
英文版笑话 血精灵女: No, no, I wont do that, but my sister will! 不,不,我不会这么做的.不过我妹妹会!(做什么?各位男性玩家扪心自问去.) Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again? 你相信一见钟情么?还是我们应该再邂逅一次~?(臭屁的小丫头.) I went to the Undercity to get a facial, ah, have you seen these people?! I said, you dont have a lower jaw and you’re gonna give me a facial? She got mad at least I think she did. You ever heard someone talk without a lower jaw? #$%@& haha, she sounded like a murloc! 我去幽暗城做面部美容,天啊,你见过那帮家伙嘛!我说:你自己连下巴都没有,却要给我做面部美容?她生气了,至少我想是这样.你听过没有下巴的人说话么?#$%@&(恶意模仿)哈哈,她听上去就像个鱼人! Oh, I hate Thunder Bluff, you cant find a good burger anywhere! 哦,我讨厌雷霆崖,你根本找不到好吃的汉堡!(嗯,欺负完亡灵MM又去欺负牛牛了) Mirrors cant talk, luckily for you they cant laugh either! 镜子不会说话.对你来说幸运的是,它们也不会笑~(各位女性玩家千万忍住不要砸显示器.) How can I miss you if you dont go away? 你不离开我怎么能想你呢?(说你呢,屏幕前流口水那个!) Do you think the expansion will make me fat? 你觉得资料片会让我变胖嘛?(Expansion 同时有“资料片”和“扩张”的意思) So you mean Im stuck with this hair color? 你的意思是我这一辈子只能这一种发色了?(臭美的小丫头,要怪怪暴雪去.) 血精灵男: Want to see my good side? Hahaha, that was a trick question, all I have are good sides. 想看我好的一面么?哈哈哈,这是个脑筋急转弯:我的每一面都是好的~(自恋传说.) Give me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, courage the things I can and wisdom to…AHHH just give me some freaking magic before I kill somebody! 给我能接受我无法改变的事情的平静,给我能挑战我可以改变的事情的勇气,给我智慧.啊啊啊(抓狂),在我杀人前给我点***魔法!(典型的毒瘾发作) The problem with these Horde characters is that they lack sophistication, *farts 这些部落角色的问题在于他们不够成熟稳重(话音刚落自己放了个屁 =____=) Im trying to cut back on arcane magic, look, I got the patch. 我在戒魔法呢,看,我的贴~(贴在肩膀上帮忙戒烟的药帖,的魔法版.) We are allied with the Taurens? Fantastic! We will be having steak twice a week! 我们跟牛头人结盟了?太好了!我们每个星期可以吃两次牛排~(老实的牛牛注定要被这群贱人欺负.) Dont you wish your girlfriend was hot like me? 你难道不希望你的女朋友像我这么性感嘛~?(真"自恋传说.) *Sigh, I can really use a scrunchy, yea you heard me! (叹气)要是有个发圈就好了,对你没听错!(你是Gay还是芭比娃娃.) 德莱尼女: Okay, for mating ritual, we will need 4, no 5 sheep, 1 gnome and Staff of Domination. Put Gnome in bag, beat bag with staff and meet me after gnome is tenderized. OK,要进行交配仪式的话,我们需要四只,不,五只羊一个侏儒还有统御法杖.把侏儒装进袋子用法杖打袋子等侏儒被捣嫩了以后来找我(欧美这边侏儒一直是恶搞的对象,不过德莱尼MM的无厘头也太强了点.OTZ) Stop and ask for directions I told him, but no, its inter-dimensional he says, what can go wrong? 我告诉他停下来问问方向,但他偏不,还说:不过是宇宙穿梭跳跃飞行而已,不会出错的!(于是Exodar坠机到艾泽拉斯.这个是恶搞男人开车不喜欢询问方向的社会现象) I have a wonderful recipe: bring two gnomes, two eggs. Beat the gnomes, separate the eggs, uhh, was it…bah, details. 我有一个绝妙的配方:准备两个侏儒,两个鸡蛋.揍侏儒,把鸡蛋分开.呃,之后是.算了,其他只是细节而已~(可怜的侏儒. OTZ) Single Draenei female seeks blacksmith with grinding wheel to take care of me and my gorgeous hooves. 单身德莱尼女性,寻找会制作砂轮的铁匠来照顾我和我美丽的蹄子(你是要打磨还是要钉掌.?) How exactly do you crash into a planet, that what I want to know! 我就不明白:你怎么能撞上一个星球?(暴雪自己也知道德莱尼的空降传说有点离谱,所以自我调侃一下) Do gnomes have a vibrate setting? Im just curious… 侏儒有“震动”功能嘛?我,我只是好奇.(我彻底无语了.) 德莱尼男: What do you mean there is an octopus on my face? 你说我脸上有只章鱼是什么意思?(你说什么意思?!) I love this planet! I come here, I see cow and chicken and the little horses, this planet has everything! 我爱这个星球!我来到这儿,我看到小牛小鸡小马,这个星球真是应有尽有!(我该说暴雪无厘头还是德莱尼品位独特.) We have it all figured out: Step 1, we land the Exodar. Step 3, we defeat Legion and go home! There is only one detail missing… 我们都计划好了!第一步,我们乘坐Exodar 着陆第三步,我们打败燃烧军团然后回家!呃,中间似乎遗漏了某个小细节.(OTL) You know, our tails add to our natural balance and agility…AHHH 你要知道,我们的尾巴能增强我们天生的优越平衡感和敏捷身.啊啊啊啊(话没说完自己把自己绊了个跟头.) 总结: 血精灵男人是瘾君子+轻微神经质+宇宙超级
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var sogou_ad_width=980;国外玩家画作 另类风格的血精灵与德莱尼
11:28:45 条 来源:reddit 作者:ChristianKS94 ]
国外玩家画作 另类风格的血精灵与德莱尼


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