
AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition - HDZ965FBK4DGM / HDZ965FBGMBOX & AMD &
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AMD Phenom II X4 965 (125W, BE) specifications
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Detailed side-by-side comparison
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model number, part number, core name, microarchitecture, manufacturing
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cores and threads, cache size, TDP and GPU type.
Here are some examples of searches: HDZ965FBK4DGM, AMD Phenom II X4 3.4GHz, Deneb 125 Watt, K10 4 cores 4 threads, 0.045 micron 6 MB noGPU
Q: Can I upgrade my AMD Phenom II X4 965 (125W, BE) microprocessor?
A: Probably yes. CPU compatibility is determined by your motherboard. Please check CPU-Upgrade.com resource for CPU support list for your board.
Phenom II X4 965 (125W, BE) Overclocking
Sorry, overclocking information for the microprocessor is not available at this time.
Related news stories
AMD cuts prices of desktop CPUs
May 01, 2013: Earlier this week AMD announced new processors, expanding the line
of high-end FX CPUs with quad-core FX-4350 and six-core FX-6350.
It's not uncommon for AMD to lower prices when launching new products,
and this time it was not an exception. Based on the latest official AMD price list, the company cut prices of ten A-Series and FX-Series chips
by as much as 19%.
Bits and pieces: A4-3450 APU spotted, AMD retires Phenom II CPUs
Jul 12, 2012: The first generation of AMD Accelerated Processing Units, based on
Llano core, hasn't been refreshed since the beginning of this year.
Considering that AMD plans to replace Llano products with
"Trinity"-based ones, and that some "Trinity" parts has already been launched, we
didn't expect to see new Llano processors. However,
recently updated CPU
support information for Biostar motherboards revealed new A4-3450
AMD cuts prices of Phenom II and FX CPUs
Feb 28, 2012: As you may know, AMD yesterday launched two FX microprocessors,
including company's first production CPU, operating faster than 4 GHz.
New product releases are usually accompanied by price drops of older
models, and it wasn't an exception this time. AMD cut prices on two
FX-Series models, and reduced prices for most of Phenom IIs. They also
added pricing for A-Series A6-3620 and A8-3820 Accelerated Processing
units (APUs).
AMD 965 (125W, BE) Benchmarks and Performance evaluation
Compare AMD 965 (125W, BE) benchmark results with all tested CPUs from one of the following families:
Athlon II X2
Athlon II X3
Athlon II X4
Core 2 Extreme
Core 2 Quad
Core i5 Mobile
Phenom II Quad-Core Mobile
Phenom II X2
Phenom II X3
Phenom II X4
Phenom II X6
Phenom II XLT
Third Generation Opteron
You can also compare this model with other tested CPUs in our
For 965 (125W, BE) charts, comparing multi- and single-threaded performance of this
microprocessor with other Phenom II X4 processors and the fastest AMD and Intel x86 chips,
please visit
For averaged performance in integer, floating-point, SIMD and memory-intensive applications please see the next section.
Integer, Floating-Point, SIMD and Memory performance
The graphs below show up to 10 microprocessors with
approximately the same level of performance in integer (CPU),
floating-point (FPU), SIMD and memory
benchmarks. All processors were not overclocked, and were tested at
a nominal frequency, with a stock heatsink and default BIOS settings.
Click on the '?' mark next to each model name to see specifications of
that model, and details of the test platform.
Benchmarked processor:
CPU ID:0F43h
CPU vendor string:AuthenticAMD
CPU name string:AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor
Integer performance
Floating Point performance
MMX / SSE / SSE2 performance
Memory-intensive program performance
CPU ID information for the Phenom II X4 965 (125W, BE)
Detailed characteristics of processor's internals, including x86
instruction set extensions and individual instructions, high- and low-level
technologies, are listed below. This list was acquired from an actual
AMD Phenom II X4 965 processor with the help of the x86 CPUID instruction. Any
discrepancies between CPUID features and official specifications are
likely due to some features being disabled in BIOS, or due to a bug in
our CPUID decoding algorithm.
Our CPUID database contains 6 records for this microprocessor. .
to check features of your processor.
Submission details
Manufacturer:AMDMeasured frequency:3684 MHz
CPU Family:Phenom II X4Comment:Retail Box
Model Number:965&
Part number (supplied):HDZ965FBGMBOXSubmitted by:Andy
Part number (guessed):HDZ965FBK4DGMSubmitted on:
Stepping Code:CWID version:0.5
General information
Cache details
Supported instructions
Integrated features and technologies
CPUs, related to AMD Phenom II X4 965 (125W, BE)
The list of related CPUs does not include all models. For the complete list, please see the
Cores /Threads
AMD Phenom II X4 family, Socket AM2+ / Socket AM3
&& 4 / 43.2 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 4 / 43.2 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 4 / 43.2 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 4 / 43.3 GHz&&&&&&
&& 4 / 43.2 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 4 / 43.2 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 4 / 43 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 4 / 43.3 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 4 / 43.4 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 4 / 43.4 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& Phenom II X4 965 (125W, BE)4 / 43.4 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 4 / 43.5 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 4 / 43.5 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 4 / 43.6 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 4 / 43.7 GHz&&6 MB&&&
AMD Phenom II X4 family, K10 micro-architecture, Other sockets
&& 4 / 42.8 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 4 / 43 GHz&&6 MB&&&
Other families, K10 micro-architecture, Socket AM2+ / Socket AM3
&& 1 / 12 GHz&&&&&&
&& 2 / 22.3 GHz&&&&&&
&& 2 / 22.5 GHz&&&&&&
&& 2 / 23.5 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 2 / 23.6 GHz&&&&&&
&& 3 / 33.2 GHz&&6 MB&&&
&& 3 / 33.4 GHz&&&&&&
&& Within each category, the CPUs are sorted from slower (at the top) to faster (at the bottom)
&& Background color of specs and features indicate whether they are better or worse than similar spec/feature of the Phenom II X4 965 (125W, BE)
&& Click on the & icon to compare any CPU in the table with the AMD Phenom II X4 965 (125W, BE) (Javascript required).
&& Features abbreviations:
TC - Precision Boost / Turbo CoreUnlock - Unlocked multiplier
Pictures (6)
Posted by: gshv
Posted by: gshv
Stepping code CACAC AC. Manufactured in the second half of September 2009.
Posted by: gshv
Posted by: gshv
Side view of the box
Posted by: gshv
Front view.
Posted by: gshv
C3 revision of the Phenom II X4 965 BE processor is shipped in a newly redesigned box. It is smaller than the older Phenom II box, and it has just enough space to fit the CPU in a re-designed clamshell, more compactly printed installation instructions, a sticker (it didn't change), and the fan/heatsink.
Comments (8)
You're welcome to post suggestions, corrections, missing information,
your own personal AMD Phenom II X4 965 (125W, BE) review, or your experience with the microprocessor.
For all other questions please proceed to the
Posted by: wbd
Posted by: simartem
Posted by: ~Pro
Posted by: Philipp S.
Posted by: _Cypher
Posted by: muskel
Posted by: Amit
Posted by: marrmarr
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