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Mythological objects encompass a variety of items (e.g. weapons, armour, clothing) found in , , , , , , and
from across the world. This list will be organized according to the category of object.
Armour of , created by
and said to be impenetrable. ()
Armour of , a
made by . ()
Golden Coat of Chainmail, part of 's treasure which
took after he slew the dragon. ()
Green Armour, protects the wearer from physical injuries. ()
Kavacha, the armor of
that was granted by his father
at birth. It was impenetrable even to heavenly weapons. ()
Helmet of , upon which was fixed the head of the white giant , from the
(also Helm of Terror or AEgishjálmr), an . A physical object called "Helm of Terror" is referenced as one item
takes from the dragon 's hoard after he slays him in . ()
, a magic helmet giving the wearer the ability to change form or become invisible. Used by
Goswhit, the helmet of King Arthur, passed down to him from Uther Pendragon. ()
, represented in art first as a
and later as a symbolic . The Crown appears in a number of Baroque iconographic and allegoric works of art to indicate the wearer's immortality.
Huli?shjálmr, a concealing helmet of the . ()
(also Nimbus, Aureole, Glory, or Gloriole), is a ring of light that surrounds a person in art. They have been used in the iconography of many religions to indicate holy or sacred figures, and have at various periods also been used in images of rulers or heroes.
, a metaphor and allegorical artistic motif in which nature is personified as the goddess Isis covered by a veil, representing the inaccessibility of nature's secrets. Helena Blavatsky, in Isis Unveiled in 1877, used the metaphor for the spiritual truths that her Theosophical belief system hoped to discover, and modern ceremonial magic includes a ritual called the "Rending of the Veil" to bring the magician to a higher state of spiritual awareness. ()
's magical headband,
a gift from the . A magical headband which, once Sun Wukong is tricked into putting it on, can never be removed. With a special chant, the band will tighten and cause unbearable pain. ()
's , the easiest way to defeat a kappa was to make it spill the water from its sara on top of their head. The sara on its head is filled with water that is the source of its power. ()
, a woven crown of thorns was placed on the head of Jesus during the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus.
, according to legend was used to wipe the sweat from Jesus' brow as he carried the cross is also said to bear the likeness of the face of Christ.
, said to be made from the nails used during the crucifixion of Christ.
, a helmet or cap that can turn the wearer invisible. It is also known as the Cap of Hades, Helm of Hades, or Helm of Darkness. Wearers of the cap in Greek myths include Athena, the goddess of wisdom, the messenger god Hermes, and the hero Perseus. The Cap of Invisibility enables the user to become invisible to other supernatural entities, functioning much like the cloud of mist that the gods surround themselves in to become undetectable.
Ariadne's Diadem, a diadem given to her by her husband
that was made by
as a wedding present.
Shield of , according to the epic poem , bears the image of a fierce shining golden dragon.
, a shield which stands before the sun and protects earth from burning. If the shield were to fall from its frontal position, mountain and sea "would burn up". ()
Dubán, the black shield of . ()
Pridwen (also Wynebgwrthucher), the shield of King Arthur.
Shield of , according to Arthurian legend it was carried by three maidens to Arthur's castle where it was discovered by . In
he uses it to defeat the Knight of the Burning Dragon.
Shield of , a red shield emblazoned with a golden eagle. According to Arthurian legend the same shield was later found and used by Gawain after he defeated an evil knight.
Shield of Evalach, a white shield belonging to king Evalach.
painted a red cross upon it with his own blood, which granted the owner heavenly protection. It was later won by Sir .
, Zeus' shield, often loaned to his daughter , also used by . ()
Shield of , a huge shield made of seven cow-hides with a layer of bronze. ()
, the shield of the Roman god . One divine shield fell from heaven during the reign of , the second king of Rome. He ordered eleven copies made to confuse would-be thieves. ()
, the shield that
uses in his fight with . ()
Jaivardhan, the shield of Lord
and Lord .
Khetaka, the shield of .
, the shield of , a symbol worshiped and revered by the Hindus, said to be manifested in the god's chest.
(Iron Grippers), a pair of iron gauntlets of the god . ()
(also Elephant Goad), an elephant goad is one of the eight auspicious objects known as
and certain other religions of the Indian subcontinent. Ankusha is also an attribute of many Hindu gods, including . ()
, the anthropomorphic depiction of a divine weapon in Hindu art. Ayudhapurushas are sometimes considered as partial incarnates of their divine owners. ()
Bajiaoshan or Bashōsen (Banana Palm Fan), a giant fan made from banana leaves and has magical properties, as it can create giant whirlwinds. It was used by either
Halayudha, a
used as a weapon by . ()
, a weapon used by the Assyrian god
to destroy , described in the ancient epic of creation . ()
, a supernatural weapon depicted in Hindu iconography. Hindu deities such as ,
are depicted with the pasha in their hands. The pasha is used to bind a foe's arms and legs or for hunting animals. ()
Magic wand, found in the hands of powerful . (Medieval legend)
Chrysaor, the golden sword of Sir Artegal in . It was tempered with Adamant, and it could cleave through anything. (Renaissance fiction)
Mmaagha Kamalu, a sword that belongs to the Igbo god of war Kamalu. This sword glows red when people with evil intentions are close by and it can cause tremors when struck on the ground. It gifts mere mortals victory in battle. ()
(Heaven's Will), the mythical sword of the Vietnamese King , who liberated Vietnam from Ming occupation after ten years of fighting from 1418 until 1428. ()
(also Samosek or Samosyok), the "self-swinging sword" is a fabulous magic sword in some Old Russian fairy tales. In English translations of Russian
and folklore, it may be rendered variously as "sword of steel". ()
Jokulsnaut, a sword belonging to
which was later given to his brother Atli. ()
, a sword glowing with flame by some supernatural power.
, a sword mentioned in the legends of the
as originally possessed by , the legendary ancestor of Malay kings. ()
Kalevanmiekka, 's sword. ()
Sword of Laban, after nearly being killed by a powerful and nefarious Laban, the young prophet Nephi later finds him drunk and unconscious. He’s then commanded of God to use Labans sword to kill him as he was wicked and would hurt future generations by witholding sacred records revealing God’s Plan of Happiness. The sword was made of "precious steel" with a hilt of "pure gold". After slaying Laban, Nephi put on Labans armor (including the sword) to disguise himself to obtain the preciousness record and escape the city. He would later use it as a model for manufacturing similar weapons for his people's defense. Laban's sword was passed down through the centuries to future prophets, kings and warriors. ()
(also Caladcholg), the sword of
and powerful enough to cut the
related to the Caledfwlch of .
, often compared to Excalibur. This sword is used by Llenlleawg Wyddel to kill Diwrnach Wyddel and his men.
Ceard-nan Gallan, the Smith of the Branches, sword of .
(Sword of Light), the sword of Nuada Airgeadlámh. The sword glowed with the light of the sun and was irresistible in battle, having the power to cut his enemies in half.
Cosgarach Mhor, the Great Triumphant One, sword of .
Cruadh-Chosgarach, the Hard Destroying One, sword of .
Dyrnwyn (White-Hilt), the Sword of . When drawn by a worthy or well-born man, the entire blade would blaze with fire. Rhydderch was never reluctant to hand the weapon to anyone, hence his nickname Hael "the Generous", but the recipients, as soon as they had learned of its peculiar properties, always rejected the sword.
(also Sword of Air, Answerer or Retaliator), forged by the gods, wielded by
and . No armour could stop it, and it would grant its wielder command over the powers of wind.
Mac an Luin, the Son of the Waves, sword of .
Moralltach (also Morallta), a sword given to
by his father , which left no stroke or blow unfinished at the first trial.
Beagalltach (also Begallta), a short sword given to
by his father . It broke in two pieces after hitting a boar with it.
Singing Sword of , a sword that would sing in battle.
Cruaidín Catutchenn, the sword of .
Orna, the sword of the Fomorian king , which recounts the deeds done with it when unsheathed. It was taken by
and it then recounted everything it had done.
Mimung, a great sword that
inherits from his father .
Nagelring, the sword of .
Eckesachs (Seax of Ecke), the sword that belonged to the giant Ecke before he was killed by , who then took it for himself (replacing Nagelring).
Balmung or Nothung, the sword from , wielded by
the hero of the .
Blutgang (also Burtgang or Blodgang), the sword of .
Adylok or Hatheloke, the sword of Torrent of Portyngale, according to The Romance Torrent of Portyngale. Forged by .
, the magical sword lent to
by Unferth which was annealed in venom.
, the other magical sword of Beowulf. Found in the cave of .
brought the sword to Britain and it was kept at Glastonbury Abbey for many years until the Abbot gave it to . ()
used human skin for his sword's scabbard, hilt, and belt. The flesh's donor was said to have been , treasurer of Scotland, whom Wallace had flayed after defeating him in the battle of Stirling Bridge. ()
Arondight, 's sword.
Clarent, a sword of peace meant for knighting and ceremonies as opposed to battle, which was stolen and then used to kill Arthur by .
Coreiseuse (Wrathful), the sword of King Ban, Lancelot's father.
, it is also sometimes referred to as: Caliburn, Caledfwlch, Calesvol, Kaledvoulc'h, Caliburnus due to inconsistencies within the various Arthurian legends. Sometimes attributed with magical powers or associated with the rightful sovereignty of Great Britain. Stated that it was forged on the Isle of .
Galatine, the name of the sword given to Sir
Grail Sword, a cracked holy sword which Sir
bonded back together, though the crack remained.
Secace, The sword that Lancelot used to battle the Saxons at Saxon Rock. It is translated as Seure (Sequence) in the .
Sword in the Stone, a sword in the Arthurian legend which only the rightful king of Britain can sometimes associated with Excalibur. In Mallory, the sword in the stone is not Excalibur and is not named. When the sword is broken in a fight with King , the
gives him Excalibur as a replacement. At Arthur's death, Excalibur is returned to the Lady of the lake by Sir .
Sword with the Red Hilt, One of the swords wielded by . After his death,
sealed it in the float stone where it remained until it was drawn by Sir . After Galahad, the sword passes to his father, Sir
who fatally wounds Sir
(also Curtana, Cortana, Sword of Mercy), it is linked to the legendary sword carried by
and . Its end is blunt and squared, said to symbolize mercy. The story surrounding the breaking of the weapon is unknown, but mythological history indicates that the tip was broken off by an angel to prevent a wrongful killing.
Egeking, a sword in the medieval poem . Sir Graham obtains the sword 'Egeking' from Eger's aunt, Sir Egram's Lady. ()
Angurvadal (Stream of Anguish), a magical sword of , and later . The sword was inscribed with
letters, which blazed in time of war, but gleamed with a dim light in time of peace.
('s legacy), king H?gni's sword that gave wounds that never healed and could not be unsheathed without killing a man.
(Summer Sword), the sword of the Norse god of summer, Frey, it is a magic sword which fought on its own. It might be .
, the sword that Odin struck into the world tree
which only Sigmund the
was able to pull out. It broke in battle with Odin but was later reforged by Sigmund's son
who used it to slay the
. After being reforged, it could cleave an anvil in half.
, the sword of , the guardian of .
, the sword is mentioned in the V?lsung cycle. It was part of Fafnir's treasure, which Sigurd took after he slew the dragon.
, a sword mentioned in an emendation to the Poetic Edda Fj?lsvinnsmál by Sophus Bugge. it was forged by the elf .
, the sword of .
, the magical sword of Prainn, the draugr, later owned by Hromundr Gripsson and it could never go blunt.
Quern-biter, sword of
and his follower, Thoralf Skolinson the Strong, said to be sharp enough to cut through .
(also Refil), sword of the dwarf .
, the legendary sword of Danish king . It was renowned for supernatural sharpness and hardness, as well as for being imbued with the spirits of the king's twelve faithful
bodyguards. A cut made by Skofnung will not heal. The only way to stop this is by touching the cut with the Skofnung stone.
(also Tirfing or Tyrving), the cursed sword of
with a golden hilt that would never miss a stroke, would never rust and would cut through stone and iron as easily as through clothes. The dwarves made the sword, and it shone and gleamed like fire. However, they cursed it so that it would kill a man every time it was used and that it would be the cause of three great evils.
Dragvandil, the sword of .
, a sword which appears in two poems in the Poetic Edda.
(also Almice or Almacia), sword of .
Balisarda, the sword of
made by a sorceress, and capable of cutting through enchanted substances.
Corrougue, the sword of Otuel.
(also Durandal or Durlindana in Italian), the sword of , one of 's paladins, ( in
Italian verse) — alleged to be the same sword as the one wielded by
of Ilium. It was said to be the sharpest sword in all of existence.
Froberge, the sword of .
(also Halteclere or Hauteclaire), the sword of . It is described as being of burnished steel, with a crystal embedded in a golden hilt.
, sword of . Some legends claim Joyeuse was forged to contain the Lance of Longin others say the blade was smithed from the same materials as Roland's Durendal and Ogier's Curtana.
(also Murgleis), sword of , traitor and cousin of Roland. Its "gold pommel" held some kind of a "holy relic".
, sword of , Emir of Babylon.
Sauvagine, second of the two magical swords of .
Merveilleuse, the hero's sword in . It was so sharp that when placed edge downwards it would cut through a slab of wood without the use of force.
's sword, Joan's "voices" told her that a magical and holy sword would be found in the Church of Saint Catherine of Fierbois. It had five crosses upon it and that the rust was easily removed.
(also Tizón), the sword of , it frightens unworthy opponents, as shown in the heroic poem .
, the other sword of .
(Wolf Slayer), the sword of the king Saint , inheritance of the epic hero , according to Don .
, an adamantine sword was used by the hero
to decapitate .
Sword of , a magic sword that makes its wielder victorious in the battle or the hunt.
, a huge sword hanged above the throne where Damocles sat on the throne, it was held at the pommel only by a single hair of a horse's tail.
right hand, she is seen to have a sword that faces downward. This sword represents punishment.
, the sword of
according to the legends presented by .
(also Sword of Mars or Sword of God), the legendary sword
claimed to have originally been the sword of Mars, the Roman god of war.
revere the weapon, a type of billhook, as a symbol of . ()
, a legendary sword mentioned in the epic .
, the divine sword Chandrahas was given to
with a warning that if it was used for unjust causes, it would return to the three-eyed
and Ravana's days would be numbered.
Girish, special sword of
with unique characteristics.
(also Mahābhārata Sword), Khanda is represented as wisdom cutting through ignorance. In Hinduism, the Khanda is a symbol of Shiva. Khanda often appears in Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh scriptures and art.
(also Nandaki), the sword of the Hindu god .
Nistrimsha, the sword of , son of .
Pattayudha, the divine sword of Lord , commander of Lord Shiva's armies.
(also Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi and Tsumugari no Tachi), sword of the Japanese god , later given to his sister . It is one of three .
, the sword
used to slay .
Ame-no-Ohabari (also Ama-no-Ohabari), used by
to kill his offspring, .
Futsu-no-mitama (August-Snap-Spirit), the sword of .
Juuchi Yosamu (10,000 Cold Nights), crafted by Muramasa – in a contest, Sengo Muramasa suspended the blade in a small creek with the cutting edge facing the current. Muramasa's sword cut everything fish, leaves floating down the river, the very air which blew on it. A monk who had been watching explai the Muramasa is a bloodthirsty, evil blade, as it does not discriminate as to who or what it will cut. It may just as well be cutting down butterflies as severing heads.
Yawarakai-Te (Tender Hands), crafted by Masamune – in a contest, Masamune Okazaki lowered his sword into the current and waited patiently. Only leaves were cut. However, the fish swam right up to it, and the air hissed as it gently blew by the blade. A monk who had been watching explai the Masamune was by far the finer of the two swords, as it did not needlessly cut that which is innocent and undeserving.
Kogitsune-maru (Little Fox),
and its fox spirits help the blacksmith Munechika forge the blade Kogitsune-maru at the end of the 10th century.
(Little Crow), a unique tachi sword believed to have been created by the legendary smith
during 8th century CE.
, the legendary Chinese twin swords named after their creators.
Glory of Ten Powers, a legendary Chinese sword allegedly forged in Tibet by husband-and-wife magicians of the ancient
's sword, a sword that dispels evil spirits.
Chandrahrasa, legendary sword of , according to
used to found , forms the centerpiece of flag of Kathmandu.
Houken, a metaphorical Buddhist sword used to cut away earthly desires, it is wielded by .
represents wisdom cutting through ignorance. Hindu and Buddhist deities are often shown welding or holding khanda sword in religious art. Notably, Buddhist guardian deities like , , , and .
(Notched Sword or Jagged Sword), a legend links Szczerbiec with
who was said to have chipped the sword by hitting it against the Golden Gate, Kiev (now in Ukraine) during
Grus, the historical sword of , medieval prince of Poland. (Medieval legend)
Morgelai, the king makes
a knight and presents him with a sword called Morgelai.
, belonged to the legendary Guy of Warwick who is said to have lived in the 10th century.
(: ????? ????????), "The emerald-studded Sword" in the
story . The hideous horned demon called
was invulnerable to all weapons except the blows of Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar. This blade originally belonged to . ()
, a sword sent from the Heavens to the
by the archangel
and he was ordered to give the sword to . ()
' club, a gnarled olive-wood club, Heracles' favorite weapon. ()
, the enchanted mace of the Sumerian god . It can fly unaided and also may communicate with its wielder. ()
Tishtrya's mace, a mace that
used to create lighting and tornados with it. ()
Yagrush and Ayamur, two clubs created by
and used by
to defeat . ()
's metalwood bat, a legendary bat wielded by a Cambodian emperor. ()
Club of , this magic club was supposed to be able to kill ni but with the handle he could return the slain to life. ()
, the mace of the Hindu god . Vishnu is often depicted holding the Kaumodaki in one of his four hands, it is also found in iconography of some of Vishnu's avatars.
Kaladanda, the staff of Death is a special and lethal club used by God Yama or God of Naraka or Hell in Hindu mythology. It is very ferocious weapon. It was once granted by Brahma or God of creation. It was ultimate weapon, once fired would kill anybody before it. No matter what boons he had to protect himself.
, the main weapon of the Hindu god , an avatara of .
Mace of , a club that was presented by . It was as weapon of
King Vrishaparva.
, the staff carried by
or Mercury. It is a short staff entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings, and symbolic of commerce. ()
’s staff, the staff of the legendary wizard of Camelot, advisor and mentor to king Arthur. ()
’s staff, staff belonging to Prospero, the wizard in Tempest, in the end Prospero breaks his staff and drowns his magical books and renounces magic.
, appears in two poems in the . ()
Grí?arv?lr, a magical staff given to
so he could kill the giant . ()
, a serpent-entwined rod wielded by the Greek god , a deity associated with healing and medicine. ()
, the staff of the Monkey King could alter its size from a tiny needle to a mighty pillar. ()
, a staff tipped with a pine cone and entwined with ivy leaves. These staffs were carried by Dionysus and his followers. ()
, in Hindu mythology, the god
carried the khatvā?ga as a staff weapon and are thus referred to as khatvā?gīs. In Buddhist mythology, it is a particularly divine attribute of
and endemic to his iconographic representation and depicted as an accoutrement of his divine consorts,
and . In the , it represents .
, was endowed with miraculous power during the
that preceded the . Was carried by . ()
, the staff was used by
to produce water from a rock, was transformed into a snake and back, and was used at the . ()
(As Desired or As [You] Wish), is a curved decorative object that serves as a ceremonial sceptre in Chinese Buddhism or a talisman symbolizing power and good fortune in Chinese folklore. ()
(Power or Dominion), a scepter associated with the gods (such as
or ) as well as with the pharaoh. Was scepter also represent the . In later use, it was a symbol of control over the force of chaos that Set represented. It appears as a stylized animal head at the top of a long, straight staff with a forked end. ()
's staff, Circe was renowned for her vast knowledge of potions and herbs, through the use of these and a magic wand or a staff, she transformed her enemies, or those who offended her, into animals. ()
' scythe, Cronus castrated his father
using an adamant sickle given to him by his mother . ()
's scythe, a large scythe appearing in the hands of the Grim Reaper. This stems mainly from the Christian Biblical belief of death as a "harvester of souls".
Scythe of , during the Renaissance, Father Time was depicted as wielding the harvesting scythe, and became the representative of the cruel and unrelenting flow of time which, in the end, cuts down all things.
Aram, the spear of . ()
Ascalon, the spear that
used to kill a dragon in Beirut and saving a princess from being sacrificed by the town. ()
, 's spear created by the dwarf . The spear is described as being so well balanced that it could strike any target, no matter the skill or strength of the wielder. ()
Gunnar's , 's atgeir would make a ringing sound or "sing" when it was taken down in anticipation of bloodshed. ()
Maltet, the name of the spear of
Rhongomiant, the spear of King Arthur that he used to defeat the legendary Sir Thomas of Wolford. ()
Spear of , created by
and given to
at his wedding with . ()
Spear of , see Lances: Bleeding Lance and Holy Lance (below).
Areadbhar (also Areadbhair), belonged to Pisear, king of Persia. Its tip had to be kept immersed in a pot of water to keep it from igniting, a property similar to the Lúin of Celtchar. ()
Brionac, the spear of
that was said to be impossible to overcome. ()
Crann Buidhe, the spear of . ()
Del Chliss, 's spear that first belonged to Nechtan Scéne, and used to kill the sons of Nechtan Scéne. Formerly the name for the charioteer's goad, a split piece of wood. ()
Gáe Buide (Yellow Shaft), a yellow spear that can inflict wounds from which none could recover. The spear of , given to him by . ()
, the spear of . ()
Gae Assail (Spear of Assal), the spear of Lugh, the incantation "Ibar (Yew)" made the cast always hit its mark, and "Athibar (Re-Yew)" caused the spear to return. ()
Gáe Derg (Red Javelin), the red spear of , given to him by . In mythology, it does not nullify magic, unlike some fiction might say. ()
, the name of a long, fiery lance or spear belonging to
and wielded by other heroes, such as ,
and []. ()
Spear of Lugh, Lugh had no need to wield the spear himself. It was alive and thirsted for blood that only by steeping its head in a sleeping-draught of pounded fresh poppy seeds could it be kept at rest. When battle was near, then it roared and struggled against its thongs, fire flashed from it, and it tore through the ranks of the enemy once slipped from the leash, never tired of slaying. ()
(Heavenly Jewelled Spear), the
used by the
to create the world – also called tonbogiri.
Ama-no-Saka-hoko (Heavenly Upside Down Spear) is an antique and mysterious spear, staked by Ninigi-no-Mikoto at the summit of Takachiho-no-mine, where he and his divine followers first landed, according to the legend of .
Nihongo, is one of three legendary Japanese spears created by the famed swordsmith Masazane Fujiwara. A famous spear that was once used in the Imperial Palace. Nihongo later found its way into the possession of Masanori Fukushima, and then Tahei Mori.
Otegine, is one of three legendary Japanese spears created by the famed swordsmith Masazane Fujiwara.
, is one of three legendary Japanese spears created by the famed swordsmith Fujiwara no Masazane, said to be wielded by the legendary daimyō Honda Tadakatsu. The spear derives its name from the myth that a dragonfly landed on its blade and was instantly cut in two. Thus Tonbo (Japanese for "dragonfly") and kiri (Japanese for "cutting"), translating this spear's name as "Dragonfly Slaying spear".
's three-pointed, double-edged Spear.A long three-pointed Spear with two cutting edges of a Saber used by Erlang Shen. This Spear is powerful enough to penetrate and cleave through steel and stone like wool.
, a legendary weapon wielded by
in the historical novel . It is a , a type of traditional Chinese weapon. It is also sometimes referred to as the Frost Fair Blade, from the idea that during a battle in the snow, the blade continuo the blood froze and made a layer of frost on the blade.
Jiuchidingpa (Nine-tooth Iron Rake), the primary weapon of .
Octane Serpent Spear, 's spear from the Three Kingdoms period in China.
, the spear used by Goujian's arch-rival .
Yueyachan (Crescent-Moon-Shovel), a
that is the primary weapon of . A double-headed staff with a crescent-moon (yuèyá) blade at one end and a spade (chǎn) at the other, with six
rings in the shovel part to denote its religious association.
, a two-pronged implement resembling a pitchfork. In classical mythology, the bident is associated with /, the ruler of the underworld. ()
Devil's pitchfork, depicted as a bident or two-pronged pitchfork belonging to the . ()
Isis' harpoon,
brought some yarn and made a rope. She then took an ingot of copper, melted it, and made a harpoon. She tied the rope to the harpoon's end. Isis could also command her harpoon to release its victim. ()
, a divine javelin associated with Hindu war god . ()
Bleeding Lance, a sacred object, imbued with magic, in Grail ceremonies. Drops of blood issue from its point. When the Grail is Christianized, this weapon transforms into the Holy Lance, the spear that pierced the side of Jesus by the hand of a Roman soldier named Longinus. The blood is that of the lamb and drips eternally into the Grail. From the Vulgate Cycle on the Lance is also the weapon that inflicted the Grail-keeper's wound even though it is often attributed with healing powers. ()
's lance, a magical lance that unhorses anyone it touches. ()
Lance of , wielded by the ' war chief Olyndicus, who fought against Rome. According to , he wielded a silver lance that was sent to him by the gods from the sky. ()
, also called the Spear of Longinus, is the name given to the lance that pierced the side of Jesus as he hung on the cross, according to the Gospel of John. ()
Kongō, A trident-shaped staff which emits a bright light in the darkness, and grants wisdom and insight. The staff belonged originally to the Japanese mountain god Kōya-no-Myōjin. It is the equivalent of the Sanskrit , the indestructible lightning-diamond pounder of the king of the gods/rain-god . There the staff represents the three flames of the sacrificial fire, part of the image of the vajra wheel. ()
, associated with , the god of the sea in Greek mythology and the Roman god . When struck the earth in anger, it caused mighty earthquakes and his trident could stir up tidal waves, tsunamis, and sea storms. ()
Trident of Madhu, Madhu handed everything over to his son
including his trident before drowning himself in the ocean because of shame. ()
, the trident of , stylized by some as used as a missile weapon and often included a crossed stabilizer to facilitate flight when thrown. Considered to be the most powerful weapon. ()
's bow, Arash used the bow to determine the border between Persia and Tooran, it is said that the arrow was traveling for three days, and Arash sacrificed himself while firing the bow by putting his life force in the arrow. ()
Fail-not, the bow of . It was said to never miss its mark. ()
's bow, the God of Archery used his bow to shoot down nine out of ten sun-birds from the sky. ()
's bow, a bow that was crafted of sun rays. To protect his mother, Apollo begged Hephaestus for a bow and arrows. ()
's bow, a golden bow that was crafted of moonlight and silver wood or made of gold. She got her bow for the first time from the , as the one she asked from her father. ()
's bow, which, along with dove- and owl-fletched arrows, could cause one to love or hate (respectively) the person he/she first saw after being struck. ()
's bow, which also belonged to Philoctetes, its arrows had been dipped in the blood of the , which made them instantly lethal. ()
' bow, Eurytus became so proud of his archery skills that he challenged . The god killed Eurytus for his presumption, and Eurytus' bow was passed to , who later gave the bow to his friend . It was this bow that Odysseus used to kill the
who had wanted to take his wife, . ()
Pinaka, the great bow of , arrows fired from the bow could not be intercepted.
(also Vijaya Dhanush), the bow of Karna, one of the greatest hero of the Hindu epic, .
, created by
and given by
on 's request and used by Arjuna during the .
Kodandam, 's bow.
(Shiva's bow), a bow given by Shiva to
and broken by
during 's .
, the bow of the Hindu God .
Kaundinya's bow, a magic bow wielded by the Brahman , who used it to make the Naga princess Mera fall in love with him.
, the bow of .
's bow, the rainbow is depicted as an archer's bow. Indra, the god of thunder and war, uses the rainbow to shoot arrows of lightning.
's arrow, an arrow that was crafted of sun rays. It could cause health or cause famine and death in sleep. ()
's arrow, an arrow that was crafted of moonlight and silver wood or made of gold. She got her arrow for the first time from the , as the one she asked from her father. The arrows of Artemis could also bring sudden death and disease to girls and women. ()
, the demi-god
faced the demon king of Sri-Lanka, . Rama fired the arrow of Brahma that had been imparted to him by . The arrow of Brahma burst Ravana's navel, and returned to Rama's quiver. ()
Teen Baan,
three infallible arrows (Teen Baan). A single arrow was enough to destroy all opponents in any war, and it would then return to Barbarika's quiver. ()
(also Pixie Arrow), were arrowheads of flint used in hunting and war by the aborigines of the British Isles and of Europe generally, as they still are among native people elsewhere. Elf-Arrows derived their name from the folklore belief that the arrows fell from the sky, and were used by the Elves to kill cattle and inflict
on human beings. Elf-Arrows were sometimes worn as amulets, occasionally set in silver, as a charm against witchcraft. ()
, a horse whip which looks like a crooked stick, and is a typical attribute of ,
in his aspect as Rajagopala, and
's whip, the sun-god is depicted holding a whip. ()
(Little White-Hilt), the dagger of . It is sometimes attributed with the magical power to shroud its user in shadow, it was used by Arthur to slice the Very Black Witch in half. ()
Dagger of , a glittering dagger that Rostam used to behead the white daeva . ()
Knife of Llawfrodedd the Horseman,
(from marchog "the Horseman"), or Barfawc "the Bearded" in other manuscripts, is said to have owned a knife which would serve for a company of 24 men at the dinner table. ()
, a cursed kris of . The unfinished or incomplete kris would kill seven men, including Ken Arok. ()
(Flower Shield or Beautiful Shield), one of the most well-known kris in Malay literature, said to be so skilfully crafted that anyone wielding it was unbeatable. ()
, belong to Arya Penangsang, the mighty viceroy (adipati) of Jipang who was killed by his own kris called Setan Kober ("devil of the grave"). Forged by Empu Bayu Aji in the kingdom of Pajajaran, and had 13 luk on its blade. ()
, the axe wielded by the Slavic god of thunder and lightning, Perun. ()
's axe (also Fosite's axe), a golden battle axe that Forseti (or Fosite in the Frisian mythology) used to save the old sages of the wreck and then threw the axe to an island to bring forth a source of water. ()
's , Hephaestus slices open the head of
with a double-headed axe to free
whose pregnant mother Zeus swallowed to prevent her offspring from dethroning him. ()
Lightning axe, the
rain deity
strikes the clouds and produces thunder and rain with his lightning axe. ()
, the battle-axe of
who gave it to . ()
's axe, Pangu began creating the world: he separated yin from yang with a swing of his giant axe, creating the Earth (murky yin) and the Sky (clear yang). ()
's axe, Paul was walking while dragged his large heavy axe behind him, carving the
in the process. ()
's axe, the axe of the Yoruba thunder god which produces thunder. ()
there were depictions of Zeus who was called Zeus Labrandeus (Ζε?? Λαβρανδε??) with a tall -tipped sceptre upright in his left hand and the double-headed axe over his right shoulder.
, the magic hammer of . It was invulnerable and when thrown it would return to the user's hand. ()
(also Ukonkirves), the symbol and magical weapon of the Finnish thunder god , and was similar to 's . ()
, a legendary Japanese "magic hammer" which can "tap out" anything wished for. In popular belief, magic wooden hammer is a standard item held in the hand of the iconic deity . ()
Hammer of Hephaestus, the hammer of the Greek smith-god
which was used to make the Greek gods weapons. It was also seen as an axe on various Greek pots and vases where
was seen carrying it, usually riding on a donkey. ()
Sling-stone (also Cloich Tabaill), was used by
to slay his grandfather, Balor the Strong-Smiter in the
according to the brief accounts in the Lebor Gabála ?renn. ()
, lightning plays a role in many mythologies, often as the weapon of a
and . Thunderbolts as divine weapons can be found in many mythologies. In , the thunderbolt is a weapon given to
by the , or by
in . Zibelthiurdos of
is a god recognized as similar to the Greek Zeus as a wielder of lightning and thunderbolts. In , the thunderbolt is the weapon of
and in , the thunderbolt is the weapon of .
, a lightning-like weapon borne by . ()
Holly Dart or Mistletoe,
is killed by a holly dart, mistletoe, an arrow, or a spear gotten from his father's mischievous blood-brother . ()
Tathlum, the missile fired by
from the Sling-stone. ()
, regarded as the weapon that
used to kill the eagle Aquila that perpetually gnawed ' liver. ()
Magic Bullet, an enchanted bullet obtained through a contract with the
in the German folk legend . A marksman has obtained a certain number of bullets destined to hit without fail whatever object he wishes. Six of the magic bullets (German: Freikugeln, literally "free bullets"), are thus subservient to the marksman's will, but the seventh is at the absolute disposal of the devil himself. ()
, a bullet cast from silver is often the only weapon that is effective against a , , or other .
Kenkonken, a chakram of great power wielded in Taoist mythology by . Nezha is a mythological figure who is often depict as a young handsome boy wearing clothes similar to a lotus since he was reincarnated from a lotus. He has two wheels with flames attached to his feet and golden ankle rings. ()
, a supernatural weapon, presided over by a specific deity. To summon or use an astra required knowledge of a specific incantation/invocation, when armed.
, described in a number of the Puranas, it was considered the deadliest weapon. It was said that when the Brahmastra was discharged, there was neither a counterattack nor a defense that could stop it.
, the personal missile of
or Naraina form.
, an irresistible and most destructive personal weapon of
and , discharged by the mind, the eyes, words, or a bow.
, a water weapon (a storm) according to the Indian scriptures, incepted by . In stories it is said to assume any weapon's shape, just like water. This weapon is commonly mentioned as being used to counter the Agneyastra.
Agneyastra, the god of fire
possess a weapon that would discharge and emit flames inextinguishable through normal means.
, a legendary spinning disc like weapon used by the Hindu God Vishnu.
, the weapon of the Vedic rain and thunder-deity , and is used symbolically by the dharmic traditions to represent firmness of spirit and spiritual power. (//)
, it is said in the epic
that the weapon manifests with the all five heads of Lord
as its tip. Brahma earlier lost his fifth head when he fought with Lord . This weapon is said to possess the power to destroy entire solar system or Brahmand, the 14 realms according to Hindu cosmology.
, It is thought that the Brahmashirsha Astra is the evolution of the Brahmastra, and 4 times stronger than Brahmastra. The weapon manifests with the four heads of Lord
as its tip. When it strikes an area it will cause complete destruction and nothing will grow, not even a blade of grass, for the next 12 years. It will not rain for 12 years in that area, and everything including metal and earth become poisoned.
Vasavi Shakti, the magical dart of . Used by
in the Mahabharata war.
(Power-belt), a magic belt worn by the god . ()
's Magic Girdle, a magic material that made whoever the wearer desired fall in love with him/her. ()
Girdle of , sometimes called a magical girdle and sometimes a magical belt. It was a symbol of Hippolyta's power over the A given to her by . ' 9th Labor was to retrieve it. ()
, the ancient Egyptian symbol of the goddess . It seems to be called "the Knot of Isis" because it resembles a knot used to secure the garments that the Egyptian gods wore (also tet, buckle of Isis, girdle of Isis, and the blood of Isis). ()
Girdle of ,
takes her girdle which makes
lose her supernatural strength. ()
Bridle of , said to be made from the nails used during the crucifixion of Christ.
, a special hat worn by merrows, which enables them to dive beneath the waves. If they lose this cap, it is said that they will lose their power to return beneath the water. ()
(also Petasus), the winged hat of the messenger god . The Roman equivalent is . ()
Hagoromo (Feather Dress), a colored or feathered kimono of a . Tennin are unable to fly without these kimonos and thus will be unable to return to Heaven. ()
, a stylistic device used in ancient Roman art to frame a deity by means of a billowing garment. It represents "vigorous movement", an "epiphany", or "the vault of heaven", often appearing with celestial, weather, or sea deities. ()
?usībùyúnlǚ (Cloud-stepping Boots or Cloud-stepping Shoes), made of lotus fiber, these are one of the treasures of the Dragon K ?o Ming gives them to
in order to get rid of him when he acquires the Ruyi Jingu Bang. ()
Fast-walker Boots (Cапоги-скороходы), allows the person wearing them to walk and run at an amazing pace. ()
, they were said to allow the wearer to make strides of seven leagues in length. ()
, these were among the most important relics of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. ()
, 's winged sandals which allowed him to fly. ()
(Hel-shoes), were put on the dead so that they could go to . ()
Shoes of , these shoes gave the god Vidar unparalleled foot protection. ()
, the mythical coat worn by the Persian legendary hero
in combat. ()
Pais Badarn Beisrydd, : if a well-born man put it on, it would be th if a churl, it would not go upon him. One of the . ()
Coat of Padarn Beisrudd, a coat that perfectly fits any brave man, but will not fit cowards. ()
Falcon Cloak, owned by , it allows the wielder to turn into a falcon and fly. ()
Swan Cloak, a magic robe made of
feathers belonging to a .
Tarnkappe, 's magical cloak that made the wearer invisible. ()
Mantle of Arthur (also Llen Arthyr yng Nghernyw), whoever was under it could not be seen, and he could see everyone. One of the . This item is known from two other sources, the prose tales Culhwch and Olwen (c. 1100) and The Dream of Rhonabwy (early 13th century). A very similar mantle also appears in the Second Branch of the Mabinogi, in which it is used by
to assassinate the seven stewards left behind by Bran the Blessed and usurp the throne. ()
Mantle of Tegau Gold-Breast, Tegau Gold-Breast (Tegau Eurfron, wife of Caradoc) was a Welsh heroine. Her mantle would not serve for any woman who had violated her marriage or her virginity. It would reach to the ground when worn by a faithful woman but would only hang down to the lap of an unfaithful wife. ()
Robe of the Fire-rat, a legendary robe of China that is made of the fireproof fur of the fire-rat. One of Kaguya-hime's suitor set out to search for the robe. ()
(also Holy Robe, Holy Tunic, Honorable Robe or Chiton of the Lord), the robe said to have been worn by
during or shortly before his crucifixion. ()
(Death Underpants), are a pair of pants made from the skin of a dead man, which are capable of producing an endless supply of money. ()
, the poisoned shirt that killed . ()
, the necklace of the goddess . ()
, allowed any woman wearing it to remain eternally young and beautiful, but also brought great misfortune to all of its wearers or owners. It was made by
and given to , the daughter of
and , as a curse on the
for Aphrodite's infidelity. ()
Necklace of the , a jeweled necklace given to
after assisting an old woman across a river. It was enchanted so that its wearer would be unfathomably loved. Its true name is unknown. ()
, a bejeweled necklace of
offered to . One of three Sacred Imperial Relics of Japan. It represents benevolence. ()
Mikuratana-no-kami, a necklace of beads.
as a representation of her rule over . ()
, a Filipino word for "amulet" or "charm".
, appears frequently in Egyptian tomb paintings and other art, often at the fingertips of a god or goddess. ()
Phylactery, an amulet or charm, worn for its supposed magical or supernatural power.
, in Vedic literature, fig trees often represent talismans with the udumbara fig tree having been deemed the "lord of amulets". (/)
(also Wolfsegen and Wolf-Segen), an apotropaic charm against wolves. ()
, a magical ring capable of producing gold, first owned by . ()
Ring of Dispel, a ring given to
which could dispel any enchantment. In
it is given to him by a fairy instead. He used the ring to cross the Sword Bridge. ()
Ring of Mudarra, the ring that Gonzalo Gustioz breaks in two pieces to so he can later on recognize the son with which his lover is pregnant. When that son, Mudarra, joins the two halves, it again becomes a complete ring and Gonzalo Gustioz is healed of his blindness in the epic poem . ()
, a mythical magical artifact that granted its owner the power to become invisible at will. ()
, a magical brass or steel ring that could imprison demons. (/)
Svíagris, Adils' prized ring in the Hrólfr Kraki's saga. ()
Stone and Ring of Eluned the Fortunate, one might describe it as a cloak of invisibility. It's said that Merlin once possessed this item for a while. ()
's ring, a ring possessed by Angelica, princess of Cathay in the legends of . It rendered its wearer immune to all enchantments. When placed in the mouth, the ring rendered the user invisible. ()
Nibelungen ring,
steals the Rhinegold from the Rhinemaidens, having learned that he who is willing to renounce love will thereby gain the ability to forge a ring of power from the gold. Alberich forges the ring and makes himself lord over all the Nibelungen. ()
's ring, a magic ring the sorcerer from the Maghreb has lent him. When he rubs his hands in despair, he inadvertently rubs the ring and a genie appears. ()
, a golden arm ring possessed by Odin. The ring was a source of endless wealth. ()
, a golden jewellery, worn by
on his arm over the biceps. ()
Karna Kundala, the ear-rings of
(was present at his birth). ()
Makarakundala, makara shaped ear-rings are sometimes worn by the Hindu gods, for example , the Destroyer, or the Preserver-god , the Sun god , and the Mother Goddess . ()
Shiva Kundala, the Hindu God
wears two earrings or Kundalas. Traditional images of
depict the two earrings named – Alakshya and Niranjan.()
(also Ligurium), the name of a mythical gemstone believed to be formed of the solidified urine of the lynx (the best ones coming from wild males). (Medieval legend)
, gemstones that was supposedly found in frogs, to which ancient physicians and naturalists attributed the virtue of resisting poison. (Medieval legend)
Draconite, a mythical gemstone taken from the head of a live dragon and believed to have magical properties.
, the kanju (干珠?, lit. "(tide-)ebbing jewel") and manju (満珠?, lit. "(tide-)flowing jewel") were magical gems that the Sea God used to control the tides. ()
forebode the mermaids to use their abilities to change the course of nature. In a horrible storm, one mermaid weathered the crossings for a ship. She had, over time, grown to fall in love with the ship's captain from afar. When she calmed the wind and waves to save the man's life, Neptune angrily exiled her to the depths of the ocean. She was condemned for eternity and ordered never to swim to the surface again. Still, today, her brightly gleaming tears wash up on the shore as
as a reminder of true love. (Medieval legend)
Five-colored Jewel from a Dragon's Neck, a jewel that shines five colors found in a dragon's neck. One of Kaguya-hime's suitor set out to search for the jewel. ()
, the diamond has been surrounded by a mythology of a reputed curse to the effect that it brings misfortune and tragedy to persons who own it or wear it, but there are strong indications that such stories were fabricated to enhance the stone's mystery and appeal, since increased publicity usually raised the gem's value and newsworthiness. Unsubstantiated legends claim that the original form of the Hope Diamond was stolen from an eye of a sculpted statue of the goddess , the wife of , the seventh Avatar of Vishnu.
Flaming pearl (also Wish-granting pearl),
are shown with a flaming pearl under their chin or in their claws. The pearl is associated with spiritual energy, wisdom, prosperity, power, immortality, thunder, or the moon. ()
Gem of , the Mayan god brought fire, earth, air, and water to the world. Though Kukulkan only has the wind gem, and with it can control the air. ()
(also Chintamani Stone), a wish-fulfilling jewel within both Hindu and Buddhist traditions, equivalent to the philosopher's stone in Western alchemy. (/)
is a divine jewel or "Mani", which is in the possession of Lord . ()
are the sacred nine "royal gems".
(also Syamantakamani and Shyamantaka Jewel), the most famous jewel that is supposed to be blessed with magical powers. ()
, a sacred stone which was supposedly endowed with life. ()
, sought because they were believed to have the power of a universal antidote against any poison. It was believed that a drinking glass which contained a bezoar would neutralize any poison poured into it.
, said to perform alchemy without an equal sacrifice being made, such as turning lead to gold, and creating something out of nothing. (Medieval legend)
(also Killing Stone), a stone that kills anyone who comes into contact with it. ()
Stone of Giramphiel, a stone described in . Sir Gawain wins from the knight Fimbeus and it offers him protection against the fiery breath of dragons and the magic of the sorcerer Laamorz. ()
(Old Norse singing stone or chanting stone), an object that appears in the account of
and 's fight in the form of seals. ()
(also Slate of Gron), a holed stone located along Afon Bryn Saeth in Blaenau Ffestiniog, Wales. The stone is described as being roughly forty inches by thirty inches with a hole of about an inch in diameter going through it. ()
, believed to have magical powers such as protection against eye diseases or evil charms, preventing nightmares, curing whooping cough, the ability to see through fairy or witch disguises and traps if looked at through the middle of the stone, and of course recovery from snakebite. ()
(also Bufonite), a mythical stone or gem thought to be found in, or produced by, a toad, and is supposed to be an antidote to poison. (Medieval legend)
(also Stone of Destiny), an oblong block of red sandstone. ()
, a most widespread type of sacred stones, venerated in Slavic (Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian) and Uralic (Karela, Merya) pagan practices. ()
(also Stone of Destiny), a stone at the Inauguration Mound on the Hill of Tara in County Meath, Ireland. In legend, all of the kings of Ireland were crowned on the stone up to Muirchertach mac Ercae c. AD 500. ()
, throughout Europe, Asia, and Polynesia –
turned up by farmer's plows are considered to have fallen from the sky. They were often thought to be thunderbolts and are called "thunderstones".
, the name of the rock which
the wolf is bound. ()
Vaidurya, most precious of all stones, sparkling beauty beyond compare, the stone worn by the goddess
and the goddess of wealth . ()
, some early-nineteenth-century Americans used seer stones in attempts to gain revelations from
or to find buried treasure. From about 1819,
regularly practiced scrying, a form of divination in which a "seer" looked into a seer stone to receive supernatural knowledge.
, a set of seer stones bound by silver bows into a set of spectacles.
(Stone of the Manes), was either of two sacred stones used in the Roman religion. One covered a gate to , Festus called it ostium Orci, "the gate of Orcus". The other w this one may have no direct relationship with the Manes, but is instead derived from the verb manare, "to flow". The two stones had the same name. However, the grammarian Festus held the cover to the gate of the underworld and the rainmaking stone to be two distinct stones. ()
(charm-stone and charm stone), a stone or mineral artifact associated with various traditional culture, including those of Scotland and the native cultures of California and the American southwest.
Snakestones (also Serpentstones), fossilized
were thought to be petrified coiled snakes, and were called snakestones. They were considered to be evidence for the actions of saints, such as , a myth referenced in Sir 's Marmion, and , and were held to have healing or oracular powers. (Medieval legend)
, the mound that arose from the primordial waters , and on which the creator god
settled. ()
sent two eagles across the world to meet at its center, the "navel" of the world. Omphalos stones marking the center were erected in several places about the Mediterranean S the most famous of those was at Delphi. Omphalos is also the name of the stone given to . ()
(also Ayers Rock), the first tells of serpent beings who waged many wars around Uluru, scarring the rock. The second tells of two tribes of ancestral spirits who were invited to a feast, but were distracted by the beautiful Sleepy Lizard Women and did not show up. In response, the angry hosts sang evil into a mud sculpture that came to life as the dingo. There followed a great battle, which ended in the deaths of the leaders of both tribes. The earth itself rose up in grief at the bloodshed, becoming Uluru. ()
Skofnung stone, it is told by Eid that any wound made by the sword Skofnung will not heal unless rubbed with the Skofnung Stone, which Eid gives to Thorkel Eyjólfsson along with the sword. ()
(also Flying carpet), a legendary carpet that can be used to transport humans who are on it instantaneously or quickly to their destination. ()
of , she flies around in a mortar and using the pestle as a rudder. ()
, an eagle-propelled craft built by the Persian king . It was used for flying the king all the way to China. ()
Roth Rámach (lit. Rowing Wheel), the magical flying machine of , a mythological Irish Druid who along with his feathered headdress (the encennach), hovers across the skies . ()
(also Bewitched Canoe or Flying Canoe), Baptiste had a canoe with paddles, he made a pact with the devil so his canoe would fly wherever Baptiste wished. However, those within the canoe could not say the name of God, fly over a church, touch any crosses, or the canoe would crash. Baptiste uttered the magic words: "Acabris! Acabras! Acabram" to make the canoe fly. ()
Santa's sleigh,
on a reindeer sleigh pulled by flying reindeer and help him deliver presents to children.
Witch's broom, European witches are usually depicted flying on broomsticks, known as a . (Medieval legend)
– (An Aeroplane with flowers) is a mythical Aeroplane found in . In Maharashtra, it is the Pushpak Viman (a heavenly aircraft shaped as an eagle) which took Saint Tukaram (a devotee of ) to heaven.
– Pushpaka was originally made by
for , the H later Brahma gave it to , the G but it was later stolen, along with Lanka, by his half-brother, king .
Chariot of , a chariot belonging to Morgan Mwynfawr is described as a magical vehicle which would quickly reach whatever destination one might wish to go to. ()
's chariot, a swan-drawn boat. (Medieval legend)
's chariot, she rode in a chariot drawn by deer. ()
's chariot, his chariot is pulled by two . ()
's chariot,
presented Aphrodite with a golden chariot as bridal gift. ()
's chariot, was pulled by . ()
' chariots, Ares received his chariots from the forge of Hephaestus. ()
's chariot, it was made of gold and was pulled by four golden-horned deer (Elaphoi Khrysokeroi). The bridles of her chariot were also made of gold. ()
chariot, Hephaestus forged from brass and iron a set of animate, fire-breathing horses to pull the chariot of his sons the Kabeiroi. ()
chariot, drawn by . ()
chariot, drawn by four black horses. ()
chariot, the golden
drawn by fiery horses driven across the sky by the
Primordial of the Sun, Helios, and after his fading, . Also, according to , the sun god
had a chariot, drawn by "winged dragons", which he gave to his granddaughter . ()
's chariot, she drove through the heavens in a chariot drawn by peacocks. ()
chariot, a chariot drawn by . ()
's chariot, was pulled by a
or by horses that could ride on the sea. ()
's chariot, drawn by . ()
's chariot, driven across the night sky by the
Selene and sometimes . ()
chariot, depicted riding a
on the reverse of a Roman coin. ()
's chariot, drawn by the four directional winds () in horse-shape. ()
's chariot, rides a chariot drawn by eight black horses. ()
's chariot, a chariot drawn by seven horses. ()
, a gold-decorated chariot of . ()
's chariot, driven across the sky by Thor and pulled by his two goats
's chariot, a chariot pulled by cats.
(Elf-beam, Elf-disc" or Elf-glory, Elf-heaven), referring both to the sun-chariot of the sun goddess
and to the rider Sól. ?lfr??ull is pulled by two horses,
across the sky each day.
, a mythical ghost ship of the Chilote mythology and local folklore of the Chiloé Island, in Chile. ()
Canoe of , able to expand so it could hold an army, or shrink to fit in the palm of your hand. ()
Canoe of , it became the
of New Zealand. ()
, , an editor or Chaucer's works at the end of the 16th century, made a passing remark "Concerning Wade and his bote called Guingelot", and also his strange exploits in the same.
, the ship built in the
by Utnapishtim and the craftspeople of his village at the request of Enki Ea to hold his wife and relatives, as well as the village craftspeople, the animals to be saved, and various grains and seeds. ()
Wave Sweeper, a magic boat belonging to . ()
, a legendary
that can never make port and is doomed to sail the oceans forever. ()
Mannigfual, the ship of the . (North-Frisian mythology)
Prydwen (also Pridwen), the ship of King Arthur, according to the Welsh poem, the Spoils of Annwfn. This ship also appeared in Culhwch and Olwen, when Arthur traveled to Ireland, to fetch the cauldron of Diwrnach and the boar Twrch Trwyth. In later Arthurian legend, Pridwen was the name of Arthur's shield. ()
, the vessel by which
spares , his family, and a remnant of all the world's animals from the flood. According to Genesis, God gave Noah instructions for building the ark. ()
(also Baochuan), a type of large wooden ship in the fleet of admiral , who led seven voyages during the early 15th-century Ming dynasty. Scholars disagree about the factual accuracy and correct interpretation of accounts of the treasure ships. ()
, the solar barge of the sun god . It was also known as the Mandjet (Egyptian for "The Boat of Millions of Years") and, during the night, as the Mesektet.
, (Growing Stronger), the first of two boats traveled in by Ra, the sun god as he traveled the sky daily with the sun on his head. During the period between dawn and noon, Ra occupies the Matet boat.
, (Growing Weaker), the second six hours of the day (from noon till dusk) in Ancient Egyptian belief. It was preceded by the Matet boat. The Seqtet boat is represented by the Sun as Ra, and Ra as a boat since it sails across the sky like a boat on water.
, a vessel belonging to the god .
was transported in it on the river Nile during the Osiris festival at Abydos.
(also Hennu boat and Henu), the boat of the god . Depending on the era or the prevailing dynasty of Egypt, the Hennu sailed toward either dawn or dusk.
, the ship on which
sailed. She contained in her prow a magical piece of timber from the sacred forest of , which could speak and render prophecies.
, in the , are described as being as fast as a falcon, steered by thought and requiring no helmsman, and able to travel even through mist or fog without any danger of being shipwrecked.
Boat of , ferryman of
who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers
that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.
Ellida, a magic
as a gift by .
, is the name of the ship of the god , described as the "greatest of all ships".
, a ship made out of fingernails and toenails of the dead. It will set sail during .
, is both the goddess Freyja's hall located in , a field where Freyja receives half of those who die in battle, and also the name of a ship.
, a boat owned by .
's bone, Ullr could traverses the sea on his magic bone.
(Silver Arrow), is a Stockholm Metro train which features in several urban legends alleging sightings of the train's "ghost". (Swedish folklore)
St. Louis Ghost Train, visible at night along an old abandoned rail line in between Prince Albert and St. Louis, Saskatchewan. (Canadian legend)
Phantom , a funeral train decorated in black bunting said to run regularly from Washington, D.C. to Springfield, Illinois, around the time of the anniversary of 's death, stopping watches and clocks in surrounding areas as it passes. (American folklore)
(also Hallows of Ireland), consisting of the Claíomh Solais, Brionac, Cauldron of the Dagda, and the Lia Fáil. ()
of Japan, consisting of the Kusanagi, the
necklace Yasakani no Magatama, and the mirror Yata no Kagami. ()
, said to belong to King Croesus of . ()
, consisting of the Dyrnwyn, the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir, the Horn of Br?n Galed, the Chariot of Morgan Mwynfawr, the Halter of Clydno Eiddyn, the Knife of Llawfrodedd the Horseman, the Cauldron of Dyrnwch the Giant, the Whetstone of Tudwal Tudglyd, the Coat of Padarn Beisrudd, the Crock and Dish of Rhygenydd Ysgolhaig, the Chessboard of Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio, the Mantle of Arthur in Cornwall, the Mantle of Tegau Gold-Breast, and the Stone and Ring of Eluned the Fortunate. ()
Rheingold (also Rhinegold), a hoard of gold in the
where three Rheinmaidens swim and protect the treasure. ()
, a hidden caches of gold lost after the American Civil War. Millions of dollars' worth of gold was lost or unaccounted for after the war and has been the speculation of many historians and treasure hunters. Allegedly, some of the Confederate treasury was hidden in order to wait for the rising again of the South and at other times simply so that the Union would not gain possession. (American legend)
, consisting of the wish-granting pearl (flaming pearl), the double lozenges, the stone chime, the pair of rhinoceros horns, the double coins, the gold or silver ingot, coral, and the . ()
(also Nidhana, Nikhara, or Sevadhi) is a treasure, which constitutes of nine precious objects (nawanidhi) belonging to Kubera, god of wealth.
, "reminders" or "memorials" (Sanskrit caitya) are objects and places used by Theravada Buddhists to remember Gautama Buddha.
, venerated in
as a cetiya "relic" of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.
, a generic term referring to Buddhist relics. In Buddhism, relics of the Buddha and various sages are venerated. After the Buddha's death, his remains were divided into eight portions. Afterward, these relics were enshrined in stupas wherever Buddhism was spread.
, a number of relics associated with Jesus have been claimed and displayed throughout the history of Christianity. ()
(German Dreik?nigsschrein), a reliquary said to contain the bones of the Biblical Magi, also known as the Three Kings or the . ()
(also Holy Relics and Sacred Trust), consist of religious pieces sent to the Ottoman Sultans between the 16th century to the late 19th century. ()
, the Kerqa is a cloak believed to have been worn by the Islamic prophet Muhammad. ()
, a legendary book containing powerful spells and knowledge supposed to have been written by the god , said to have been buried with the Prince Neferkaptah in . ()
, described in several Daoist cosmographies as existent primordially in the various divine Heavens. These Jade Books are variously said to be instrumental in creating and maintaining the divine structure of the universe, or as regulating national or personal destiny. ()
, described to have helped Rome in many situations. ()
(Book of Power), a legendary book about black magic, alleged to have been buried with its author, the Bishop
of Holar. ()
(also Tupsimati), a set of clay tablets which hold the power of creation and destruction. ()
(also Tablets of Stone, Stone Tablets, or Tablets of Testimony), in the Hebrew Bible, were the two pieces of stone inscribed with the Ten Commandments when Moses ascended Mount Sinai as written in the Book of Exodus. ()
, the book in which
records the names of every person who is destined for
or the . (/)
, the cauldron in which
cooks . ()
(Cauldron of Rebirth), a magical cauldron able to revive the dead. ()
, a cauldron where no company ever went away from it unsatisfied, it is said to be bottomless. ()
Cauldron of Hymir, the owner of a mile-wide cauldron which the AEsir wanted to brew beer in. ()
Cauldron of Dyrnwch the Giant, said to discriminate between cowards and brave men: whereas it would not boil meat for a coward, it would boil quickly if that meat belonged to a brave man. ()
, a herb. According to Dioscorides, peony is used for warding off demons, witchcraft, and fever.
, a magic flower that blooms for a very short time on the eve of the Summer solstice. The flower brings fortune to the person who finds it. ()
(also Féar Gortach), a patch of cursed grass. Anyone walking on it was doomed to perpetual and insatiable hunger. ()
, a magical herb
to protect him from 's magic when he went to her home to rescue his friends. ()
, a magical herb that has the magical property to unlock or uncover anything that is locked or closed. ()
Ausadhirdipyamanas, healing plants. Used for healing and rejuvenations in battles. These are used by . ()
name of a plant and its divinity, both of which play a role in Zoroastrian doctrine and i


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