塞尔达 怪物商店唯一的缺点是打怪不掉装备吗

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发布时间: 08:55:15
the-legend-of-zelda-skyward-sword(from geeksandgames)
问题是,任天堂并不注重故事元素。《Hyrule Historia》与Eiji Aonuma的评论表明,任天堂总着眼于玩法方面,而后才在游戏中添加故事。我并非认为玩法不及故事重要,但我希望,以后任天堂可以更注重故事设置。
我认为,为角色配音会让玩家与角色产生疏离感是一个荒谬的说法。在玩《最终幻想 XIII》时,我并不希望Lightning与Sazh无法出声。相反,配音能赋予角色更多乐趣!
ss-saving(from zeldauniverse.net)
fable3-fasttravel(from zeldauniverse.net)
Modern Game Design and The Legend of Zelda
Nintendo has a always been a leader in the video game industry, but their inability or unwillingness to follow the lead of others has repeatedly hurt them. Nintendo’s online presence is a common example.
What does this have to do with the Legend of Zelda? While many consider the Legend of Zelda series to be a genre of its own, the series still shares many similarities with other video game genres. In the past ten years, there have been many improvements to those similar genres, but Nintendo has appeared to ignore them so far. Instead, the Legend of Zelda blazes its own path and introduces its own innovations. Full-motion control were perfected by Skyward Sword, but in the process the game missed out on the innovations introduced by other video game developers.
Before the next Legend of Zelda game is released, Nintendo needs to stop for a moment and pay attention to what other developers are doing. Being innovative is great, but not all unoriginal ideas are bad ideas.
There are a handful of specific ideas that I would like to see in the next generation Legend of Zelda game. You have likely read some similar arguments in the past, but that doesn’t make them any less valid.
W now give us a story worth remembering!
The Legend of Zelda timeline is no longer a secret, but the story is still lackluster at best. Nintendo developed an unforgettable world with unforgettable characters, but they aren’t involved in many events that I would call unforgettable. “Uninspired” better describes the events in Hyrule.
Instead, the history of Hyrule seems to repeat itself. We’ve traveled through time, visited alternate worlds, and stopped evil from being resurrected over and over again.
The trouble begins with Nintendo not focusing on the story. Hyrule Historia included comments from Eiji Aonuma specifically stating that Nintendo has always made the gameplay their primary focus and added the story later. I am not arguing that gameplay is not important or less important than the story, but in the future I would like to see more focus on the story than is currently given.
Fortunately, Nintendo seems to have taken notice of this growing problem. I was an advocate of releasing the timeline. I argued that releasing the timeline would only make the story better, and I believe it has.
Furthermore, Skyward Sword focuses more on the story than ever before. The story could have been paced better than it is, but overall I felt Nintendo made great progress with the story in Skyward Sword. Only time will tell if they can improve it even further in the future.
Of course, telling a story usually involves speaking.
It’s past time: The Legend of Zelda needs voice acting.
This argument isn’t anything new, and it is regularly a hot topic in the Legend of Zelda community, but I am a firm believer that voice acting would have only a positive impact on the series. The industry is moving forward and voice acting is part of it. Not including voice acting only serves to make the Legend of Zelda appear outdated and makes the story even less interesting.
I’ve recently been playing through Final Fantasy XIII. While it is true that there are many games with less-than-great voice acting, there are just as many games with fantastic voice acting, and Final Fantasy XIII is one of those games. As is typical of newer video games, Final Fantasy XIII has countless cutscenes and all of them are fully voiced. In fact, I have not encountered any character dialog that is written even outside of cutscenes.
For years, the primary argument against voice acting in Legend of Zelda is that Link is the player–not a original character in the video game–and if you give Link a voice then he may not sound the same way the player would have envisioned. Despite not having the same “link” to the player, similar arguments are cited for Zelda and Ganondorf (or sometimes for all characters).
The simple truth is that the characters in recent Legend of Zelda games, including Link, have had their own personalities and voice-types. A good story requires that the characters have some kind of development. While the stories are still nothing amazing, the events of each game would not be half as interesting as they are if the characters had no personality and showed no emotion. The only major trait the characters lack is a real voice (though Midna and Fi are the exceptions).
The idea that players will become detached from characters who speak is ridiculous. I’m not playing through Final Fantasy XIII wishing that Lightning and Sazh didn’t have voices. On the contrary, the voice acting is what makes the characters interesting!
The Legend of Zelda desperately needs voice acting, and when it is finally added I won’t miss the silent characters for a second.
Player conveniences: saving and traveling
I’m very surprised Nintendo, of all companies, has not taken advantage of two major changes that have made video games more convenient. For the past several years, Nintendo has been working to attract new people to video games, so how did they overlook fast traveling and autosaving?
Granted, Nintendo pioneered fast traveling dating back to the original Legend of Zelda. The Legend of Zelda has always included ways to travel around the world a bit faster than normal, but it has always been hidden behind a gameplay mechanic. In some ways, it’s very neat that Nintendo has been able to justify fast traveling in this way, but it’s also unnecessarily limiting.
In the Fable series, players can open a menu and warp to any area that has already been visited. A certain amount of in-game time passes to justify the traveling time. Other video games include similar fast-traveling systems.
There are no items to find, no songs to memorize, and no statues to locate. All you do is open the menu and select your destination.
Another strangely missing feature is autosaving, or at the very least the ability to save wherever you are in the game (and begin from that point). Skyward Sword actually seems to have moved backwards! Skyward Sword is the only Legend of Zelda game with save points. In the past, players have been able to save almost anywhere, but could only begin playing again from specific locations.
Both of these features are becoming more and more common in video games, and both would give players conveniences that only make the games more accessible to both old and new players.
What did I miss?
Truth be told, I do not actually play a ton of different video games, so it’s likely I’ve missed some trends and features that ought to be added to the Legend of Zelda series.
Furthermore, I’m sure more than a handful of readers will have something to say about voice acting in the Legend of Zelda. Let us know in the comments!()
CopyRight Since 2010 GamerBoom All rights reserved &&闽ICP备&号-1《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》中的五个缺陷让这款游戏看起来不够完美 | 天了噜!小组 | 果壳网 科技有意思
小伙伴们,都玩上《》了没有?这么多天了,没吃过猪肉大概也看过猪跑吧~尽管成为了史上获得满分评价最多的游戏,《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》远非完美。当然,绝对的完美是不可能,也不现实的,咱不能这样要求一款游戏对吧。所以,大家做好心理准备,我们来看一看《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》里5个最令人恼火的“缺陷”吧。--- 剧透警报,下文内容可能或多或少影响你的游戏体验。 ---....1. 各种各样的技术问题《荒野之息》总体上是个美丽的游戏,但,额,有些贴图凑近了看还是有点抱歉总的来说,《荒野之息》把3A级大作水平的画质整个压在13GB的小身板里,还捎带上了物理引擎、AI以及整个可探索互动的游戏世界,这简直是个辉煌的技术成就。《》和《》的主机版容量可比这个大个三四倍呢。然而,掉帧问题,特别是在浓密树林和繁华城镇中的掉帧问题始终挥之不去。战斗过程偶尔会受到卡帧问题的影响,甚至有时为了渲染那超华丽的一击,整个画面都会卡上那么一下……绘制距离也可能有点毛病,远处看着似乎挺平静的山顶,当你靠近的时候突然冒出漫山遍野的敌人,也真是醉了。这些问题并不是每个人都会遇到的,不过万一你刚好遇到了,那确实会让你的游戏体验……没那么投入。2. 烦人而难用的菜单选择机制不管玩啥,在一大堆菜单中转来转去总是一点都不有趣。《荒野之息》的菜单系统简直是个永恒的烦恼之源,常常被当作是这个游戏中最丑的部分。有的道具能有快捷菜单,有的又没有。所有这些快捷方式都不能自定义,所以你只好在游戏的过程中时不时的停下来,打开菜单,比如从火焰箭切换成寒冰箭什么的,然后在弄回去。还有,虽然有限的包包容量确实能增加游戏生存元素的真切感,可你也不能强迫玩家丢掉手上的剑才能腾出空间拿一把更强的武器吧,这也太令人沮丧了。玩家不得不去以解锁更多的物品栏格子,这简直让人觉得好气啊!3. 地下城和谜题没有达到系列作品的预期神兽这个设定给塞尔达系列的地下城带来一丝新意,但它们很快就变得太过公式化了。《荒野之息》中有四个主要的地下城,各自拥有一头被称为“”的机械巨兽。这跟原先以大型神殿迷宫为主的地下城设定颇为不同,但《荒野之息》中的地下城不论是规模还是复杂性都比系列的前几作逊色得多。没有特殊钥匙或者什么击败Boss才能解锁的机制,没有罗盘,没有特别牛逼的道具或者新颖的武器,甚至没有小Boss。四个地城的设计都遵循类似的模式,打第一个的时候或许感觉爽爽的,但等到第三个或者第四个的时候就完全令人厌倦了。找到地图,解开谜题,开启五个终端,然后跟Boss的真身来一个决战,就这样。整个下来大概也就个把小时,完全感觉不到什么难度曲线啊。谜题方面,真正有点解谜快感的就只有神庙里了,遗憾的是这也比玩家想象的要简短不少。而且本作的谜题和前作《》或者经典的《》中的谜题相比简直就是隔靴搔痒。4. 死气沉沉的支线任务 海拉尔的人民一般都没什么有趣的任务给你。在这些可爱的伙伴身上你看不到有深度的故事线。《荒野之息》的许多NPC都十分个性鲜明,有些甚至很可爱。但他们并没有给你什么有内涵的支线任务。一般你能接到的支线任务就这几种:拿个道具回来去杀点什么找一个隐藏的神庙况且你能拿到的奖励一般也就是钱或者宝石而已了。除了要100%完成度的狂人,谁去做这些无聊的任务呢。这游戏最大的支线任务,估计也是唯一有趣的支线任务,就是玩家自己在荒野里晃荡探索,寻找宝藏、战胜怪物的过程吧。5. 没你啥事的故事情节塞尔达是个伟大的角色,不过她基本只在各种回忆动画中出场。从整个故事线来看,NPC对剧情并没有什么推动作用。你不了解那些你正在互动的角色,不知道他们在故事线里的位置,他们甚至也没法告诉你太多关于这个世界的信息。不像之前《》中你能和游戏中的角色互动,完成任务,他们就会带你探索更多神奇的地方。更严重的是,绝大多数《荒野之息》的剧情早就已经发生过,林克、塞尔达和他们的朋友都已经参加了那次冒险,并最终失败了。甚至最后的反派也只是他自己往日的阴影而已。这游戏实在太没激情了。NPC们反正也早就等了一百年了,再多等几天何妨?那么,《荒野之息》并不完美这事很严重么?人人都爱《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》,我们也不例外。这游戏很棒,但这些缺陷也令人不能视而不见。虽说瑕不掩瑜,但即使我们给它打了满分,也还得承认,这游戏还有改进的空间。这说不定还是个好事。即使是最狂热的爱好者也不得不承认,没人希望《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》是完美无缺的。要是它真的完美无缺,那估计这个系列到此就该圆满谢幕了。如果这个游戏能把《塞尔达传说》系列的每一方面都演绎的100%淋漓尽致,那就没人想要另一部游戏了吧。……所以说这就是程序员不修bug的借口么?(大雾 ----编译来源:
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