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The Golden Era 黄金时代
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The Golden Era 黄金时代
英文名: The Golden Era
中文名: 黄金时代
别名: 穿过爱情的漫长旅程 / 萧红传
发行工司: 中国电影股份有限公司
电  影 : The.Golden.Era.2014.HD720P.X264片  名 : 译  名 : 《穿过爱情的漫长旅程》《萧红传》国  家 : 中国语  言 : 汉语普通话 文件格式 : MP4视频尺寸 : 清
720P BluRay (收藏)视频时间 : 2h 51 min文件大小 : 4.32 GB
剧情20世纪30年代,20岁的张乃莹(汤唯 饰)逃婚求学,却惨遭抛弃。投靠未婚夫汪恩甲(袁文康 饰)后的张乃莹依然躲不开被抛弃的命运,好在遇到了在报社工作的进步青年萧军(冯绍峰 饰),两人相知相爱。通过萧军张乃莹认识了女编辑白朗(田原 饰)、罗峰(祖峰 饰)夫妻以及聂绀弩(王千源 饰)等文学作家,改名“萧红”后的她得到了鲁迅(王志文 饰)、许广平(丁嘉丽 饰)夫妇的首肯,随后又结识了了胡风(冯雷 饰)、梅志(袁泉 饰)夫妇、蒋锡金(张译 饰)、丁玲(郝蕾 饰)、端木蕻良(朱亚文 饰)等人,在同时代作家的互相鼓励之下,虽然战事不断、颠沛流离,萧红却逐步走向了创作的“黄金时代”。
Framework logoPrime Minister Theresa May compares herself to Queen Elizabeth I in an astonishingly candid interview
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THERESA May’s favourite motto is “don’t let the b******s get you down”, she detests conceit in other people and most admires those who care for others.
The new PM made her confessions in a local magazine interview where she talked about her admiration for Queen Elizabeth I and her belief in the afterlife.
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Theresa May has revealed the historical figure she most identifies with is Elizabeth I – whose reign was considered as a golden era for England
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Her remarkably candid chat has been published in full as Theresa May approaches her 50th day as Prime Minister
Describing the Royal Family as bringing “enormous benefits” to Britain, she said she identified with Queen Elizabeth – “a woman who knew her own mind but achieved in a male environment” who once said she may “have the body of a weak and feeble woman but I have the stomach of a king”.
She told the
her favourite word was “serendipity” and joked she shared her fear of snakes with Harrison Ford’s popular film hero Indiana Jones.
Times Newspapers Ltd
Prime Minister Theresa May says shoes and always having fresh flowers in the house are her greatest extravagance
Just like Indiana Jones, Theresa May says she really does not like snakes – and jokes this will make people wonder why she is in politics
Mrs May also revealed she had a love of detective novels but her favourite book was Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
And the workaholic PM, who is approaching her 50th day in the job, said the one thing that would improve her quality of life would be an extra eight hours in the day.
She dubbed shoes and fresh cut flowers her greatest extravagance and said the House of Parliament was her favourite building in Britain.
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Theresa May says walking in the Swiss Alps with her husband Philip is her idea of perfect happiness
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She said “not getting things done” made her depressed and she least liked her nose or turning up late to appointments.
The PM described her church wedding day as her happiest but said she greatly regretted not letting her mum teach her the piano.
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This is the Prime Minister’s favourite building in the country because she says it is more than just a building, and stands for freedom and democracy
Asked how she would like to be remembered, she answered: “As somebody who made a difference”.
She believes in monogamy and her ideal of perfect happiness is walking in the Alps in
with her husband Philip.
Other revelations include her belief in the afterlife, and that she does not like her nose nor her habit of being late.
As she approaches 50 days in the job this Q&A gives a rare insight into the Prime Minister
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
A) Walking in the Alps in Switzerland with my husband.
What is your greatest fear?
A) Like Indiana Jones, I really don’t like snakes – although that might lead some to ask why I’m in politics!
With which historical figure do you most identify?
A) Queen Elizabeth I – a woman who knew her own mind and achieved in a male environment. Remember her speech: “I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman but I have the stomach of a king.”
Which living person do you most admire?
A) I admire people who devote themselves to the care of others.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
A) Being late all the time.
What is the trait you most deplore in others?
A) Conceit.
What has been your most embarrassing moment?
A) When I was at school they set up a debating society, and I was asked along as someone interested in politics. I picked a subject from the hat, turned to address the room and couldn’t think of a thing to say – I was silent!
What is your greatest extravagance?
A) Shoes, of course – and always having fresh flowers in the house.
Where would you like to live?
A) I love living where I do, in a beautiful Berkshire village.
What makes you depressed?
A) Not and seeing people’s lives hurt by government bureaucracy.
What do you most dislike about your appearance?
A) My nose.
What is your favourite word?
A) Serendipity – I don’t use it much, if at all, but I like it as a word and I like the unexpected nature of what it stands for.
What is your favourite building?
A) I work in one of the best buildings in the country – the Houses of Parliament. It is so much more than just a building: it stands for our freedom and democracy.
What is your favourite journey?
A) The journey to go on holiday in the summer.
What is your favourite book?
A) I love detective novels, but if I had to pick one book, then it would be Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
Should the Royal Family be scrapped?
A) No. They bring this country enormous benefits.
For what cause would you die?
A) Freedom.
Do you believe in monogamy?
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
A) What? Shoes. Who? My husband, Philip.
Have you ever said “I love you” without meaning it?
A) That’s a question no woman should answer.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
A)Actually, ‘appropriate’ and ‘issues’, as in “Actually we need an appropriate response to the issues.”
What is your greatest regret?
A) Not letting my mother teach me to play the piano.
When and where were you happiest?
A) In church on my wedding day.
What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
A) An extra 8 hours in the day.
What would your motto be?
A) Don’t let the ******** get you down.
Do you believe in life after death?
A) Yes I do. I am a vicar’s daughter and still a practising member of the Church of England.
How would you like to be remembered?
A) As somebody who made a difference.
What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
A) Always be true to yourself and be yourself.
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