APLLE PAY为啥一支支付成功页面html模板不成功? 6S PULLS

AAPL: 178.39 ( -0.58 )
Thursday, June 25,
am PT (11:13 am ET)
Apple appears to have removed most or all content from the App Store that features a Confederate flag, even games which only feature the flag in a historical war context, it was discovered on Thursday.One of HexWar's pulled Civil War strategy games.
Some examples include Ultimate General: Gettysburg and Hunted Cow's Civil War games,
Touch Arcade. Apple is reportedly notifying developers such as HexWar Games that their apps have been removed because they include images of the Confederate flag "used in offensive and mean-spirited ways."
A person at HexWar stated that the company is "in no way sympathetic to the use of the flag in an offensive way," and includes it simply because it's historically accurate. To return to the App Store, HexWar will be resubmitting its American Civil War titles using an 1861 version of the Confederate flag, which is significantly different from the "Southern Cross" battle flag usually associated with the Confederacy.
Apple's actions appear to be following the direction of major vendors like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart pulling items with the Confederate flag as well. Following the racist shootings of nine people at a church in South Carolina, some groups have rallied to have the Confederate flag pulled from government buildings in the American South, and/or statues of Confederate leaders removed from public places.
Apple has frequently been accused of imposing overreaching bans at the App Store. Hunted Cow, for instance, had a game called Tank Battle 1942 rejected because it depicted Germans and Russians as enemies.
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Hot Topics中关村在线消息:Aplle Pay昨天早上5点正式登陆中国,国内用户非常热情,疯狂绑定银行卡,据银联内部人士称,截止到昨天下午5点苹果用户已经通过Apple Pay绑定超过3800万张银联银行卡。虽然这个数字看起来疯狂,但还有很多用户绑定银行卡失败。Apple Pay支付(图片引自新浪微博)
从昨天Aplle Pay正式亮相,就有很多用户反映无法正常绑定银行卡,直到昨天下午还是有部分用户仍无法绑定银行卡使用Apple Pay。Apple Pay绑定仍有异常(图片引自苹果官网)
在查询苹果官网Apple服务、商店及iCloud系统状态后发现,直到现在发稿时,Apple Pay系统依然处于异常状态,部分用户可能无法使用该服务。
不知道大家的银行卡都成功绑定Aplle Pay了吗?
热门手机应用你的iPhone为什么还不能用Apple Pay?
原标题:你的iPhone为什么还不能用Apple Pay?
  IT之家讯 2月18日消息 苹果移动支付服务Apple Pay于今天凌晨已经正式登陆中国,据悉目前ApplePay中国区服务器已更新,中国任何用户可以直接使用ApplePay。如果你收到ApplePay,只要打开设置界面就可以看到“Wallet和Apple Pay”选项,点击打开后就可以进行绑定银行卡等操作,具体步骤大家可以参考《苹果Apple Pay如何使用,怎么绑定银联信用/储蓄卡?最强教程》一文。
  不过有用户反映他们目前还没有收到Apple Pay,怎么回事呢?这里IT之家为大家总结几类可能的原因。
  1、你的设备支持Apple Pay吗?
  由于Apple Pay是依靠NFC技术实现的,所以只有支持NFC的苹果设备才能收到Apple Pay。根据苹果官方的给出的信息,目前支持Apple Pay的设备包括iPhone6s、iPhone6s Plus、iPhone6、iPhone6 Plus、iPad Pro、iPad Air 2、iPad mini 4、iPad mini 3和Apple Watch。
(责任编辑:王吉 UN652)


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