跟着len冲30之黄金口袋8080题 是什么题目

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& && & 小编今天给大家分享的是新黄金口语80题,而黄金口语80题自从放出以来已经成为了各位考友恒久追寻的一份重要资料。虽然现在各种各样的口语题很多,但是这份新托福黄金口语80题还是最经典的,因为他很好的总结了口语1、2题会碰到的题目的类型,可以帮助各位考友在考前有效地对于大体思路有一个预先的准备。
& && && & 今天和大家分享的黄金口语80题还内含答案哦,这也是让各位童鞋能够更加方便的练习以及进行模范!
各位童鞋快来下载电子版文档吧 托福考试黄金口语80题范例
1. 說出你認為對你最有用的一本書,並解釋原因。Themost helpful book for me is the famous English novel “Jane Eyre” written by CharlotteBronte. The heroine called Jane Eyre is outwardly of poor appearance butplucky, she posses great courage and indomitable spirit to battle againstunfair fortune as the governess to the daughter of attractive Mr. Rochester. Itencourages people to challenge fate and take a positive and independentattitude to fight for freedom and equality, thus allowing access to our own happiness.The most useful book for meis the English dictionary. Firstly, many English words have more than onemeaning and always confuse me. The dictionary can help me get over by offeringmany detailed explanations and examples. In addition, I can also learn how toapply the new words into writing and speaking by studying the examplesearnestly.Furthermore, I can learn alot of knowledge beside new words. For example, it is very likely that a good dictionaryillustrate a specific animal or plant with a picture. Thus, we get moreinformation out of the dictionary.各位童鞋快来下载电子版文档吧
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黄金口语80题范例(内含参考答案) [修改]
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小站论坛,All Rights Reserved 小站国际教育&&&&刑法题库:2015司考刑法冲刺黄金80题+答案
&1.&王某下岗后开&黑车&拉活,车上安装了某个公司的打车软件。许多乘客根据打车软件约到王某的车辆。王某从事这种道路运输经营活动,获利较大。下列说法正确的是( )
&2.&李某(警察)在执勤时,所携带枪支被歹徒田某抢夺去。李某担心被处分,没有向单位报告。田某某天在楼顶喝酒时,不慎致枪支掉落,将一位行人砸成重伤。下列说法正确的有(  )
&关于上述观点的正误,表述正确的是(  )
&对此,下列说法正确的有(  )
&6.&甲的轿车丢失,警察在乙的住所找到。现有证据能够证明的程度是:乙要么亲自盗窃了该车,要么替盗窃犯窝藏了该车。下列说法正确的有(  )
&7.&关于单位犯罪,下列说法错误的是(  )
&A. 甲以单位名义犯罪,为单位谋取非法利益,应以个人犯罪论处
&B. 乙(单位领导)组织管理层开会,集体决策盗窃电力,共盗窃电力计费为10万元。由于单位不能构成盗窃罪,所以本案应作无罪处理
&& & & &&C. 丙欲实施贷款诈骗,请求星星公司帮助提供虚假担保,星星公司答应。丙因此诈骗成功。由于贷款诈骗罪不能由单位构成,所以本案中不存在帮助犯的行为主体
&& & & &&D. 单位涉嫌犯罪后,若被其主管部门宣告破产,此时直接追究直接责任人员的刑事责任
西西网() 亿级数据量,互联网资源,一网打尽.
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- 托福口语】
  黄金80题对考生来说一直是一份非常重要的复习资料。这是因为黄金80题规范的了在托福口语考试中可能遇到的题型,对备考工作也是非常有利的。以下是()频道小编为大家整理的Describe an object类话题及答案,希望对大家有所帮助!
  1. 描述一本对我最有用的书--Describe a book that you believe is the most useful to you. Please explain the reason and include specific examples and details in your explanation.
  The most useful book for me is the English dictionary. Firstly, many English words have more than one
  meaning and always confuse me. The dictionary can help me get over by offering many detailed
  explanations and examples. In addition, I can also learn how to apply the new words into writing and
  speaking by studying the examples earnestly.
  Furthermore, I can learn a lot of knowledge beside new words. For example, it is very likely that a good
  dictionary illustrate a specific animal or plant with a picture. Thus, we get more information out of the
  The most important book for me is my undergraduate major textbook which is called marketing. Because as we all know that marketing is a kind of major which cuts across the boundaries of many different disciplines, so it broadens my knowledge scope, such as the aspects of advertising and trade. On the other hand, well, a plenty of cases are included in this book, in addition, many definitions can explained very acceptable so it definitely helps me to get a deeply understanding of my major.
  2.描述对我最重要的一件作品--Describe a letter or poem or other piece of art that is important to you. Why was it so important to you? Please include specific examples and details in your statement.
  The most important letter that I can remember was a letter applying for a job. I had seen this job
  advertised in a local newspaper, the evening editon. It suited me very much and I was immediately
  attracted to it. It said to apply in writing, giving details of your experience, your education and when you
  were available,and you had to give the names and contacts of two references. I was qualified for the job
  and eager to get it. When I was finished writing I was pretty isfied and a little pleased, posted it off to
  the address given and waited! Thankfully, before I sweated too much, I got a letter after a couple of days,
  saying they wanted me to come in for interview. I was very pleased to go for the interview and got the job,
  my first job!
  There is a letter which plays a significant role in my life. It is the letter written by my parents in my 18 birthday. Firstly, I was touched by their love expressed in the letter. I deeply understand their painstaking efforts from that letter. What&s more, they taught me to be a responsible person in that letter. They definitely set a good example for me in my life. I will never forget that letter, which let me feel grow up 1 minute.
  3. 描述一件对我最重要的物体--Describe an object which is very important to you and explain why it is of special value to you. Please include specific details in your explanation.
  One of the most important objects for me is my wife&s photo album and her diaries. She gave it to me just
  the day before I left for America to study. Back then we had been together for only two months and it
  would be quite some time before we would see each other again. She wanted me to read her diaries
  about us and look at her pictures if I am tired, stressed or bored. She wanted to use it to remind myself
  that I am not alone in another country. And it did give me the strength and courage to keep going, no
  matter what difficulties I am facing. My wife is the person I love most in the world, so does her photos
  and diaries.
  4. 中国最有效率的运输方式--Describe the most efficient transportation in your country. Please state your reason and include specific examples and details in your explanation.
  The most efficient transportation in our country is subway. First of all, it can be free of traffic problems
  and many other factors that may influence the normal operation of transportation. In addition, it runs
  much faster than bus or automobiles even in rush hours and will never stop for a traffic jam. Besides, the
  subway trains come frequently and punctually, thus make it easier for passengers to make schedule. All
  these advantages make subway the most efficient transportation in our country.
  The most efficient transportation in my country, I&d say, is subway. Compared with cars and other transportations, subway is mostly convenient. It almost covers every corner in our city. And second, it has high speed compared with bicycle, you don&t have to worry about your time, traffic jam and parking space. What&s more, subway is more eco-friendly than car, it has nothing to do with air pollution at all. So frankly speaking, subway is the best transportation for you in china.
  5. 100年来最伟大的发明--Describe one of the most important inventions in recent 100 years. Explain why it is so important. Your explanation should include specific examples
  and details.
  The most important invention in the recent century would definitely be the internet, which has changed
  our life so tremendously. First of all, it makes the worldwide connection possible so that it can help
  human beings to work much more conveniently and efficiently. In addition, it has greatly promoted the
  development of science and technology by a number of websites and databases of information. Besides,
  it can provide people with entertainment, such as watching movies, chatting room and even shopping. So
  the internet is really an amazing invention.
  As far as I am concerned, television is the most important invention of the last 100 years. First, from the news broadcasting in the television, we can know what is happening in the outside world even without stepping out our living room with television in it. And second, watching television with family members after supper is a good way to relax after a hard day&s work. What&s more, its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and has a great influence on the way people think and talk.


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