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&&&美服《英雄联盟》: 统治者获胜几率 统治者是老虎机统治者是《》最有趣的游戏类型之一,由于其节奏迅速,情节激动,团队意识浓厚,但在常规比赛中并不能真正获胜&&他们是很随机的。这个因素的随机性和运气并不适用于游戏统治者主导比赛。优秀团队最终会赢得这场比赛,因为你事先已经了解队友。当你自己或和朋友一起作战时,你是否赢得比赛和在赌场赢得老虎机一样是随机的。统治者获胜几率没有任何意义几乎每个人都有大概50%的获胜率,lolking.net会显示玩家总损失以及总收益,即使最高水平的玩家仍然只有一半获胜的几率。有些玩家可能是+100或+200的总损失或总收益,但当你考虑他们真正玩了成千上万次比赛,最终获胜几率也就只有53%到55%。例如,一个玩家以负,实际上只有54%的获胜率。玩家获胜的几率&平均&为50%,而他们并不知道在做什么,甚至获胜率在50%以下。很小的获胜率差距并不意味着什么,最优秀的玩家55%的获胜几率和你平均50%的获胜率之间的差别就像一个NFL团队发布9-7记录和8-8记录。抛开潜在的季后赛,一个团队9-7也没有8-8更令人印象深刻。你不一定会说候补比其他的都优秀,他们想做的就是多赢一场比赛。如果你坚持看lolking上优秀玩家的比赛历史,你甚至会发现很多人对自己获胜率只有一半没有异议。当然有一些例外,有的团队是三个,四个,甚至五个玩家,团队成员越多,你受到随机性的影响越小。联盟首选,集合所有,,等游戏赚钱方法。原文Dominion is one of the most fun game types in League of Legends due to its fast-paced, action-packed, and teamwork-heavy gameplay. But wins in regular matchmade Dominion games are not really earned & they are pretty much random. This factor of randomness and luck does not apply to games where teams of five pre-mades are facing another team of five pre-mades (for example, the Dominate Dominion tournaments). The better team will end up winning the game in those matches because you already know your teammates beforehand. When you go into matchmaking by yourself or with a friend, whether or not you win the game is as random as winning a slot machine at a casino.Dominion Win Rates Mean NothingPretty much everybody has a win rate of around 50 percent in Dominion. This was easier to see back when lolking.net showed total player losses as well as total wins but even the players at the highest levels of ELO still only win around half their games. Some of these players may actually be +100 or +200 in terms of total wins to losses, but when you consider they literally have thousands of games played, that ultimately equates out to be something like 53 percent to 55 percent. For example, a player with 2,000 wins and 1,700 losses may point to his +300 ratio but that is actually only a 54 percent win rate. An &average& Dominion player will win around 50 percent while ones that don&t really know what they are doing at all could even be several percentage points below half.This small win rate disparity really doesn&t mean anything, though. The difference between a 55 percent win rate of a top ELO player and a 50 percent win rate of your Average Joe is like the difference between an NFL team posting a 9-7 record and one posting an 8-8 record. Potential playoff implications aside, a team going 9-7 isn&t really all that much more impressive than one going 8-8. You wouldn&t necessarily say one is hands down better than the other. All they did was win one more game.If you were to consistently look at the match history of the top ELO Dominion players on lolking, you will see that even right now many of them only win around half their matchmade games. There are of course some exceptions to this due to people entering matchmaking as pre-made parties of three, four, or even five players. The more players in your group, the less you will be affected by the randomness of matchmaking.


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