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408 of 451 people (90%) found this review helpful
19.2 hrs on record
You should play Reus. - It will give you a barren planet and 4 Giants which are able to create life on it. With their help you will create different biomes, plants, animals and ressources. Attracted by this, Humans will settle and build Villages, which you can then grow and care for.The game is presented in its unique and suprisingly detailed visuals that let you zoom from the planet view in to the details of the villagers. Its something to experience, and makes navigating the whole planet fast, very easy.The playtime is at first limited to 30 minutes, you have to play and unlock achievements to expand this to 60 and later 120 minutes. Yes the gameplay is heavily driven by achievements, but through this you are able to learn to effectively play the game. If they would have just ulocked everything from the start i would have been overwhelmed and confused. There is also an endless mode and various special gameplay options that you can play with if the standard gameplay isnt your thing.The gameplay gets more and more complex the further you advance in the game, up to an suprising ammount of deepness that rivals the god-game-richness of classics like civilistaion or populus. The wiki helps alot to understand all the mechanics if youre lost: Overall this is a very solid and fun game, that will give you way more than you probably expected from it. - You should play Reus!
8,332 products in account
318 of 344 people (92%) found this review helpful6 people found this review funny
84.1 hrs on record
Goats and amethysts.No.Blueberries and frogs.No?What do you little bobbleheads want from me?Reus is a resource management god-sim that has you taking on the role of the planet itself, controlling four powerful giants that carry out your will and alter the landscape to your whim. You can create trees and animal life, grow entire plots of fertile swampland, and one of your giants can even punch veins of precious stones directly into the crust. All of this, to attract the ungrateful little bobbleheads known as man to build great cities upon your surface. The humans create many great works on their own- well, with your help. Your giants can directly influence whether or not they complete their projects (do you really want a mad scientist around? How about a sacrificial altar?) by altering the landscape further, creating new resources that meet the goals of these projects. The more you complete, the more varying projects and resources you unlock, and thus the rabbit hole goes deeper. You can even unlock longer game-times as well, allowing more time to create and build, and allowing more time for the humans to try and rise up against you and your giants.They do go to war with each other. And they'll attack your god titans too, which is a curious choice. Your giants can slaughter them back, as any good vengeful potential goddess will be happy to know.The game can get quite complicated as you go on, however, the title screen provides a link to the Reus wiki, which will give a lot of ideas and help.The graphics themselves are cartoony and relatively simple looking, but always bright and interesting to look at. The game is on a 2D scale, all around the surface of the planet. Your giants traverse the outside of the planet as well, so some of your time will be spent waiting for the big lugs to get to where they're going, but since their abilities have cool-down meters, that isn't too much of a problem. The soundtrack is rather limited, though, so have some of your own music handy for the longer games.Overall, Reus is a well-designed god game. It'll start off just slow enough to get you hooked, and keep you in for the long haul as you look to see what you can accomplish next.
541 products in account
212 of 237 people (89%) found this review helpful4 people found this review funny
54.5 hrs on record
Reus is another indie title. If you’ve seen my play history you’ll know that I’m very “in to” the game. Reus is a good game to buy because it’s a world builder, individual games are short, there’s a lot of replayability, it’s a game with deep strategy, and an easy learning curve. There’s a lot of value in this game.As a world building “god game” it fulfills many of the things you’d naturally expect. You lay out the terrain. You manage where the towns go. You can destroy nations in an instant. You manage a lot of externalities. The cool part about this “god game” is you manage every thing with these potent giants who you enhance throughout the game by completing objectives. Each giant is different and has unique powers to explore. A mountain giant for example can create minerals but can’t create animals. An ocean giant can enhance plants but can’t create them.This game follows the old school principle of “unlocking content”. There’s just some thing about unlocking content and learning as you play that is a lot of fun. In Reus the entire objective is to march through over 60 unlocks which are called projects. Each time you play a game you complete various projects with differing objectives. This gives the game a lot of replayability as many of the projects have opposed goals and there’s not enough time in a 2 hour game to get them all. When you finish a game you’re rewarded with new tools for your next game. This means you’re slowly learning new and more advanced ways to adjust things as you progress, it’s all very elegantly done.I have two negative things to say about Reus. First if you play a lot the music track is just simply not sufficient. The second is that even though so much of the game is modular there’s no DLC, no update packs, no nothing. They won’t even take my money for in game hats (for the giants of course).This game is absolutely worth the $9.99. Skip pizza and destroy nations in an instant.
136 products in account
141 of 152 people (93%) found this review helpful2 people found this review funny
21.8 hrs on record
AT A GLANCE(Full review follows below)Game Name: Reus Original Release: 2013 Genre Tags: God G S S Casual My Overall Grade: B+ Estimated Playtime (Campaign): 10-30 hours Multiplayer Aspect: None Recommended To: Establish Those in N Casual gamers REVIEWThere are several reasons why I really enjoy Reus and believe it to be a well-made and fun game.
I can certainly see why it may not appeal to absolutely everyone, but I think it does what it does well and does so in a charming little way that remains unique to its own identity.
It is a casual game, and a very much toned-down “civilization-management” style game compared to others in that genre.
It is actually a “god-sim” style game where you influence but do not control the civilizations in your world.
Furthermore, it is round based, each round starting from scratch and lasting 1 to 2 however unlocks and certain progressions are saved across all rounds.The main thing that I like about Reus is that it satisfies the desire to play a civilization-management / god-sim style game without overloading the player with piles upon piles of data to keep track of.
The tutorial is great, and slowly introduces the mechanics to the game.
Even after the tutorial ends, things in the game are unlocked relatively slowly as the player completes rounds of gameplay.
All this prevents you from feeling overwhelmed when you start playing.
And you can really understand how the game works piece by piece instead of it all just being tossed in your face immediately after clicking “New Game.”
It is a bit of a double-edged blade, however, as some players may inevitably find Reus to be lacking, as it is truly far less complex than many other games involving civilization-management.The game is quite simplistic and it is way more god-sim than it is civilization- and it shows in the gameplay.
Control is limited and simple, and much of the development is automated while the player just makes sure everything is going smoothly by managing resources, and occasionally divinely-intervening in affairs of the NPC civilizations.The art style, music, and even the game mechanics all add to the simple charm of the game that gives Reus its positive identity.
The game isn’t very innovative but it does have a unique feel that will satisfy.
Once you get into the swing of things, you will find Reus to be quite addictive.In summary, I would say that hardcore fans of the civilization-management genre will probably find Reus way too casual.
In truth it is much more so a casual god-sim than it is anything else.
But for people who are interested in getting a small taste of civilization-management without the overwhelming feeling and tedious gameplay, they may be pleasantly surprised at what Reus has to offer.
1,086 products in account
159 of 177 people (90%) found this review helpful1 person found this review funny
116.8 hrs on record
&Hmmm... another city / colony / civilization management simulator...& - this was the first thought about Reus. Well, that thought turned out to be wrong. While the game might look simplistic, childish or even shallow, because of the colorful visuals and the concept of giants ruling the world, I promise you - this is not the case. Being a Civilization series veteran, I'm used to deep and complex games. While Reus might not compare with Civilization 5 or other games on that subject, it definitely provides a sophisticated enough mechanism to keep me interested, at least so far. I've been playing for 4-5 hours by now, and I feel like I still have a long way to go before I really learn the game mechanics and master it.To bottom line this - if you like the genre, get this game. It's well worth it, even at full price ($10).Update (18 hours total) - this game turned out to be one hell of a pleasant surprise! I'm having a lot of fun with the progression mechanism.I now have a much better perspective and understanding of the game, so I can give much more information. Skip to the end for a short bottom line, if you don't feel like reading all that text.The idea in the game is to contribute to the developement of the colonies by supplying resources and improvements, mainly plants, animals and minerals of different sorts. But in order to unlock the better, more advanced resources and improvements (called &aspects& ingame), you must explore and use the more basic options, or you can't progress and reach the advanced stuff. Needless to say, I guess, that the more advanced your giants are, the bigger and more prosperous colonies they can sustain, support and control. ...yes, control. Sometimes a colony gets greedy and arrogant and attacks your giants, and needs a good kick in the????? In some cases it's even necessary to destroy a colony, if it looks hopeless.Also, the humans in the colonies will try and develope projects of different sorts, and you're supposed to help them meet the required criteria (if you want that project to succeed). The trick is to choose the optimal combination of resources to supply to the colony, factoring in the resource's position, its level, and the level of synergy it might or might not have with other resources nearby, plus the project's criteria, of course. So far, most projects need specific amounts of either food, wealth or technology or any combination of them. Some projects, though, will also require one or more unusual conditions, such as winning a war with another colony or having another colony completely destroyed (either by going to war or by &divine intervention&). There are more aspects to the game, some of which I don't fully understand myself yet, but I promise to update if I feel l learn something important enough. For one, you have time limits, both for the &Era& type of game (what I've been playing so far) and for the projects. Obviously, it complicates things.Anyway, to summarize this update - this game is way more complex and rewarding than it seems, or at least more than it seemed to me at first. If you like strategy and colony management, get it, definitely worth it!Update (October 29, 2013, 40+ hours): This game is now officially one of my favorite games ever! It has a nearly perfect balance - it's complex and deep, so you don't get bored too soon, yet it's relatively easy to get into and learn, so there's no need to spend too much time learning the game and its mecahnics - it's fun straight from the beggining! I'd say this game is a perfect introduction to the colony management genre, much more begginer-friendly than Civilization 5, for example, which is an awesome game, possibly my #1 favorite of all time, but has a pretty steep learning curve. I really hope Reus generates enough profit and PR buzz to justify a sequel. I'd hate for such a great game to stay a lone shining gem, all by itself. :)
649 products in account
107 of 120 people (89%) found this review helpful
117.6 hrs on record
Best game i've never heard of before buying. A charming and addictive god-game, has a lot of depth beneath its simple gameplay. Game times are divided into 30/60/120 minute segments, each with their own achievements to unlock. Achievements actually do something in this game, each comes with a resource that you can use in-game after unlocking and actually makes for some very addictive gameplay hunting down the achievements.Has a lot more potential as well, sadly updates are rather sparse. Hoping for a sequel.
390 products in account
104 of 119 people (87%) found this review helpful
27.0 hrs on record
Saw this during the Steam Sale and said &WTF is this.& Rolled the dice and was massively impressed. Basically, you play the part of the planet. You're totally barren and unable to sustain life. You control 4 different giants who all have different abilities. Your goal is to make the world liveable and grow the cities as big as you can (racking up the city and world score). Every city will produce a semi random special work with certain requirements. Upon completion, you get an ambassador to upgrade your giants skills/unlock new abilities. This is the real key to the game as higher level project require much more resources which cannot be obtained without upgrading resources (which start out locked and are unlocked by completing various achievements).The challenge kicks in late in the game from the greed mechanic. When a city has more than 20 of any unused resource (threshold can be raised/lowered by various things like projects, awe, and danger) they gain greed. Too much greed and they'll start attacking other cities and even your giants. Late game they will start work on projects that give cities up to 500 unused resources (bigger gap faster greed accumulation). Losing a city can massively set back your score and cost you valuable achievements. The game is a balancing act of managing multiple cities and their needs while striving for ambassadors without letting the humans kill each other.My one complaint comes from the 2 hour game mode (needed to unlock a lot of the high end achievements/resources). If you're really striving for absurd scores to get the best resources unlocked quickly, you spend a ton of time pausing and issuing orders to ensure you're maximizing building in the time limit. I honestly found 2 hour games far less fun than the 30 & 60 min game modes.TL;DR - Simple idea, complex planning. Kind of a mix of a god game and a puzzler. Need to have a plan to &level& your giants and build the world to maximize your score. Very good game.
782 products in account
73 of 82 people (89%) found this review helpful2 people found this review funny
7.5 hrs on record
Warm & addictive // Recommended for casual gamers+ Interesting concept that feels fresh due to the inclusion of decidedly novel elements+ There are four giants to work with, all with a selection of abilitites, many of which must be unlocked during a given playthrough+ Player can create biomes and populate them wit feels rewarding to watch life grow+ Healthy selection of resources available to seed+ Human populations need to
too many resources make them greedy, whereas too few will hinder or halt population growth+ Close-up, visuals are detailed and aesthetically pleasing+ User intervace is straight-f information is therefore easy to find and access+ Vast amount of unlockable projects, this serves to enhance gameplay as one continutes to play, building off of earlier successes+ Synergy is a welcome challenge to effectively manage, often requiring constant adjustments+ Tutorial is excellent- Soundtrack suffers from lack of variety, and will replay frequently- No control over which projects are started- Giants move slowly, and time cannot be advanced (only paused)- There is a crippling lack of game-mode variety or customizationLockeProposal's Big Day Out
305 products in account
50 of 52 people (96%) found this review helpful
58.1 hrs on record
Alright, I'm seventeen hours into this game and have half the achievements in the bag, so for $2.50 (steam sale price) this was unquestionably worth it.Is it a God game? Civ building? Puzzler? RTS? It's hard to categorize the game. Briefly, you command 4 giants clockwise and counter- around a flat &globe&, creating features such as animals, minerals or vegetables in segments or terraforming into mountains/deserts, oceans, swamps or forests. Villagers move in. They'll randomly decide on &projects& which you complete by having your giants create resources in the village. But take care -- if the villagers grow too fast they get greedy, and either attack other villages or even the giants themselves!Games are timed, and you're given rudimentary tools to start. You can't do everything that's possible in the game without &unlocks&: achieving some goals each game. This may turn some off but it really works on multiple levels: limits the complexity to start and gives you different goals for each game so that you won't want to find the One Winning Strategy. 60 to 120 minutes is a big time sink (especially if you're pausing), but you can knock out a half dozen &unlocks& in a given game, especially at the beginning.In a game where everything works together well, it only makes sense that the core mechanism of the game is &symbiosis&. Some features work better next to others (e.g., bonus food for having this animal near this plant), and then you can embue features with different aspects and then transmute them into higher-level items which likely have different symbioses. This is crucial because there's simply not enough land within the border of each village to accomplish the goals as they get harder and harder.And I didn't even mention ambassadors. Or having to have your giants &put down& advancing armies (or let them through -- Hammerville was looking a little snobby).Really, everything in this game works together so well, and it's very unique. Definitely buy this if you like puzzle or sim games.
173 products in account
57 of 63 people (90%) found this review helpful26 people found this review funny
44.3 hrs on record
Reus is your standard strategy game where civilizations rise, flourish, and attempt to conquer the world, you play as the planet and try to keep everyone from ????ing killing each other.Or encourage the mass genocides that will take place, your call.
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