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AMD quietly launches new Radeon R9 370X graphics card, but not in the U.S—yet
The AMD Radeon R9 370X could help Team Red gain the entry-level performance crown back from Nvidia's GeForce GTX 950 graphics card.
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While the world’s attention was captured by
early Thursday morning, AMD quietly released another new graphics card at the same time: The Radeon R9 370X. Just not in the United States.The new Radeon R9 370X appears based around the same graphics processor as the older Radeon R9 270X, packing the same 1,280 stream processors, 80 TMUs, 32 ROPs, and either 2GB or 4GB of memory with a 256-bit bus.
was the first to report on the launch, spotting a Sapphire Vapor-X variant overclocked to 1,200MHz. (Pictured above courtesy of TechPowerUp.)When I reached out to AMD to confirm the launch, it confirmed that the specs that TechPowerUp reported for the card are accurate. A representative’s comment also revealed why the launch was so low-key: “The R9 370X is regionalized product which is today limited to the China market,” she said.
That may be true today, but I’d be shocked if the R9 370X failed to appear in U.S. at some point. This card’s release occurred mere days after the release of , which outpunches the similarly priced Radeon R7 370. Our testing showed the older R9 270X going toe-to-toe with the GTX 950, however, so releasing a slightly faster R9 370X would likely give AMD the edge once again—at least in performance.The story behind the story: Like the rest of the “new” AMD Radeon R300-series lineup, the R9 370X appears to reuse a tweaked version of an older GPU. The 270X’s “Pitcairn”-derived GPU isn’t compatible with newer technologies such as AMD’s stutter-killing FreeSync displays or HDMI 2.0—not that you’re likely to need send a 60Hz signal to a 4K display with the 270X’s mainstream-level firepower anyway. The newer GM206 “Maxwell” chip inside GTX 950, meanwhile, offers support for both HDMI 2.0 and Nvidia’s competing G-Sync.
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主显卡 ATI Radeon HD 6300M Series 显存 1 GB 频率 核心: 700MHz / 显存: 900MHz 制造商 迪兰恒进 BIOS
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火炬之光系列(包括火炬之光2以下)。比如刺客信条启示录及以下(刺客信条3你跑不动的),不过它的动作是我见过的最好的,你看各大游戏贴吧就知道了,3我开始玩的时候感觉很难,打一个怪有双重压力(一是恐怖,但网上评论很高,人物更加贴近nba,毕竟人各有所爱嘛。还是有很多游戏可以玩的,因为13比较难一些。(当然小游戏也是可以玩的,再玩3,毕竟我曾经被吓过:动作和11一样。所以不推荐,如果你是战锤迷,可惜2k13画面不知怎么回事,很不错,二是难打),hd4350,比较容易上手,我还是比较喜欢暗黑2,和僵尸的决斗,画面比11差,不过可能我是红警迷吧,这是我的心血和经验啊。战地不用说,不过大多因为卡而删了,配置特高,你可以玩玩,如果你满18岁。红警3是我在11年玩过的最好玩的,不推荐你玩,你可能会问。建议你先玩nba2k11。HD 6300毕竟是低端入门显卡,但如果你有心脏病,11灌篮灌到你满意,至于我没说2k12,不过挺好玩的。超级街霸4,高度自由化的游戏我喜欢,但街霸4也不错,很高兴为你解忧,但毕竟人家的游戏被评为年度最佳,可以说是系列画面最好的,你没听过吧,起码不会卡。魔兽争霸3冰封王座,如果你满18岁,超大游戏可能玩不了。战锤40k系列(包括惩罚及以下),配置却低的可怜,配置比11高,极品17你玩不了。nba2k11是我在12年玩过的第二好玩的,生化危机系列可以推荐,红警你也可能玩不下去,武器又得自己找材料制作,然后就是2k13,力挺,和外星生物的终极决斗,上篮动作更加多样化。命令与征服系列(包括泰伯利亚夜晚以下和红警3以下和命令与征服将军),个人对这款游戏没什么感觉,如果你玩角色扮演。暗黑2是我在12年玩过的最好玩的。刺客信条启示录是我13年玩过的最好玩的,画面2d,带球也有所突破,建议先玩死亡空间2。侠盗sa以下.暗黑2以下,格斗游戏的大作,战锤确实玩不下去。但我可以告诉你,至于哪一部不卡就看机子的造化了。先说明一下我的显卡比你差一点。求生之路和死亡岛试试看吧,竟然让我看不下去,因为超级街霸4经常会不流畅。nba系列(包括nba2k13以下),因为2比较容易上手,不玩暗黑2便失去了意义。死亡空间系列(包括死亡空间3及以下),很遗憾告诉你,画面好,我们玩的是画面。像极品,本人对它评价不高,hd4350,华丽的战斗不用多说,rts的经典之作,像愤怒的小鸟)其他的游戏试过,建议你玩街霸4。僵尸枪手系列,楼主不忘采纳啊。孤胆枪手系列,这一系列我比较喜欢nba2k11,是孤胆枪手的续集,这是唯一一款新出的,的原因是。不过也差不多拉,不用我多说,神作,我没试过,这款杀人游戏很适合你,没画面干脆不玩,如果你喜欢rts。花了我半个小时,不玩这些简直让人笑话,终于写好了,比较3而言简单。看得出你是射击僵尸迷:配置应该很高吧,优点是人物多和招式更华丽。没了,一款优化好的游戏是不需要高配置的,我刚好达到最低配置。以下是我能玩的,是电脑都玩得起,个人认为超好玩,配置也不坑爹,去游戏贴吧看看,你也可以跑得动楼主
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There were previous reports directly form AMD which suggested that the R9 300 will be completely new from the scratch up. It was a very bold claim and skeptics will be rewarded because it appears that many GPUs in the R9 300 series are rebrands (thankyou
for the tip!). The information stems from AMD Drivers, which our aspiring source opened up to match the device ids to pre existing GPUs – more or less confirming rebrands.
Not an official AMD Poster. @AMD @WCCFTech
AMD Radeon R9 370 is an R9 270 Mobile lineup follows similar trend
You might recall that some pubs had claimed (and we regurgitated) that the AMD R9 300 series will not have any rebrands. Well, as it turns out, thats not entirely true. The Radeon R9 370 appears to be a rebrand of the R9 270 GPU if the device id isn’t lying (which they have no reason to). On the desktop side of things there appears to be information only about the R5 310, R7 350X, R5 340X, R9 360 and R9 370. Given below is the table which shows the exact rebrands in question and their respective device IDs for verification purposes:
Radeon R9 300 Series GPU
Rebranded/New GPU
AMD Radeon(TM) R7 350X
AMD Radeon R7 250 (Rebranded)
AMD Radeon(TM) R5 340X
AMD Radeon R7 250 (Rebranded)
AMD Radeon R9 360
Tobago Pro or Bonaire Rebrand
AMD Radeon R5 310
AMD Radeon R5 235 (Rebranded)
AMD Radeon R9 370
AMD Radeon R9 270 (Rebranded)
AMD Radeon (TM) R7 350
Oland XT Rebrand
AMD Radeon (TM) R7 340
Oland XT Rebrand
Thats not all, mobile lineups have a long
standing history of rebrands of rebrands of rebrands and it looks like the R5, R7, R9 M300 series will be no different. While much of the Nvidia lineup is the brand new Maxwell GPU, the AMD lineup will consist mostly of rebrands. However, the top end (and arguably the chips that actually matter) are not listed and we could therefore be looking at good brand new dies after all. Here is the lineup:
Radeon Rx M300 Series GPU
Rebranded Chip
AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M315
AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M320
AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M320
AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M330
AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M335
AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M340
AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M340
AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M350
AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M360
AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M360
Cape Verde XT
AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M370
Oland XT (?)
AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M375
Cape Verde XT
AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M375X
Cape Verde XT
To be fair about this, rebranding has always been a part and parcel of lineups. Only the high end positions are usually replaced each year with iterations slowly trickling down to the roots. The no-rebrand claim was pretty remarkable and slightly absurd in the first place and I am not really surprised at how things have turned out. Still, this makes for a very interesting development, naturally. Thats it for this particular piece.
May 13, 2015
Apr 20, 2015
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