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关于合同的问题 10分
··合同中的甲方乙方,并没有严格的法律界定,是为了称呼简化约定俗成的简称。 习惯上,“进”的一方称为甲方(如:买方、承租方。),出的一方称为乙方(如:卖方、出租方)。也可以反过来称呼,母的都是使合同便于表达,不至于写长长的署名。
同意lisuui 的意见,但是有两个例外,即诉讼时效的中止和中断,如果符合这两个条件,实际上的诉讼时效就不止两年.根据有关规定,如果是债务纠纷,只要债权人有证据...
答: 事故发生后,首先应当先行就医进行良好的治疗,生命是可贵的,生体的健康也是第一要件。住院期间,相关的治疗单据、CT等证据要保存好。根据医院的建议及自身情况出院后,...
答: 老兄:第一,女婿和儿媳是不能继承遗产的。第二,无论女婿和儿媳在调解书上签字或者不签字,都不影响调解书效力,调解书只要继承人签字即可。第三,法院搞错的是不该让女婿...
答: 1、从一般意义上讲,法分为实然的法(law as it is)和应然的法(law as it ought to be)。
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1.& In crashing a task, you would focus on:
A. As many tasks as possible
B. Non-critical tasks
C. Accelerating performance of tasks on critical path
D. Accelerate performance by minimizing cost
A 尽可能多的任务。
B 非关键任务。
C 加速执行关键路径上的任务。
2. “I can not test the software until I code the
software", This& describes which of the following
A. Discretionary
C. Preferential
D. Mandatory or hard
B 软逻辑关系
3.& Which of the following formulas
provides the most accurateresult for computing activity
= Work quantity / Production rate
= Work quantity / Number of resources
= Production rate / Work quantity
= (Production rate)(Work quantity) / Numberof resources
A. AD(活动历时)=工作数量/生产率
B. AD=工作数量/资源数量
C. AD=生产率/工作数量
D. AD=生产率 x 工作数量/资源数量
4.& Resource leveling:
deals with the effective use of resources through the
of the project&& to
minimize the resource time.
typically tends to have no effect on theduration of the
tends to increase the original projectcompletion date
is parallel working for decreasing the projectcompletion date
A. 通过对项目进行进度计划编制,使资源时间最小化,有效的利用资源。
B. 通常对活动历时没有影响。
C. 可能增加原来的项目工期。
D. 为了减少项目工期采用的平行工作法。
5.& Which one of the following is NOT a
trade-off decision that must be
made in the development of the project plan?
A. Whether to use skilled or unskilled laborers
B. The amount of profit vendors should make versus the
other vendors have received in the past.
C. Manufacturing in-house or sub-contracting out the work
D. The importance of cost versus quality.
A. 使用熟练还是不熟练的劳动力
B. 比较供货方应该获得的利润和其他供货方以前收到的利润
C. 自造还是把工作承包给分包商
D. 成本/质量的重要性
6.& The most important role of PM in a
Matrix organization is
A. Communication
B. Integration
C. Negotiating
D. Leadership
7.& When a process is in control, what do you
want to do tothe process?
A. The process should not be adjusted.
B. The process may be adjusted for continuous improvement.
C. The process should be always adjusted for
D. The process should be regularly adjusted.
A. 不应该调整该过程。
B. 可以调整该过程达到连续改进。
C. 为了连续改进质量应该不断调整该过程。
D. 应该定期调整该过程。
8.& Your company has started a development
project for a public sector. There are extenuating circumstances
revolving around the project site, where it may destroy thousands
of acres inhibited by hundreds of wildlife species. You company has
long supported the environment and has offered its name to
non-profit groups to support the environmental movement. You are
the project manager and are confronted by one of the non-profit
environmental group leader’s regarding your company’s involvement
in managing this “environmentally destructive” project. How should
you react to the environmental leader’s questions?
A.& Only answer questions regarding the project
work,otherwise you
should say "no comment”.
B.&& Speak out in opposition
to your company’s involvement with this project.
C.&& State that you are the
project manager on the project and are not
qualified to answer any environmental questions regarding the
then refer them to the public relations office for any further
D. Admit that you are the project manager and try to handle all
questions that you can.
A. 只回答针对项目工作的问题,否则回答“无可奉告”。
B. 维护公司参与改项目的立场
C. 声明你是项目经理,没有资格回答关于该项目的任何环境问题。然后告诉他们
D. 承认你是项目经理,处理你能回答的所有问题。
9.& During planning you sit down and estimate
the time needed for each task and total them to come up with the
project estimate. This duration is what you commit to complete the
project. What is wrong with the scenario?
A. The team did not create the estimate and estimating takes
long using that method.
B. The team did not create the estimate and a network diagram
was not used.
C. The estimate is too long and should be created by
D. The project estimate should be the same as the customers
required completion date
A. 项目小组没有参与估算,而且这种方法耗时太长。
B. 项目小组没有参与估算,而且没有使用网络图。
C. 估算时间太久,应该有管理层完成。
D. 项目估算应该和客户要求的完工日期吻合。
10.“cost of quality” is a project management concept that
A. exceeding requirements
B. changes to the requirements
C. ensuring conformance to requirements
D. the quality control requirements
A. 超过要求
B. 要求变更
C. 保证符合要求
D. 质量控制要求
11.Mr. Huang is a project manager for a small company.Recently
he was preparing a tough competition proposal. He knows that the
calculated costs are too high and so does his supervisor,Miss Liu.
Miss Liu suggests to Mr. Huang to cut the costs by15% to win the
bidding. By doing so,the company will not make a profit. What is
the ethical thing that Mr. Huang should do?
A. Huang tells Liu that he has difficulty in reducing the price
below cost but wants to discuss ways to reduce the bid price.
B. Huang thinks that if he reduces the cost, the company will
win the business and
hopefully can pickup additional revenue from project
C. Submit the proposal at the current cost calculation.
D. Let the marketing people decide.
A. 告诉刘小姐他很难把成本降得低于价格,但是他想探讨降低竞标价格的方法。
B. 认为如果他降低成本,公司就会赢得业务,并有希望从项目变更中获取其它的收
C. 采用目前的成本计算提交建议书
D. 让市场营销人员决定
12.Which of the following is considered a conflict of
A. Discussing your project with a friend.
B. Starting to working for a competitor just after resigning
your position.
C. A modest gift to you from a company that you have done
business with for years.
D. Use your company’s affiliation to promote your own
A. 和朋友谈论你的项目
B. 刚从你目前公司辞职就开始为竞争对手工作
C. 接受有多年业务往来的公司的一个小礼物
D. 利用公司的关系促进你自己的业务
13.Your are the project manager in a project where you should
buy many off-the-shelf parts. For
some parts that are being designed now, the project sponsor
indicated a certain vendor and asked
you to release a purchase order to the vendor. The cost of the
vendor does not meet your cost and
the requirements. What should you do?
A. Release the purchase order as requested.
B. Refuse the sponsor’s request.
C. Withhold the purchase order until the budget and requirements
are reviewed for the purpose.
D. Make a purchase order to specify less expensive parts that
are believed to be required for the project product.
A. 按要求发出采购订单
B. 拒绝项目发起人的请求
C. 保留采购订单直到预算和要求已经经过审核
D. 填写采购订单,定购项目产品所需的更便宜的部件。
14.The principal sources of project failure are-
A. Lack of a projectized or strong matrix structure, poor scope
definition, and lack of a
project plan
B. Lack of commitment or support by top management,disharmony on
the project team,
and lack of leadership by the project manager
C. Poorly identified customer needs, a geographically dispersed
project team, and little communication with the customer until the
project is delivered
D. Organizational factors, poorly identified customer
needs,inadequately specified project requirements, and poor
planning and control
A 缺少项目型或强矩阵结构,范围定义不充分,缺少项目计划
C 客户需求认识不充分,项目小组成员分散在不同地方,在项目交付前没有和客户
D 组织因素,客户需求认识不充分,项目需求不明确,计划编制和控制不力
15.Contractor has performed the project upon customers requests.
At the project completion,
Customer requested minor Scope Creep before Final Acceptance.
What is the best resolution
which may satisfy both parties?
A. Resolve with contingency budget
B. Persuade the customer that the change is not necessary
C. Ask the customer to submit the Change Request
D. Let the project team to study the alternatives for there
A. 利用应急预算来解决
B. 劝服客户变更没有必要
C. 告知客户提交变更请求
16.During closeout, many project managers tend to delay
personnel reassignment as long as possible because—
A. They are reluctant to confront any interpersonal conflicts
that may occur in the process
B. They believe that no one will want to leave the project
C. The functional managers do not want the team members tore
D. The team members do not want to move on to new
A. 他们不愿意使自己面临这个过程可能发生的任何人际冲突
B. 他们认为没有人想要离开项目
C. 职能经理不想小组成员回去
D. 小组成员不想又被分配新任务
17.A CPI of .80 means?
A. As of now we expect the total project cost of 80% more than
B. When the project is completed we will have spent 80% more
C. Your project is only progressing at 80% of that planned
D. Your project is only getting 80 cents out of every dollar
成本绩效指数(CPI)为.80 的意思是:
A. 目前我们预期总成本超过计划的 80%。
B. 项目完成是我们将超支 80%。
C. 你的项目现在已经进行了计划的 80%。
D. 你项目投入的每一美元只收到 80 美分的效果。
18.To assess the implications of crashing a project, a project
manager should first compute-
A. The cost and time slope for each critical activity that can
be expedited
B. The cost of additional resources to be added to the project’s
critical path
C. The time that will be saved in the overall schedule when
tasks are expedited on the critical path
D. Three probabilistic time estimates of PERT for each critical
path activity
A. 可以加速的每件关键活动的成本和时间坡度
B. 添加到项目关键路径的附加资源成本
C. 加速关键路径上的任务时整体进度计划节约的时间
D. 每个关键路径活动的 PERT 三个时间估算
19.During the execution of a project the project manager
determines that a change is needed to material purchased for the
project. The project manager calls a meeting of their team to plan
how to make the change. This is an example of?
A. Management by Objectives
B. Lack of a change control system
C. Good team relations
D. Lack of a clear work breakdown structure
A. 目标管理
B. 缺乏变更控制系统
C. 良好团队关系
D. 缺乏明确的工作分解结构
20.A. Project management techniques applied to ongoing
operations is called as -
Code of account
B. Management by projects
C. Management by objectives
D. The work breakdown structure
A 帐目编码
B 依靠项目进行管理
C 目标管理
D 工作分解结构
21.The need for ( ) is one of the major driving forces for
communication in a project:
A. Optimization
B. Integrity
C. Integration
D. Differentiation
22.Who is responsible for determining the project cost variance
acceptable range?
A. Functional manager
B. Department heads
C. Upper management
D. Project manager
A. 职能经理
B. 部门领导
C. 高层管理
D. 项目经理
23.Two fundamental objectives of project control are to-
A. Alter activities to achieve results and manage organizational
B. Eliminate unexpected technical problems and identify
technical difficulties that require more resources
C. Ensure that resources are available when needed and avoid
increases in the scope of work
D. Have the required material, personnel, and equipment
available when needed and ensure that budgeting is adequate
A 改变活动以达到目的;管理组织财产。
A project team was composed of 5 members. Six (6) more members
additionally joined to this team. What is the increase in
communication channel?
A. Six (6)
B. 4.5 times
C. 2 times
D. Twenty (2)
项目小组原来有 5 个成员。现在新增加6
25.One of team members complains that the job condition is not
safe. What is the best approach of the project manager in dealing
with this complaint?
A. Since only one member complains, do nothing.
B. Have the site inspected by your client’s safety manager and
notify your company’s safety
organization regarding the potential hazard. Then follow-up with
the employee that made the complaint.
C. Have a meeting with the employee to discuss the problem only
to make them feel better about the situation.
D. Turn the entire problem over to the client for them to
A. 既然只有一个员工投诉,置之不理
B. 让客户方安全经理查看现场,把潜在的危险通知公司安全部门。然后跟踪投诉的员工。
C. 召开员工会议,讨论这个问题,目的是让他们感觉更舒服
D. 把问题题给客户让他们自己解决
26.The critical path has the float of minus 20 (-20)
days.If the path has two activities, what may this mean?
A. The critical path must be evaluated to determine the actual
B. Project is expected to finish 20 days earlier.
C. Each activity has &20 days float.
D. Duration Compression may be required to satisfy the project
A 必须评估关键路径以决定实际的时差。
B 预期提前 20 天完成项目。
C 每个活动时差为负 20 天。
D 要满足项目完工要求,可能需要采取历时压缩。
27.Schedule control is concerned with all the following
A. Influencing the factors that create schedule changes to
ensure that the changes are beneficial
B. Determining that the schedule has changed
C. Managing the actual changes when and as they occur
D.Changing the schedule based on customer demands
A. 对造成进度计划变更的因素施加影响,保证变更是有利的。
B. 确定进度计划已经变化。
C. 管理实际发生的变更。
D. 根据客户需求变更进度计划。
28.Who should be in control of the project planning?
A. The project manager
B. The team member
C. Functional manager
D. The project manager's boss
A 项目经理
B 项目成员
C 职能部门经理
D 项目经理的上司
29.On an environmental remediation project, an example of a
value-adding change is one that-
A. Is caused by a new or revised government regulation
necessitating that the design be resubmitted
B. Takes advantage of cost-reducing technology that was not
available when the scope was originally defined
C. Uses a bill of materials to define the total scope of the
project, including all assemblies and sub assemblies
D.Corrects omission of a required feature in the design of a
A 由于政府规定经过修订,需要重新提交设计。
B 利用按照原来定义的范围不可获取的可以降低成本的技术。
C 使用材料清单定义项目的整个范围,包括所有的组件和子组件。
D 修正系统设计中遗漏的但应该有的特征。
30.Which of the following approaches to quality improvement is
least likely to produce positive results?
A. continuous improvement
B. increased inspection
C. statistical quality control
D. client tracking process
A. 持续改进
B. 加强检验
C. 统计质量控制
D. 客户跟踪过程
31.In the strong and weak matrix structures, the balance of
power may be shifted to either the project manager or functional
manager by changing the:
A. Levels at which the project and the participating functional
managers report
B. Support provided to the project and functional managers from
top management
C. Physical distances between the people involved in the
D, All the above
A. 项目经理和参与的职能经理的汇报级别
B. 高层管理给项目经理和职能经理提供的支持
C. 项目涉及者之间的物理距离
D. 以上各项
32.Lack of communication and unsolved arguments imply
A. Complicated project
B. Crashed schedule
C. Inefficient project team
D. Undefined responsibility of project team
A. 项目错综复杂
B. 进度计划失灵
C. 项目小组效率不高
D. 项目小组职责不明确
33.The customer wants to make a major change to the scope of
work when the project is mostly complete. The project manager
A. Make the change
B. Inform the customer of the impact of the change
C. Refuse the change
D. Report to Change Control Board
A 进行变更
B 告诉客户变更带来的影响
C 拒绝变更
D 向变更控制委员会汇报
34.“Only my boss can agree to that request, and he isn't here.
Why don’t we agree to only the schedule? I can agree to that.” What
type of negotiation technique?
A. Good guy, bad guy
C. Missing man
D. Limited authority
A. 好人、坏人
D. 权力有限
35.In which type of contract, Contractor is most concerned in
Cost Estimate?
A. Firm Fixed
C. Time & Material
B. 成本加激励费
C. 时间和材料
36.Which of the following statements is NOT true with regard to
cost reimbursement contracts?
A. The seller’s interest in cost control diminishes.
B. Payment is based solely by the delivery of goods and
C. The buyer’s concern about the seller’s performance
D. The buyer bears the greater financial risk.
A. 卖方对成本控制的兴趣降低了
B. 付款仅根据货物或服务的交付
C. 买方更关心卖方的执行情况
D. 买方的财务风险更大了
37.An activity has the followin
Optimistic = 6 days, Most likely = 21 days, Pessimistic =
What is the possibility that the activity is finished from16
days to 26 days?
天;最可能估算=21天;最悲观估算=36 天。
那么,该活动在 16 天到26
38.Project plans are developed by the:
A. Senior manager
B. Functional managers
C. Project manager
D. Project team
A 高层经理
B 职能经理
C 项目经理
D 项目小组
39.The project has a problem with personnel performance.This is
best handled through:
A.Formal written communication
B.Formal verbal communication
C.Informal written communication
D.Informal verbal communication
A. 正式书面沟通
B. 正式口头沟通
C. 非正式书面沟通
D. 非正式口头沟通
40.During the project execution, a new PM was assigned. The
project has been executed along the plan and PM has found Customer
had complaints against Reporting Method. What is the first thing
for PM to do?
A. Check Communication System
B. Ask Customer's complaints and requirements and search for the
C. Suggest the modified report to the customer
D. Let the project team develop alternatives
A. 检查沟通系统
B. 询问客户的不满和要求,找出解决方案
C. 向客户建议修改报告
D. 让项目小组制定替代方案
41.Of the following factors, which one has the greatest effect
on the project’s communication requirements?
A. Stakeholder responsibility relationships
B. External information needs
C. Availability of technology
D. The project’s organizational structure
A. 项目干系人职责关系
B. 外部信息需求
C. 技术可利用性
D. 项目的组织结构
42.Which of the following tools or techniques are used in the
information distribution process?
A. Communication management plan, project plan, and information
distribution system
B. Information distribution system, information retrieval
system, and performance reports
C. Communication skills, information retrieval system, and
information distribution system
D. Communication skills, work results, and status reports
A. 沟通管理计划、项目计划、信息发布系统
B. 信息发布系统、信息检索系统、绩效报告
C. 沟通技巧、信息检索系统、信息发布系统
D. 沟通技巧、工作结果、状态报告
43. The change control system must include all except -
A. The paperwork
B. The tracking system
C. Authorization approval levels
D. Incentives for successful negotiation
A 文书工作
B 跟踪系统
C 授权许可级别
D 成功谈判的激励
44.The project plan is important in change control because
A. Provides the baseline against which changes are managed
B. Provides information on project performance
C. Alerts the project team to issues that may cause problems in
the future
D. Is expected to change throughout the project
A 针对管理哪些变更提供基准计划
B 为执行项目提供信息
C 提醒项目小组哪些问题将来可能引起问题
D 在整个项目期间变化
45.The purpose of the project schedule as an input to schedule
control is to-
A. Show how changes to the schedule will be managed
B. Provide information on schedule performance
C. Serve as the schedule baseline
D. Determine whether a schedule revision is needed
A 说明如何管理进度计划变更
B 为执行进度计划提供信息
C 作为进度基准计划
D 决定是否需要修改进度计划
46.Trend analysis is used to monitor—
A. Causes of error
B. The quality management plan
C. Customer satisfaction
D. Technical, cost, and schedule performance
A. 错误成因
B. 质量管理计划
C. 客户满意
D. 技术、成本、及进度绩效
47.An input to team development is—
A. General management skill
B. The project plan
C. The schedule, so that each team member can be assigned
responsibility for specific work packages
D. The reward and recognition system
A. 一般管理技巧
B. 项目计划
C. 进度计划,这样可以就具体的工作包为每个小组成员分配职责。
D. 奖励和认可制度
48.In attribute sampling the:
A. Result does or does not conform
B. Result is rated on a continuous scale that measures the
degree of conformity
C. Emphasis is on normal process variation
D. Emphasis is on determining whether a result falls within
specific control limits
B. 可以采用评估吻合度的连续等级给。结果打分
C. 强调常态过程偏差。
D. 着重于确定结果是否处于特定的控制极限内。
49.During a project team meeting a team member suggests an
enhancement to the scope of work that is beyond the scope of the
project charter. The project manager points out that the team needs
to concentrate on completing all the work and only the work
required. This is an example of?
A. Domineering behavior
B. Scope management
C. Project charter
D. Scope decomposition
A 专制行为
B 范围管理
C 项目章程
D 范围分解
50.Miss Zhen is a project manager for the AAA Company and has
maintained a good performance in the projects. She was given an
opportunity for a side-job, for which she works after hours and on
weekends, managing a project for small company, BBB Company.
Company BBB is not in competition with AAA. Company AAA does not
know of her extra work activities for another company. What should
she do just to be on the safe side with her current
A. Do nothing since it is on her own time and AAA is not in
competition with this small company.
B. Talk with her management to ensure there are no conflict of
interest policy deviations.
C. Just tell her direct supervisor and let him tell her what to
D. Have the BBB Company assure her that they will not disclose
to AAA her side-job.
郑小姐是 AAA
公司的项目经理,她的工作绩效一直很优良。她现在下班后和周末兼职为一个小公司 BBB
管理项目。BBB公司不是 AAA
AAA 公司的安全?
A. 什么也不用做,因为她利用自己的时间,而且 AAA 公司和 BBB
B. 和她的管理层谈话,保证没有任何违勃利益政策的冲突。
C. 只给她的直接上司讲,让她告诉她该怎么做。
D. 让 BBB 公司保证不把她兼职的事情告诉AAA
51.Cost forecasting can be best described by which of
the following?
A. The process of developing the future trends along with the
assessment of probabilities,
uncertainties, and inflation that could occur during the
B. The process of assembling and predicting costs of a project
over its life cycle.
C. The process of establishing budgets, standards, and a
monitoring system by which the investment cost of the project can
be measured and managed.
D. The process of gathering, accumulating, analyzing,monitoring,
reporting, and managing the costs on an on-going basis.
A. 拟制概率评估、不确定性、以及项目期间可能发生的通货膨胀的未来走势的过程。
B. 集合并预测项目生命期间成本的过程。
C. 建立可以用来评估和管理项目投资成本的预算、标准和监控系统的过程。
D. 一个连续的收集、累计、分析、监控、汇报、管理成本的过程。
52.Considering the project schedule during the cost budgeting
A. Identifies the project elements so that costs can be
B. Allows costs to be assigned to the time period when they will
be incurred
C. Provides another way to help measure and monitor cost
D. A and B
A. 可以确认项目因素,然后进行成本分配。
B. 允许把成本分配到产生成本的时间段。
C. 提供另外一种帮助评估和监控成本执行情况的方法。
53.A Pareto diagram helps the project manager to?
A. Focus on the most critical issues to improve quality
B. Focus on stimulating thinking
C. Explore a desired future outcome
D. Determine if a process is out of control
A. 关注最关键的问题改进质量。
B. 关注激发思考
C. 了解想要达到的未来产出
D. 确定一个过程是否失去控制
54.All the following are inputs to project initiation except
A. Product or service description
B. Organization’s strategic plan
C. Project selection criteria
D. Project charter
A 产品或服务说明
B 组织战略计划
C 项目筛选计划
D 项目章程
55.You are the project manager for a large IT company. One of
the software named “PX” is developed by a software developer and
will be integrated to your system. Recently you have learned that
“PX” has some bug and will not be delivered without correction. The
“PX” company does not want your client to know about this problem,
since the problem will not arise until long after the project
completes. They can also sell the next Version of “PX” after
correction, and make another profit to them and also to your
company. How can you overcome this conflict?
A. Meet with the client and teach them how to ask “PX”engineer
about the function of new software so that the client can find the
B. Ignore the situation since you will be gone after the project
C. Discuss this situation with the Manager of “PX” and try to
dissuade him from using this approach.
D. Say nothing to the client for now, but have a meeting with
your supervisor and the “PX”
Manager and his sales team to discuss alternatives.
你是一个大型 IT
B. 忽略这个问题,因为项目完成后你将要离开。
C. 和“PX”公司经理讨论这个情况,劝服他不要使用这种方法
56.Project Plan is completed and the Project is launched with
the fixed schedule. When customer requests the additional work to
be done, what is the most proper way?
A. Include the additional scope to the scope and execute the
B. Execute the initially planned project and plan a separate
C. Report to the CCB and find the resolution.
D. Since it is out of scope, it may not be performed.
A. 把附加范围纳入项目范围,执行项目
B. 执行最初制订的项目,在计划一个单独的项目
C. 向 CCB 汇报,找出解决方案
D. 因为不再范围内,所以可以不执行
57.Re-base lining may be needed to-
A. Show that the project is not behind schedule
B. Provide realistic data to measure performance
C. Report schedule updates
D. Show special forms of corrective actions taken
A. 表明项目进度没有落后
B. 提供实际数据评估绩效
C. 报告进度更新
D. 表示采取纠错行动的特殊形式
58.The purpose of the review of deliverables and project
performance at the conclusion of a project phase is to-
A. Determine how many resources are required to complete the
project according to the project baseline
B. Adjust the schedule and cost baselines based on past
C. Obtain customer acceptance of project deliverables
D. Determine whether the project should continue to the next
A. 根据项目基准计划确定要完成项目需要多少资源
59. ~ 61. In the network diagram below, each activity has the
A=4, B=5, C=3, D=5,
E=4, F=5, G=6, H=6,
K=3, M=2, N=3 [unit: weeks]
What is the total duration?
A. 20 weeks
B. 17 weeks
C. 18 weeks
D 16 weeks
A=4, B=5, C=3, D=5,
E=4, F=5, G=6, H=6,
K=3, M=2, N=3 [单位: 星期]
A. 20 星期
B. 17 星期
C. 18 星期
60.What is the critical path?
A. Start-A-C-F-M-Finish
B. Start-A-D-G-M-Finish
C. Start-B-E-H-N-Finish
A. Start-A-C-F-M-Finish
B. Start-A-D-G-M-Finish
C. Start-B-E-H-N-Finish
D. Start-B-E-K-N-Finish
61.If you decrease the duration of activity H by 2 weeks (DUof H
= 4), what will be the total
A. 16 weeks
B. 17 weeks
C. 15 weeks
D. 18 weeks
如果把活动 H
A. 16 星期
B. 17 星期
C. 15 星期
D. 18 星期
62.Conditional diagramming methods such as GERT are used-
A. To show the four types of dependencies
(finish-to-start,finish-to-finish, start-to-start, and
start-to finish)
B. For a graphical representation of the network that is easier
to interpret than PERT charts
C. Because PDM and ADM do not allow non sequential
activities,such as loops or conditional branches
D. To help expedite the preparation of a project network
条件图法如 GERT 用于:
A. 表示四种依赖关系(完成-开始,完成-完成,开始-开始,和开始-完成)。
B. 创建一个比 PERT 图还容易解释的网络图形。
C. 因为 PDM 和ADM
D. 帮助促进项目网络图的准备。
63.Which of the following is true regarding communication within
a project environment?
A. The project manager must assume the primary burden of
responsibility to ensure that messages sent have been received.
B. Effective meetings, a war room, and a tight matrix promote
effective communication
C. If a project consists of 12 people, 48 potential channels of
communication exist.
D. Most project managers spend 30 percent of their working hours
engaged in communication.
A. 项目经理必须承担确保信息接收者已经收到信息的主要任务。
B. 高效会议、战争室、紧矩阵促进有效沟通。
C. 如果项目有 12 个人,则有48
D. 大多项目经理在沟通上花掉工作时间的 30%。
64.Which is considered important at the time of completion of a
large and important project?
A. Financial record
B. Document and record of procurement
C. Formal Acceptance
D. Technical specification
A 财务记录
B 采购文件和记录
C 正式验收
D 技术规范
65.You have worked as a project manager in your own. You are
assigned to manage a global project where EU countries are
involved. Among many things,what should you prepare for this
international project?
A. No specific actions are required. Just start planning your
B. Gain knowledge about the countries and their business
C. Align your Chinese team to help implement the project in
D. Analyze the project team members, and choose only proper
members that have some knowledge in the countries.
A. 不需要特殊行动。开始进行项目计划贬值。
B. 了解这些国家以及当地的商业习俗。
C. 协调小组中国成员帮助在欧盟执行项目。
D. 分析项目小组成员,只选择对这些国家有一定了解的成员。
66.What does having a project charter do for the project
A. Describes the details of what needs to be done
B. Describes the names of all team members
C. Gives the project manager authority
D. Describes the project’s history
A 描述需要完成工作的详细情况
B 说明项目小组成员的名字
C 授权于项目经理
D 描述项目的历史信息
67.A project manager considers many things in organizational
planning. Which of the followings best describes the project
manager’s consideration?
A. Project interfaces, informal reporting relationship among
different individuals, preference of the project management
B. Project interfaces, organizational policies, preference of
the project management team, and competence of each staff
C. Project interfaces, organizational policies and/or agreement
with labor union, preference of the project management team
D. Organizational interfaces, project interfaces
management,interpersonal interfaces, and organizational
A. 项目接口、不同个体间的非正式报告关系、项目管理小组的偏好
B. 项目接口、组织政策、项目管理小组的偏好、各成员的能力
C. 项目接口、组织政策和/或同工会达成的协议、项目管理小组的偏好
D. 组织接口、项目接口管理、人际接口、组织政策
68.In which of the following project characteristics would it be
most appropriate to use a projectized organizational form over a
strong matrix?
A. The uncertainty is complex and the technology is medium
B. The size is small and the uncertainty is high
C. The size is large and the technology is new
D. The time criticality is moderate and the duration is long
A. 复杂的不确定性、中等技术
B. 规模小、不确定性高
C. 规模大、新技术
D. 时间紧急程度一般、历时久
69.You are managing an internal R&D project. The
initial test results are very poor. You are afraid your management
might cancel the project, and this could reflect poorly upon you.
testing could be done quickly and inexpensively. You should:
A. Be the first to recommend canceling the project
B. Inform management about the results and wait for are
C. Inform management immediately and recommend retesting for
D. Withhold the information from management until you perform
additional tests to verify the initial results
A. 第一个提出取消项目
B. 把结果通知管理层且等待回应
C. 立即通知管理层且建议为核实进行再次测试
D. 直到进行进一步的测试以核实最初的结果以后再把这些信息告知管理层
70.In all projects, needs must be tempered by schedule,cost, and
resource constraints. Project success depends primarily on-
A. The quality of the schedule and cost control analysis
B. Customer satisfaction
C. Customer compromise in defining its needs
D. Exceeding customer requirements through gold-plating
A 进度计划的质量和成本控制分析。
B 客户满意度。
C 客户在定义需求上妥协。
D 通过镀金的方法来超过客户要求。
71.A project manager’s company operates in a high-technology are
a requiring the integration and sharing of several functional
specialties. The project manager is considering the appropriate
organizational structure for a new project. The likely choice would
B. Tight matrix
C. Functional
D. Projectized
72.Which of the following is not part of an effective change
control system?
A. Procedures
B. Standards for reports
C. Meetings
D. Lessons learned
B 报告标准
D 经验教训
73.Customer is requiring scope changes. In order to analyze the
influences to the project, PM should review WBS, change request,
scope management plan and&
A. Performance Report
C. Pareto Diagram
D. Monte Calro Simulation
A 绩效报告
B 职责分配矩阵
C 帕累托图
D 蒙特卡洛模拟
Read the following paragraph to answer 74 and 75.
阅读以下文字回答 74、75题。
Due to an unexpected employee walkout at a vendor site,Bob’s
project was influenced with increased lead time on a critical
component. Bob’s company should pay the delay penalty of $5,000 per
day of delay. The contract states the vendor must pay Bob’s company
damages of $10,000 per day for every day they are late. Bob can
hire another vendor to
however, it will cost
an additional $25,000, but the part will be delivered on time.
5000 美元的延迟罚金。合同申明供货方每延迟一天就要支付Bob 公司10000
美元的赔偿。Bob可以聘请另一个供货商制造该元件,需多花 25000
74.As far as risk is concerned, the above is an example of:
A. risk retention
B. an unknown-unknown
C. risk avoidance
D. contingency reserve
A. 保留风险
B. 未知-已知
C. 风险规避
D. 应急储备
75.If Bob and the management team decide their reputation and
their customer’s satisfaction are not worth the risk, and decide to
hire the second vendor to manufacture the part, how will the
project fund the $25,000 of additional cost?
A. Assume the $25,000 is a risk that will be retained as a
budget overrun
B. Use money from the project contingency fund
C. Obtain insurance to cover the risk
D. The cost should be covered by the management reserve
25000 美元附加成本的资金?
A. 假设 25000 美元是保留风险造成的预算超支。
B. 使用项目应急资金
C. 获取保险处理风险
D. 由管理储备支付成本
76.A project manager calls his project team to quantify and
assess the risks of their project. The benefits the team will gain
from this exercise include all but which of the following?
A. Thoroughly understand the project, the associated risks and
the impact of risk on all parts of the project.
B. Develop risk mitigation strategies for dealing with issues
C. Ensure all identified risk issues are incorporated into
project planning.
D. Identify alternatives which may exist
A. 彻底理解项目、相关风险、以及风险对项目各部分的影响
B. 制订处理已经识别的问题的风险降低策略
C. 保证所有已经识别的风险问题纳入项目计划编制
D. 识别可能存在的替代方案
77.After preparing the probability distribution of cost outcome
for a project, the estimate, with a15% probability of being
exceeded,is approximately one standard deviation.
A. Below the mean
B. Below the median
C. Above the mean
D. Above the median
A. 低于平均数
B. 高于中数
C. 高于平均数
D. 高于中数
78.The concept of standard deviation is important in risk
analysis since standard deviation measure an estimate’s
variability. Therefore, the ( ) the standard deviation of an
estimate, the( ) its variability and risk.
A. larger, greater
B. larger, lesser
C. smaller, greater
D. smaller, normalcy
A. 越大、越大
B. 越大、越小
C. 越小、越大
D. 越小、为常态
79.What is the function of Change Control Board?
A. Baseline change
B. Specification & Standard Change
C. Project Performance Review
D. Determination of the Management Reserve
A 基准计划变更
B 规范和标准变更
C 项目绩效评审
D 决定管理储备
80.Integration is done by:
A. Senior management
B. Project team member
C. Project management consultant
D. Project manager
A 高层管理
B 项目小组成员
C 项目管理顾问
D 项目经理
81.Written change orders should be required on-
A. All projects, large and small
B. Large projects
C. Projects with a formal configuration management system in
D. Projects for which the cost of a change control system can be
A 所有项目,不论大小
D. 需要进行成本变更控制系统的项目
82.With a clear SOW a contractor completes work as specified,
but the buyer is not pleased with the result. The contract is
considered to be:
A. Incomplete because the buyer is not pleased.
B. Incomplete because the specs are incorrect
C. Complete because the contractor is satisfied
D. Complete because the contractor met the terms and conditions
of the contract
A. 不完整的,因为买方不满意
B. 不完整的,因为规格不正确
C. 完整的,因为承包商满意
D. 完整的,因为承包商满足了合同的条款和条件
83.In which of the following contract type is it easier to
change the scope of the contract?
A. Firm Fixed Price
B. Fixed Price Plus Incentive Fee
C. Cost Plus Percentage Of Cost
D. None of the above
B. 固定价加激励费
C. 成本加成本百分比
D. 以上都不是
84.The three project situations that require the most
negotiation skills are—
A. Working with functional managers to ensure that resources are
available to support the project, providing performance appraisals
to project team members, and developing the WBS
B. Developing the WBS, determining the master schedule, and
managing project changes
C. Using subcontractors, developing the project scope statement,
and managing changes after the project is under way
D. Securing upper management support for the project,working
with functional managers, and building the project team
A. 和职能经理合作保证资源支持项目的可获取性;向项目小组成员提供绩效评估;制定
B. 制定 WBS;确定主进度计划;管理项目变更
C. 使用分包商;编制项目范围说明;项目开始后管理变更
D. 确保高层管理提供项目支持;同职能经理合作;建设项目小组
85.Which of the following administrative tasks must the seller
perform before final payment on a contract can be authorized?
A. preparation of a contract completion statement
B. audit of the procurement process
C. updating and archiving of contract records
D.settlement of subcontracts
A. 准备一份合同完成说明
B. 审计采购过程
C. 更新并归档合同纪录
D. 分包商结算
86.A contract is legally binding and must comprise all but one
of the following
A. Mutual assent
B. Approved negotiation
C. Consideration
D. Legalty
A. 双方同意
B. 批准了的谈判
87.The project manager is evaluating the bids of two vendors.
Both vendors offer to sell similar electronic components, which are
integrated at the vendor’s site. To avoid the most risk, the
project manager views such items as the vendor’
A. price, sales volume, profit margin
B. price, promised delivery, inspection schedule
C. price, experience, delivery means
D. experience, personnel skills, material control procedures
A. 价格、销售额、利润率
B. 价格、交付承诺、检验进度计划
C. 价格、经验、交付方式
D. 经验、个人技能、材料控制步骤
88.The EVMS report shows CV=SV=0. However, a milestone has been
missed that will cause an overall delay to the project. Which one
of the following is being inadequately reported?
A. Risk analysis report
B. Communication plan variance
C. Resource management plan
D. Critical path status
EVMS 报告显示
A. 风险分析报告
B. 沟通计划偏差
C. 资源管理计划
D. 关键路径状态
89.The project manager may realize that some terms of the
contract and project objectives will not be met. It would be costly
and time consuming to meet some specifications. The project has a
high degree of exposure to risk at this point. Negotiation with the
customer to reduce the risk exposure is a means that:
A. could eliminate all risk to the project and customer at no
cost to either party.
B. could redefine the risk exposure to one of opportunities for
both the project and customer.
C. could result in reduced scope for the project and an improved
product for the customer.
D. may cost less to pay penalties and meet a modified
specification to meet minimum customer requirements.
A. 可以消除所有项目和客户风险而不需要任何成本。
B. 可以重新定义风险对项目和客户发生的可能性。
C. 可以使项目范围减小并改进交付给客户的产品。
D. 可能减少支付罚金的成本并且满足修订过的规范达到客户的最低要求。
90.Decision trees are best used for:
A. determining the interaction of the amount at stake and the
expected value.
B. association of the probabilities with the risk events.
C. an illustration of how to see the interactions between
decisions and the associated events.
D. a flow chart which determines the standard deviation of the
risk event.
A. 确定风险涉及总额和预期值的相互作用
B. 把概率和风险事件联系起来
C. 阐释如何观察决策和相关事件间的相互作用
D. 决定项目事件标准差的流程图
91.Which of the following is true regarding communication within
a project environment?
A. The project manager must assume the primary burden of
responsibility to ensure that
messages sent have been received.
B. Effective meetings, a war room, and a tight matrix promote
effective communication
C. If a project consists of 12 people, 48 potential channels of
communication exist.
D. Most project managers spend 30 percent of their working hours
engaged in communication.
A. 项目经理必须承担确保信息接收者已经收到信息的主要任务。
B. 高效会议、战争室、紧矩阵促进有效沟通。
C. 如果项目有 12 个人,则有48
D. 大多项目经理在沟通上花掉工作时间的 30%。
92.The project status report is an example of which form of
A. Formal written communication
B. Formal verbal communication
C. Informal written communication
D. Informal verbal communication
A. 正式书面沟通
B. 正式口头沟通
C. 非正式书面沟通
93.When a project manager is engaged in negotiations,non-verbal
communication skills are of:
A.Little importance
B.Major importance
C.Important only when cost and schedule objectives are
D. Important only when dealing with other cultures
A. 不太重要
B. 非常重要
C. 涉及到成本和进度目标时才重要
D. 涉及到异文化时才重要
94.All the following are objectives of the kickoff meeting
A. Establishing working relationships and lines of
B. Reviewing project plans
C. Establishing individual and group responsibilities and
D. Discussing specific legal issues regarding the contract
A. 建立工作关系和沟通线路
B. 回顾项目计划
C. 建立个人和集体义务、职责
D. 讨论合同相关具体法律事宜
95.All the following are barriers to communication except—
A. Detrimental attitudes associated with low compensation
B. Difficulties with technical language
C. Liquidated damages provisions in fixed-price contracts
D. Lack of clear communication channels
A. 低补偿引起的不利态度
B. 技术语言造成的困难
C. 固定价合同的清算损害条款
D. 缺少明确的沟通渠道
96.In general, disagreements among stakeholders should
beresolved in favor of the—
A. Sponsor
B. Senior management
C. Performing organization
D. Customer
B. 高层管理
C. 执行组织
97.A project manager may use to make sure the team clearly knows
what work is
included in each of their tasks?
A. A project scope of work
B. A project charter
C. A WBS dictionary
D. A risk management plan
A 项目工作范围
B 项目章程
C WBS 词典
D 风险管理计划
98.To successfully motivate a team in today’s high-tech
environment, which motivational theories should the PM use to
maintain a happy, productive team?
A. Expectancy and Theory x
B. Theory Y and Maslow’s Hierarchy
C. Theory Y, Expectancy and Herzberg’s Hygiene Factors
D. Herzberg’s Hygiene Factors and Expectancy.
A. 期待、理论 X
B. 理论 Y 和Maslow 等级制度
D. Herzberg 保健因素、期待
99.According to the Douglas Mcgregor’s Theory, Theory Y
anticipate that:
A. people need to be watched every minute.
B. People are incapable and a void responsibility
C. People avoid work when even possible.
D. People can direct their own efforts.
根据 Douglas Mcgregor 理论,理论 Y
A. 人每分钟都需要被注意
B. 人是无能的,责任是虚无的
C. 人尽可能的逃避工作
D. 人可以指挥自身努力
100.Project expeditor is different from a project coordinator in
A. can make more decisions
B. reports to a higher-level management
C. can make no decisions
D. has some authority
A. 可以做更多的决策
B. 向高层管理汇报
C. 不能决策
D. 有一定的权利
101.Which of the following parameters are affected by
scheduling and allocating resources to multiple projects?
A. Resource use and resource leveling
B. Duration compression and simulation
C. Activity lists and the WBS
D. Schedule slippage and in-process inventory
B. 历时压缩和模拟
C. 活动清单和工作分解结构
D. 进度计划滑动和进行中存货
102.Which term describes a modification of a logical
relationship that delays a successor task?
D. 闲置(Slack)
103.You have an opportunity to make a good profit of a new
service product to a new customer. Although you had enough
experiences in the similar projects, the general manager asks you
to exaggerate your experiences to make a quick contract.What is the
best way you can do in this situation?
A. Refuse that suggestion.
B. Offer that you have performed similar project
C. Tell the general manager that you cannot misrepresent your
qualifications, but would explain
D. your past experiences of similar projects to the new client
and seek training on the new product line before the
D. Recommend another project manager to assist such sales
A. 拒绝建议
B. 提出你执行过类似的项目安装
C. 告诉总经理你不能夸大自己的资历,但是你可以跟信客户讲述你过去类似项目经验
D. 推荐别的项目经理协助促销
104.If the optimistic estimate for a task is 12 days,pessimistic
is 18 days, what is the most likely estimate?
A. 15 days
B. 13 days
C. 16 days
D.Not enough information
105.The four types of costs that are found in the Life Cycle
Costing concept are:
A. operating/maintenance, discard, direct, and variable
B. indirect, auxiliary, development, and production
C. operating/maintenance, development, and production
D. indirect, auxiliary, indirect, and direct
A. 运营/维护、报废、直接、可变
B. 间接、辅助、开发、生产
C. 运营/维护、开发、生产
D. 间接、辅助、间接、直接
106.Random variance in a process, as measured by the standard
deviation, can be
A. studying scatter diagrams
B. increasing the number of quality inspectors
C. improving the overall system of production
D. identifying patterns of variance
A. 研究散点图
B. 增加质量检验员的数量
C. 改进全面生产系统
D. 确认偏差模式
107.A change control system should include all the following
A. Procedures for automatic approval of defined categories of
B. Paperwork, tracking systems, and approval levels necessary
for authorizing changes
C. A description of the powers and responsibilities of the
change control board
D. Procedures for conducting a mid project control system
A. 自动批准已定义变更范畴的步骤
B. 文书工作、跟踪系统、授权变更所需的批准级别
C. 变更委员会权力职责说明
D. 执行项目中期控制系统评估的步骤
108.Each of the following is a destructive role on a project
team except—
A. Withdrawer
B. Topic jumper
C. Gate keeper
D. Dominator
B. 话题转移者
109.If project A has an NPV of $30,000 and project B of$50,000,
what is the opportunity cost if project B is selected?
A. $23,000
B. $30,000
C. $20,000
D. $50,000
如果项目 A 的净现值为30000 美元,项目 B
的为50000 美元,那么选取项目 B
A. $23,000
B. $30,000
C. $20,000
D. $50,000
110.Which of the followings is an example of change requests due
to external event?
A. An error in defining the scope of the project due to the
application of the former version of a government regulation
B. A secondary risk brought after the implementation of
workaround plan
C. A changed environmental regulation applicable to the current
D. A supplier’s new development enabled us to use one component
instead of originally defined three-components assembly
A 使用政府规定旧版本造成的项目范围定义错误。
B 执行权变措施方案带来的次级风险。
C 适用于当前项目的环境规定发生变化。
D 由于供货商研发出新的技术使得我们可以使用单个元件替代原来定义的
111.Categories of risk response are—
A. Technical, marketing, financial, and human
B. Identification, quantification, response development, and
response control
C. Avoidance, transference, mitigation, and acceptance
D. Avoidance, retention, control, and deflection
A. 技术、市场营销、财务、人为
B. 识别、量化、应对措施编制、应对措施控制
C. 规避、转移、降低、接受
D. 规避、保留、控制、转移
112.What is the difference between Administrative Closure and
Contract Closure?
A. Product Verification
B. Scope Verification
C. Procurement Audit
D. Record & Final Result Update
A. 产品核实
C. 采购审计
D. 记录和终局结果更新
113.A project has a tight schedule. What is the most useful way
for early start of the project?
A. Contract Firm Fixed contract
B. Send the Letter Of Intent for expediting the start
C. Contingency planning against the late completion
D. Establish a time-constrained schedule
A. 签订固定价合同
B. 发出提前开始项目意向书
C. 制订应急计划防止推迟完工
D. 建立受时间约束的进度计划
114.Which term describes the failure by either party to perform
part or all of the duties of a contract?
A. Termination
B. Partial performance
C. Breach of contract
D. Contract waiver
B. 部分履行
C. 合同违约
D. 自动放弃合同
115.Which of the following should not be considered when
developing activity duration estimates?
A. Resource capabilities
B. The number of resources assigned to a task
C. Historical data if available
D. Overhead rates
A. 资源能力
B. 分配给活动的资源数量
C. 历史资料(如可可以获取的话)
D. 管理费用比率
116.In a proactive approach to project risk management, the
amount of a contingency reserve should be based on—
A. Percentages based on past experience
B. The sum total of the most likely probability and impact of
the various risk events
C. A set amount allocated to each item proportionately
D. An allowance of 10% for each phase in the project life
A. 过去项目中的比例
B. 最可能概率和各种风险事件影响的乘积
C. 按比例分配到每一项的固定金额
D. 项目生命周期每一个阶段储备 10%的金额
117.Additional risk response development is needed when the—
A. WBS is changed
B. Cost baseline is changed
C. Risk event was unexpected or the effect is greater than
D. Project plan is updated
A. WBS 发生变化
B. 成本基准计划发生变化
C. 预料之外的风险事件或影响大于预期影响
D. 项目计划更新时
118.As the project becomes more complex, the level of
uncertainty in the scope:
A. Remains the same
B. Decreases
C. Decreases then increases
D. Increases
A 保持不变
C 先降后升
119.The legal contractual relationship that exists between the
buyer and the seller is called:
A. apparent authority
B. contract privity
C. terms and conditions
D. force majeure
A. 明显权力
B. 合同当事人关系
C. 条款和条件
D. 不可抗力
120.Mr. Han is a project manager on internet-based software
project. With some technical problems, Mr. Han had a discussion
with his friends, Miss Lee and Mr. Ren, Miss Lee has offered a
suggestion. Following her suggestion, Mr. Han made a good solution.
Mr. Han told his supervisor that he developed this solution, and
would implement for the future projects. Mr. Ren knows that Mr. Han
takes credit for Miss Lee’s idea. What isthe proper way Mr. Ren
should do about Mr. Han’s improprieties?
A. Support Mr. Han and use the idea for her future projects.
B. Tell Miss Lee about that Mr. Han has taken credit for the
C. Persuade Mr. Han to jointly share the credit with Miss Lee
for this new idea and suggest that both Mr. Han and Miss Lee
document the procedure and distribute it to the project management
D. Report to Mr. Han’s supervisor that Mr. Han took credit for
someone else’s idea.
韩先生是一个 Internet
A. 支持韩先生,在他今后的项目中采纳这个主意
B. 告诉李小姐关于韩先生的做法
C. 劝韩先生同李小姐一起分享这个主意的功劳,并建议韩先生和李小姐把步骤形成文
D. 项韩先生的主管汇报,韩先生把别人的主意归功于自己。
121.When a process is considered to be out of control, you
should first -
A. Adjust the process.
B. Correct the product and find the way to eliminate the
C. Find special causes
D. Find special causes and correct products if the product is
out of specification limit.
A. 调整过程
B. 修正产品,找出消除起因的方法
C. 找出特殊起因
D. 找出特殊起因,如果产品超出规范限制,则修正产品
122.Sponsor decreased the Project funding significantly.What is
the alternative?
A. Request to the sponsor for additional fund
B. Perform financial analysis and plan the scope and project
within the decreased fund
C. Due to the decreased fund, it is not possible to continue the
D. Meet the customer and explain the situation and adjust the
A. 要求发起人提供额外资金
B. 在现有资金范围内,进行财务分析、制订项目计划和范围计划
C. 由于资金减少,不可能再继续进行项目
D. 会见客户,说明情况,调整范围
123.A project manager discovers during planning that part of the
scope of work is undefined.They should?
A. Continue to plan the project because the scope of work is not
B. Do what they can to get the scope of work defined
C. Wait until the scope of work is defined and issue a change to
the project
D. Complain to management
A. 继续编制项目计划,因为工作范围尚未准备好
B. 尽力使工作范围得到定义
C. 等待直到工作范围得到定义,然后发布一个项目变更
D. 向管理层抱怨
124.In determining the effect of prospective schedule changes,
all the following may be required except-
A. New or revised activity duration estimates
B. Modified activity sequences
C. Analysis of alternative schedules
D. Schedule updates
A 新的或已修订活动历时估算
B 修改过的活动排序
C 替代进度计划分析
D 进度计划更新
125.Company WWW’s employees are all out-sourced workers and
dispatched to numerous companies. One of WWW’s out-sourced workers
was transferred from Company A to the Company B. He has worked in
Company A as a technical proposal manager. Company B is a
competitor of Company A. Several weeks after when this worker began
to work in Company B, the Sales manager of Company B asked of the
worker to advise some contents of the proposal,which this worker
was recently involved. How does this worker respond to the Sales
manager of Company B for such information?
A. Ignore the Sales Managers meeting requests and find another
B. Ask the Sales Manager what he wants to know, before taking
any action.
C. Inform WWW Company of the potential impropriety before
meeting with the Sales Manager to determine a strategy in dealing
with any sensitive questions.
D. Tell Company A, your previous assignment, that there is
apotential “conflict of interest”situation and let them deal with
the problem.
WWW 公司的员工都是外派职员,


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