
Shenzhen TIEON Energy Technologies Corporation
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Smart integrated power products
IPC-03 Power Smart Monitoring Unit
Product Type:IPC-03
Product Introduction:IPC-03 is a power smart monitoring unit specially designed for meeting unattended requirements and LV smart power distribution, and is applicable for smart power switching, electricity detection, auxiliary relay protection, feeder monitoring and communication of LV AC power system in different connection modes.
Product Description
I. Product Overview:
Achievements: 1000 kV EHV, Guangdong Yangjiang Nuclear Power Plant, Guangzhou Broadcasting Network, Shenzhen Metro, etc.
Scope: power grid engineering: 10kV-1000kV substations and converter stations.
Infrastructural projects: industrial projects including power generation, railways, petrochemical and steels, government projects including TV and broadcasting network, hospitals and stadiums.
II. Advantageous features:
oUnique programing control mode. Different from general power automatic switching devices, this device is provided with 6 programing control modes, allowing "Local/Remote" control. For major operations, it is protected by a password.
oProvided with auxiliary relay protection functions for earth, overload and b
oProvided with remote communication function to realize remote metering, remote signaling, remote control and settings modification, and also provided with quick remote power restoration function if
oEvent records will not be lost when the power is off and fault recording facilitat
oPerfect self test function, and fault location can be r
oSet startup relay interlock outlet to ensure hi
oReal-time clock with 1
oFull English menu,
oStandard housing, embedded installation,
oYou can choose LCD or touch screen for HMI.
III. Functions and Model Selection:
IV. Functions:
1. Smart switching of two power supplies:
(1) ATS/two switches, totally 6
"Fixed power 1" is fixedly powered by incoming line 1
"Fixed power 2" is fixedly powered by incoming line 1
"Auto power 1" is mainly powered by incoming line 1, auto switchin
"Auto power 2" is mainly powered by incoming line 1, auto switchin
"Auto switch" has no main power supply, auto switching, bu
"Cutoff", the ATS switches to the zero position.
(2) Three switches/two switches + emergency power, totally 6 operating modes:
"Fixed power 1" is fixedly powered by incoming line 1
"Fixed power 2" is fixedly powered by incoming line 1
"Auto power 1" is mainly powered by incoming line 1, auto switchin
"Auto power 2" is mainly powered by incoming line 1, auto switchin
"Auto incoming line" has no main power supply line, without self restoring function. Normally, one way of incoming line switch and buscoup
"Auto buscouple" has no main power supply line, without self restoring function. Normally, incoming line 1 switch and incoming line 2
Smart switching function meets following conditions:
(1) Capable of auto switching if switch trips/incoming line power is lost. Check that the circuit breaker for the operating power is disconnected, the operating busbar has no voltage and the backup power voltage is normal before switching on the backup power supply.
(2) Auto switching of interlock for zero-sequence overcurrent.
(3)Auto switching of interlock when manual operation and busbar is faulty.
(4) Switching condition is not satisfied within the action delay. It returns without action.
2. Electricity detection function:
The device can detect incoming line voltage, busbar voltage/current, frequency, active power, reactive power, active energy, passive energy and power factor in real-time, and then upload these data to the host computer to check if low voltage, overvoltage, voltage breaking or overload occurs.
3. Auxiliary relay protection
(1) Voltage exception detection: It is identified as low voltage when the minimum three-phase voltage is lower than the it is identified as over-voltage when the maximum three-phase voltage is higher than the over-voltage setting.
(2) Busbar fault identification: Check if the incoming line switch is tripped due to fault to check if the busbar is faulty.
(3) Low current earth fault protection: based on lesson regarding entire station outage due to earth fault, the device is provided with low current earth fault protection. The earth current is obtained by a special zero-sequence CT that can quickly and accurately eliminate fault to ensure station power supply.
(4) Overload protection: the maximum busbar current is higher than the overload setting. If the delay time elapses, it alarms or two incoming lines trip, and hard contact signal outputs.
(5) Buscouple overcurrent protection function: buscouple current is higher than the setting. If the delay time elapses, it alarms or buscouple switch trips.
4. Communication function
(1) Remote signaling: remotely call "alarm event status", "fault event status" and "DI/DO status";
(2) Remote metering: remotely call real-time measured values such as voltage, current, frequency and electric energy.
(3) Remote control: to select 6 operating modes in remote operating mode. The use of this function can remotely restore the power supply of substations w
(4) Remote regulating: call all settings. In remote operating mode, this function can be use
(5) Timing: call the clock of the device. In remore operating mode, this function can be used to modify the clock.
5. Feeder detection
Capable of monitoring 24 ways (small cabinet)/32 ways (big cabinet) common feeder switching location/accident tripping contact, and providing current/leakage current acquisition/off-limit alarm as well as communication and remote control functions.
6. Event recording
Accurately record alarm or action events: YEAR-MONTH-DAY-HOUR-MINUTE-SECOND-MS, operation value and operation event information. Event records are stored in the unit and will not be lost when power is off. You can check these records to analyze cause and effect of an event. The host computer can call SOE records in real-time.。
7. Real-time clock
The clock can be locally or remotely modified. The running clock requires no extra battery. The clock can accurately service 10 years even when the unit is powered off. SOE resolution is up to 1 ms.
V. Analysis of station transformer zero-sequence current protection configuration problems solved by IPC-03:
Current Problems
(1) Station transformer zero-sequence current protection is placed in the neutral line in the transformer LV side that is difficult to reflect faults such as low current. When the fault is expanded to high current, it always causes serious accidents such as fire disaster.
Reason: The setting for station transformer zero-sequence current protection should avoid the maximum unbalanced current, i.e. 25% rated load current. However, normally, the protection will not operate if the load unbalancing cannot reach the maximum unbalanced current, even if the zero-sequence current is higher than the setting. For example, I unbalanced MAX = 20A (secondary), and the zero-sequence current is set to 1A, then set I0 = 21A; however, normally, when the secondary unbalanced current value is only 10A, even if the zero-sequence current is up to 10A, the protection will not operate.
(2) Station transformer zero-sequence current protection will not interlock 380V backup power automatic switching. When feeder low current earth fault causes misoperation of the station transformer zero-sequence current protection, 380V backup power automatic switching is switched to the other power, causing misoperation of the other station transformer zero-sequence current protection and thus overall station outage.
Classification of Recent Station Power Accidents
Class 1: the multiple of earth fault current to switching rated current is insufficient for transient tripping, resulting in misoperation of the station transformer zero-sequence current protection. However, the station transformer zero-sequence protection operation will not interlock 380V backup power automatic switching, resulting in automatic switching from 380V backup power automatic switching to the other station transformer and causing misoperation of the other station transformer zero-sequence current protection and thus overall station outage.
Class 2: As electric soldering works under load, equivalent to earth current generated manually, causing misoperation of the station transformer zero-sequence current protection, and thus overall station outage.
Two problems involve:
(1) Configuration and setting of station transformer zero-sequenc
(2) Whether to interlock 380V backup power automatic switching for station transformer zero-sequenc
(1) Disabling 380V backup automatic switching function will not address the misoperation problem of station transformer zero-sequence current protection
(2) Research setting rationality of the station transformer zero-sequence current protection to avoid misoperation that may be caused by electric soldering under load.
(3) Solutions to interlock 380V backup power automatic switching for station transformer zero-sequenc
Solution 1: add the design that station transformer zero-sequence current protection interlocks 380V backup power this function is supported by TIEON IPC-03.
Solution 2: use auxiliary zero-sequence current protection supplied with 380V backup power automatic switching. Its sensitivity should be higher than that of station transformer zero-sequence current protection, and automatically interlocks 380V backup power automatic switching. This function is supported by IPC-03 smart power monitoring unit.当前位置:
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