务部,对出席论坛的国内外嘉宾和各界朋友表示热烈的欢迎!对所有支持和参与论坛的国家以及学术界、企业界人士表示衷心的感谢!& This is the first time that the Ministry of Commerce of China holds such an international forum on 'Go Global.' Yesterday, Vice Premier Wu Yi sent her congratulatory letter to the forum, showing the attention and good wish of China's central government. Entrusted by Minister Bo Xilai and on behalf of the Ministry of Commerce of China, I would like to hereby extend my warm welcome to distinguished guests from home and abroad, and friends of all circles, and my sincere thanks to countries as well as people from both academic and business circles for their support and participation.
  当今世界,和平和发展是两大主题。随着经济全球化的不断深入发展,世界各国之间的联系更加紧密。中国有句古话,'尺有所短,寸有所长'。每个国家、每个地区,都有各自的相对优势和有利条件。加强国际经济交流与合作,把这些有利条件结合起来,实现取长补短、优势互补和共同发展,不但是各国各地区的热切愿望,也是抓住机遇、应对挑战的必然选择。&& Peace and development are the two major themes of today's world. As economic globalization goes deeper, countries all over the world are getting closer and closer. According to an ancient Chinese saying, sometimes a foot may prove short while an inch may prove long. Every country or region has its own comparative advantages and favorable conditions. It is a shared wish of all countries and regions as well as their necessary choice for seeking opportunities and facing challenges to enhance international economic exchanges and cooperation, so as to combine favorable conditions, draw upon each other's strengths and achieve common development.
  实行对外开放,是中国推进现代化建设的一项基本国策。二十多年来,中国全方位对外开放的格局已基本形成,开放型经济迅速发展。2003年,中国的经济总量达到1.4万亿美元,人均GDP达到1090美元;中国的外贸进出口总额当年达到8512亿美元,居世界第四。在2001年至2003年的三年时间里,中国的进口总额接近1万亿美元;外商在中国的直接投资自1993年起连续11年居发展中国家之首,到2003年底,实际直接利用外资累计5015亿美元。中国对外贸易和吸引外资的迅速发展,中国市场容量的迅速扩大,不但推动了中国经济社会的发展,也为世界贸易和投资的增长作出了积极的贡献,为世界其他国家和地区的发展带来了积极的作用。中国的经验证明,中国经济的发展离不开世界,同样,经济全球化和世界经济的发展也离不开中国?/td&&& Opening up to the outside world is a basic national policy of China to push forward its modernization drive. After over two decades' efforts, China has established a basic pattern for its all-directional opening up, and achieved rapid development of its open economy. In 2003, China's aggregate economic volume reached US$140million, with a GDP per capita of US$1090, and the total trade volume stood at US$851.2 billion, ranking China the fourth in the world. From 2001 to 2003, China's aggregate trade volume was nearly US$1 trillion. Since 1993, China has been the largest foreign direct investment recipient for 11 consecutive years, and the total volume of paid-in FDI had reached US$501.5 billion by the end of 2003. As China's foreign trade and foreign investment attraction develop rapidly, China's market capacity also grows at a high speed, which not only promotes China's economic and social development, but also contributes to trade and investment increase worldwide as well as the development of other countries and regions in the world. China's experience has proven that the Chinese economy cannot develop without the world, nor can economic globalization and the development of the world economy be achieved without China.
  加入世界贸易组织,标志着中国的对外开放进入了一个新的发展阶段。在新的世纪,中国政府明确提出,坚持'引进来'和'走出去'相结合,全面提高对外开放水平,在更大范围、更广领域和更高层次上参与国际经济合作与竞争。一方面,提高'引进来'的质量和水平;另一方面,鼓励中国有比较优势的各类企业以更加积极的姿态走出去,在参与国际经济合作与竞争的过程中,不断增强自身的国际竞争力。到目前为止,中国累计对外直接投资超过300亿美元,分布在160多个国家和地区;对外承包工程和劳务合作稳步发展。境外资源开发、境外加工贸易、农业合作、设立研发机构等多种方式的对外投资取得积极进展,企业实力和经营层次不断提升。可以说,鼓励有实力的企业走出去,是中国适应经济全球化和进一步开放的必然选择。& China's accession to the WTO ushered in a new development stage for its opening up. In the new century, the Chinese government has clearly stated that it will adhere to combining 'bring in' with 'go global', comprehensively upgrading its opening up, and participating in international cooperation and competition at a larger extent, in more areas and on a higher level. The Chinese government will on the one hand strive to improve the quality and level of 'bring in,' and on the other hand encourage Chinese companies with comparative advantages to go global in a more active manner and enhance their international competitiveness. China's accumulative overseas direct investment has so far exceeded US$30 billion, involving over 160 countries and regions. China's foreign contractual engineering and labor service cooperation has also witnessed steady growth. Oversea investment through such forms as overseas resource development and processing trade, agricultural cooperation, and the establishment of R&D centers has made sound progress, which helps to improve the strength and business operation levels of Chinese companies. It is fair to say that in order to adapt itself to economic globalization and further its opening up, China must necessarily encourage competent Chinese companies to go global.
  女士们,先生们:& Ladies and Gentlemen,
  中国企业'走出去'与其他国家和地区开展经济合作已有20多年的历史,实力逐步增强,逐步积累了'走出去'的经验。有的企业已初步建立全球生产和销售网络,具备了跨国公司的雏形。企业已初步建立起现代企业制度,部分企业发展成为拥有著名品牌和自主知识产权、主业突出、核心竞争能力较强的大公司或企业集团。一些中小企业也在国际市场上崭露头角。企业的经营方式呈逐步多样化,经营层次不断提高。跨国并购、股权置换、收购销售网络、许可证、技术专利、建立研发中心和工业园区等对外直接投资方式不断增多。同时,大型对外承包工程项目逐年增加,档次和技术含量不断提高,EPC总承包已成为主要承包方式,并逐步向BOT等更高层次发展。&& After over two decades' going global and conducting economic cooperation with other countries and regions, Chinese companies have improved their competence and accumulated experience in 'Going Global.' Some companies have primarily established their own global production and marketing networks, and acquired some rudiments of a multinational corporation. A modern corporate system has been b many companies have developed into big companies or groups with well-know brands, self-owned intellectual property, well-established main business and relatively strong core competitiveness. Some small- and medium- sized companies have also started to make a figure in the international market. Chinese companies have diversified their business operation modes and upgraded their management levels. Forms of overseas direct investment have increased to include international merger and acquisition, equity swap, purchase of marketing network, license and technological patent, and the establishment of R&D centers and industrial parks. Meanwhile, there are more large foreign contractual engineering projects with higher quality and technical content. EPC general contracting is now the main form of foreign contracting, which is gradually developing towards higher level forms such as BOT.
  通过开展多种形式的对外投资合作,中国加强了与世界各国和地区的经贸合作关系,为当地的经济社会发展作出了积极的贡献,实现了优势互补,促进了共同发展。中国企业不但建设了一批质量好、规模大、技术含量高的合作项目,增加了当地的就业和税收,还输入了适合其经济发展水平的适用设备和技术,培养了技术人员,在当地产生了广泛的影响,赢得了良好的声誉。& Through various forms of foreign investment cooperation, China has strengthened its economic and trade cooperation with other countries and regions in the world, contributed positively to their respective economic and social development, and promoted common development through drawing upon each other's strengths. Chinese companies have not only undertaken many good quality, large scale cooperative projects with high technical content, but also created more jobs and revenues for relevant countries or regions, introduced equipment and technology that fit their respective economic development levels, and trained technicians. These efforts have generated large influence and won good reputation for Chinese companies.
  当前,世界经济摆脱了持续两年多的疲弱态势,开始逐渐复苏。跨国直接投资止跌回稳,国际贸易大幅飙升,世界经济复苏的步伐正在加快。2003年,美国和的经济增长好于预期。欧元区经济较为稳定。发展中国家和地区经济增长势头强劲,一些转轨国家成为世界经济增长的新亮点。世界各主要组织对2004年世界经济增长的预测均有所上调,国际货币基金组织预计今年全球经济增长将达到4.6%。& The world economy has started its gradual recovery from over two years' sluggishness. International direct investment has ended its downward trend and become stabilized. All these indicate a fast recovery of the world economy. In 2003, the economic growth of both the US and Japan was better than expected. Economic situations in the Euro zone are relatively stable. Developing countries and regions have embarked on a strong momentum of economic development. Some countries in transition have newly outstood themselves in terms of economic growth. Major organizations in the world have made upward adjustments to their 2004 forecasts of the world economic growth. Global economic growth rate is expected to reach 4.6% according to the IMF.
  与此同时,全球范围内区域经济合作蓬勃发展,多边和双边商签投资合作协定的热情高涨, 投资环境日益改善,投资便利化进程加快, 全球直接投资有望反弹,由跨国直接投资带动的世界贸易增长将有所加快。世界投资和贸易的增长,将进一步巩固世界经济复苏的势头。发展中国家面临从全球产业结构和国际分工格局大调整中提高竞争力的难得机遇,中国目前也正处在全面建设小康社会的阶段,市场很大而且成长性好。因此,无论是从国际经济形势的发展趋势看,还是中国经济发展的客观需要看,开展国际经济合作的空间和潜力巨大,前景广阔。&& In the meantime, economic cooperation worldwide is developing robustly while enthusiasm of making multilateral and bilateral investment agreements is uprising. Investment climate is being improved, investment facilitation is being expedited, global direct investment is expected to rebound and world trade growth driven by cross-border direct investment will be accelerated. Increased world investment and trade will further consolidate the momentum of world economic recovery. Developing countries are facing precious opportunities for sharpening their competitive edge through worldwide industrial restructuring and adjustment of international division of labor. China is currently at the stage of building a well-off society in an all-around way and enjoys huge market and great potential for growth. Therefore, because of either the development trend of international economy or the actual need of developing Chinese economy, there exist tremendous space and potential as well as broad prospect for international economic cooperation.
  同时,我们也注意到,当前世界范围内还存在许多不稳定因素,地区安全局势和恐怖主义威胁干扰了人们对经济增长前景的信心,金融、汇率等市场存在着大幅波动的可能,经济问题政治化的贸易保护主义时有抬头,整个世界经济复苏的基础还比较脆弱。同时,中国国内经济结构调整的任务依然艰巨,区域经济发展不平衡的矛盾较为突出。 中国目前还是发展中国家,企业'走出去'的规模还相对较小,很多企业还缺乏参与国际经济合作的经验,相关的管理与促进服务体系还需进一步改善。所以,中国企业'走出去'并非一路坦途,还必须慎重应对各种风险与挑战。& At the same time, we have also noted that there are many uncertainties in the current world. Problems of regional security and terrorism have hurt peoples' confidence in economic growth. Risks of volatility are seen in financial and foreign exchange markets. Trade protectionism caused by politicization of economic issues rises from time to time. The basis for world economic recovery remains vulnerable. Meanwhile, China is facing a tough task of restructuring its internal economy and has the outstanding problem of uneven economic development among regions. China is still a developing country. Only a small number of Chinese companies are able to 'go global'. Many companies lack experiences of international economic cooperation and need to improve relevant management and service systems. So it will not be a plain sailing for Chinese companies to go global. They must be prudent to deal with all kinds of risks and challenges.
  女士们,先生们:& Ladies and gentlemen,
  加快实施'走出去'战略,是中国进一步扩大对外开放,主动参与国际经济合作的重要战略决策。按照中国经济发展的总体战略部署,根据国内外经济发展的趋势和客观要求,今后一段时期中国企业'走出去'的努力方向,我以为应当有如下几个方面:& Accelerating the 'go global' strategy is an important strategic decision made by China to expand its opening up and take initiatives to participate in international economic development. In line with the overall strategic planning of Chinese economic development and based on the trend and need of internal and external economic development, Chinese companies' efforts of 'going global' in the next period lie in the following aspects.
  一是逐步扩大对外投资规模。大力发展境外加工贸易和境外加工装配。在进一步加强与各国各地区,特别是发展中国家和地区投资合作的同时,努力增加当地就业,增强当地经济的自我发展能力。积极探索跨国并购等投资方式。& First, gradually increasing outward investment and develop overseas processing trade and overseas assembling trade. While strengthening investment cooperation with the rest of the world, particularly developing countries and regions, we should also try every means to create jobs locally and enhancing the self-development capability of local economies.
  二是加强境外资源合作开发。通过与世界各国各地区在油气、矿产、林木、渔业、经济作物等资源领域的勘探、开发和加工合作,转让中国在资源开发领域的实用技术,扩大当地就业,增加当地居民收入和政府税收,增强当地经济的自我发展能力和出口能力,促进相关国家的资源优势转化为发展优势。& Second, intensifying overseas cooperation of resource development. Through cooperating with other countries to prospect, exploit and develop resources such as oil and gas, minerals, forestry, fishing and economic plants, China can transfer its applicable technologies of resource development, create jobs, increase household income and fiscal revenue and strengthen self-development and export capability of local economies so as to help those countries transform their resource advantage to development advantage.
  三是拓展对外工程承包。鼓励企业以带资承包方式开展国际工程承包和项目设计咨询业务,支持国内企业参与各国各地区的项目建设,逐步形成一批具有相当规模和较强国际竞争能力的大型承包工程企业。& Third, contracting overseas engineering projects. Companies are encouraged to undertake project contracting and design and consulting business by providing financing. Domestic companies are supported to participate in projects in every country and region. It is aimed to form up a number of sizeable and competitive engineering companies.
  The fourth aspect is to carry out overseas agricultural cooperation. The advantage of Chinese agricultural technology and equipment should be fully utilized and capable companies are encouraged to carry out projects of comprehensive agricultural development. Multiple means should be taken to establish international agricultural production and processing bases.
  五是促进境外科技和智力合作。引导企业在境外科技资源密集的地区设立研发中心,加强国际技术交流与合作,提高中国企业创新能力和技术水平。& The fifth aspect is to facilitate overseas science, technology and talent cooperation. Companies are guided to set up R&D centers in regions endowed with intensive science and technology. They should intensify international technical exchange and cooperation and improve their innovative capability and technology.
  六是提高对外劳务合作水平。根据国际市场的需求,在逐步完善管理体制的同时,丰富对外劳务合作的方式,拓宽对外劳务合作的领域。& The sixth aspect is to elevate the level of foreign-related labour service cooperation. According to the demands of international market, Chinese companies should diversify their approaches and expand the scope of labour service cooperation while progressively perfect management system.
  七是推动服务贸易领域的合作。鼓励中国企业到境外从事贸易分销、银行、保险、证券、期货、基金管理、电讯信息、物流航运和中介服务,加强服务贸易领域的国际交流,为国际贸易和国际投资的便利化创造条件。& The seventh aspect is to promote cooperation in the field of trade in services. Chinese companies are encouraged to go abroad and engage themselves in trade, distribution, banking, insurance, securities, futures, fund management, telecommunication and information, logistics and shipping, and intermediary services. They are expected to intensify international exchange in service trade in order to facilitate international trade and investment.
  为促进企业以更加积极的姿态与世界各国和地区开展多种形式的投资合作,中国政府正在按照以市场为主导、以企业为主体、政府提供服务的原则,加快建立中国对外经济合作的管理服务体系。&& In order to mobilize companies to engage more keenly in various forms of investment cooperation with other countries and regions across the world, the Chinese government is stepping up the establishment of a service and management system for foreign economic cooperation under the premise of taking market as the guiding force, businesses as the mainstay and government as the service provider.
  首先,目前中国正在完善社会主义市场经济体制,按照市场经济的要求和履行作为世贸组织成员所承担的义务,形成稳定、透明的涉外经济管理体制,创造公平和可预见的法制环境,从而为中国企业开展规范的对外经济合作、为中外双方合作提供良好的制度保障。各位知道,前不久中国全国人大刚刚通过了新修订的《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》,并将于7月1日起实施。这部法律是在中国经济发展以及加入世界贸易贸组织的背景下出台的一部对外经济贸易的基本法律,是建立中国涉外经济贸易管理体制的法律基础,也是建立中国对外经济合作管理制度和政府在经贸领域实行依法行政的基础。在这个基础上,需要建立一系列配套的办法、措施和规则。&& First, China is currently making improvements to the socialist market economic system. It is observing the requirements of the market economy and fulfilling its obligation as a WTO member, thus giving rise to a foreign-related economic management system that is stable and transparent as well as creating a legal environment fair and predictable. This has provided a sound system guarantee for Chinese companies to regulate their foreign economic cooperation activities together with their foreign counterparts. As you might be aware, quite recently the National People's Congress of China has endorsed the newly revised 'Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China', which will come into force on July 1st. This is a basic law bearing on foreign trade and economic cooperation against the backdrop of China's economic development and its WTO accession. It also constitutes the infrastructure whereon to build China's administrative system for foreign economic cooperation and realize law-based administration by the government in the economic and trade sectors. Starting with this basis, there is a need to institute a series of supporting methods, measures and rules.
  第二,建立新型的对外经济合作的管理服务体系。& Second, set up a new kind of service and management system for foreign economic cooperation.
  借鉴国际通行做法,制定和完善对外经济合作在金融、保险、外汇、海关、检验检疫等方面的便利化政策和措施。进一步弱化政府在企业对外经济合作中的行政审批职能,进一步下放对外投资审批权限,简化审批程序,逐步实行网上申报和各类批准证书网上发放。健全对外经济合作的监管机制,完善相应的年检制度和统计制度,促进中国跨国公司的成熟与发展。&& By drawing on international practices, we are formulating and improving those policies and measures in the areas of banking, insurance, foreign exchange, customs, inspection and quarantine so as to facilitate foreign economic cooperation. We have further downplayed government's role of administrative examination and approval in foreign cooperation activities by the businesses, further decentralized the authority to examine and approve overseas investment, simplified the approval procedures and practiced online application and online issuance of the certificates in a progressive manner. We are also building on the existing monitoring mechanism for foreign economic cooperation to install and improve the relevant systems of annual inspection and data collection, in an effort to make China's transnational companies more developed and stronger.
  增强政府在信息服务方面的作用,完善对外经济合作业务信息系统,建立业务信息库并搭建信息交流交换平台。继续完善已经运行的'中国对外投资合作指南',实现较大范围的国内外投资促进方面的资源共享。通过向公众提供政策、市场和项目等方面的信息服务,使中国企业增强对国外市场的了解,也使外国企业和机构熟悉中国及中国企业,加强中外企业之间的互动,不断扩大经济合作的领域和方式。& We are also strengthening the government's role in providing information services by improving the business information system for foreign economic cooperation, setting up the information database and building a platform for information exchanges. We continue to build on the 'China Guide for Overseas Investment and Cooperation' that is already in operation so that domestic and international resources in investment promotion can be shared in an extensive way. By offering information on policies, market and projects to the public, the Chinese government can help its businesses in understanding more about the international market and assist foreign businesses in familiarizing China and Chinese companies. On this basis, the interaction between Chinese and foreign companies is strengthened and the areas and modalities of economic cooperation is constantly expanded.
  加强政府在对外经济合作促进方面的推动和引导。利用政府高层领导出访和来访的机会,推动中外企业间大型合作项目的磋商和成交。继续发挥'中国对外贸易投资洽谈会'这一中国迄今最大的投资合作洽谈平台的作用,进一步扩大洽谈会的功能,丰富洽谈会的内容,使参加洽谈会的中外企业能够虚实兼得。在这里,我也代表商务部欢迎国内外有兴趣的机构和企业参加于9月份在厦门召开的'中国对外贸易投资洽谈会',相信你们会有所收获。& The role of the government shall be enhanced in encouraging and guiding endeavors to promote foreign economic cooperation. High-level visits of government leaders shall be taken good advantage of to facilitate successful transaction of large cooperation projects. Moreover, we should give full play to China International Fair for Trade and Investment, up to now China's largest platform for discussing investment and trade opportunities by consolidating its function as a business fair and extending its coverage, so that Chinese and foreign business participants can be benefited both physically and theoretically. On behalf of MOFCOM, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my welcome to interested Chinese and foreign agencies and companies to attend CIFIT, which will be held in September in Xiamen. I am convinced you will find the visit fruitful.
  第三,按照市场经济的规律和要求,帮助对外经济合作的中介机构准确定位,完善功能。进一步减少对外经济合作中介机构的行政色彩,强化服务和自律功能,承担起政府和企业之间桥梁和纽带的作用。同时,鼓励和促进对外经济合作中介机构加强与国际同业组织的交流与合作,提高自身的档次、水平以及服务的质量。& Third, in line with the market economic rules and requirements, we will help intermediary agencies in foreign economic cooperation to precisely position themselves and improve their function. Their administrative mandate should be further weakened while that of service and self discipline be strengthened to function as a bridge between the government and the business circle. Meanwhile intermediary agencies are encouraged to enhance their communication and cooperation with their international counterparts, improve their capacity and quality of service.
  第四,为中外企业的合作创造较好的国际环境。顺应经济全球化和区域经济合作的发展潮流,积极参与国际多边投资框架谈判和区域经济合作,深入研究不同区域经济组织的特点,加快商签自由贸易协定。同时,加强双边经贸合作框架下对外经济合作的磋商机制,加强与外国驻华使馆和机构的联系,积极与有关国家签订经济合作方面的政府间双边协定。通过加强多双边交流和磋商,减少和排除企业合作中的壁垒,提高国际经济合作的便利化程度。&& Fourth, creating good international environment for the cooperation between Chinese and foreign businesses. Going with the development trend of economic globalization and regional economic cooperation, China will vigorously take part in negotiations on multilateral investment frameworks and regional economic cooperation, conduct in-depth study on features of different regional economic organizations and accelerate the process of signing free trade agreements. At the same time, efforts will also be made to consolidate the consultation mechanism of foreign economic cooperation under the framework of bilateral economic and trade cooperation, keep close contact with embassies and agencies of foreign countries in China, and actively engage in signing bilateral government agreements on economic cooperation. Hopefully frequent multilateral and bilateral exchanges and consultations will lead to fewer barriers for business cooperation and greater facilitation of international economic cooperation.
  女士们,先生们:& Ladies and gentlemen,
  在经济全球化和区域经济合作浪潮的推动下,中国正在越来越密切地加强与世界各国和地区的经贸交往。加入世界贸易组织两年多来,中国认真履行承诺,致力于为各国投资者创造更为公开、公平和透明的投资环境,进一步吸引外商投资。同时,中国也正在逐步完善'走出去'的服务促进体系,提高对外投资合作便利化的程度,努力为中外企业加强投资合作营造较好的外部环境。走向世界的中国将会给世界带来更多的机遇和活力;世界各国各地区的携手合作将会创造更多的幸福和繁荣。&& Driven by the trend of economic globalization and regional economic cooperation, China is having closer and stronger economic and trade exchanges with the rest of the world. In the past two years after its WTO accession, China is earnestly implementing its WTO commitment, dedicating to a more open, fairer and more transparent investment environment in order to attract more FDI. Meanwhile, China is also gradually improving its mechanism for servicing and promoting China's Going Global efforts, enhancing the facilitation of overseas investment cooperation to create a good external environment for the investment cooperation between Chinese and foreign businesses. China marching toward the world will bring with her more opportunities and vitality while the cooperation among all countries and regions in the world will produce more happiness and prosperity.
  在这样的背景下,此次论坛的召开有着积极的意义。通过在国内外政府、机构和企业之间搭建沟通和交流的平台,与会嘉宾和代表就各国的投资政策和措施、投资环境、国际化经营的体会和经验等内容进行高层次、高水平的探讨,为中外企业加强国际投资合作、探索合作的新方式和新领域提供良机,机会难得。&& Against this backdrop, today's Forum is of positive significance. It serves as a platform of exchanges and communication between Chinese and foreign governments, agencies and businesses, on which participants can hold high-level sophisticated discussions on investment policies and measures, investment environment, experiences in internationalized operation and so on. This is a valuable opportunity for Chinese and international companies to consolidate international investment cooperation, and explore new modes and areas of cooperation.
  我希望各位嘉宾和代表能够畅所欲言,各抒己见,互相启迪,开拓视野,充分利用好这个平台,增强交流与互信,在交流中相互借鉴,在竞争中取长补短,不断挖掘中外双方合作的潜力,在求同存异中求得双赢和共同发展。& I hope distinguished guests and all other participants can feel free to air your opinions so that all will feel enlightened or horizon broadened. I do hope you will take good advantage of this Forum to intensify mutual exchanges and mutual trust, learn from each other, make up each other's short points with each other's strong points amidst competition, tap the potentiality of each party in cooperation in order to achieve win-win outcome and common development by seeking for common ground while putting aside differences.
  最后,预祝本次论坛取得圆满成功!& Finally, I wish the Forum a complete success.Thank you.
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