戴尔笔记本出现Operating system class loaderloader has no signature i

戴尔笔记本出现Operating system loader has no signature i_百度知道
戴尔笔记本出现Operating system loader has no signature i
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After a clean install (pre-installed Win 10 removed) of Ubuntu 14.04.4 on Dell Inspiron 13-7359 I am not able to boot the OS in "Secure mode".
What was done:
First installed standalone Ubuntu 15.10 - installation OK, but in BIOS there was no visible device (for EFI mode), which I could boot from. After several re-installations ("Auto" Erase and install, Manual partitioning, ...) there was no progress.
Installed standalone Ubuntu 14.04.4. Installation OK, didn't boot to OS. BIOS found a disk to boot from, but this message appeared: "Operating system loader has no signature.". Tried Boot-repair from live disk - no progress.
Current situation - Ubuntu boots in "Non-secure" Legacy mode. Everything works fine.
I'm curious what I did wrong, as there is always solution - I didn't find it, even there are some Q&A to similar problems Nothing helped me out of this.
After reading answers, identified that the problem probably lies in installation USB media, tried following solutions (8 GB USB flash formatted to FAT32 FS)
Disks (gnome-disk-utility) application in Ubuntu 15.10
created bootable Ubuntu 14.04.4 USB flash
media was not visible in ntb BIOS in UEFI & SecureBoot configuration
dd in terminal (Ubuntu 15.10)
created bootable Ubuntu 14.04.4 USB flash
not visible in ntb BIOS in UEFI & SecureBoot configuration
Rufus (in Win7)
Bootable USB flash with GPT for UEFI (Rufus option)
created Ubuntu 14.04.4 live USB flash
visible in ntb BIOS
din't boot in UEFI & SecureBoot configuration
Error Message: "Operating System Loader signature not found in SecureBoot database"
But USB booted successfully with UEFI On & SecureBoot Off configuration (path to boot file : /EFI/boot/grubx64.EFI)
Try to install in automatic mode "Erase and reinstall" offered to create only main ext4 and swap paritions
In "Something else" option, I was able to managed creating an ext4 main partition, a 8GB swap and a 601 MB EFI partition (previously reserved 201 MB was not enough for the installer)
Installation OK
After reboot SecureBoot enabled and booted in UEFI & SecureBoot configuration
Also there is a folder /sys/firmware/efi now (which should indicate that there was no fallback to compatibility mode)
=> Problem Resolved
You've installed Ubuntu in BIOS/CSM/legacy mode. I recommend you disable the Compatibility Support Module (CSM; aka "legacy boot support" or similar terms) in your firmware. Doing this will render some boot media unbootable. If you run into this problem, the solution is to fix the boot media. If you want to boot in EFI/UEFI mode, enabling the CSM is the worst thing you can do. For more on this subject, see
Note that in EFI mode you do not boot from a "device"; you boot from a boot loader file, which is stored on the FAT
and referenced in an NVRAM boot manager entry. There is one sort-of kind-of exception to this rule: EFI supports a "fallback" boot filename, which is EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi for 64-bit (x86-64) systems. If no other boot entry is valid, or sometimes if there's an explicit entry for this loader, the system will boot it. This feature enables booting from OS installation media. It's also sometimes used to boot systems with badly broken EFIs that ignore or forget their NVRAM entries. This fallback entry may appear in the computer's built-in boot manager much like a traditional BIOS boot-from-device entry, but it's not quite the same thing.
You seem to have the 32 bit Ubuntu edition installed.
You have to install the recommended 64 bit version.
Otherwise the installation cannot work in EFI mode.
However ... to solve your problem ...
Boot from Ubuntu installation media.
Select 'Try Ubuntu without installing'.
Open GParted from the dash.
Click on Device in the top menu.
Click on Create Partition Table.
Select gpt as you have EFI BIOS.
Create a new partition - format it with fat32 - size of about 100 MB.
Create a new partition - format it with ext4 - size fitting your needs.
Create a new partition - format it with swap - size matching the RAM.
On the desktop click Install Ubuntu, when asked choose Something else.
Select the ext4 partition you had created with GParted for Ubuntu before.
Select / as mount point and ext4 file system as format, start the installation.
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Operating system operating system loader signature not found in secure boot database sur Venue pro 11
J'ai effectué depuis jeudi toute une série de mises à jour:
KB3058168 (aujourd'*** 19.09 en automatique)
Tout s'est bien passé sur le moment mais au reboot de ma venue pro 11 tout à l'heure, j'ai re?u le message "Operating system operating system loader signature not found in secure boot database". Afin de pouvoir démarrer j'ai désactivé le secure boot mais que puis-je faire maintenant pour remettre le secure boot sans faire face de nouveau au même problème?
RE: Operating system operating system loader signature not found in secure boot database sur Venue pro 11
Par ailleurs, je vois que quelqu'un d'autre a le même genre de problème que moi depuis tout récemment...
RE: Operating system operating system loader signature not found in secure boot database sur Venue pro 11
Bonjour Osana,
Je vous remercie pour l'explication détaillée votre problématique et pour le diagnostic que vous avez effectué.
Afin de garantir le bon fonctionnement de votre tablette avec Windows 10, il faut laisser le Secure Boot désactivé sous Bios et je vous rassure que vous n'aurez aucun impact concernant l'utilisation de votre appareil.
RE: Operating system operating system loader signature not found in secure boot database sur Venue pro 11
Merci pour le conseil. Je pense néanmoins qu'il y a quelque chose à solutionner pour rendre l'expérience confortable. En effet depuis que j'ai désactivé Secure Boot, la tablette me demande un code long comme le bras lié à Secure Boot et Bit Locker&à chaque démarrage (je ne l'éteins totalement évidemment pas souvent mais quand même...), ce qui n'est franchement pas confortable. De plus, de manière générale, j'aimerais quand même que Secure Boot soit activé...
Je peux rester comme cela jusqu'à ce qu'une solution soit trouvée mais dans l'absolu j'aimerais une solution un peu plus durable...
RE: Operating system operating system loader signature not found in secure boot database sur Venue pro 11
Bonjour Osana,
Je comprends parfaitement votre point de vue.
Je vous invite à vous assurer que votre Bios est à jour, si vous avez déjà la dernière version, je vous suggère de patienter le temps qu'une nouvelle version soit disponible sur notre site.
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